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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14758539 No.14758539 [Reply] [Original]

I'm autistic and like to eat/drink around themes. I picked medieval as my current fascination. What can I buy to drink like a medieval person?

I know they drank wine and beer/ale/mead. What style of wine is most like old medieval wine? And what style of beer or cider is most smilar?

>> No.14758554

>eating in themes means mental disabilities

What's with English imageboards thinking doing x means you got a mental disorder? With this logic that means everyone should be locked up

>> No.14758557

OP here, thanks for the reply but you're autistic.

>> No.14758565

small beer and beer with gruit instead of hops

>> No.14758572

It's just a meme, pretty much, autist.

>> No.14758580

Any red wine would probably work. Then just google "Oldest German Breweries" They have plenty of breweries that have been around for over 500 years. Franziskanner is probably a good choice, anything brewed by monks is going to be legit.
I toured some German breweries, and I learned that the monks had to ask permission from the pope to drink beer, especially during lent. So they sent him a barrel because he needed to try it. But I guess the beer went bad during the voyage. So the pope tasted it and was like "They wanna drink this? It's awful. Fine by me."

>> No.14758582

I do this too kek am also autistic
When I eat medieval I buy a loaf of fancy artisinal bread. Eat it with butter, good quality cheeses, meats and fruit preserves.
Stews are good too.
Also cabbage and potatoes.
As far as drink, I believe "table beer" was the most common, which had very little alcohol but was safer to drink than water.

>> No.14758598

500 years gets you the Reinheitsgebot of 1516, which destroyed many medieval forms of brewing like barleywine. Most of those "old German breweries" are not giving you medieval beer because they have complied with the Reinheitsgebot for 500 years. 1516 is not medieval, it's early modern. If you want authentic medieval brewed drinks you have to look at smaller and newer operations.

>> No.14758604

>I'm autistic
We know, the rest of your post is a clear indication

>> No.14759349
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>> No.14760471
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Potatos aren't authentic medieval. Post-colombian exchange, my flappy-handed anon.

>> No.14760490

You should try the Trappist diet sometime, it's available in the Rule of St. Benedict. Essentially you have your dark bread portion for eating throughout the day as you work, your wine portion, small beer (belgian ales typically, look up la trappe) two meals a day one of vegetables the other usually based around a stew.

If you want to go hyper regional, stuff like kvass is still available. Otherwise order drinks from your closest monasteries if you want something more authentic, particularly wines

>> No.14760519

Probably Beaujolais, just a hunch but it’s a fruity wine that’s described as gulpable, sounds medieval to me.

>> No.14760544

autism is a superpower you mong

>> No.14760655

Potatoes are south american

>> No.14761474

Replace potatoes with turnip or celeriac (root celery).

>> No.14761528

Autism is not a mental disorder.

>> No.14761536

I thought you were actually autistic so I clicked on this. If you're a normie, why not just ask for theme suggestions? I hate this thread now.

>> No.14761540

Of course it's a fucking mental disorder. It's also the new veganism, where you can't start a conversation without first making sure everyone within earshot knows that you have it.

>> No.14761544

Sarcastic fat loser detected.

>> No.14761545

This entire board is filled with an oversupply of short-bus window lickers.

>> No.14761548
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Considering how important seasonality was to dishes back then what you eat is fairly dependant on what time of year it is. Even beer. All those light crisp refreshing lagers were brewed over winter to be enjoyed in summer. The yeast for lagering requires lower temps. All those thick hearty dark ales to enjoy in winter were likewise brewed in the summer.

>> No.14761555

Why do you hate yourself, anon?

>> No.14761564

>Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a bully may project their own feelings of vulnerability onto the target.

>> No.14761567


>> No.14761703

>early modern
it would be early renaissance if anything

>> No.14762681

The Renaissance is accepted to be the beginning of the modern age you stupid pretentious faggot

>> No.14762748

not even "accepted to be", it just is

>> No.14762755

Autusts are very definitely disabled.
Google Chris Chan, half the posters here make him look cisnormaltive.

>> No.14762787

Make kvass. You really don't want medieval wine. Make sure your vegetables are historically accurate. Lots of things hadn't been brought over from the Americas, or even exist, because lots of cultivars have been developed since.

>> No.14762800

Catholic monks, Trappists sect are pretty old school. They supposedly make lagers and blonde ales. Maybe try that

>> No.14762908

medieval beer was generally neither as pale as today's lager, nor as dark as a stout - it was brownish
most of it was very weak, but it's kind of difficult to find that kind of beer nowdays
if you want a stronger version, try some kind of Bock - it's been brewed in Germany since the 14th century and it has that bready flavor of brown beer, a lot of modern british ales are probably even even closer since they're lower in ABV
trappist ales aren't actually from the period, but they're made by monks so that's got to count for something

>> No.14762911

why would you even be here if you’re not an autist

>> No.14764535

iirc back then people used to dilute wine with water. Drinking undiluted wine was considered either barbaric, or, when done by the upper class, seen as a form of shameless decadence that should be frown upon.
Or maybe that was only a thing back in roman times. I can't member.

>> No.14766216

the beer didn't go bad, the pope was italian and drank wine so he thought it tasted nasty

>> No.14766223

You can use bread as a plate for food

>> No.14766227

Seems as if you have it covered with "beer/ale/mead." If you were wealthy in those timeys you'd have wine.

>> No.14766234

>means everyone should be locked up
Yes, yes they absolutely should be.

>> No.14766237

I thought it was mixing beer/meade/ale with well water because the water was so polluted that it wasn't potable.

>> No.14766246
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Put them all to the rack! If at sea a few lashings, if that doesn't work a keel hauling will do.

>> No.14766256

When savages can't follow orders then they'll need some disipline.

>> No.14766310

>has spent so long in this cesspool he thinks Chris Chan is representative of all Autistics.

>> No.14766331

>Chris Chan and Stephen Hawking are both disabled, so they are identical.
>all autistics are the same because they have a disabilty.
>all bisexual people have the same personality because their sexuality pre-determines everything about them.

>> No.14766354

Just make your own beer or mead.

Medieval varies wildly depending on the area. Some areas had clean water; others didn't. Some places had one type of grain, others had another.

I'd probably do a "tour" of different provinces and such of the time period and try the various drinks/vegetables/meat/other preparations that they would have had. I also suggest looking up some books and other resources on medieval food, there are plenty of them. It's a bit dry but honestly very interesting, and eating the way they did can be super cool IMO.

>> No.14766417

mead was quite expensive, not a drink for commoners at all

>> No.14766464

try me, cowboy theme.

>> No.14766499

The third book is never going to come out

>> No.14766754

>pea stew with meat and bread

god darn that looks delicious
I'll put it on my autumn cooking list

>> No.14767252

SCAfag here, try this website:

If you want the kind of beer that they actually drank a lot of, try a "small beer". Most of the beer they drank was very low alcohol content and not brewed for very long, because they drank it instead of water. I don't know much about wine, but I know the Greeks almost always drank it watered down. I wouldn't be surprised if later period people did the same.

>> No.14767260

You can make hypocras or mead fairly easily.
And you'll probably have to eat gruel if you want the original medieval experience.

>> No.14767271

>that one autist that gets double but blasted
Based window licker

>> No.14767277

Gruel is just watered down oatmeal/porridge. It's really not bad. Medieval peasants actually ate quite well, with huge calorie counts from healthy and varied sources.


>> No.14767278

What does this word mean? I can’t find this in the dictionary.

>> No.14767285

How about hunting a monster, pretend you're Beowulf, then next time do the opposite and pretend you're the monster, Grendel. Read the books.
They were both required reading when I was in high school.

>> No.14767286

how is this a meal

>> No.14767288

When you slay the monster that was terrorising your town then share it's meat with your fellows and townsfolk then you'll know what a meal is.

>> No.14767292


when i was studying for my exams i functionally did this.

basically, i'd pack myself something ploughmans lunch adjacent: bread (usually a baguette, or a small sourdough loaf), cheeses (something hard and something soft, usually whatever was reduced to clear at the supermarket the night before), meats (either these polish small cured meat sticks or some ham i'd done myself), grapes/berries/apples, and some kind of pickles. i'd just eat that throughout the day and a few bottles of cider or ale for my breaks.

medieval food could be quite snacky, and it's nice when you have things to do to just not have to think about shit cus you have it all with you

>> No.14767303

It's a mashup of heteronormative, cis, and neurotypical that I was using ironically. It's meaning, like the above terms, was just 'normal person'

>> No.14767334

Check out super sizers eat medieval.

>> No.14767335

That sounds gay dude. Why would you ironically be gay?

>> No.14767341

Make your legos proud, sperg.

>> No.14767350

Sorry, I meant to reply to>>14767303

>> No.14767362

Kek, sowwy I made fun of the socially impaired.

>> No.14767394

Ahhh shit man, you got me.

>> No.14767426

this is a question for google, youre asking for pure info not opinions

>> No.14767468

OP, there are a literal ton of people who like historical context in their themes. These people at
are keeping it alive.
You can also visit
to find records of the earliest mentions of such and such recipes or food ingredient.

>Trappist diet
Pretty authentic! The stews and breads, and roasts, were honestly how most people were eating, cooking over the fires in pots. There were some pan-breads and cakes as well, your typical cast iron fritters. Where modern ceramics and porcelain existed, some more tarts, crusted pies, and fruit "puddings" existed.

There's a few reality shows of record that attempt to recreate farmlife among periods of history, with every kind of chore and procedure listed, from soap making or salt-cured fat, from the fats of animals just post-slaughter, to drying herbs, to the canning that happened after particular harvests. They can be interesting. There was a lot of preserving going on for the leaner months, so there are recipes utilizing that preserved food later.

Too Fat Ladies featured a few deeply historical kitchens in their episodes, with some pretty old timey recipes too. Three Ancient Cuisines and Colonial eras of Frugal Gourmet had some recipes of note, too. These were basically more modernized prep of much older recipes. English Heritage site has a lot of archived videos of prep of medieval recipes.

>> No.14768846

Pedantic assholes should just off themselves. Do us a favor just this once, anon.

>> No.14769443

This youtube channel is neat if you want to learn about what European peasants might have eaten.


>> No.14769469

Medieval beer was more like a soup/mush and was extremely nutritious
Medieval wine was probably just crushed fermented grape juice with little else done to it

I don’t think you really want to eat like a medieval person, you just want to “feel” like you’re eating like a medieval person

>> No.14769571

>heteronormative, cis

>> No.14770145

get back on the short bus before your handler breaks out the tard stick again

>> No.14770155

how did they even get honey without bee tranquilizing gas? maybe just carbon monoxide from smoke?

>> No.14770159

chili, stew, steaks, beans, probably beer and whiskey

>> No.14770218

autists can't into sarcasm

>> No.14770229

Beer: Ale. Wine, basic red, nothing fancy. Chianti would work well.

>> No.14770403

autism is part of the "what makes us special is our retardation" gang

>> No.14771264

All that? How much did that weigh like 50 pounds?

>> No.14771272
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Sound like something that the biden/camel "team" would assert.

>> No.14771341
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Drawyn Grwel