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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 363 KB, 1200x675, sardines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14657102 No.14657102 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel sophisticated after eating a can of sardines?
It's not tilapia, its not god damn salmon, fuck that cat fish bullshit. No. Its ~sardines~
I just ate a can of sardines and I feel so sophisticated, I feel so French. Time to smoke a hand-rolled cigarette.
What do you guys think is the most sophisticated fish?

>> No.14657122

>I feel sophisticated after eating shitfish
Do manchildren really?

>> No.14657170
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Enlighten me. What constitutes a non "shitfish"?

>> No.14657233
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Make way for the gigachad option.

>> No.14657316

what does it taste like?

>> No.14657325

the only other people that i know that eat them are old southern men from the country

>> No.14657329

I enjoy sardines but it's more a lower middle class British/Polish thing, if anything.

>> No.14657330

i did not feel sophisticated after eating rainwater mcdonalds

>> No.14657405
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Like eating with the director of the based department
Except you're the director and also the department

>> No.14657442
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I was bored yesterday and made some pan fried sardine fish cakes. Put a little sriracha mayo on em and they were tasty.
Probably would go great with some beer or wine.

>> No.14657456
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I'm gonna start eating /deenz/, what are some good recipes

>> No.14657464

A fork and a freshly cracked can

>> No.14657471

its a huge step for them to venture outside of chicken nuggets
>anything non nuggies is sophisticated

>> No.14657478

I was gonna make my own thread. Glad to see there's a /deen/ up.

I just opened my first tin of deens today. I am highly surprised - it's like a can of tuna! I thought it would contain slimy fish heads. My Wild Planet deens barely even have any skin on them.

>> No.14657499

Just finished it.
Do you guys drink the deen water?

>> No.14657502

Smoked Trout > Mackerel > Kippers > Sardines
All are good though

>> No.14657505
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Someone made a thread about these the other day so I bought some and I have to be honest, they are pretty gross. They taste like sardines with the texture of mush, butter, just no texture worth stating, a blob.. Do not recommend.

>> No.14657506

Dont drink the water. Also, good call on Wild Planet. I think that's the best of the mainstream sardine brands.
King Oscar is also good, but comes up just short

>> No.14657508
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>Do you guys drink the deen water?

>> No.14657566


>> No.14657578

did you try them in water or oil? They taste best in oil imo.

>> No.14657602
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Retards who fell for the deenz meme think eating poverty fish out of a can somehow makes them cooler than people who eat normal fish. Its kind of funny because non shitty ones cost like $3 for a little tin.

>> No.14657678

>drinking water the fish fuck and shit in

>> No.14658985

Needs a lot of lemon, and finely diced onions.
A few capers should be good too.
Oh, and ground black pepper.

>> No.14659026

bloody mary

>> No.14659202
File: 188 KB, 445x512, florence-bagoong-padas-salted-ziganid-fish.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for your life to change.

>> No.14659382
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hey guys during my last deen run at Walmart some people started walking down the aisle I was in and in a panic I accidentally grabbed these mustard deens. Anyone know how to prepare them for consumption?

>> No.14659421

just go back to the store with a rifle and demand a swap

>> No.14659446

pickled herring aka swedish sill

>> No.14659697

just put them between two slices of bread and enjoy them anon

>> No.14659704
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>> No.14659713

>and you, monsieur?
"I'll have the sardines, thank you"
>ooh, a most excellent choice, sir!
*restaurant stands up and claps*

>> No.14659974

Sardines on saltines. American Sushi.

>> No.14660298

>mustard 'deenz
Just eat them as is. That shit's choice.

>> No.14660309

deenz and 'chup

>> No.14660455
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Ahh, a man of superb taste. Every lunch I enjoy myself a can of the wonderful deenz

>> No.14661008

Been having them for brekkie lately. Stick under the grill with butter, pepper, spice to taste. Serve on toasted bread and salad, squeeze lemon over the top. Simple as.

>> No.14661106

Man I love them too. Didn't know people associated them with France though

>> No.14661249

Dump can of sardines in olive oil into frying pan. Get 'em hot and spitting. Pour in four or five eggs, readied for scrambling. Scramble eggs with sardines, pour hot sauce over the top once it's done.

Optional: toast bread and serve as egg/sardine sandwich.

>> No.14661403

deenz are alright but I really love anchovies.
I love how they're oily and fishy and almost too salty, like flavor bombs.

>> No.14661659 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 700x700, senapssill-recept-700x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit
mustard pickled herring is top tier, especially on hardboiled eggs

>> No.14661704

Sardines are great, but they're poor people food.

>> No.14661793

So? Lobsters used to be slave food a long time ago. They still taste the same and look where we are now.

>> No.14662275

where are we now?