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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 322 KB, 1200x800, Bar-B-Que.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14720749 No.14720749 [Reply] [Original]

>Pizza is from Italy
>Hamburger is from Germany
>Chilli is from Mexico
Damn, poor USA...

>> No.14720760

>shitposting from /tv/
Fuck off back there, retard.

>> No.14720766

american seething in 3...2...1...

>> No.14720869

Americans celebrate their origins. We know most of our food isn't American and we admire those who have old traditional recipes passed down from their ancestors country of origin. You will never understand our national pride is mixed with our pride in where our ancestors came from. A American italian and Irish American can both see the other as American even with completely different food at home because they both share the same American culture outside of their family or community.

Food is very important to Americans because sometimes the only thing we have left that ties us to our ancestors is the food our grandmother makes every holiday that you can't find anywhere outside of a little old grandmothers kitchen.

But the majority of food here is americanized. A Italian would be disgusted by modern american Italian food. Americanized Mexican food is barely like the original. Chinese food in America changed everything about the flavors to get American customers because their first American customers thought the real Chinese food was gross.

>> No.14720890
File: 287 KB, 1080x1606, Screenshot_20200911-065749_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exact origins of chili is unknown, but the one thing most culinary historians agree on is that it is NOT from Mexico.


>> No.14720917

t. mulignan

>> No.14720923

Name one person on earth who would prefer mexican chili over texan.
Wait I forgot. Texas is rightfully mexican clay. Get fucked

>> No.14720937

Why do Texans have such an over inflated opinion of themselves? Houston is full of fucking queers.

>> No.14720953

Texas: the state is red but all the cities are blue as fuck.

>> No.14720995

Germany doesn't get to take credit for hamburgers. They weren't the first culture to grind and cook cow meat, or even add it to bread. And the hamburger is distinct enough in it's modern form to be it's own thing. Chili is kinda weird because it's it's neither truly American or Mexican, it's from a time when culture was more determined by geographical location, so Tex-Mex is more applicable. Italy does get pizza, but the mental gymnastics some faggots here apply to the US can be used to say that anything with tomato is actually american in origin.

>> No.14721023 [DELETED] 
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We wuz hamburglars n sheeeit

>> No.14721035
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>Germany doesn't get to take credit for hamburgers. They weren't the first culture to grind and cook cow meat, or even add it to bread. And the hamburger is distinct enough in it's modern form to be it's own thing

>> No.14721121

Houston, Austin, and Dallas are not Texas, the same way LA isn't California and NYC isn't New York.

>> No.14721122
File: 116 KB, 800x672, frikadellenbroetchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germany doesn't get to take credit for hamburgers. They weren't the first culture to grind and cook cow meat, or even add it to bread.
Because it's just a frikadelle put in a bread roll so we just call it Frikadellenbrötchen. No need to give such a simple thing a fancy name. Cope harder.

>> No.14721131

Based original "hamburger"

>> No.14721140

nonamerican obsession is 24/7

>> No.14721142

why can't you keep your faggot autism on the flag boards? or better yet, on reddit where you came from, you fucking 20 year old retard

>> No.14721151

>Amerimutts still seething that based Germans invented hotdogs and hamburgers
When will this cope end?

>> No.14721206
File: 121 KB, 958x639, RomanBurger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry mudslimes, but even Rome has you beat by hundreds of years with the isicia omentata. But sure, if you want to say Germany invented hamburgers, than America invented freedom.

>> No.14721331
File: 329 KB, 581x706, 1593824867132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Pizza is from Italy
No, pizza is from America
>>Hamburger is from Germany
No, hamburgers are from America
>>Chilli is from Mexico
No, chili is from America

Fucking retard. Other countries don't matter.

>> No.14721376
File: 2.43 MB, 1052x592, American Cooking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't really blame Americans, since much of their history and traditions came from immigrants.

>> No.14721380

I find it funny how Texans consider a cowboy to be the most American thing ever when it is actually the most Mexican thing ever lmao

>> No.14721400

I don't speak American. What does Pures Leben mean?

>> No.14721402
File: 199 KB, 800x1132, 1591974403969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The peanut butter and mayo sandwich is 100% American made.

>> No.14721407

It's German for Fat American.

>> No.14721421

Don't you dare deny that sweet Deutsche flower

>> No.14721422

Why would they have German words on an American video?

>> No.14721428

Because Americans consider themselves aryans, duh.

>> No.14721436

What? This thread is full of dummies.

>> No.14721443

>Texas is rightfully mexican clay.
Santa Ana invited us here to kill native Americans and got pissed we didn't want to be papists so we took it, get fucked. If it's anyone's 'rightful' clay it would be the dozens of different native tribes the Spanish took it from.
>Houston is full of fucking queers.
And Arabs because of the O&G industry. Coincidence?
Fort Worth is the largest city in the USA that voted blue last election.
Though we respect the vaquero tradition the Texan cowboy was very much a real thing until the railway made it obsolete. The Chisholm trail saw hundreds of thousands heads of cattle moved.

>> No.14721456

I commend you for the eloquent posts and not being an autist

>> No.14721493

Why would they move only the cattle heads?

>> No.14721508

Because that's all you need. Move the heads, and they'll regrow the bodies once you get their, and it's much easier to move a bunch of heads than a near megaton of cow.

>> No.14721512

>once you get their
jesus christ it's your own fucking language m8

>> No.14721591

This is a man of science

This is an autist

>> No.14721615

*get they're
Happy now, Captain Sperg?

>> No.14721664

What food did native americans eat?

>> No.14721678

>Hamburger is from Germany
It's not. The first time a Hamburg steak (itself an imported food) was served between two piecs of bread was the 1886 Outagamie County Fair.

>Pizza is from Italy
More accurately, it's Neapolitan, but every other variation on a pizza margherita is American.

>chili is from Mexico
Nope, it's from Texas, and it's just like any other beef stew (goulash, etc.) but made with dried chili peppers.

>> No.14721680

Buffalo and maize.

>> No.14721686

>was served between two piecs of bread was the 1886 Outagamie County Fair
The vendor was a German immigrant.

>> No.14721687

>but every other variation on a pizza margherita is American.
Imagine being this fucking stupid.

>> No.14721725

Sooooo, American?

>> No.14721748

No, German
Unless you think some Mexican crossing the border becomes American

>> No.14721752

How is Neapolitan more accurate than Italian?
It's not a nationality just a town

>> No.14721823

>modern chilli is from Texas
>it was derived from Mexican Frijoles Charros.
They are similar to chilli, so I can see the influence it had on texfags since they are close and used to be mexico until murrica does what it does and stole the land

>> No.14721829

>goddamn illegals stealing our land
Any white person in the americas are literally illegals. Nobody native to this continent is white

>> No.14721880

You've not heard of the famed Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca?

>> No.14721895

pizza is greek flatbread with toppings

>> No.14721896
File: 874 KB, 854x482, 1509705411211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they move here, get vetted and take the oath, then they are my American brother.

>> No.14721901

That image can't be real... poor Germany...

>> No.14721907

The origins of Hamburgers are disputed dumbass

>> No.14721914
File: 1.96 MB, 300x225, 1596319883400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no alcohol

>> No.14721950

Mexicans vehemently deny that they created chili. IDK why, shit's good, but they refuse to have anything to do with it.

>> No.14721958

>pizza is greek flatbread with toppings

>> No.14721965

American pizza is the preferred form of pizza world wide deal with it wops

>> No.14721977

>American pizza is the preferred form of pizza world wide deal with it wops
Millions of flies eat shit
They must be right??

>> No.14721989

We're not talking about flies; We're talking about humans. Try and keep up dumb dumb.

>> No.14722004

>No need to give such a simple thing a fancy name.
lmfao, no self-awareness.

>> No.14722016

>Americans and sea monkeys

>> No.14722058

>Flies eat shit.
>Humans eat pizza.
Very strong analogy you retarded faggot

>> No.14722070

There are no humans outside of Italy

>> No.14722128

here are just a few foods native to north america
>lobster roll
>key lime pie
>apple pie
>peanut butter
>po'boy sandwich
>fry bread
>three sister soup
and if european immigrants don't count as americans then any european dish that includes new world produce shouldn't count either.

>> No.14722136

all of these things were brought to and perfected in the US of A baby! imagine germancucks eating just straight hamburger meat cause its easier to chew than steak, and not thinking to SLAM THAT BITCH BETWEEN TWO TASTY PIECES OF BREAD and cheese holy shit this world would be so fucking boring if the USA didn't exist.

>> No.14722150

>a large percentage of the population isnt representative of the population

get fucked conservitard

>> No.14722167

not him, but lets be honest here. we only really care about the opinion of educated people which is like 90% of whites, half of Latinos, and like 20% of blacks in the US. It's not a racism thing, it's just a combo of demographics and history. If it makes you feel better, Asians should be listened more to on average than whites in the US.

>> No.14722176

Heard food is really really good in the US so they developed it well.

Also looking at cooking shows from the US its like people and small kitchens making very good food everywhere.

>> No.14722184

I love all the Eurofags that will both claim ownership of things created by American immigrants and claim that Americans are retarded at the same time.

Either we are the same people or we are not. You can't take credit for all the things we do and then claim that your insults don't apply to yourselves as well.

>> No.14722187

educated whites live in cities

>> No.14722214

I think we are the same people. Ways and traditions may have diverged but i think we are the same.

I have many relatives who went to US ahundred years or more ago.

>> No.14722237

Plenty live in the country it's just a much lower percentage. It's the same with blacks and hispanics I feel like, but don't have anything to back it up. But yeah, most people think of ruralfags and dumb, but many are trade class or self owned business class that operate 100k-1m companies with a small pool of employees that drive into the city. If you have a black guy living in the sticks, chances are he's a tradesman and makes 50k+ for example.

>> No.14722271
File: 145 KB, 2037x1528, rent_freepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. depressed soys with no flag on the moon

>> No.14722373

>Potatoes are from the Americas
Damn, poor Ireland

>Tomatoes are from the Americas
Damn, poor Italy

>Chocolate is from the Americas
Damn, poor Germany and Switzerland

>Vanilla is from the Americas
Damn, poor Austria

>Avocado is from the Americas
Damn, poor Norway

>Quinoa is from the Americas
Damn, poor France

Sounds like cope that you're trying to deal with.

Oh yea, Hamburgers are from the US, but nice try.

>> No.14722374

Fuvking wall oftext to just say
>muh history

>> No.14722376
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>> No.14722381

>spams "hurr durr mericans are teh dum burger mutts" everyday online
>whenever someone gets annoyed
>"haha you're seething!"

by your logic someone can trip you and spit in your face and if you show any emotion from that they can go "why are you seething?"

>> No.14722388
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 1442042493588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping so hard he's posting fat ass germans and trying to call them american

>> No.14722394

Hint: it's Americans making those posts

>> No.14722406

Op getting BTFO

>> No.14722407

>They are similar to chilli, so I can see the influence it had on texfags since they are close and used to be mexico until murrica does what it does and stole the land

Imagine being so fucking stupid, you think that a bunch of Spaniards who succeeded from Spain "rightfully owned" that land (even the indians killed each other over and stole each-others land).

Besides, it was the Mexican's who started the war.

>> No.14722423

Don't forget Coffee and Tobacco

>> No.14722459

It's 8:30 PM in the UK right now, 9:30 in France and Germany, and 10:30 in Russia. There's most definitely euros posting ITT

>> No.14722460

Dumb Americans

>> No.14722467

Has your country ever been on the moon?

>> No.14722474

You aren't fooling anyone, Spielberg

>> No.14722485

Imagine being so cucked by America, you have to resort to the most thoroughly disproven conspiracy theory next to Hitler being a cultist.

>> No.14722558

Steven please

>> No.14722583

Shut the fuck up you greasy wop

>> No.14722590

add fried bologna its so damn good

>> No.14722615

I dont see how it matters americans are just gonna eat copious amounts of the Americanized versions of the food and die of heart failure

>> No.14722917

>mutts really think they invented apple pie
o i am laffin

>> No.14723252

I don't think foreigners understand this

>> No.14723278

That's different though. Those are ingredients, not dishes.

>> No.14723281

You wish you had our diverse cuisine. Fucking miserable europoor

>> No.14723345
File: 1.25 MB, 1157x1053, 6bf396b7b80bf5098677fa54ad044f40-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing I'm not am*rican and have a unique culture and cuisine. Love me some chili, soul food such as chicken & waffles or gravy & biscuits, cajun such as po boys or shrimp & grits, calabashy fried swordfish, appalachy such as beans/bacon/cornbread/collard greens, barbecue whether texas, tennessee, or carolina style, floridian fair such as fried toadies, lobster, jicama slaw, or swamp cabbage stew, jombalaya, okree & maters, bacon & taters, boiled peanuts, pralines, chicken & dumplins, squash casserole, sketti with cornbread, fried bologna sammich, etc, etc

>> No.14723423

>the original (shit) recipes made edible once the USA started making them
wow shocker

>> No.14723566

>all this mutthurt ITT
fucking kek

based and cavalier pilled
FUCK p*ritans

>> No.14724709

>those are ingredients

So is literally everything on OP's image. Without tomatoes, modern pizza wouldn't exist. Chilli and hamburgers? Specific ingredients arranged in such a way that it creates a "hamburger", other-wise it's just a sandwich.

Like right here
Not a hamburger, just a sandwich.

>> No.14724730

>FUCK puritans

I'm Catholic, so I'll drink to that.

>> No.14724758

The hamburger in it's modern form was completely from America, and even if it wasn't, it doesn't matter. Americans are literally called "burgers" and the hamburger is a symbol of America across the world. In the view of everyone in the world, Hamburger = American. Please, go back to your shitty containment board, /int/ poster

>> No.14724803

You seem to be confusing USA with The Americas. USA is not Brazil and Peru.

>> No.14724812

Imagine thinking USA is all of two continents. American education for ya.

>> No.14725268

thats every state. cities are blue, everything else is purple/red

>> No.14725271

American pizza is nothing like Italian pizza.
Hamburg steaks are German, but the Hamburg steak sandwich is American
Chili was made in Texas which used to be Mexican but joined America. Still counts.

>> No.14725278

Garbage plate 100% USA baby FIGHT ME. If you say Nick Tahou was Greek Alex Tahou will sue Greece for copyright infringement.

>> No.14725291

Enjoy Hell.

>> No.14725626

Imagine not being American and having to hear about us all day everyday and consume all our media constantly. I'd probably be seething too

>> No.14725628

Thank fuck.

>> No.14725727

great write up

>> No.14726206


>> No.14726213

in the same way as gunpowder is chinese

>> No.14726289

Americans are lower than flies in terms of intelligence and value to the world.

>> No.14726591

and yet, you're still punching up to make fun of them.