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File: 84 KB, 720x882, cozyhedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14623262 No.14623262 [Reply] [Original]

What beverage helps you go to sleep?

>> No.14623266


>> No.14623271

a bullet

>> No.14623318

Camomile tea
Lemon balm tea
Cannabis tea

>> No.14623356

female arousal fluids

>> No.14623373

cold choco milk

>> No.14623375

Guzzle liquor all day, no prob with sleep

>> No.14623402

a tea made of ground fruit pits.

>> No.14623404

Cum Lube

>> No.14623422

Cold glass of milk

>> No.14623431

A hedgehog smoothie

>> No.14623435
File: 17 KB, 520x290, gotmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come noone has mentioned good old fashioned Milk with it's
Melatonin O.o guzzling up a litre ir so sure helps plus it tastes good
and is good for ya

Also give me that hedgehog

>> No.14623481

>What beverage helps you go to sleep?
The answer is not alcohol. It doesn't let you get deep REM sleep, kind of keeps you at twilight level sleep to toss and turn all night never quite out of alpha wave sleep, so though you might nod off, you never get fully rested and recuperated.

There is an Arizona tea called Stress-Rx, and it's got valerian, lemon balm and decaf. Too bad it has the normal Arizona excessive amount of sugar, but if you drink it, you will get a wave of sleepiness. Don't fight it because you won't get a second wave. Go right to sleep the first inkling of sleepiness.

Vitafusion has gummi chews with 3 herbs plus melatonin. Delicious and works. Don't chew them til you're in bed and again, my advice is right to sleep. You could get nightmares, not sure which ingredient does that, but interesting dreams to say the least. There are many teas that you can you drink that have the same herbs, but minus any melatonin.

Last but not at all least, is benadryl. Any antihistamine is a CNS depressant to a degree, and some last longer than others, so carryover sleepiness is possible upon waking but they work the best to knock you oul and keep you under should you wake. Combining with a pain reliever can shut down any body aches from waking you.

Anything else you might want to try requires prescriptions. They have hypnotics to get you sleepy and unworried such as ambien, anti-anxieties that remove worry from people who have a racing mind like Ativan or Xanax or Klonopin with varying side effects of drowsiness, and short acting drugs that ca get you back to sleep if your issue is waking up too early at 3am. My ex took lunesta when waking 3am middle of the night (high stress job turns on the brain upon waking). There's some hormonal working meds too for people who have shift work and a long history of disorders. So a lot to talk about with your doctor. Which doctor knows their meds and side effects the absolute best? A psychiatrist.

>> No.14623515
File: 54 KB, 731x747, 129657-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee, ironically enough. I love a cup of black coffee before bed.

>> No.14623566

I feel deeply rested and recuperated after a big drink, but it's usually a nine or ten hour sleep.

>> No.14623576
File: 137 KB, 850x403, 1569030478563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bedtime coffee is the best.

>> No.14623769

Benadryl and water. Water optional.

>> No.14623852

I try not to drink so much water but if I do, I just wait awhile till I have the urge to piss, afterwards im good and im out for the night. Its abit harder since its getting hot as fuck here so I just sleep with my hand in some cold water, weirdly enough the ol 'pee if your hand is in water trick' dosent work on me, maybe cuz I allready toulk a leak before I go to sleep.

>> No.14624015

Fuck Arla, Skånemejerier bror

>> No.14625268


>> No.14625273

Anything after you take a fat dab

>> No.14625278
File: 55 KB, 792x545, 2582BB1C-BE0B-4692-A758-8AF9EAFC4A9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a cute little hedgehog, it’s a very good boy

>> No.14625282
File: 56 KB, 779x482, finalsolutionskane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least your not a Milko moron but we have beaten and taken over Värmland and are coming for Skåne as well just you wait

>> No.14625413

A megadose of diphenhydramine. I go through bottles like an alcoholic.

>> No.14625468

if you take enough you get to see spiders and electric jelly

>> No.14625920


That's what we in the sleepy business call a happy accident

>> No.14626915

.5mg of Xanax with a shot of liquor

>> No.14627068
File: 840 KB, 1438x1478, 1595970158939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diet coke or bepis

>> No.14627762

What arcane knowledge do you possess, norseman

>> No.14627765

Valerian dark rum

>> No.14627766


>> No.14627907

Cigarettes. Quitting today, wish me luck anons, goodnight and I love you. I wish that waitress at my job never gave me a cigarette to try, it’s been 3 years.

>> No.14628246
File: 132 KB, 900x599, 1584851408611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When in doubt drink milk, if the problem persists more milk other than that mead/beer and blondes.

>> No.14629546

hot anise milk

>> No.14629616
File: 7 KB, 269x188, pepepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gotta be poopoo peepee!

>> No.14629619

weed, codeine, beer, jacking off

>> No.14629683

Ja hugg av Skåne, tror dom klarar sig rätt bra utan Sverige

>> No.14629686

You certainly don't have a problem.

>> No.14629690

Mjölk höjer östrogenet i kroppen, öl minskar testo, drick vatten

>> No.14629700

Nyquil PM or codeine