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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14713259 No.14713259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw still haven’t gotten my food stamps for the month

>> No.14713272

You're a drain on society.

Go dig in a dumpster for your dinner, fag. Aldi tends to not lock theirs.

>> No.14713276

r u ok?

>> No.14713278

The poor are human too, anon. We still have feelings.

>> No.14713280

Wagie gettin uppity lol lunch breaks over, rev up em fryers burger boy

>> No.14713300

ebt saved my life

>> No.14713320

Maybe I can help you out. Do you have a pretty mouth?

>> No.14713349

Whoa calm down edgelord

>> No.14713353

Maybe... Are you a woman (female (no penis))?

>> No.14713356

You are a drain on society by acting like an entitled edge lord scumbag. Nobody thinks this behavior is cool, it’s just cringe.

>> No.14713365

>t. reddit

You're either a woman or a sodomite.

>> No.14713374

No, but my question remains, boy.

Why do you even get food stamps in the first place? How old are you? Where do you live?

>> No.14713385

I'm both and also a Trump voting incel. Cope and seethe.

>> No.14713394

Acting like a cunt doesn’t make you interesting

>> No.14713406

I am 26 years old and live in DC. My life is unironically in financial shambles. I lost all my savings in the stock market. Fucking Jews and their pattern day trade rules and halts. That said, I went to college and work a full time job. But it was only recently I started using benefits. It's an ambivalent feeling because I'm extremely right wing and hate communists. Though, I plan to get off gibs when I get my shit together. I'm also trying to get with a sugar mommy who will help me move up in society or find a better paying job. But there is something seriously wrong with all the women in this city, so I might just end up alone.

>> No.14713408

Good, laziness should not be awarded.

>> No.14713410


Forget where you are?

You have to go back

>> No.14713423


Come to the Midwest. The houses are cheap, food is cheap and plentiful, and there are some decent women.

Some places have fiber internet, so you can live a reasonably comfortable life if your work is internet based.

The winters aren't as bad as they would have you believe. Get out of DC, it's bringing you down

>> No.14713429

Well, my son, I'm sorry to hear that. Though it sounds to me like you don't really need my help. You made some poor financial picks(as I have also done at times) but you have a job, degree, and a place to live. All of the tools needed for success, really. I'd encourage you to cool it with the antisemitism and to also not look for a woman to complete you. There is only one thing that can truly fill the longing and loneliness in one's heart.

Just keep working hard, my man. It's important that you struggle a bit and persevere. It's the only way you can learn some of life's most important lessons. Take care, and be strong, brother.

Your friend in Christ,

>> No.14713438

My ex, the love of my life whom I broke up with, goes to med school in Ann Arbor. Is Michigan comfy?

>> No.14713448

Please don't even consider that for one moment. It's vanity, through and through. You and that woman are no longer together for a good reason. Don't delude yourself and don't waste another second on a woman that doesn't care about you. Get it together, man!

>> No.14713451

poverty should be considered a crime and punished accordingly.

>> No.14713452



>> No.14713464

Being a soiboi doesn't get you laid, but you already knew that.

>> No.14713485

I used to be more sympathetic to social welfare programs. I've always been poor too after all. It's in my best interest to look out for the unfortunate.

So, I work retail full time and live paycheck to paycheck. Very little savings and it all goes to putting out fires. If I don't work I die. So I apply for food stamps. My budget is very thin and I'm not eating well. They call me for an interview. You work full time? Wow, you must have a lot of money then. Denied.

Meanwhile a drug dealer living out of a hotel walks into my store with a fat wad of hundreds and pays for a week's worth of groceries on food stamps. Meanwhile we can't get help because everyone is earning unemployment plus a bonus. Meanwhile the new kid we just hired whose friends "don't really have jobs" got $8k in back pay from unemploymentbux.

Your job is essential? Fuck you slave, work. No bonus. No help. Tiny earnings. Taxed out the ass. Maybe we just need... more taxes? I'm white so I don't qualify for assistance? What's my actual compensation here.

>> No.14713497

I feel you. It's really irritating that people that work hard and just barely make ends meet get no help while there are people that abuse the system. It'll be alright. I was really poor for a time and then I found my calling and now I'm going back to school as a 30 year old. Work hard and keep an eye open for opportunities to succeed. You've got this, amigo!

>> No.14713511


Born and raised, I love it here very much. Ann Arbor if liberal, Grand Rapids if conservative. Avoid Detroit, Flint, be careful of Saginaw. If you are looking at Ann Arbor, look to Ypsilanti to live, much cheaper. Detroit being such a hub (big airport there) means southeastern MI has a lot going on.

Upper Michigan is remote and rural. More for vacation than living, although coast is nice. Pine forests, sandy soil, lots of redneckery. They're good people tho.

Upper Peninsula is WILD. Very remote, outdoor paradise.

Living is cheap here. I travel all over the country for work, and I am consistently amazed at how cheaply I can feed myself here.

>> No.14713525
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I'm also Roman Catholic. Incidentally, even Adam, father of all progeny, pleaded with God to create him a companion, just as the lion had its lioness and the buck had its doe. It's in our nature to seek companionship and love from the opposite sex. So it's only natural for me to want this. Though, I am myself happy and lead a productive life, one that aims for improvement and knowledge, even if it is in solitude. But it is all for naught if I have no wife and children to share it with. Work nor hobbies can ever replace family, such as God intended for man. I pray to God every night to bless me with a wife, and I trust in His plans. It was a mistake moving to DC to date my ex, whom I proceeded to break up with after only 7 months of dating. It's been almost 18 months since then, and I regret my decision every day. I know for certain I will never meet another marriageable woman in DC, for most women here are promiscuous, unfaithful, and atheist. Lately, I've been thinking of moving away to somewhere in New England like New Hampshire or Maine. It would be nice to get away and simple restart.

>> No.14713527

Don't listen to him, the winters are exactly as bad as you think they are if not worse.

>> No.14713530

What? The assessment is based on income and dependents, not hours worked. You're failing to disclose something.

>> No.14713546

Hang in there, anon. Do you have any supplies left?

>> No.14713561

Go to confession, brother. Talk to a priest. He'll help you out. It is very natural to want a wife, for I long the same way, but I know that women are fickle and counting on them to make you happy is a fool's errand. Only a love with the LORD as a foundation has any merit or hope of enduring. That includes the love between a husband and wife. Be strong and courageous brother. I'll pray for you.

In the hearts of Jesus and Mary,

>> No.14713566

I live here you retard, I'm not some west coast LARPer. The winter are cold and sometimes we get snow. If you can put on a coat and drive a straight line in the snow you'll be fine.

>> No.14713568

ok kid

>> No.14713573

Incredibly based truth speaking anon.

>> No.14713589
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>Fucking Jews
>I'm extremely right wing and hate communists
>trying to get with a sugar mommy
>I might just end up alone
LMAO, honestly I don't feel that bad for you. You sound like a pretty shitty person. How about you grow up and realize social safety nets are there to help everyone, and being "extremely right wing" is fucking toxic cucked by billionaire class bullshit. Enjoy your government cheese and celibacy.

>> No.14713600
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Holy shit can you faggots leave

>> No.14713611


That's a funny way of spelling national socialist.

>> No.14713621

God loves you, Anonymous.

>> No.14713630

He has no love for me, nor I for him. I created him simply for the pleasure of destroying him.

>> No.14713634

the nazis were fascists you dingus

>> No.14713640

F**k ni*****s & ja****s

>> No.14713666
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>> No.14713670

first toast best toast

>> No.14714476

No they're not, they're less than roaches, undeserving of the piss to put them out if they were on fire.

>> No.14714493

If you're so fucking poor, cancel your internet and sell your PC and phone so you can go eat. Oh that's right, you want gibs so you can keep living your comfy life, shit posting all night, and spending your gibs at whole foods while the working people support your lazy ass.
Based and red pilled.

>> No.14714508

What part of National Socialism do you not understand? The Nazis being fascist is just another j*wish lie. Try to learn something.

>> No.14714512

Almost as cringe as pretending to be a christfag on 4chan, satan.

>> No.14714527
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>regurgitating lolbertarian propaganda in an attempt to shill for NEETsocdom

>> No.14714532

Prove me wrong oh wait you can't. Neck yourself faggot.

>> No.14714535
File: 106 KB, 482x197, 1597337659966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry wagie it's time to go back in your cagie

>> No.14714538

Welcome to "White America" according to BLM
Seriously though, it's bullshit. I too went through this.

>> No.14714540
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>Prove me wrong oh wait you can't. Neck yourself faggot.

>> No.14714543

Pray anon, may God Bless you

>> No.14714546

I wish I was forced to be poor during some period of my adult life. My family was kinda poor w hen I was a kid, but it is different when you aren't in control.

I have absolute zero self control so I am a complete alcoholic and glutton. Zero self discipline. I need to find God or some shit.

>> No.14714558

Just steal shit like the trash you are.

>> No.14714567
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So do you have any real arguments or are you going to just post memes and soijacks? Once again neck yourself faggot. Hitler was right and did nothing wrong, I know that makes you kikes mad. The only real crime was that didn't gas all of you.

>> No.14714590
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>Once again neck yourself faggot. Hitler was right and did nothing wrong, I know that makes you kikes mad. The only real crime was that didn't gas all of you. COPE SEETHE AND DIAL 8

>> No.14714599

That's some other LARPer you jackwagon, I know better than to try to talk religion into all you lost causes

>> No.14714601

ok, i dialed 8 on my smartphone. now what????

>> No.14714608

>I need to find God or some shit.

I made this post without even reading the rest of the thread and seeing the christfag posts. God really must be watching over me!

>> No.14714616

You sound like a more pathetic ted bundy. You should find a passion in life instead of moving money around. Science actually matters and every bit of research you do at a legitimate institution lives until civilization dies. Just a thought you mindless parasite.

>> No.14714624
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just got mine brother. we're all gonna make it

>> No.14714697

Kek you think I'm a wagie? A wagie wouldn't care about their taxable value as they'd make less than the maximum allowed without getting their income taxed.
Keep projecting, eat the bug, and get in your cage.

>> No.14714699

settle down there, edgy.

>> No.14714726


No, God is watching over all of us. Praise him.

>> No.14714734
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wagie LARPing as elite is still wagie
time to get in the cage wagie

>> No.14714885
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Make the joke once? Vaguely funny.

Make the same joke twice in a single thread? Cringe.

>> No.14715003

are all conservatives sociopaths? It baffles me that there are people who think this way, that a living breathing human man deserves to suffer because he's too poor for food.
Shit like American poverty makes me want to live in a socialist nordic country

>> No.14715018

wagie whining because the fryer oil singed his widdle hands loooooool
back in the cagie wagie

>> No.14715029

>Reddit memes and Reddit images
>from a phoneposter
I don't buy into the whole "wagiebaiting" thing, but fuck you're an ass.

>> No.14715047

Its not conservatism, its the natural order. If you cannot eat, you die.

>> No.14715074

How he supposed to work without a phone?

>> No.14715497

I'm so fucking hungry, bros.

>> No.14715502

Why? What are you hungry for? What mistakes have you made to place you in this position?

>> No.14715516

My former roommate also fucked me when he suddenly decided to move in with his girlfriend last month. He didn't give the landlord a 30 day notice to vacate, and he was fine with us paying double rent, despite him being an unemployed bartender while I continued to work full time through this fucking lockdown. In a word, we moved out on short notice, I was forced to find a new place to live while paying double rent for September because my faggot libtard former roommate couldn't wait to move in with his beat gf whom he met on a dating app. Life isn't fair, bros. I got fucked through to someone else's behavior. The worst part is, my Jew landlord will probably swindle me out of my security deposit. I should've dumped bacon grease into the sink when I had the chance.

>> No.14715533

>S&P500 went from 2300 to 3300 during pendamic

>> No.14715545

>Life isn't fair, bros. I got fucked through to someone else's behavior. The worst part is, my Jew landlord will probably swindle me out of my security deposit. I should've dumped bacon grease into the sink when I had the chance.
Brother, why are you crying? Why are entertaining such vindictive thoughts? You have so many opportunities. You have a job and a degree. Yes, you may be paying more than you should on rent temporarily, but you have a place to live. God is looking after you. Think of the Book of Job,
>Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return; the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
Offer your suffering up before God. Offer it up and recall how much Christ suffered for your sins. Pray brother, day and night. I was very poor in finances and spirit in my early 20s, and by God's grace I was able to work hard and succeed where others might have failed.

P.S. when do you get paid and how much do you need?

>> No.14715556

>the parasite thinks calling thier hosts sociopaths will fool anyone
You're free to live your life the way you want. You are not entitled to demand others support your poor decisions.

>> No.14715616
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Do americans really?

Relying on the government who gives you communist ration tickets you exchange for food? Really?

Thanks God I'm not american.

>> No.14715670

Being a meanie on the internet doesn't make someone a drain on society. Relying on the government to keep you alive does.

>> No.14715674


>> No.14715687
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>> No.14715689
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>muh drain on society

Fuck you, assholes. I’ve been paying into taxes my entire professional life—the last 5 years. Why shouldn’t I be able to get assistance in my temporary time of need? All the while, my hard earned income gets taxed just so permanently unemployed Shaniqua and her 7 niglets can eat and drain society of resources even further by leading lives of crime and unemployment. How is that fair?

>> No.14715702

Yeah, internet accessibility has fucked the stockmarket with so many clueless home traders paying above value in a scramble for easy money while AI systems make strange decisions on the turn of a coin. There's going to be a painful crunch when reality hits, but it might be as long as ten years before it happens. I wish I were smart enough to figure out how to play it.

>> No.14715705

>Why shouldn’t I be able to get assistance in my temporary time of need?
>How is that fair?
you better keep quiet and work harder for Mr. Shekelstein anon. It's not our fault you wanted to be a participant in the modern capitalist society. Now be a good goy and go back to your wage cage!

>> No.14715787

Okay, Mr. Bezos. Now, please give me a raise.

>> No.14716098

I got cut off for more than a month.
No reason, just administrative issues.

I've learned to keep a food stockpile for such eventualities. Crate of instant noodles, rice and beans.

>> No.14716959

>posting literal reddit memes
Bye bitch.

>> No.14717052

NatSoc here, get that money. Get everything you legally qualify for from this horrible system.

>> No.14717065

Ye pay for everything yourself so Shaniqua Sanchez can shit out 10 more goblinos.

>> No.14717069
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cool it chud

>> No.14717077

How do you know wich dumpsters that got locks on them?

>> No.14717080

Is Indiana any good?

>> No.14717151

Of course you have feelings. You're always crying for more handouts or screaming for my blood or laughing at me when I get assaulted over nothing.

>> No.14717164

>screaming for my blood or laughing at me when I get assaulted over nothing
