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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14772776 No.14772776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, /ck/?

>> No.14772779

Go back

>> No.14772785

Norwegian cooking is killing a shark and burying it

>> No.14772792
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>> No.14772811

I am an American and think British food is unfairly maligned. A lot of it is simple, rich, hearty food. English fry up, fish and chips, sunday roast, peas, yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, clotted cream, various meat pies, brown ales and porters. A lot of it seems *maximum comfy* to me. Granted, I've never had british food outside of america. For all I know it's all toast sandwiches and slop.

>> No.14772815

If she doesn't like it she can fuck off back home

>> No.14772821

>hahah us british are so quirky!!!!
>queueing and tea hahahahahahha!!!
i hate reddit humour

>> No.14772833
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this frigid autistic bitch failing to make small talk at his parent's dinner table while silently despising his Mum's shepherd's pie. Get fucked Ingrid.

>> No.14772837

Refute something that I don't care about in the first place, who in their right mind would bother?

>> No.14772909

British food is fairly delicious, desu. Insulting it is a fairly dated meme.

>> No.14772917
File: 81 KB, 770x473, b39a00b1f1bd7ee0f0cc83524f8304ac970a42dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mashed potatoes
>yorkshire puddings
>fish and chips
>baked beans
is any of this beige?
also pic related is fucking norwegian food, how is this any less bland looking?

>> No.14772969

protip: no wypipo can cook

>> No.14772990

You can't roast any meat in 20 minutes, also fuck off

>> No.14772997

>>mashed potatoes
>>yorkshire puddings
>>fish and chips
>>baked beans
mostly beige ish
not that its a bad thing

>> No.14773009

It's true if you can't be bothered cooking properly. Brit cuisine had plenty interesting and tasty food, a well made pie, roast dinner or stew is as good as anything. Don't get me started on dessert.

>> No.14773014
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Call her a nigger faggot

>> No.14773018

>"that's mostly beige"
i have an above average level of colorblindness and still think you're retarded

>> No.14773028
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>> No.14773042

you must be either baiting or retarded

>> No.14773043

It's amazing how brazen people are when they have no fear of losing their teeth to a good slapping.

>> No.14773048

>golden brown
>golden brown and yellow
>orange and white
>red and orange
colorblindbro didn't get them all right be he had the right idea, none of this is beige

>> No.14773058

British people should stick to making cheese. They make delicious Cheddars, Cheshires, Stiltons, etc. The rest of the food is just horrible.

>> No.14773060

>parchment paper
>we good it food paper!
Hahahahahahahahahaha these dumb fucking trollniggers

>> No.14773064

most of it is beige
rangeing beige to brown depending on the sausage
100% beige only a genuine retard could think potatoes are white
>golden brown
>golden brown and yellow
no such thing as golden brown, literally made up because people dont like the word beige
>orange and white
the average of colors in the egg is beige if you mix them like in an omellete or scrambled eggs
>red and orange
beans are beige you retard how the fuck are beans orange

>> No.14773074

no she show vegene

>> No.14773105

properly cooked sausages are usually browned fairly well on the outside and dark brown isn't beige. mashed potatoes seem white to me, or yellow from the butter. never beige. yorkshire pudding could be beige if it's not browned well YELLOW IS NOT BEIGE. eggs are white and yellow or orange and even when mixed still have a yellow or orange color. unless you brown your scrambled eggs in the pan which most people specifically avoid, they're still yellow. british baked beans are in tomato sauce and tomatoes aren't beige either.

>> No.14773108
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>> No.14773110

Lmaoing at all the bongs coping in this thread
British food is pathetic, brits have no tastebuds and the whole world laughs at you.
American cuisine is unironically 100 times better than ths shit your feed yourselves with on your shitty grey island

>> No.14773118

i did misread the post and assumed that poster was listing the foods in the picture. sorry for being retarded. but those things listed still aren't all beige.

>> No.14773125

>take meat
>deep fry it
american food is literally scottish cuisine, therefore british

>> No.14773133

American food is tasty, British food is bland and disgusting
Stop the delusion britboy

>> No.14773141

that why i said most not all

>> No.14773145

>American cuisine is unironically 100 times better
American cuisine isn't even made of food, it's made of chemicals.

>> No.14773160

Yeah remind me who contaminated all of Europe with the mad cow disease you retarded britshit

>> No.14773171

Everything is made of chemicals you utter retard. Water is a chemical too.

>> No.14773172

i hate women so much...so fucking useless

>> No.14773179
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>Less than 150 cases outside the UK

>> No.14773193

Remember how many cows had to be put down across all of europe because you people are fucking retards? Better eat american "chemical" cheese than your shitty prion infected beef
now get fucked ahmed

>> No.14773197

I’m sorry, he got to ‘food paper’ and all I heard was this:

>> No.14773198
File: 247 KB, 1374x1321, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easy to get natural meat and produce if you want it. we have lots of farmland

>> No.14773204

If you had to put down cows it's because you were a retard too, prion disease is not contagious.

>> No.14773209

Keep coping britshit and talking shit about america when you're just as bad

>> No.14773211

I'm not even the person you were responding to, just trying to help a retard stop being retarded.

>> No.14773213

That's from Iceland, not Norway

>> No.14773215

They didn't "have to" be put down just like all those businesses didn't have to be closed due to COVID.
It's just the Governments fucking with people because they can.

>> No.14773218

if hakarl is iceland, surstromming is swedish, what's norway's final fish solution?

>> No.14773223

who cares you're just as retarded as the other and definitely another britshit coping about his shithole country

yeah ok retard

>> No.14773229

This is why nobody likes you in particular or your countrymen in general, you were wrong, you've been corrected, you could easily google it to confirm but you're sticking to your wrong opinion and calling everyone else stupid.

You are subhuman.

>> No.14773230

Can you two dumb faggots shut the fuck up? No one cares about either one of you

>> No.14773233


>> No.14773238

Everybody loves americans, everybody despises the disgusting inbred race of british retards, your shitty food culture and your outdated arrogance

>> No.14773245
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>> No.14773250

Fellow Amerilard, I have to disagree. There are many brit dishes I have found delectable, like bangers and mash, shepherd's pie, fish and chips, and many british beers and candies as well.

>> No.14773256

Oi, You got a loicense for that opinion?

>> No.14773265
File: 36 KB, 600x450, Stargazy_Pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try up a stargazy pie, something makes me know to get drunk before trying it.

>> No.14773270

I stand by the fact that British food is mostly quite nice but there are so many terrible cooks in this country

>> No.14773273

Silence, mutt

>> No.14773276

fuck off falseflagging retard

>> No.14773280

They mostly come out at night, mostly.

>> No.14773294

We should have let the Nazis occupy England, what a fucking disgrace of a nation

>> No.14773312

Go back and dilate

>> No.14773315

What's to refute, fuck the limeys.

>> No.14773319

>Meat turns red/brown/golden when cooked
>Potatoes turn brown/golden/white when cooked
>Rice is white
>Pasta is white
>Grains are yellow/brown/green
>Pastry and dough is yellow/golden/beige/brown
>Fish is white/grey/yellow/silver/beige
>Gravies and stocks are brown
>Sauces are white/yellow/red/brown

Without the addition of vegetables everything is some form of "beige". Do people think the English don't eat vegetables or salads? They go on the side of the main because we're fuckin classy. We don't chuck everything in a big pot and cook it until its all unidentifiable slop like some third world primitive.

>> No.14773322

Did someone anally violate you with a cumberland sausage, anon? I'm struggling to think of what trauma or mental illness would cause someone to be so vitriolic to a cuisine fairly similar to their own. Tell me, when exactly were you in britain and what did you eat to form these opinions? Don't tell me you're actually spouting nonsense whilst living in a flyover state and not even owning a passport.

>> No.14773324

Burger here, agree with this. Plowman's lunch is also a great meal. Pickles and apples in a salad with cheese and meat, it's like a miniature charcuterie board. And the breakfasts!

>> No.14773329

This anon is definitely a pajeet, bitter over colonialisation.

>> No.14773332

The only people who get anally violated are the british little girls that you let to the hands of the fucking pakis "asian gangs"
also don't ever compare again britshit and Glorious American food again, we have nothing in common

>> No.14773352

I'm Dutch and this was a rather typical school lunch as well. Just some sliced cheese on buttered bread or some cold cuts or if you're into that shit something sweet.

>> No.14773470
File: 409 KB, 1200x800, torrfisk_dried_cod_-_Peter_Boesken___Pixabay[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we're not crazy. We only hang cod outside for 3 months and then treat it with lye.

>> No.14773507

>Trying this hard

>> No.14773521
File: 142 KB, 640x896, trifle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably dump my folder of tasty british food that I sometimes do on here, but I can't really be bothered today, infact I've been really unmotivated lately, maybe I should try nofap or alter my sleep schedule, anyway heres one image.

>> No.14773532
File: 505 KB, 2658x1772, 1582748561555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Said with a mouth full of rank rotten fish and an ass full of Somali cock
You, fuck off and stay fucked off.
INB4 Brit cope
I'm Serbian.