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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14614158 No.14614158 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best tasting American beer?

>> No.14614167

What style? America produces a wider and more varied range of beers of any country in the world.

>> No.14614176


>> No.14614181

Bud Light

>> No.14614183

Whatever's local

>> No.14614197

Canadian beer, Canada is an American colony so I count it

>> No.14614275


>> No.14614307

I wish KOTH was still around to talk about IPAs

>> No.14614312

op's question only demonstrates his ignorance
he probably isn't even old enough to buy beer

>> No.14614342


>> No.14614363

Pliny the Younger

>> No.14614369
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>> No.14614388

The made fun of those as well. Did you forget the Canadian episode?

>> No.14614398
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IPAs were pretty popular up in leafland at the time as a good strong beer that doesn't taste like shit. No idea why you burgers treat them like they're some kind of hippy soy crap nowadays.

>> No.14614401

Budweiser or corona

>> No.14614425
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A good craft IPA (haha le soyb0y meme).

>> No.14614431

Been a while since I've seen it

>> No.14614435
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>> No.14614448

Heady Topper out of Vermont is the best I've had. Flower Power from Ithaca, NY is good, too.

>> No.14614466

Sam Adams

>> No.14614471

they were not
t. Canuck

>> No.14614481

Lone Star, the real life equivalent of Alamo. But it’s not good, it’s cheap.

>> No.14614503 [DELETED] 

My dad likes this piss and Pale Ale

>> No.14614537

Because it's mostly hipsters and soyboys that drink them in this country.

>> No.14614586

>no idea why you burgers treat them like they're some kind of hippy soy crap nowadays
They're still massively popular, although the West Coast style became a bit oversaturated a decade ago so people got a little tired of every crappy pop-up brewery just trying to shit out the highest IBU stuff they could without knowing what they were doing. Right now NE style is the most popular thing. Nobody considers IPA "hippy soy crap" other than people on 4chan like this idiot >>14614537 because most people here are either underage basement dwellers, deep flyover /pol/ types, or just contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. IPAs are drunk by pretty much everyone other than hipsters.

>> No.14614637

We had an entire movie about a conspiracy to take over the country by putting mind control drugs in our pale ales.

>> No.14615507
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>> No.14615513


>> No.14615769

>muh ipa, muh ale, muh lager

Wow so varied. Much innovation. Very original

>> No.14615787

For me Sierra Nevada or Lagunitas

>> No.14615801

Phantom Bride

>> No.14615808


>> No.14615830
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>muh ale, muh lager
>so varied. Much innovation. Very original
99% of all beer is ales and lagers, retard. After that you've got sour/wild/farmhouse, which have been incredibly popular in the US for almost a decade now.

>> No.14615838
File: 180 KB, 888x1470, hero-19-02-01-samadams-1600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's Sam Adams (mainstream beer) and Spencer Trappist Ale (local/independent brew)

>> No.14615845

busch light if you’re drinking 8+ beers. I think I’ve had like 15 today. goes down nice and easy

>> No.14615871

For me, it's Molson Export

>> No.14615886

muh Carling black label
>Brits don't know it was actually invented in Canada

>> No.14615893

>America's best beers come from states bordering Canada
really puts uranium in the cranium

>> No.14615901

>be schizoid
>pretty much incapable of drinking more than 4 in a day, despite having turbo alcoholic parents

>> No.14616190


>> No.14616203


>> No.14616210

of all the big brands I would say yeungling

>> No.14616214

Absolute units

>> No.14616225

Tito vodka

>> No.14616278

Yeungling in a bottle is over-carbonated trash. Tap is a completely different experience.

>> No.14616376

Stout: pugachevs cobra
West coast ipa: pliny the elder
New england ipa: two hearted ale

>> No.14616443

like coke vs mcdonalds coke.

>> No.14616727
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Anything from Kona Brewing, but especially Big Wave.

>> No.14616743

I like rainier but I also dont drink a lot of beer.

>> No.14616748

Redds Peach Ale

>> No.14616765
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>American """Trappist"""" ale
>under 7%

>> No.14616832

>What's the best tasting American beer?
Sam Adams.

>> No.14616845
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6.5% is pretty good

Also it's brewed by the Trappist Monks at St. Joseph's abbey. They spent 2 years with their brothers in Belgium to learn how traditional Trappist beer is made and I think they use some of that medieval yeast as well.

It's legit stuff and it's absolutely fucking delicious and quit being such a gloomy gus.

>> No.14616906


>> No.14616908

>It's legit

>> No.14616952

Pale Ales are not IPAs.

>> No.14616958

what's your problem?

>> No.14616963

All these ESL retards.

>> No.14616965


>> No.14617393

German beer is best beer

>> No.14618093
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For me, it's Yuengling, specifically the Lager and Black & Tan, but I'm a PA native so I'm biased.

>> No.14618129

Biased? I think you mean based.

>> No.14618135

steel reserve

>> No.14618243

This is some good shit. I'm a fan of Leinenkugel's as well.

>> No.14618255

Imagine knowing this little about beer

>> No.14618270
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if you're feeling fancy

>> No.14618295


You're either a Yuropoor or retarded. Likely both.

>> No.14618306

Berkshire Brewing Company Steel Rail

>> No.14618319

All beer produced in the USA is objectively, fucking shit.
I get imported.

>> No.14618330

I get inported too... imported from USA!

>> No.14618343


>> No.14618346

I wish you would get deported. Commie.

>> No.14618360
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Got mine last February

>> No.14618375
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Nobody cares fag that’s not what OP asked for
Go be a sour ass nigger somewhere else

>> No.14618385

Nice. Hopefully they don't burn down.

>> No.14618439
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For me it's 805

>> No.14619153

I mostly see boomers drinking ipas now

>> No.14619184

Pliny has to be the most overrated beer in history. West Coasties hail it as the best IPA ever and its like on par with Two Hearted, stuff you can get in every grocery store

>> No.14619245

Most beer in cans and bottles seems overcarbonated to me and they all mostly benefit from a hard pour into a glass. I guess a lot of people like the stimulation from all the bubbles but it's a bit too much.

Canned Yuengling actually tastes a little better though, probably because they use green bottles which doesn't keep the beer as fresh.

>> No.14619524 [DELETED] 
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Actually, it's Mickey's.

>> No.14619565


>> No.14620048

The one your friend hands you when you really need a fucking beer.

>> No.14621683

Where I'm from it's called Molson Import.

>> No.14623336

Kona used to be good, but I stopped buying their shit when they got bought by AB InBev.

>> No.14623341

805 makes me gag, keep that trash in California.

>> No.14623342

that's like asking "what's the healthiest bullet-wound?"

>> No.14623346

I've never heard of it, but I'm from the pacific northwest. The last time I went down to visit california, all the bars had signs up for nothing but PNW beers, so I thought that was funny.

>> No.14623348

Dumbass eurangatan

>> No.14623364

I just moved from the free states of the west to behind the iron curtain of the east coast to Newark DE and Junglings almost makes up for my loss of rights. It's that tasty.

>> No.14623408


>> No.14623413

Lmao why would you move to Newark, it's all of the worst parts of a college town without any of the good parts. Move into the valley white man

>> No.14623443

Graduate school. These "states" out here are so tiny it's hilarious. Just an observation, Virginia has to be the worst state I've ever been to. Outside of the "mountains" it looks like teletubby land. What in the fuck is with them and cracker barrel? Ever since Arkansas I saw cucked speed limits and faggot cops actually not letting you drive 80. Out west nobody really cares if you speed under 85mph on interstates.

>> No.14623465

People think the East Coast goes at a faster pace than the rest of the country but in a lot of ways I don't think that's true. Take time to find the overlooked parts of the Midatlantic while you're here. Visit the Eastern Shore of MD to understand the real Chesapeake; Cambridge and Havre de Grace are nice little towns. For more WASPy, old money history, visit Chadds Ford in Chesco and the DuPont properties around Wilmington like Wintethur. Longwood is nice too. Don't bother with NJ tho NJ is literally the worst state in the country bar none.

>> No.14623486

You cant legally call it beer when its sold in europe. Its a "processed beer-like product" according to EU directives.

>> No.14623490

Already went to have de grace. Got live blue crabs from the ghetto in Willmington. Overcooked the first ones, got it right the second time. Yeah, it seems like people in the north drive fast because they change lanes a lot but your infastructure and rules of the road are so awful that you can drive for 5 hours, check your odometer, and have barely gone anywhere. Not only that but east of the mississippi you all don't abide by the left lane is only for passing law so your inerstates peak out at the slowest retard who doesn't get over. Out west you have to stay in the right lane unless passing and it allows you to easily go as fast as you are brave enough to go because everyone but retards from california check their mirrors and get out of the way. My dad lives in SC and some bumpkin cop gave me a speeding ticket outside of charlotte on the way back north. He did it improperly and did a shit job because he just wants to rob an out of stater since you can't have a fair trial that way. Classic southern piece of shit.

>> No.14623496

Euro beer is practically obsolete at this point. There's still a few dozen quaint throwbacks from Germany and Belgium, but nobody thinks of you guys as any kind of authority.

>> No.14623504

My favorite beer is Ayinger Urweisse.

>> No.14623512

lmfao name one american "beer" that doesnt contain sugar

>> No.14623526

The one that only contains 10% HFCS

>> No.14623528

Sugar and yeast are the ingredients to literally every alcohol. Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.14623539

Alcohol is a byproduct of introducing yeast to fermentable sugars, dum dum.

>> No.14623549

Americans everyone.
Do you add soybean oil too?

>> No.14623553

You literally have no idea how beer is made, do you?

>> No.14623567

i brew beer. it doesnt contain HFCS, sugar or soybean oil like american "beer"

>> No.14623568

They've probably banned alcohol in his jungle-island country, either that or they're forced to import it all.

>> No.14623571

>i brew beer
No you don't.

>> No.14623574

couldnt even name one fucking american beer without sugar

>> No.14623585

Name one beer from anywhere that doesn't contain fermentable sugars.

>> No.14623587

>NOOO you have to have sugar in beer otherwise it tastes too bitter

>> No.14623589

nobody outside america adds "fermentable sugar" to beer

>> No.14623590

Wait, your line is supposed to be that American beer covers up the flavor with too much hops. At least get your story straight.

>> No.14623594

What the fuck do you think wort is, retard? Read a basic intro book on brewing before you post next time.

>> No.14623604

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.14623609

Try a real beer without cornsyrup and food coloring before posting, burgerboy

>> No.14623613

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.14623616

Is beer without sugar too difficult to drink for you fat freaks?

>> No.14623621
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>> No.14623626
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>> No.14623630

Lmao, Ameriggans need to use (((chemistry))) to make beer out of sugar.

>> No.14623633

hops is an actual ingredient in beer, sugar isnt

>> No.14623638

gotta have those chemicals am i right, god bless murica!

>> No.14623647

Try their "light beer" it contains less sugar.
Maybe even aspartam instead of sugar.

>> No.14623651

These posts are embarrassing... imagine being stupid with rage.

>> No.14623654
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>hops is an actual ingredient in beer, sugar isnt

>> No.14623659

The drinking age is probably 14 in his country and I'd bet he's still too young to buy beer.

>> No.14623660

of course its a fucking bible posting murrican

>> No.14623664

>4.4% ABV

pffbt americucks

>> No.14623667

This is actually interesting, at what point do americans add the sugar? what else do they add? MSG?

>> No.14623669

Stevia is in diet beer.

>> No.14623677

Biden is campaigning to reduce the required amount of bugs in Amerigggan beers by 5%. Too bad he's gonna lose.
>20,000 to 30,000 bugs eaten
>Decisive Tang Victory

>> No.14623684

haha wtf no wonder they import euro beer

>> No.14623689

>at what point do americans add the sugar
The mashing of the malted barley to extract the wort is typically the first stage in the brewing process. How is it done in your country?

>> No.14623691

Bitch we use wheat

>> No.14623698

Beer is illegal here in Brunei.

>> No.14623701

Wheat beers use a combination of barley and wheat, retard.

>> No.14623711

We use water, barley, yeast and hops. We skip the added sugar and processing with various chemicals.

>> No.14623714

You still put the bugs in your beer, right?

>> No.14623726

Who's we?

>> No.14623735

Germans and all other europeans. Theres no need to add sugar in beer.
What else do you add?

>> No.14623740
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>> No.14623743

According to the 1516 Bavarian law, the only ingredients that could be used in the production of beer were water, barley and hops.[2] The text does not mention yeast as an ingredient, although yeast was at the time knowingly used in the brewing process.

No bugs or added sugar.

>> No.14623744

>What else do you add?
Kerosene, propylene glycol, artificial sweeteners, sulfuric acid, rum, acetone, red dye #2, SCUMM, axle grease and/or pepperoni.

>> No.14623747

American brewers, and presumably all other 1st world brewers.

>> No.14623749

nice trolling but even the thai dont put sugar in their beer.

>> No.14623754

How is it legally allowed to be called beer if it doesn't give you a full serving bugs for your FDA-mandated 5 servings of bugs per day? I can't believe you Americans.

>> No.14623762

wrong. american beer contains sugar because they cant drink anything without sugar.

>> No.14623766

So you drink non-alcoholic beer where you're from? Gross.

>> No.14623767

Those laws apply to european beer, not american.

>> No.14623773
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Can confirm.

>> No.14623774

No, only real beer with alcohol.

>> No.14623776

I thought beer was haram though?

>> No.14623779

It's a good thing I live in Thailand.

>> No.14623789

There are more muslims in america than in germany.

>> No.14623792


>> No.14623793

There are more planes in the ocean than submarines in the sky.

>> No.14623798

american engineering everyone!

>> No.14623802

does budweiser contain sugar?

>> No.14623806

The beer contains potassium benzoate...

>> No.14623809

Jesus christ.

>> No.14623817
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But it comes with a free frozen yogurt, which I call frogurt!

>> No.14623827

They made the asian man from Gremlins green??

>> No.14623830

>In the original text, the only ingredients that could be used in the production of beer were water, barley, and hops, which had to be added only while the wort was boiling. After its discovery, yeast became the fourth legal ingredient. (For top fermenting beers, the use of sugar is also permitted.)

>> No.14623836

Some american beer contains soy, yes.

>> No.14623843

Great source lol

>> No.14623846

Keep drinking your sugar """beer""", Amerifat.

>> No.14623858


>Die Bereitung von obergärigem Bier unterliegt derselben Vorschrift; es ist hierbei jedoch auch die Verwendung von anderem Malz und die Verwendung von technisch reinem Rohr-, Rüben- oder Invertzucker sowie von Stärkezucker und aus Zucker der bezeichneten Art hergestellten Farbmitteln zulässig.

>> No.14623865

Sorry the truth hurts, Mohanzad.

>> No.14623870

Belgians have been brewing with candi sugar for ages.

>> No.14623872

Don't bother, it's some American-obsessed SEAmonkey larping as a German.

>> No.14623880

Christ, that almost makes me sad.

>> No.14623888

not gonna read your blog

>> No.14623892

No they havent. Name 1 Belgian beer that contains sugar. Im waiting.

>> No.14623900

>literally a Bundesgesetzblatt article
Found the fake German.

>> No.14623910

Im not german, im Belgian.

>> No.14623921

You're neither, Huong. Now stop pretending to come from a developed country just because you have internet.

>> No.14623927
File: 1.36 MB, 4539x3026, tjhrftoszhj11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some beers I will never get to try because I live too far away from Burgerland:
>Heady Topper
>Tree House Very Hazy/King Julius
>Perennial Barrel-Ages Abraxas
>Three Chiefs FÄHÄ
>Trillium Headroom
>Mortalis Frosé Hydra
>Other Half HDHC More Citra than All Citra

Either Americans are more generous with their Untappd ratings than Brits or these are genuinely special in some way.

>> No.14623937

this is epic

>> No.14623945

>The ingredients are: water, malted barley, wheat starch, sugar, hop extract and yeast; malt extract is used in Rouge and Bleue for colouring.
I know you're only pretending to be German and actually being stupid, but I'm learning something in this process.

>> No.14623947

Those names cant be real. The amount of reddit söy is too much.

>> No.14623956

You know we can say soy here, right?

>> No.14623957
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Found the retard

>> No.14623958

Notice how they dont use processed sugar, HFCS or soybean oil.

>> No.14623959

Dubbels, tripels, and quads generally. Westvleteren 12 as a specific example. https://www.trappistwestvleteren.be/en/our-beers/trappist-westvleteren-12#tab-specifications

>> No.14623967

found the nigger loving reddit cuck

>> No.14623968

Notice how you're moving the goal posts because I showed you sugar in a Belgian beer.

>> No.14623981

>doesnt list sugar

>> No.14623987

He's already moved the goalposts from Germany to Belgium. He's gonna keep moving them until he reveals the jungle-island nation he's really from.

>> No.14623988

I've been to three of those breweries. Trillium was my favorite, then Other Half and Tree House. Now I live in Kansas. Anyone know what is good out here?

>> No.14624012

>Ingredients: Water, Barley Malt, candy syrup, sugar, invert syrup, Yeast, Hops (allergens are listed in bold)

Literally lists three forms of sugar.

>> No.14624020

>source: amerimutt

>> No.14624029
File: 312 KB, 715x715, 1571530003786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did u learn how to beer /ck/?

i just wanna ask
i thinking of signing up for some classes to make alcohol or just do my own research

>> No.14624031


>> No.14624032

that is natural sugar created by the brewing. not bags of refined sugar like they put in american beer.

>> No.14624042

again, no mention of sugar.

>> No.14624044

Give it up, man. He barely understands English, let alone how beer is made.

>> No.14624049

You're larping as an idiot now.

>> No.14624050

What do you mean? Learn to brew if you have the time and interest. If you're asking about how to get into beer, just go try stuff that sounds interesting. I like to revisit stuff I tried years ago and hated and see how my tastes have changed

>> No.14624055

great argument! really.
go back to your sugary budweiser.

>> No.14624063


>> No.14624103


>i brew beer
>it doesn't contain sugar

So...yeast juice? Sediment-ade? Skunk cum?

>> No.14624105

The argument was already settled by you being shown MANY Belgian beers with sugar. Me calling you an idiot was more a commentary.

>> No.14624111

There is nothing good in Kansas, beer or otherwise.

>> No.14624123

Radius is supposed to be pretty good. I haven't been but friends love it.

>> No.14624493

>Don't bother with NJ tho NJ is literally the worst state in the country bar none.

Yeah, I agree. *wink wink nudge nudge* Don't come here, it's HORRIBLE! Also completely full already. Yep, just steer clear, friend!

>> No.14624645

>american colony
yeah sure sure stay on your side lardass

>> No.14624652

You can't even concealed carry in your cuckold nannystate. For the love of christ stop polluting other states with your filth when you finally decide to get clean and sober in your 30s like the rest of the trash from nj.

>> No.14624678

As a Canadian, I can safely assure you that most of having more in common with our bordering states than the immigrants and Ontarian retards who also call themselves "Canadian". That said, I'm sorry if you had a bad experience with one of the aforementioned groups.

>> No.14624685

Keep preaching, my brother. I can only hope that nobody ever visits this terrible state. In fact, don't even drive through it on your way up or down the coast. Just divert straight into Pennsylvania. Nothing worth seeing here, folks.

>> No.14624705

Don't worry. Nobody ever would by choice.

>> No.14624719
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>Canada is an American colony

Well, you tried.

>> No.14624720

He’s a retard who doesn’t know what Trappist means

>> No.14624737

I'm glad we're on the same page! :)

>> No.14624769

Please just stay in your kennel anon.

>> No.14624820

The gentrification of beer is sad. Why can't people just enjoy beer without people turning their nose up. Go drink wine or something.

>> No.14624858

>Right now NE style is the most popular thing.
So IPAs, but brewers are too lazy to filter their beers.

>> No.14624927


>> No.14625032

No, not really.

>> No.14625081

Why does everybody seem to forget that this was retribution for them trying to burn down the Gov.-Gen.'s house and the arson of York?

>> No.14625520


>> No.14625545

>tfw hometown was a town the british burned to the ground in the war

one day ill fucking get you god damn leafs

>> No.14625665


>> No.14625701


Yuengling is the best beer and it's not even close. Sure there's a million IPAs and other fruity craft beers, many of which are very tasty. Yuengling is the perfect lager. Very little bitterness, just full beer taste

>> No.14625722

This guy gets it

>> No.14625735
File: 262 KB, 1060x1600, Port-Brewing-Hop-15-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best IPA.

>> No.14625740
File: 396 KB, 3962x2042, AleSmith-Vietnamese-Speedway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Stout.

>> No.14625806

Anyone know if there's any American beer that's similar to Kvass? I know Kvass is technically non-alcoholic but that's because most distributors boil it out before bottling, it's a fermented beverage and I love it to death. Only, nobody sells it around here, I have to drive 3 hours into the city to get some.

>> No.14627091
File: 173 KB, 1300x826, kona-brewing-company-restaurant-koko-marina-center-hawaii-kai-oahu-J4EH4R[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live 5 min from one of their restaurants. It's pretty good.

>> No.14627138


>> No.14627156

Lava nigger

>> No.14627242

Try like... drinking one. It's still good.

>> No.14627300

Lmao fuck off

>> No.14627503

>this poor nigger can't even afford fucking bread to make his own kvass
Drink lemonade or sheep's piss, then.

>> No.14628076

So you mean your protectionism can magically make stuff not beer? How has the EU not dominated America with this magnificent sorcery.

>> No.14628087

I like Coors Light, it has a smooth taste.

>> No.14628754

piss and sweetened piss aren't beer, faggot.

>> No.14629479


>> No.14629485

>he drinks piss
>calls others faggots

>> No.14629494

There's literally thousands and thousands of beers and dozens of styles. Personally my favorite breweries are Anchor Steam, Deschutes, Sierra Nevada, and Magnolia. Stone and Lagunitas are also good, but I'm pretty sick of IPAs at this point. I think they're played out.

>> No.14629552

>American beer
>best tasting
keep on dreaming yankee

>> No.14629558

Based warm foam drinker

>> No.14629745

Coors light

>> No.14629753

Blue Moon with a orange slice

>> No.14630149

Good job taking it up the arse from advertisers. Blue Moon is shit macro piss and the meme of serving wheat beer with a slice of fruit is gay and pointlese.

>> No.14630174

Whew, you sure showed him.

>> No.14630364
File: 120 KB, 237x418, odell-90-shilling-beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The king, of course

>> No.14630910

What does it actually taste like? I want to grab some but I don't want to get meme'd

>> No.14630938

>thumbnail for ants
Maybe save the actual image next time retard

>> No.14630943

it was a libcuck cartoon

>> No.14630991

goddamn it really is the perfect lager.

>> No.14631017

listen to those fucking stools wince under their weight as they settle at the start

>> No.14631022

omb copper

>> No.14631044

everyone fucking leaps on me when I tell them we have yuengling brewed and distributed in Tampa too... Fresh ones are truly a blessing.

>> No.14631068

>itt retarded pa faggots who think lingling is the best thing every because it was made in pa at one point

>> No.14631095

Side Project is the best brewery in the country and they make the best beer

>> No.14631094

strange brew
!! my nigger i'm going to watch that tonight

>> No.14631205


Can't stand IPAs. The whole point of craft beer was to increase the varieties and taste of beer sold. But every craft brewery just shits out the same meme IPA.

Never a stout or cream ale or amber ale. Just the same shit. It makes this craft breweries just the same as Budweiser with their dumb business plans.

>> No.14631211


Soi boi desperately trying to defend his soi beer detected. Grow some balls.

>> No.14631241

They're cheap to make and have a short turnaround, not to mention they sell extremely well. Most local breweries do it because they wouldn't survive otherwise and the older ones have other swill on tap and locally distributed. IPA is not the endgame of any brewer but a step along the way that makes it possible.

>> No.14631319

Soi milk sells well too. That doesn't mean one should make it. Look at the clientele. Soi bois, faggorinos and LGTB walking dead. We should not condone those dregs of society by making a beer they like.

>> No.14631342

whatever is freshly brewed and on tap at fieldwork brewing in california. unless it's one of their gay sour beers

>> No.14631353

Sours give me gas something fierce... I can have like 1 a year.

>> No.14631379

As my father would say, "Did you look hard?" Plenty of craft breweries make stouts, cream ales, amber ales, porters, lagers, sours and everything in between. It's like you didn't even try and just came here to shit on IPAs, fucking pleb.

>> No.14631410

Their money's still green you commie retard. Also I'm aware that you're new here but it's common knowledge that you don't need to self-censor on the parts of 4channel that still matter. Soy.

>> No.14631416
File: 188 KB, 490x427, tardation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurka durr, daddy says this is good, bad man say it is bad.

>> No.14631427

It’s also the first brewery in America, right? Makes sense to be the best.

>> No.14631439

No it doesn't you braindead mong.

>> No.14631465

It's all so tiresome. They keep pumping out ipas during the heat of the summer. How about a radler guys? Great summer lager? Instead I'm getting three varieties of ipas in late August.

>> No.14631500
File: 129 KB, 816x2192, 396430.littlekingsbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14631523

This is an extremely racist organization. Fuck them and their beer

>> No.14631528
File: 79 KB, 477x630, 9781612127774_p0_v8_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Baby's first beer book.

Then go here >>http://howtobrew.com/

Brewing beer is not that hard.

>> No.14631537

I never understood this season beer bullshit. If I want a goddamn Oktoberfest in February. Guess what? That’s what the fuck I’m buying. Earlier in winter? Sure why the fuck not? Fuckin weather isn’t going to decide which goddamned beer I fuckin drink.

>> No.14631544

>precise measurements
>not hard
Fuckin pick one mr cicerone

>> No.14631549

I only drank bud light and miller so far
while bud light was absolutely disgusting, miller was pretty good

>> No.14631588


Any regular dumbass can make a halfway decent homebrew.

I got a feeling that anon isnt trying to start a fuckin brewery or get gold at GABF.

>> No.14631615

According to the Reinheitsgebot whatever you're drinking can't be legally called beer.

>> No.14631622

sugars occur naturally in the malt,but you're just pretending to be retarded, right?

>> No.14631633

>IPA is not the endgame of any brewer but a step along the way that makes it possible.
Lagunitas would like to have a word with you

>> No.14631660

Anything >30 IBU increasingly fouls my mouth with each sip until I inevitably pour the rest down the drain by the time I'm 1/3 through the bottle.

How do I increase my tolerance for hop bitterness?

>> No.14631688

Denver’s closed. We don’t want you here anyway. There’ll never be another one again. Especially if you vote Biden.

>> No.14631699

Lucky son of a bitch. Fuck you.

You like Singh’s or Chang beer? Thai whiskey is a trip but let’s keep it beer. Tiger beer makes it way there.

Lucky motherfucker you. If you’re an expat of the us imma flip shit

>> No.14631702

>sugars occour naturally in the malt
>there is no need to add sugar in beer

Do you even read?

>> No.14631732

amerifats still SEETHE about gettin spanked in 1812 to this day

>> No.14631838
File: 133 KB, 960x1280, 013170712136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not American
But this is the only beer I've had that I actually enjoyed the taste of
It's just not like the other beer's
And it's produced where I live so that's a bonus

>> No.14632666
File: 145 KB, 512x512, bock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amber bock us my go to.

>> No.14632769

My family wasn't here until 1848

>> No.14633020

Its just very different. Pliny the elder is much more refreshing. Citrusy. Two hearted ale is more balanced, with a malty backbone. Both are great. For an extremely hot day while grilling or doing yard work pliny the elder is better. For a session beer, and based on pure flavor, i prefer teo hearted ale. But both are world class beer.

>> No.14634557

Two Hearted is about on par with Lagunitas, which is considered slightly above average in California.
You've never had PtY