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14605484 No.14605484 [Reply] [Original]

Is this diet legit or just a meme

>> No.14605485

beef brain meme

>> No.14605493

The only diet that isn't a meme is you own personal diet that works for you
This takes effort
All other diets are bullshit

>> No.14605501

>a meme

>> No.14605517

You've got to go back.

>> No.14605519

the human bod is pretty incredible, it'll run on whatever you put in it.

>> No.14605531
File: 4 KB, 126x147, hahahahahahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think a diet consisting of only meat is legit?

>> No.14605542


>> No.14605550


>> No.14605561

if you like oily shits

>> No.14605563

Gotta balance it with veggies or you'll get a bunch of shit stuck in your tract as time goes on.

>> No.14605566

It's a meme. Humans aren't carnivores. No actual carnivore has tastebuds for sweetness but we do. Carnivores also generally don't chew their food. It's good to have some animal products in your diet but we're omnivores so you should include some vegetables, fruit, whole grains, etc.

>> No.14605983

Makes you go bald

>> No.14607354

It's a legitimately unhealthy diet.

>> No.14607441

Works for eskimos. They don't even get scurvy on a no-plant diet, so it seems like carbs create a need for Vit C, i.e. they cause at least one nutritional deficiency and probably many more that are harder to identify as clearly.

>> No.14607492

They eat a lot of raw animal products which gives them vitamin C and carbs too since they aren't in ketosis. Raw liver actually has a fair bit of vitamin C and raw meat/fat has carbs from glycogen.

>> No.14607498
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>dies from carnivore diet

>> No.14607518

>Actually comes back from the dead because of carnivore diet

Checkmate athiests

>> No.14607622

It's legit, you don't need to follow these diets strictly, just remove carbs/sugar from your diet and throw some fasting with it

>> No.14607635
File: 235 KB, 849x551, 1589646325081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eskimos ate brains and stomach linings which contains vitamin C. If you want to suck down raw brains and stomachs every day (vitamin c is destroyed by heat) you likely will smell like a disgusting faggot all day. Be my guest, you'll probably die regardless, which will be nice because you will stop spamming this same flat-earth tier shit every day.

>> No.14607656


>> No.14607699

Beta virgin vegan or alpha chad carnivore? The choice is simple.

>> No.14607729

>doing a meme diet because vegans trigger you
Found the beta

>> No.14607735

>what is a false dichotomy?

>> No.14607737
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>carnivore diet
>keto diet
>paleo diet
>vegan diet
>fasting diet
just eat less.

>> No.14607761

The fundamentals of a healthy diet have been established for decades. If you're dumb enough to deliberately go against them to chase a meme, then you deserve whatever fucked up shit you do to your own body. Enjoy.

>> No.14607788


>> No.14607826

Interesting. I knew they weren't in ketosis, but I thought C was mostly of plant origin.

I'm vaguely keto but leaning more towards carnivore, but not in any dogmatic or exclusionary way. I'd just be doing keto with different ratios (that only result in ketosis about half the time.)

Don't know if you guys have heard of the MTHFR mutation, but it's very common and seems to suggest that our ancestral diet was much more meat based (as if we didn't know) because of the reliance on animal-origin methylfolate and methylcobalamin implied.

The factual description of a 1940s Midwestern US diet of people without fucking scurvy or beriberi has been unchanged for decades.

>> No.14607846

Fat doesn't have carbs from glycogen. Eskimos ate a low carb diet.

>> No.14609522

or don't eat so much processed food and refined sugar

>> No.14609526

Inuit are carnivores due to genetic changes, they can survive off of a diet solely consisting of meat.

>> No.14609527

My co-worker's mom has been doing this for a few years now. According to her doctor she's become healthier than she's been in a while. It probably doesn't work for everyone though.

>> No.14609537

>comparing a lineage of people who developed unique genetic traits over thousands of years, due to an almost complete lack of herbivorous food, to everybody else on the planet who is obviously not an inuit.

They're also the only humans on earth who don't cook their meat. More than definitely because they didn't have nutritional sources from plants to make up for nutrition lost to cooking organs. You gonna start eating raw brains, faggot?

>> No.14609556
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The carnivore diet is so amazing that when you talk about the benefits it makes you seem like a snake oil salesman.

You have to try it to believe it.

>> No.14609563

A carnivore diet will be better than one that's full of less nutritious processed food. Same thing with a vegan diet potentially being better than an omnivore diet if the omnivore is mainly eating processed junk food. But the best diet still seems to be a balanced omnivore diet.

>> No.14609577
File: 230 KB, 640x1138, ohkp0l4x97r01[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Dr. Baker is literally low test and at risk for heart disease. Taking steroids to get bigger muscles doesn't mean the diet is ideal and that you're healthy.

I don't think we're meant to go to one extreme or the other. Eat meat, eggs, cheese, liver, etc. but also eat some whole grains with fruits and vegetables. It's pretty simple but it's really hard to make this exciting and marketable, though it really is probably the best advice.

>> No.14609707
File: 370 KB, 447x251, crying-vegan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder, vegan shill.

Shawn Baker doesn't use steroids.

>> No.14611039

He's in his 50s and has low testosterone. There's no way he looks like that without some kind of chemical supplement.

>tell people to eat meat
>get called a vegan anyway
r u ok

>> No.14611443

It's OK with fiber supplements or every shit will be pure suffering. Obviously not perfect because you miss out on stuff like cheese. Meat+cheese is the best diet.

>> No.14611451

Legit for some people, meme for others.

>> No.14611462

I can't tell anymore if people on this site are actual shills for veganism or just fucking braindead NPCs who worship celebrities and Jew doctors looking to make a quick buck.

>> No.14611466

I have never experienced issues with shitting while doing carnivore, the first two were painful of course as your body is still getting used to the change but after that it was easier than before and cleaner.

>> No.14611586

guys i was cooking last night then i smoked a lot of salvia, anyways so i am just lying there on my kitchen floor when i had the best fucking idea ever what if some nigger combined herbivore shit with carnivore shit and just call it omnivore shit (latin expert here btw) so my idea for this diet is that instead of grazing grass or chewing on raccoons you just do both at the same time, if you want to get really fuken fancy you can replace grass for some fruits or vegetables or shit idk nigger you live your own fucking life anyways the reasoning of this diet is that the lack of nutrients and shit in one diet is countered by eating those nutrients with the other diet at the same time but that was probably just the salvia in reality the nutrients will probably just cancel each other out leaving you with no nutrients or shit what do you think meme or legit?

>> No.14611596

Ideas when you're tripping are wonderful but they are mostly best left in the trip.

>> No.14611691


>> No.14611729

its legit but you have to also eat organs to get your vitamins that are not present in muscle meat.

>> No.14611740

consisting of whole animals actually

>> No.14611818
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, fiber-constipation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiber is a hoax. It actually causes all the problems people claim it fixes.

Telling people to eat dietary fiber is some sort of cruel prank.

>> No.14611848

Just count your calories and stop falling for diet fads. Also exercise you lazy shit.

>> No.14611866
File: 628 KB, 1280x2160, cico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just count your calories

>> No.14611869

all diets are memes

>> No.14611890

>fiber is a hoax
Post turds

>> No.14611913

Your point being?

>> No.14611918

>how to start a carnivore diet
Let me guess, you eat more meat?

>> No.14611924

on a personal level, I have never in my life seen anything close to correlation between what my turds are like and how much fiber I have consumed recently

>> No.14611940

Well i went full carnivore to 2 veg, 2 chicken, 1 fish and 2 meat a few years ago.

Bp got back to normal and lost 16 kilos (+35 pounds).

I think all meat works when you are young or have a work as heavy as winter mountain trekking, otherwise you'll get fat and die.

After i got the high bp verdict i did some research and vegs, berries and not to much meat (deskjockey :D) works for me.

>> No.14611941


>> No.14611943


>What I've Learned

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.14611961

I did this for 3 months a few years ago. My blood pressure got fucked up, I couldn't shit anymore, and I always felt hungry about an hour after eating. It's a joke and it turns out...you need a variety of foods

>> No.14611976

>does a restriction diet work or just a meme
Yes it'll work unless you eat giant portions. No it's not magic.

>> No.14612058
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, What made the Ancient Egyptians Fat and Sick-YGq_EbYEaSY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans will never stop being angry about WIL.

>> No.14612066

Enjoy your scurvy.

>> No.14612187

>phone posting
>muh low test oldies
cancer. and old people keep their muscles if they trained young and kept a regular exercise schedule.

>> No.14612200

they can just drink blood.

>> No.14612248
File: 112 KB, 626x625, 3454858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fool, Gods are immortal, now go clean ur room

>> No.14612258

Meme, human teeth are designed for fruit.

>> No.14612296

Just as viable as a vegan diet long term. Which is to say, it isn't for optimal health and well being.

Correct, animals are always more nutrient dense than plants, especially specific portions of them.

based retard who came to this board not knowing what cooking is

>> No.14612304

I'm not phoneposting, that image was from Baker himself posted through his phone. Old people can stay in shape but muscle mass is going to decline with age, it's kind of unavoidable. It's why it's starting to be recommended more that older men start getting testosterone replacement therapy. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but we might not want to hold up this specific individual as a beacon of health when his own blood tests show he is having some problems.

>> No.14612309

The chart that study is from was only used with people who were already having digestive issues for whatever reason. Fiber doesn't cause problems for most people.

>> No.14612312
File: 388 KB, 1536x2048, clogged arteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at risk for heart disease

>> No.14612316

I tried it for about 6 months because I had stomach issues cuz I basically lived on fast food, french fries, pizza, and soda.
Helped me identify a gluten intolerance as I slowly started re-incorporating other foods and veggies.
Now I basically eat meat and veg with oats/granola every breakfast for the fiber and have bacon and eggs for breakfast on the weekends and fast for a day propably once or twice a month.
Lost weight and feeling good. Way more active too, the sluggishness left after cutting out wheat and soda.
I wouldn't recommend long term if anything for the simple fact that it gets boring.
But it helped me pay more attention to what I eat and learned alot cooking at home.

>> No.14612318

Does not being able to shit mean you felt constipated?

I'm not sure shitting should be a dietary goal. I mean, let's say you eat 50g of Food X and shit out 49g. Was this a success story as far as getting energy and nutrients from food goes? That's not far from what happens with fibre.

>> No.14612348

>Works for eskimos.
Worked. When they had a wide variety of vitamin rich arctic game to choose from.
Now that they've been pushed out of their traditional hunting grounds, there's much less variety in their meat diet and they're getting all kinds of health complications from poor eyesight to incomplete tooth development to weird random allergies.

>> No.14612376

Eskimo health problems are from eating plant-based foods like sugar, flour, and vegetable oil. Also smoking.

>> No.14612378

And you forgot the third choice, sane dude who eats a reasonable balanced diet.

>> No.14612381

All diets are memes. Play around with your own and figure it out for yourself

>> No.14612383


>> No.14612396

Sorry but you are actually wrong. I thought so too until someone showed me a couple sources. Apparently it's just an old wives tale.

>> No.14612403

its a youtube diet with that appeared as a counter to the rise in veganism
from what i noticed every shill for carnivore is either mentally ill schizos or sickly looking

>> No.14612413

>CONCLUSION: Idiopathic constipation and its associated symptoms can be effectively reduced by stopping or even lowering the intake of dietary fiber.
It's not an old wives tale. It just says for people with constipation issues with no obvious cause, reducing fiber intake can help. There are plenty of people who consume fiber without having constipation issues. I eat whole grains and vegetables every day and it takes me like 30 seconds to poop and when I wipe it's pretty much always clean.

>> No.14612520

Fiber is literally stuff that cannot be digested.
like OBVIOUSLY you'll have smaller/less shits.
You're not not constipated, you simply and logically need to shit less.

>> No.14612561
File: 121 KB, 659x729, 1597447935852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat fiber
>don't get constipated
>don't eat fiber
>get constipated
>eat fiber
>don't get constipated

>believing nu-scientists

>> No.14612572

Right, the original guy is claiming that no fiber means constipation >>14611443
And that's usually the claim with fiber, and it found that decreasing actually helps with constipation.

>> No.14612583

Yes yes also the world is flat and vaccines cause autism, we already know (((your))) opinion, thanks.

>> No.14612638

Alright so many programers can't replicate other's code, does that mean they are unreliable? Or does it mean that it's more complicated than (you) think?