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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 613 KB, 2016x1512, 20200831_184308_copy_2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14663470 No.14663470 [Reply] [Original]

You may not like my methods, but the results don't lie

Walmart steaks - I have no shame about this

>> No.14663477

kroger was selling chuck steak so i bought some how do i cook chuck

>> No.14663480
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Rest for 20-30 min

>> No.14663483

That does look like a good piece if meat, I know it's tasty just from the fat in it

>> No.14663484


>> No.14663488

Slow cook just boil at low temperature for a long time basically

>> No.14663491
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The shittiest, most pitted cast iron in existence - as hot as possible. Steak IN.

>> No.14663494 [DELETED] 

I have never stepped foot inside a Walmart in my entire life. Not for any conscious reason, they just don't have it in my city. However, if they did, I would be most interested to check out the meat/produce section

>> No.14663496 [DELETED] 

no oil?

>> No.14663501

Its not as horrible as you would expect. Its not the kind of meat you would get at a great steakhouse or a local butcher, but its on par with other local grocery stores.

>> No.14663505
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Wait four (4) minutes then flip. These are 1 inch thick steaks. Less time for a thinner steak

3 more minutes then add a fat knob of butter. Do not reduce heat. Fry the steak in browned butter for 1-2 min flipping every 30 seconds

>> No.14663513
File: 457 KB, 2016x1512, 20200831_200520_copy_2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer medium rare and this is a little over, but I'll take the trade off for a nice crust on my butter fried steak

>> No.14663525 [DELETED] 

I thought meat was cheap in muttland?

>> No.14663529
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Thanks for tuning in. This has been Steak Night with yours truly

>> No.14663584

>almost 10 minutes per steak
Dude wtf

>> No.14663589

I wanted to eat it as normal steak is this impossible

>> No.14663599

You should have shame about walmart steaks.

>> No.14663604

Throw in a pressure cooker with tomato and beef stock for pot roast, with tomato salsa and taco spices for shredded beef tacos, or soysauce + rice vinegar and add in stir fried garlic and broccoli for a beer and broccoli

>> No.14663609

But the results don't lie

>> No.14663610

Unless you enjoy eating shoe leather, then yes.

>> No.14663611

I want to move to America everytime I see prices like that. That is double in Canada, fuck soy nation.

>> No.14663612

It's the fact that it's the first couple of cuts off the large end.

>> No.14663630

A black man claims on YouTube if i salt the steak for hours it becomes tender

>> No.14663642

To be fair it's only .934 kgs, but when Kroger out these on sale last in my area, it was like $7/b.

>> No.14663643
File: 782 KB, 2016x1512, 20200125_111335-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buy a chuck eye steak? Show us what you bought

>> No.14663682

you are retarded for buying a piece of meat that has to be cooked in liquid for hours in order for it to be edible without knowing, that or grind it up and make burgers

>> No.14663735

If you bought high quality beef then yes it is possible but it is way better just boiling it or making minced meat

>> No.14663769

you really should never rely on time as a metric for when you are done cooking the steak, each cut is different, a thin cut cooks much faster etc etc

personally i started flipping my steaks every 30 seconds and started getting better results. the cook is much more even and the crust still develops very well. I like to butter baste at the end at medium heat for a little bit depending on the thickness (still flipping every 20-30 seconds as i baste)

another tip i would recommend is salting your steak thoroughly after patting it dry with paper towel and letting it rest in the fridge, ideally on a rack. the drier the surface of the steak is the easier to develop a good crust, in my experience, and the steak is able to absorb the salt as a sort of meat brine.

>> No.14663774
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>> No.14663773

(let it rest an hour or two but at least 45 mins in the fridge to fully absorb the salt)>>

>> No.14663783

these will still be pretty good you can cook em up in a pan but it's more like fajita meat or something than what you would traditionally consider to be "a steak"

>> No.14663790

Is a cast iron needed for a good steak?

>> No.14663796
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OP here. I should have added that I salt the steaks at this step >>14663480 and as they rest a lot of moisture is pulled to the surface, which I then pat dry with a paper towel right before I pepper and cook. And yes, I pepper before I cook. I know it burns the pepper but I guess that's what I prefer

>> No.14663798

I have a cast iron personally but I used to use a non-stick skillet and you can get good results either way. I might be getting a slightly better crust on cast iron but it's not a huge difference I don't think.

>> No.14663800

Use the YouTube salt method and cook them like a steak. Post results here

>> No.14663804

those look fantastic bro
i personally think the raw black pepper thing is a bit of a meme, I don't notice much of a difference lol

>> No.14663816

okay thats fine i didnt want to be stuck with stew, ill probably get some spices to make them fajitas

>> No.14663874

Pretty much how I do it, except I'll add some whole garlic cloves and a few sprigs of thyme to the butter.

>> No.14663949

what is the youtube salt method?

>> No.14663959

I was referring to this comment made earlier in the thread >>14663630

>> No.14664003


>> No.14664028

oh i see

interesting, though I actually have some chuck right now i'll probably try this with it and see what it's like

>> No.14664051


>> No.14664054

those are some fucking SAD! looking ribeyes

>> No.14664079


>> No.14664085

You just want to suck a cock. The steak is secondary.

>> No.14664091

I've seen much worse at least there's a little bit of marbling going on

>> No.14664175

FYI your meat has a store number on it. If this is your photo, you live in TX. Just in case you give a shit

>> No.14664298
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I have been coming to /ck/ off and on since about 2010, and the most bizarre thing about it is still that I seem to be the only person here who uses a grill to cook steaks.

>> No.14664302

Damn that's well marbled

>> No.14664338

yeah i noticed that after posting whatever, most of my friends already suspect i post on 4chan. open secret type thing

>> No.14664349

if you live in an apartment, which most people who post on 4chan probably do due to age range, cooking on a grill can be a hassle if not unfeasible, thus the pan fry is the way to go. ive lived in a shared house for the past 5 years and still mostly cook them in the pan just due to hassle, if youre cooking for just yourself setting up the coals is just not worth it most times

>> No.14664356

Chuck steak like a "delmonico" where it's the part of the chuck that was next to the ribeye and sliced thin, yeah. It's a fine european style thin steak. Fry it on iron with garlic and butter, lovely.
There are some thicker steaks which can be sliced from a chuck; they're going to benefit from tenderizing. Braising is traditional, but a jaccard needler can help. They'll have some chew to them. Not unpleasant, but not buttery soft like filet. Just keep following that filet - ribeye - strip progression a step or two, and that's chuck steak. Firmer texture, flavorful. I'd place it between strip and sirloin on both the flavor and firmness scale, but I'm a lowlife anonymous tastelet, so ignore me and braise it in dr. pepper with some old bay and make tacos.

>> No.14664400

You can get good crust and keep it medium rare or less by not letting it sit in room temperature that long. Right out of refrigerator is fine.

>> No.14664422

You can get a nice sear with some oil and a stainless-steel pan. I wouldn’t use a Teflon-coated one—hot enough for a good sear is hot enough to burn up the Teflon (you’ll smell it).

>> No.14664639

How do you cook a thicker steak without the outside getting burned?
Flipping it often helps, but its still not enough. Is finishing it in the oven the only option?

>> No.14664736

lower your heat moron

>> No.14665596

The best answer is to get a thinner steak.
Thicker steak is easier to do rare; thinner steak makes it easier to more thoroughly cook.

Nobody wants a nice, thick, well done steak. Thick is for rare or medium-rare.
And the longer you let it come up to room temperature before searing, the less rare the innards will get.

Butter basting and oven finishing after the sear can help it come up to medium.

>> No.14666714

18 bux for 2 ribeyes what the fuck

>> No.14668005

>Did you buy a chuck eye steak?
I just recently discovered chuck eye steaks were a thing and oh my god they're so good and so fucking cheap. My local kroger had them on sale for 4 dollars a pound the other day. Cheaper than ground beef, fucking crazy.

>> No.14668181

Is that cheap or expensive to you?

>> No.14668187
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yes they're an awesome value cut and I've been able to find some very well marbled chuck eyes from time to time like these ones were >>14663643

>> No.14668191
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Anon, it already expired in May...

>> No.14668270

>4' @ ~500°C
>4' more @ the same teperature
your steak is overcooked

>> No.14668283

The states that border canada are practically the same so you wouldn't experience a culture shock :D

>> No.14668314

Yes I'll admit I overcooked this one a tad, but there will be many, many more steaks in my life that I'll have the opportunity to do better on. At least I didn't throw a filter on the image to make it look rarer and lie to you all about the doneness

>> No.14668336

month day year

>> No.14668497
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It's a dollar cheaper than my local market which sells them at $9.99 a lb.

>> No.14669055

what did you season it with?

>> No.14669063

Salt and pepper

>> No.14669755

Support your local butcher, faggot

>> No.14669759

reevaluate your life you oxygen thief

>> No.14670870


>> No.14670963


>> No.14670967

They would have to cut their prices in half to match while still being inferior in quality. They can fuck off.

>> No.14671124

Why though?

>> No.14671134


>> No.14671271

None of the reasons listed in the article are important to me

>> No.14671295

Depends on where you live. One of my old college friends was from Chicago (close to at least), and meat is cheap there because there's a lot of meat processing that happens there. I'm from South Dakot and cattle farming is pretty common. Meat isn't cheap though because it all gets shipped off elsewhere. Only way to get it cheap is to be friends with a farmer and then every once and a while you might get a chance to buy a fresh side of a cow.

>> No.14671353

then don't support walmart and the walmart effect.
>force local businesses to cut costs in the form of decreasing wages or laying workers off altogether increasing unemployment and decreasing income in your community
this is especially bad if you produce anything that is also sold at walmart
>force local businesses AND even walmart's suppliers to decrease production cost which almost always lowers the overall quality of the product
lowers consumer utility

>> No.14671449

>cast iron, as hot as my burner will go
>9 minutes total cook time
>medium rare finish
Do you have the coldest burner in all of existence, or something? That steak isn't even that thick.

>> No.14671453

maybe he's cooking on electric?

>> No.14671467

I cook on an electric burner because my apartment is old. If I let a steak sit on high heat in my cast iron pan for that long, it would be approaching medium well.

>> No.14671481

I love the gravy from steaks, in my country we dip white bread in it.

>> No.14671513

>Fort Wayne Texas Kroger
Watch your back next time you go shopping anon

>> No.14671536
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>tfw electric burner
why even live?

>> No.14671544
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>he pays airfare for reject Uruguayan chuck

>> No.14672232

What the fuck ? Don't do that with a fucking ribeye you retard, there are cheaper cuts that benefit far more from this as they are more flavorful and become really tender (e.g chuck)

You really gotta be out of your fucking mind if you're putting steak in a pot roast.

>> No.14672241

You coud slice it into two inch large slices, and marinate them in freshly made pineapple juice for like 2 to 3 hours. The enzymes will turn that piece into a very tender steak. It will impart some flavor to it but don't hesitate to wash that shit and make a second marinade with your spices of choice.

If you cook it as a steak it should be fine then.

>> No.14672599

It's a very old and shitty gas stove. But the results don't lie

>> No.14672713

Are you drunk? He was responding to a question about how to cook chuck, not ribeye

>> No.14672905

>another tip i would recommend is salting your steak thoroughly after patting it dry with paper towel and letting it rest in the fridge, ideally on a rack. the drier the surface of the steak is the easier to develop a good crust, in my experience, and the steak is able to absorb the salt as a sort of meat brine.

It's called a dry brine. Salt both sides of the steak heavily, rest on a wire rack uncovered in the fridge for 3 days. Then follow the usual procedure, bring up to room temp, season etc

>> No.14672917

Don't open a butcher shop if you can't get enough customers.

>> No.14672928

He was talking about chuck you lazy cunt. Read the thread next time fuck head.