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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14677666 No.14677666 [Reply] [Original]

What was your drink of choice when you were a teenager (or similarly just clueless about booze)? Does it hold up today?

I would either pour cheap bourbon in grape soda or drink Yuengling. Probably wouldn't drink the first again, but I still love Yuengling and drink it all the time.

>> No.14677669


>> No.14677674

1 shot of everything from the liqour cabinet stored in a plastic water bottle.

>> No.14677685

>drink of choice when you were a teenager
Red Bull came out when i was 15 so yeah. Me & friends were pretty wired

>> No.14677690

4 loko
spiced rum

awful, simply awful

>> No.14677691

Bloody Mary’s are still my favorite. Besides that though I used to really like wine coolers and diluted, sugary ciders but now they do nothing for me and I just feel like I’m filling up on soda

>> No.14677693

normally I wouldn't post in a another alc thread seeing as theres at least two containment threads already, but since the prince of darkness is asking, it was vodka, it wasnt my "choice", but it was readily available. Still feel the same way about it today, not my choice, but I'll drink it

>> No.14677694

For me it was amp energy from mountain dew in junior high.

>> No.14677697
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Still holds up good for me

>> No.14677700
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This was single-handedly responsible for a new tax on alcoholic mixed drinks here. It was dirt cheap before that.

>> No.14677701

I haven't seen this in store shelves for quite some time. I wonder what happened to it

>> No.14677703


>> No.14677704

It was vile

>> No.14677705

I only ever drank one beer before 21, it was the worst drink I'd ever tasted. There was some kind of sediment at the bottom. Never seen that since.

>> No.14677708

diet coke

>> No.14677711

Aussie? Think I heard about them doing that, which then just led to people selling vodka bottles prepackaged with soda kek

My very first time getting drunk was this shaken with pineapple juice. I was like 14, and wasn't bad at all at the time, but I definitely wouldn't try it again.

>> No.14677717

>Gay Arnold Palmer's
i stole my parents mount gay rum and mixed it with arnold palmer. tasted like shit.

>> No.14677718

Red/white wine since it was all my parents ever drank. Still enjoy wine but only with meals.

>> No.14677727

nah, German
It was especially handy for getting girls drunk

>> No.14677728

Budweiser and Jack Daniels. Not terrible as far as cheap shit goes but if I pour one nowadays I know tomorrow is gonna be a rough morning. Yes I am from the South

>> No.14677730

Still at my local shop. Probably because my neck of the woods has a lot of Jamaicans.

desu I like it better than most American macrolagers. It doesn't really taste like much, but it's refreshing and distinctly beer, which is sometimes all you want. My only problem is paying premium price for a just-ok beer that you get 1 oz less of than usual.

>> No.14677760

Based rapist

>> No.14677777

MD 20/20 any flavor. Wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole now.

>> No.14677792


>> No.14677797

Mad Dogs and 40s. Sometimes 4Loko. I was like 14-15 and the Arabs at the corner store did not give a fuck, sold to us with no questions. Sometimes a friend would steal beer from the grocery store but only for special occasions

>> No.14677877

I moved to maryland and people barely id anywhere here.

>> No.14677887

Captain M spiced
Purple Rain Gatorade
Shit tastes like gummy worms but I haven't been able to drink spiced since we did a Texas Mickey when I was 17

>> No.14677911

Costco brand spiced rum is dangerously good and easy to mix into eggnog.

>> No.14677914

I used to brew a lot of wine when I was younger, and brought a half-dozen bottles or so to house-parties--was a great way to pick up chicks.

When I didn't have wine on hand, I usually drank cheaper, Canadian beer-brands like Sleeman or something. I never really bothered with liquor because I have a pretty weak constitution & still do to this very day.

>> No.14678022

Teenager/early 20s
>sweet red wine (Porto)
>Captain Morgan + coke
>any hard liquor

Now late 20s
>dry red wine
>gin tonic
>good rum or absinthe

>> No.14678031

>when you were a teenager
how's the long term dependency and brain damage treating you?

>> No.14678037
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>cheapest high volt wine
>cheapest vodka & fernet

>> No.14678064
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this, captain Morgan or watermelon 4 loko. Also the worst of all warm natty ice out of a over pumped keg in a red solo cup.

>> No.14678075

Do you anons remember Ice'ing people?
>ah you looked here's a nice warm Smirnoff ice you have to chug in one gulp

>> No.14678081

Shutup loser

>> No.14678103

>t. never got to participate

>> No.14678106
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as a child (age 12/13) I used to sip my mother's cooking wine

actually pretty good

>> No.14678108

unfiltered beer

>> No.14678110

I swear they started watering it down or something 5 years ago

>> No.14678126

digits confirm this anon is a savage

>> No.14678215

I was a teenager more than 20 years ago though. Is it even worse now?

>> No.14678250

beer and rum and cognac

>> No.14678281

not sure what it would be like 20 years ago, but I had it about 10 years ago and liked it. had it again 5 years later and something seemed off so I'm not a huge fan of it anymore. I've been told that if you went to the uk, it's not as bad, but I'm not flying there just to drink

>> No.14678282
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Buckfast usually. For £5 a bottle it was enough to enjoy the weekend out when you're 14-15.
If we wanted to be cheap you could get 2L bottles of Strognbow or White Lightning for a couple quid.

>> No.14678315

Nah, they changed to recipe. They stopped using fish bladders to filter it.
Basically, Guinness is now vegan.

>> No.14678321

Yuengling black and tan or svedka from the freezer. Yes and no

>> No.14678389

Cheapest 8% alcohol beer you could find.
Now I settle for something in 5-6% range Lager.

>> No.14678405

>redbull vodka
Yeah for me it was the real zoomer cocktail.

>> No.14678414 [DELETED] 

beer because it was easy to get. sometimes malibu + pineapple juice or whisky and coke.

>> No.14678538

40oz of mickeys

>> No.14678564

uv blue and mountain dew was probably the worst combo that was popular when I was in highschool

>> No.14678682
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I used to drink A&W diet rootbeer constantly in high school. At home I would practically never drink water.
Thank God I've stopped. Soda is a very rare occurrence these days.

>> No.14678695

Jungle juice master race. I did the same. Awful concoctions, but they did the trick.

>> No.14678713

Canadian Mist, Popov, Tequila with the sombrero.

No that shit sucks. It was concentrated booze for kids to smuggle not actual drinks.

>> No.14678738


>> No.14678744

I got so trashed with some Brits on cheap red wine and coke as a teenager. Its still delicious because I'm an animal.

>> No.14678829

based jamaican poster

>> No.14678830

Nothing. It's still here

>> No.14678869
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MD 20/20

>> No.14678872

>redbull vodka
> zoomer cocktail.
yea zoomers were hitting it hard in 2004

>> No.14678887


>> No.14678941

I was a good moralfag who knew nothing about alcohol so my first time was drinking vodka straight from a tall glass like it was water. I threw up so much that night.

>> No.14678942

lone star. i'd drink it forever gladly but it makes me piss like a racehorse. just goes right through me.

>> No.14679059

For some reason it was cool to drink Bombay Sapphire when I was in highschool. Usually split a 40 and a bottle of Canada dry with some buddies. I haven't had that shit in years but I bet its fine. Better then the cheap ass whiskey I drink nowadays.

>> No.14679096

I got started on Irish Whiskey and never got off.

>> No.14679101

Old Fashioneds, da's a functioning alcoholic, as am I.

>> No.14679112

Usually what was cheapest, didn't have much money when I was 15. Cheap beer "Żubr" was our favourite. Also, cheap warm vodka with Coca-Cola. I wish I could turn back time and keep it there, times were so simple. Now I stay away from alcohol, excluding wine for cooking.

>> No.14679117

frig off i'd find these in random places before tests

>> No.14679291 [DELETED] 



>> No.14679318

Everclear, something called Gem Proof and Heaven hill.

>> No.14679327

Gem Clear*

>> No.14679341

Yes, and I have 3 DUI’s to prove it

>> No.14679345
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I used to make a drink I called 'leprechaun piss', you start with a slurpie and add mountain dew, a red bull, some granulated sugar, and stir it up and slurp it down. You will be angry to hear my dental health is great and I do not have diabetes.

>> No.14679353

before and just after I could legally drink, my drink of choice was jagermeister. I stopped drinking it because I got so sick on it once that I can't smell it without wanting to puke, and I haven't tried to drink it in years

>> No.14679542

wine coolers and cheap bottom shelf vodka, but i prefered red wine when i could get it

>> No.14679682

Old stock malt liquor and royal reserve. Shit was dope. White box wine when going to house parties. White girls love White box wine

>> No.14679694

I started with rum but I didn't start drinking until I was 18 (19 is the drinking age here). I still don't mind rum nowadays, though I never got into fancy rums.

I mostly just drink beer now because I prefer the flavour.

>> No.14679717

Bag of wine with some long necks sitting in my car smoking weed and cigs while eating dominos pizza.

>> No.14679927

Tropicana Fruit Punch
Whatever clear liquor was there

>> No.14679962
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Does this look familiar?

>> No.14679994
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Krombacher or similar German pilsners
Mostly holds up, although I prefer Czech lagers along with all the modern craft shit that's out there these days

>> No.14680000
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Fucking druggies I swear

>> No.14680103

wild irish rose, any cheap beer my friends had, flavored vodka, Jagermeister either straight up or mixed with literally anything just to see how it would taste. My favorite is mixed into eggnog or a vanilla shake.
I met an older dude at a party who turned out to work at a liquor store, I guess he assumed my age or felt we were tight enough to let it slide because he never carded me, so I got to try a bunch of different stuff.

>> No.14680156
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>> No.14680159
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>> No.14680546
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it was the only alcohol within reach in the house.

it wasnt bad, actually drinkable. and im still alive lol

>> No.14680577

shaoxing wine is like drinking rotten barley mixed with gasoline and paint thinner
are you a human being?

>> No.14680602

Me and my friends have recently restarted icing each other

I've also iced my brother the last 6 years for christmas hes 35 I'm 30

>> No.14680622

bacardi diamond straight from the bottle

>> No.14680635

Alcohol is for retards.
Drink water.

>> No.14681481

Buy the Extra Import Stout. It's actually pretty good, and it's 7 or 8% on top of having a legitimately enjoyable flavor. Only "problem" is that I can only drink one at a time because of just how rich it is, but that's why you just treat it as something nice to have with a meal, not something you chug a whole pack of in a night.

>> No.14681695

Despite being australian, didn't start drinking till my early 20's. Got started on cans of bundy red and that's what I was drinking for a while.

No, it doesn't hold up at all. I inevitably realised how shit pre-mixed is compared to the real deal. I don't drink bundy anymore though since most of it is pretty rubbish.

>> No.14681721
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the cheapest vodka and bourbon. tequila was reserved for special occasions.

>> No.14681796

Fireball at 16 then hypnotic at 19
Stopped liquor at 21 and drink beer and haven't looked back

>> No.14681821

Paulaner, Weihenstephan and Jack Daniels.
Never went through a phase of drinking weird shit desu

>> No.14681835

for me it was bundy dark and stormies

>> No.14681844

Go away Australia. Can't you make your own shitpost site? You're ruining the shitpost site that the rest of us use.

>> No.14681855
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>> No.14681927
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Damn, I forgot about those. Don't think I'd enjoy drinking them now, though probably still preferred them over the cola stuff.

>Can't you make your own shitpost site?

We visit site, make shitpost site.

>> No.14682157

Found the aussie
Based, too bad the mixers are expensive as fuck though

For me it's the shitty Aldi wines.

>> No.14682183
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I preferred the orange one. Also red Smirnoff vodka with energy drink

>> No.14682203

I liked ginebra as a teenager and now I still enjoy but buy a good brand instead of the cheap one or a good top shelf gin instead, I would drink tequila sometimes as a teen but now even its smell makes gag, never been a fan of vodka and I'm grateful for that.

>> No.14682223

Miller high life for beer and crown royal for whiskey. No long drink now.

>> No.14682247

they sell it at Wal-Mart
in Wisconsin at least

>> No.14682713


>> No.14682739


I still drink Guinness.

I'd drink another beer if they started making ales without good like that which the Anglo Saxon kings of old drank.

>> No.14682748

It's a Jamaican beer. Every store has that in South Florida. It's a bit bad.

>> No.14682762

The Czechs make great pils and great Dunkel style beers.

Tücher is a pretty good hefe though.

>> No.14682764

None, because I was a good kid and didn't go behind my mom's back like that.
Waited until I was 18 to smoke weed, that's been my choice of getting fucked up since.
Alcohol literally tastes like shit and makes you feel like shit. Fuck alcoholics, fuck people who think it's somehow better than reefer.

>> No.14682769

>not being able to buy beer at 16

Oh America, why do you torture your civilians?

>> No.14682781

I didn’t drink as a teenager until my last year of high school. Had a coors and hated the taste. Didn’t really drink again until my early 20’s

>> No.14682869

White Lightning
Vodka or JD sometimes with coke sometimes straight out the bottle idk how I had such an iron stomach back when I first started drinking.

>> No.14684146

I ould usually swing between like whatever Smirnoff Ice and whatever that other brand of like drinks for treenagers, and then 40 ozs of the cheapest fucking beer possible.

I pretty much quit drinking altogether minus like the 2 or 3 beers I have at Christmas or whatever. I just don't like getting drunk anymore. It's too physical.

>> No.14684167

Also all those energy drink + malt liquor drinks from back in the day, those were great/awful

>> No.14684176
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This shit was like $7 for a handle back when I was in high school. I no longer drink liquor this cheap. My primary method of intake is shots but for a little more money I can get stuff that doesn't leave me feeling like shit the next day.

>> No.14684241

Hello Satan. When I first started drinking it was straight vodka, the cheap shit in the big plastic bottle. That's about all from me. Peace out.

>> No.14684261
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Used to love sam adams and saranac beers in college. Now that I'm a fat 30something alcoholic I don't buy them because I'd have to drink like 8 to feel anything.

>> No.14684473

Only when it's free.

>> No.14684570

I would steal shots from my dad's Maker's Mark bottles, surprised I never got caught.
He actually thought it was really funny that I was doing it when I told him years later, and I still like Whiskey but Maker's Mark is cheap shit.

>> No.14684592

Dr. Pepper

>> No.14684727
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>> No.14684831

Beer. Allways was, allways will be.

>> No.14684888

i didn't start drinking until I was about 21. I invested in a case of Londer porter. 50 dollars, dark, 9%. Was delicious. My first bottle of liquor was Disaronno. I would switch to them in a heartbeat if I had the funds to waste. And yes, they most certainly are worth drinking as an actual adult.

now its natty daddys and 10 dollar handles of vodka. ugh.

>> No.14684899

colt 45
idk if it still holds up cuz i havent had one since i was a teenager

>> No.14684904

Fuck no, it tastes and smells awful lol

>> No.14684957

pot makes you retarded and you probably smell bad

>> No.14685007
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The generic beer of the Province. I still like it but it's a 4% beer so isn't strong enough to meet my drinking needs. Pic related.

>> No.14685035

High Life
Its still fine for a light beer, not that there is ever a good opportunity for light beer once you have a real job

>> No.14685042

I’m not white trash, so I didn’t drink more than a few sips as a teenager

>> No.14685057

That is not jungle juice

>> No.14685060

Based. I never picked up alcohol, but chug water like a lunatic. I can go through three glasses in thirty seconds and still be thirsty.

>> No.14685133

I wouldn't exactly have a drink of choice when I was a teenager unless you meant getting someone to fetch it from the gas stations that didn't care to ban the people who were known to do booze runs in our small town. And that selection was basically bud, natty, etc.

Unless you lived in a larger city or their parents/relatives bought it, I don't see how American teens would normally have much of a choice in selection.

>> No.14685162

2L bottle of Strongbow (cider)

Can't touch cider now, tastes like sugary vinegar. Disgusting

>> No.14685329

Everclear, or a cider I made myself in my closet. For about 6$ a gallon
I'd rather drink the latter, I usually didn't filter it so it was a bit yeasty but I used a waterbottle based airlock and it always came out pretty tasty.

>> No.14685393

shes hot
got anymore

>> No.14685398

Wow ur so special

>> No.14685400

How do you count your drinks to calculate when you'll be sober enough to drive again?

>> No.14685405

Drink vodka straight up. Right now I mostly drinks beers.

>> No.14685424

Usually I go for 1 hr/drink (so a shot of hard liquor or a bottle of beer).
But I was raised by a habitual drunk driver who'd load us all into the car with a giant travel mug full of boxed wine, so I probably have shit instincts and a dangerous over confidence in my own sobriety.

>> No.14685444

40oz of malt liquor because I was a broke wigger.
Rum and cokes with bottom shelf rum and just enough cola to give it color, just like my dad taught me.

>> No.14685463

An accurate breathalyzer is around $90 online, possibly cheaper, which is much, much, MUCH lower than the associated costs and consequences of a DUI.

I would go as far as to say it is something to take on debt for if you don't have an extra money beyond booze. Not because I take debt lightly, but because it takes most of the guesswork out of something which could fuck your life up for some time.

Mind you, I'm the kind of person who waits a full day after drinking before driving, but in the grand scheme of things I appreciate the person who at least tries to stick to limit much more than the asshats who don't care at all.

>> No.14685477

When I was a teenager, I drank bottom shelf vodka, and if I drink today, its bottom shelf vodka. I guess I've always just drank for the effect. Alcohol really tastes like shit. The buzz is nice though. But to spend more than $5 for it? Absolutely not.

>> No.14685496

I used to drink port wine because it was the first drink I had.
My dad had a bottle in a cupboard I found when I was 18, went out and started drinking it whenever I could get away with it, it made me stink so my mom got angry with me when she smelt it.

>> No.14685909

>But to spend more than $5 for it? Absolutely not.
Since you're just going for the buzz it's probably okay. But if you're drinking hard more than a few days a week, the difference between vodka that's gone through more thorough distillation is apparent on how much it fucks you up afterwards, and in the long run. And that's where some of the price comes into play (along with a metric fuck-ton of bullshit).

>> No.14686457

based wino anon

>> No.14686762

whatchu know bout that

>> No.14686819

Some licorice liquers or other sweet liquers. Jesus how fucking shit they were. Also used to drink more on the sharp drinks with vodka or or liquor but it always made me feel shit too soon. Nowadays I just drink beer or ciders/long drinks and I'm good. Wine very seldom.

>> No.14687070

Black tea
Alkies are the most pathetic people on the planet.

>> No.14687422


>> No.14687490
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Fucking stuff was murder to a 14 yr old, 6-8 of these and you'd be falling all over whatever field you happened to be in. Pic is from google, wouldn't touch the stuff now. I thought it was normal to puke every time you drank until I stopped drinking this glorious swill.

>> No.14687522
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College grad here, lived in dorm (oswego- fuckit). I once drank booze from a garbage can. Some dorm seniors placed a chinese garbage bags (for saftey) in a a plastic garbage can and made:
- OJ and Vodka
- Martini
- Water (RA required)
- Shnaps or somthing
- something green, maybe appletini?
- something blue.

Then I hooked up with some Jap exchange student. Details too lurid for this site, but, it ended up with us both vomiting. Turns out the cheap bags used in the garbage cans where torn up, so we freshmen drank booze and what ever ooze was in the can.

Jap girl was only for one semester, but I got the seniors back before the semester ended. Almost killed someone too. (evil laughter)

>> No.14687746


>> No.14687806

Cider. It's probably one of my least favourite drinks now. Very cheap though.

>> No.14687846

I bought this today for the first time in years and then i stumble upon this thread

>> No.14687861
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These two, I'm not proud of myself.

>> No.14687874
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I don't drink alcohol.

>> No.14687882

Red label + ginger ale, it was alright but now its eh for me

>> No.14688982

captain morgan and root beer.
a real shame...

>> No.14688986
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Replying for every Australian

>> No.14689002

the jack daniels with honey in it

>> No.14689038

haha wow that's cool man
*walks off to find someone else to talk to*

>> No.14689064

dont think i ever really drank goon desu, i would always just spend the money on a case of whatever beer was cheapest, i think at the time it was usually like peronis or that knock off corona beer

although yeah basically everyone i knew sipped from the sack, i just couldnt justify the cost to myself personally because it tasted so bad and gave the worst hang overs.

>> No.14689076

I used to drink Miller Genuine Draft bottles when I turned 18.

>> No.14689098

peronis and corona? I'd rather drink goon to this day than that italian piss water that comes pre-skunked in the bottle. at least goon is honest in it's awfulness.

we'd at least buy australian, VB, TEDs, XXXX Gold etc

>> No.14689738

Admiral Nelson spiced rum
$9.99 30 racks of keystone light

>> No.14689776

This, it's a Death Flight. Like riding satans back.

>> No.14689863

$12 handle of vodka
$15 handle of vodka

Goddamn inflation

>> No.14689906

jager or like kraken and fireball, then when i could buy booze myself i just kept drinking vodka and wine
10 years later i am an alcoholic that drinks hard liquor straight and the best booze are the cheapest and highest %

>> No.14689909


based alcoholic chick

>> No.14689930

Fireball - I still have a soft spot for that fucking garbage.

>> No.14690021
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M/D 2020. When i was 17 in my last day of junior year high school, a friend of a friend brought us all a bunch of M/D 2020. It was the last day of school for that year and the seniors were already gone. Most of the staff didnt give a shit and let everyone leave early too. We were out by the football fields playing pokemon diamond and pearl on our nintendos and drinking that swill. Battling each other and getting competitive to where we were yelling and then wrestling each other. It was even better because my friends eventually started making out with their girlfriends who had accompanied us. This little short bowl cut super cute mexican girl named Carmen was with me too. Not wanting to feel left out and giving into peer pressure we made out too. The feeling of the warm summer winds and our finger across each others bodies. I will never forget you Carmen.

>> No.14690364

ive been drinking the same brand pilsner beer since i started 10 years ago
nothing comes close

>> No.14690374

Sobe was a good sip back in the day, not too sure if it is still around though. Used to wash down ephedrine with some of the green tea or liz bliz in middle school.

>> No.14690397

all the australian beers were always at least $45 a case while the shitty import beers you could get for like $30 a case or sometimes less.

>> No.14690417
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Didn't drink until I was 24 but I'd chug 2 of the flavored Steel Reserves

>> No.14690456
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Blue Curacao with 7up when I was 14. Also Pisang Ambon with OJ. We were real manly men back then.

>> No.14690465

How was the brain developmental damage?

>> No.14690470

Then don't reply you dumb frogposter

>> No.14690496

captains morgans spiced rum and grapefruit juice

it is truly the nectar of the gods

>> No.14690532

opposite where I am from, import would have you look at an extra $10 a slab

>> No.14690543

beer to stay afloat and white wine straight out of the bottle to get going. also peppermint liquor, jager with red bull, and whiskey with ginger ale.

i hate hard liquor except for tequila

>> No.14690754

Mike's Hard Lemonade and Bourbon, or whatever the older kids were handing out.

Not sure why the fuck the drinking age is 21. People were handing me drinks at 13.

>> No.14690850

it was only natty light. i still hate the taste

>> No.14690954

I downed a 40 of Bacardi Oakheart pretty quick when I was still in high school. Got really pukey off it, now I can't even smell cheap spiced rum without gagging.

>> No.14691262

Yeah, I'd still drink it. It's not bad.

>> No.14691281
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50 days sober today. Poison of choice was vodka, about 8 shots a day for 3 years straight.

Tried a non-alcoholic beer today (pic related) and it's pretty damn good. Actually tastes like a beer. It's been a welcome reprieve during this time of abstinence.

Trying to find balance. While I had a drinking problem, I personally don't believe I was an alcoholic, but.. I know I had an issue. I don't believe in complete abstinence, but a true balance is key. I think I'll enjoy these from time to time.

Feels good.

>> No.14691298 [DELETED] 

For some dumb reason I liked gin for a few months. It was the first hard alcohol I ever had. I fucking hate gin now

>> No.14691328
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Ice 101 peppermint schnapps was the first thing that ever got me super wasted at 17. I filled a metal flask of it. Went to talk to my friend who was sitting in his 1997 Toyota Corolla and didn't realize the windows were rolled up. Smashed right through the passenger side front window with the flask. I haven't had it since but honestly it wasn't that bad throwing it up. Still had the minty flavor.

>> No.14691369

I doubt it, unless it was over 30 years ago or you mean not in Australia. Local producers have to pay taxes that imported beer doesn't have to worry about thanks to free trade agreements.

>> No.14691418

>VB, TEDs, XXXX Gold

They're all owned by the japs and south africans

>> No.14691496


>> No.14691508

Back when mini bars were still in hotels and I was travelling with my mother on occasion, I would get a gin and orange juice. Would then fill up the bottles with water and put it back. Never got caught.

I kind of miss that. Feels like the concept died out even in the big name hotels in the early 2000s.

>> No.14691522

problematic-drinking-habits-while-in-(somewhat-delusional)-denial-of-Alcoholism-Proper here
clausthaler is the SHIT, by far my favorite NA beer, I dig all their styles very much, honestly more pleasant than a real beer to my taste when I've been dry for long enough to break the craving-goblin's hold on my brain's reward system. Just about the only brand I've known to properly scratch that itch (though I like a Heineken 0.0 quite a bit too).

congratulations though, keep up the good work.

>> No.14691524

They still have booze in hotels. It's in little tiny one serving bottles so they can just look at the seal and see if you broke it.

>> No.14691647

The first time I got drunk, I was 15, and chugged a four pack of warm steel reserve, that my younger sisters somehow got a hold of. Blacked out and vomited everywhere, passed out in the bathroom which I also destroyed.
A couple of weeks later, I drank all of the arbor mist my grandma had before I went to school and got sent home by second period.
Drank a lot of Sparx and 4loko back when they still had caffeine. Hell, I remember stealing a bottle of Zima from the fridge and downing half of it, when I was a little kid in the 90s. Today I just drink rum and coke or whiskey and coke.

>> No.14691674

I'm about to cry. There's nothing that compares to being a teenager, hanging out with your buds and making out while high or drunk with a teenage girl. My Carmen was a Slovak exchange student named Gabriela. To this day, easily the hottest girl I've ever slept with, and by far the sweetest and coolest. She introduced me to weed. She even came back to the states a few years after graduation, and we hooked up for a night. I'll never forget her, she's still incredibly sexy and I wish I could see her again, but she's got a master's degree and some kind of office career and a Chad German husband, and I'm scooping food onto plates at a nursing home, slowly getting fatter and fatter and more and more dead inside, every day.

>> No.14691735

pabst blue ribbon

i stopped drinking. alcohol is a low-tier drug for me.

>> No.14691759

When I first started experimenting with alcohol I would drink my dad's brandy. It was St. Remy and it made me gag.

I used to drink vodka with my first gf. We also liked to drink Rev.

>> No.14692247
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day I started till the day I quite

>> No.14692346

212 steel reserve, yes

>> No.14692360
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My teenage mind gravitated towards stuff mixed with coke. These are absolutely terrible by the way. Basically an exercise in fighting nausea and hoping that you can get drunk enough to stop noticing the taste.

>> No.14692368

Gin is the only spirit I won't drink straight. I usually put a handful of ice in a glass, fill to half way or 2 thirds with Gin, then top up with white wine to take the edge off.

>> No.14692382

Linden Village cider, I'm Irish. It cost 5 euro for 2 litres

>> No.14692384

I used to get the cheap £10 for 1ish litre bottles of vodka and mix them with the 50p flavoured sparkling water from tescos, like 40/60 vodka to water, shit used to get me like blind drunk

>> No.14692534

The Chinese grocery used to sell it next to the vinegar and they didn't think anyone would drink it.
I also bought like $50 of groceries there.
It was 40% ABV, and it's an acquired taste- none of my friends would even touch the stuff.
I tell you when I actually got to China I won a drinking match with a road crew and won 800Yuan.

Other kids got homebrew cider or pilfered their alcoholic parents stash

>> No.14692603

>abiding law
>never drinking alcohol again, because you had one bad beer
I'm sure you're fun at parties

>> No.14692615

>Drinking only one kind of alcohol in your teens
I'm fucking happy to live in Germany

>> No.14692622
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LCL pils
I haven't seen it around for years

>> No.14692628

What's 50p flavour? Is that like the technical term for raspberry in science talk or some shit?

>> No.14692634

He said go to. Lrn2english

>> No.14692635

I used to just chug liquor and chase it. Sometimes I still do, but I try to drink like a responsible person.

>> No.14692638
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Taunton Dry Blackthorn Cider
It's another one I never see anywhere anymore

>> No.14692643

I was a really pretentious teenager. I'd make fun of people drinking Miller Lite and Southern Comfort. I would buy Cutty Sark, Appleton Estate, Hendricks. Now I don't give a shit. I get a 6 pack of craft beer like once a month outside of the brewery I live next door to.

also this >>14677674

>> No.14692653

My very first time getting drunk was straight gin. I loved it. Second time was crown royal and coke.

Both hold up pretty well.

>> No.14692655

>I still drink Guinness
I like a pint of Guinness in a proper Irish pub. I recommend accompanying it with fresh oysters on ice if available.

>> No.14692691

I used to mix blue curacao with orange juice and it created layers. I never knew this was a normal mixed drink until far later. I thought I was a genius and more importantly, so did the other people I made them for.

>> No.14692718

I used to self medicate so usually I bought those little bottles of jägermeister so I could always keep them on me. I was really into dark bier and kräuterlikör. Later it was whiskey. Nowadays I'm into Rum. Recently found Don Papa and fell in love.

>> No.14693403

Captain Morgan and Coke Zero. Honestly, not bad.

>> No.14693420

When I first started drinking, Fireball. Now I like beer because hormones killed my liver and my tolerance. Also, checked.

>> No.14693525

>gather up as many broke high schoolers as we could
>Everyone throw $3-4-5, get a 30 pack of whatever beer was cheapest and a handle of the cheapest whiskey
>Easiest way to get a group of children drunk

>> No.14693548

this, but instead of whiskey it was the cheapest vodka and cola/energy at the discounter.

>> No.14693599
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>> No.14693864
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Yeungling is good out of a can. It's shit out of a bottle, though.

>> No.14693879

Guinness is the Bud Light of stouts, anyway.