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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14588817 No.14588817 [Reply] [Original]

Does your wife cook /ck/?

>> No.14588843

We split cooking duties depending each others work schedule

>> No.14588851
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>having a wife

>> No.14588871
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yeah bro i definitely have a wife and she definitely makes me a fucking bone-in tomahawk steak every night

>> No.14588899

She cooks, but never in batches like me. We mostly eat leftovers I cooked and I still end up cooking more than her. Her inspirations are pics on Pinterest. I don't get the appeal, the results are often poorly looking and poorly tasting. Then she's mad at not cooking as well as she'd like to and gets back to her couple of lazy sloppy ususal recipes. The despise is near.

>> No.14588930

Gf loves baking cake and cookie. They are really good but her regular cooking is not nearly as good as mine.

>> No.14588945

My wife cooks once a month, if that. She’s terrible at it. I like cooking, and she feels guilty about it, so she always does the dishes. I honestly see this as a total win-win, as I get to cook and experiment with cooking and don’t have to clean up afterwards. She’s also extremely happy, because she gets to eat good and doesn’t have to cook at all.

>> No.14588955

Who in the house does know what's in the fridge, in the pantry and what to cook with it, or what to buy to cook something? Not her, alas.

>> No.14589016
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y-yeah, me too

>> No.14589097

That's a large hand and arm on that woman.

>> No.14589117

>tfw no bf to cook with

>> No.14589118

My wife left me for a black man.

>> No.14589266

My gf doesn't because she's awful at it and can't seem to recognize mistakes she makes when cooking. Last time I had something she made it was some spaghetti with a can of tomato sauce over top and about a tablespoon of ground cloves and a pinch of cinnamon in it.

>> No.14589270

Those are man hands friend.

>> No.14589277

just bros cooking for their bros

>> No.14589281

>not having a trans wife

>> No.14589282

Why are modern women so shit at cooking? Mine is also terrible

>> No.14589285

My gf is much the same. She can put together some pretty good desserts which it makes it seem all the weirder that she can't cook.

>> No.14589288

Never learned how. Also what I get for dating a girl in a stem field though.

>> No.14589326

i have never had a wife and never will because i remain loyal to my goddess. anyways i do occasionally follow Adam Ragusea's recipes and have been making pork schnitzels, they are pretty good. the cucumber salad is pretty okay too but i put too little sugar there (or it didn't disperse in the sauce correctly), i also used apple cider vinegar instead of white wine vinegar and it tasted pretty weird. i might try making it with rice wine vinegar next time.

>> No.14589328
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>still on 4channel

>> No.14589340

>Chad with a fat chef wife

>> No.14589351

My dudes that bitch is fat as fuck if it's actually his wife. Fug.

>> No.14589352

Win-win. I've been in the exact same situation although she could bake pretty well, even if it was just the same few recipes.

>> No.14589396
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Me also as well

>> No.14589403

Why so many t shirts? What a spoiled faggot. I only have like 3 t-shirts

>> No.14589409

i cook most nights
my mum cooks other nights
my brother and dad make sandwiches any other time they are hungry

>> No.14589478


My wife's Japanese so she has to or she's basically useless except for the tight hairy pussy

>> No.14589493

Does she whimper when you have sex with her?

>> No.14589528

Sometimes, and she's good. I do it mostly because I have far more time off than her because I've worked remotely for years and I just enjoy it, cooking is pretty Zen to me.

>> No.14589553

Check your tinder inbox, choose any guy out of the thousands

>> No.14589968

But does she cook?
And consider yourself lucky.

>> No.14589995

cooking wifey reporting in.
Did pancakes and eggs just now. Probably doing some kinda pasta and shrimp thing for dinner.

>> No.14590031
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>> No.14590032
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>> No.14590040

I cook for my husband all the time--even more now that he's working from home. He grills once in a while when the inspiration strikes him, and sometimes he'll make his own breakfast sandwiches. But other than that, I have him completely dependent on my cooking for sustenance. He will never leave me--he wouldn't be able to survive--he'd starve to death. He's mine FOREVER <3

>> No.14590050

That's because the truth is women have never been good at cooking unless they had the desire to be good or did it to survive. Mordern women virtually have no expectations and can purchase their food like everyone else. However, drive, ambition don't usually cross their minds.

Then they need to actually practice cooking with good recipes. More often than not, they're going to choose the laziest one.

>> No.14590100

My girl cooks most of the time and it's pretty good at it, when she does it I do the dishes. Every so often I will make an elaborate dish but I cook very slowly and she gets anxious.

>> No.14590125

I mean cooking and bsking are not the same, i can cook but i fuck up baking all the time

>> No.14590132

I bet your wife could throw a mean punch, with those meat mitts. Careful not to piss her off, OP.

>> No.14590134

She cooks really well actually, but most of the stuff she knows how to make is traditional South Asian cuisine (she's from Bangladesh and grew up in Malaysia, but it's basically just Indian cooking with more fish). Shits delicious, but a little too spicy for me. She eats ghost peppers like candy (literally fucking raw like she's eating fruit), so she sometimes doesnt realize how spicy her food is, assumedly because she burned all her taste buds off.

We split cooking for the most part, it's not really "her job", and I'm a lot better at cooking European-influenced cuisine. My grandma was a french-trained chef at a michellin star restaurant in switzerland, and she taught me a lot of stuff (mostly how to never measure anything and how to get yelled at for peeling the potatoes too thick)

>> No.14590142

My ex-wife and I had a deal; I'd cook when I was home (we both worked in the service industry, her a server/bartender, me a long time cook), and she'd do the baking. I fucking hate baking. I do miss her spaghetti, though.
My current girlfriend is pretty young, and pretty new to cooking, so I cook with her and show her how to do new things, or do things the proper way.

>> No.14590154

Hes sleeping with women next door, they meet in the garden shed.

>> No.14590171

This. Baking is a science, cooking is an art.

>> No.14590195
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Tfw no wife(male) to cook for

>> No.14590201

no, my girl doesn't know how to cook and neither does any other girl that i've ever met in my entire life under the age of 40
it's fucking depressing really

I enjoy cooking but I wish just like one or two times a week someone else would cook for me

>> No.14590222

Chubby Hispanic or Italian women "under the age of 40"

>inb4 she has to be skinny and beautiful
Alright then, she won't be good for anything but being skinny and beautiful.

>> No.14590268

I didn't know how to cook when I first got married, but I figured it out. I guess that's a perk of getting married young, no baggage, all potential.
Trips is wisdom.
Them super skinny hotties cant cook, and they won't swallow your cock properly either.

>> No.14590303

Someone post the pasta.

>> No.14590324

My uncle's wife brought home mcdawls and put divorce papers in his bag

>> No.14590389

that's a husband cooking for his husband, OP

>> No.14591406

Whats the point he will be dead by 35 and if he makes it past that he will start to look like a guy again when he gets older.

>> No.14591428
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I don’t have a gf

>> No.14591775

Is it bad i could only name 3 of the meals in that video

>> No.14591806

Didn't even realise this cause I was looking at the food.

>> No.14591837

My ex was interested in cooking and she'd help out but left to her own devices she'd panic and fuck it all up. If she was in charge of dinner we'd usually eat takeout.
Must've given up trying after we stopped dating because she's getting pretty fat.
Que sera, sera. No sweat of my back.

>> No.14591872

my wife cooks but it's all acidic vegan stuff. still good but i just have shitty acid reflux. plus I'm a day pig constantly craving meat

>> No.14591918

Yes. I also cook. We fuck around 4-6 times a week. She also works and makes around 120k a year. 9/10 body and smarter than me (I'm a better cook though). Stay mad incels.

>> No.14591923

Who gives a fuck OP is asking about wife you stupid mother fucker

>> No.14591962

>Amerishits consider different kinds of sandwiches homecooking
kys sincerely

>> No.14592025
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fuck you mom no matter how much you hate my American fiancee no amount of your scolding will tear us apart!! I already bought the engagement ring mom!! ITS ON HER FINGER RIGHT NOWfUCK YOU MOMMMMM!! I HATE YOU

>> No.14592035
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>> No.14592057


>> No.14592077

I've got three, although one is more a friends with benefits thing. Only one of them ever cooks, but I prefer my wife's cooking anyway.

>> No.14592114

Id marry a hambeast if she could cook like that ngl!

>> No.14592143

Out of the two women I've ever dated only one had tried actually cooking something for me and it was fucking awful. I don't know how you fuck up pasta but she somehow did.

>> No.14592266

M-my mommy cooks...

>> No.14592351
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>> No.14592399
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her plating is pretty great. id love to have someone cook for me for once but every girl i meet is an inept child in the kitchen and seems to subsist off takeout and hot pockets.

>> No.14592684

Yes! She made wonderful bbq chicken last night with sweet potato mash and grilled corn

>> No.14592698

>you will never be japanese

>> No.14593009

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant. She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.14593228

Best pasta

>> No.14593244
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>> No.14593269
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>> No.14593285

lame pasta, go Bourdain yourself

>> No.14593728

I just got AOL chatroom flashbacks, I'm that old.

Instead of shrimp and pasta I did pan fried chicken, mashed potatoes, roasted carrots with a mushroom gravy for the top. Husband raved, ate two breasts. I found the sauce too salty, but he likes it like that. The potatoes and carrots were my favorite part.

>> No.14593754

I'm single. Thanks for reminding me I need to kms anon

>> No.14593758

I find your wife bone-in my tomahawk quite often, actually, 2bh

>> No.14593762
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I remember some roastie made a post about this on Twitter and it reeked of cope.
It was something along the lines of
>I won't judge her for doing this BUT I sure as hell wouldn't sksksksksk
And then the other twitter roasties cheered and agreed with her

>> No.14593763

not wife but gf, her food taste like rat poison so I cook myself

>> No.14593766
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My home board is /r9k/, what the fuck do you think, asshole?

>> No.14593777

No but ur dad does when i rape him, u fuxking faggot

>> No.14593812

Why did you chop off your dick?

>> No.14593824

>tfw you regularly cook up big meals you put a lot of effort into but have no one to share it with

I try not to think about it honestly.

>> No.14593842

I'm staying celibate for clare too, anon

>> No.14593888

My mom was a fucking awful cook growing up so I just expect women to be useless in the kitchen.

>> No.14593895

In the actual video she sounds filipino and sounds more like his mom than his wife.

>> No.14593915


>> No.14593925

I have a frozen bag of chicken wings I've been wanting to cook forever I guess I'm waiting til the US open or an NFL game

>> No.14593932

My girlfriend likes cooking, but it seems like she more likes the idea of cooking more than actually doing it. She's afraid to really try anything, and I kind of suspect she thinks she's just not very good at it and won't get better. She's actually pretty good at the technical side - nothing she makes is ever over or undercooked, portions are good, and most everything comes out just how it ought to. She really just needs to start actually using all the seasonings she buys, and think a little more about flavors and what goes good with what. It's not just a case of her half-assing it when I have dinner there either, her mother's cooking is bland and repetitive in a very similar way. She always loves what I make for her too, but she never attempts to copy even the really basic stuff. It's kind of frustrating desu.

>> No.14593949
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My wife is a great cook, so is my oldest daughter. I don't often get to eat their food until it's left overs cause I'm a salary man and I work alot. I do love cooking with my wife on the weekends I don't work though. We have different strengths in the kitchen and we cook great meals together. Pic related, some random stir fry from awhile back.

>> No.14593953

Trips if truth

>> No.14593955

H?ave you tried those meal kits? might help her experiment with seasoning a little more. I'm a pretty accomplished cook, but there were some things I was scared of like fish, and Indian and asian foods, that I've become a lot more comfortable with through them.

>> No.14593993

My live-in girlfriend lived in Vietnam until she was like 20. Her culinary skills are pretty barebones beyond a few soups or making spring rolls. She also the typical picky person who thinks they aren't. She really only loves Viet food and while occasionally she will rave about something I cook (usually something Asian-esque), mostly she says she wants something and then only eats a little bit.
>asks me to make ice cream
>confirm like three times she wants coconut ice cream
>she keeps telling me to buy a coconut
>I don't. I use coconut milk, coconut cream, and shaved coconut
>super rich, coconut-laden ice cream
>she says she only wanted coconut milk in it and doesn't like actual bits of coconut
>ice cream is 90% left to me to eat
At least she sucks my dick constantly.

>> No.14593996

The worst is this situation but with a woman who is okay with shit being in the sink. Clean it right away, damn it. Stuff getting crusty or taking up space in the sink is infuriating

>> No.14593998

No, my sister's always been a terrible cook, so i kind of take care of that
She does breakfast though

>> No.14594010
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Those look interesting, but it looks a bit too expensive and it'd probably be tough to find something like that around where we live anyway. It's not a bad idea generally though, maybe cooking together would be a good way to help her break the ice.

>> No.14594145 [DELETED] 

egg/toast or yogurt/fruit/granola

>> No.14595484

i love this pasta so much that i read it in its entirety every time

>> No.14595737
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This is how me and my girl are except she's actually a really good cook. Probably better than me. She makes great sauces and her knife skills are better, her steaks come out better than mine. But she's a professional cook at a nice restaurant. I met her working in restaurants and remember hating coming home from having to cook all day just to have to cook again. So I told her I get it if she doesn't wanna make dinner but if she does the dishes I don't mind. Half the time she feels guilty and comes in the kitchen asking if she can help, usually have her chop cause she's faster or make the sauce. I'm not a pro cook but I know how to make food taste good and it's nice to have someone appreciate the extra effort I put into cooking something.

Pic related, Valentine's breakfast. She made the good looking french toast, I just made the rest to help out.

>> No.14595762

she often does marmelades, sirups and baking (sweet and salty). i do most of the cooking though since she wants to eat less meat.i don't though

>> No.14595796

Thanks, sent to wife and asked her if she’d like to go out for dinner. She’s no longer bitchy.

>> No.14595810

sir, my wife is a wonderful cook. she makes the most delicious samosa.

>> No.14596017
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this is honestly my ideal relationship
absolutely despise doing the dishes

>> No.14596239
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I dont know why but recently the thought of having a wife and kids has been eating away at me. I had a dream where I had a wife and child of my own and when I woke up I felt completely hollow. I felt like pure shit having been ripped out of a dream and thrust into reality, there is no happiness now only the cold reality I have to face knowing a small moment like that was nothing but fantasy. On a side note there was this one time I was watching this p*rn where the focus was realistic love making. Seeing two people copulate and be intimate in a way I have never felt before made me extremely angry. I am not normally a person to get mad but knowing that I dont have anyone to be intimate or bond with made me feel like throwing my phone across the room and punch holes in the wall. I have never experienced crushing pain like this and its eating away at me little by little, day by day.

>> No.14596271

She tries her heart out once in a while but never learned. I enjoy cooking so I just do it anyway. I get her to do the dishes normally and put up left overs. I honestly hope one day I can teach her enough to feed me tho.

>> No.14596453

>she's getting pretty fat
Just move on to the next one

>> No.14596526
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How to make pic related? Looks delicious and im just starting out.

>> No.14596591


>> No.14596985

>you will never work 70h a week

>> No.14597031

Indian women are great cooks, loving mothers, etc.
but they're literally incapable of not becoming overweight by the age of 30

>> No.14598059

Not only should you be put on meds, you should not be allowed out of a psych ward. God, I cringed when you read what you wrote. I can't believe that they let you roam around in society. Anon, please for the sake of all the normal people out there, will check into a mental hospital and tell the psychiatrist everything. Don't leave anything out.

>> No.14598077

>wake up
>girlfriend is still sleeping
>snores with open mouth
>go into kitchen
>make scrambled egg sandwich
>go sit at computer browsing /tv/
> gf walks in looking like a mess an hour later
>anon where’s my breakfast, food food I’m hungry food
>go make her some(I’m way better at cooking)
>dishes from last night (her night) are piling up
>drop the shell of half an egg on the ground
>can’t even summon the will to pick it up, if she cleaned I wouldn’t have to be in a foul mood
>she goes to play vidya with her friends
>she talks fucking loud in her mic it cuts through whatever I listen to or watch
>anon wanna go for a walk? (Which means I’m bored I want to go shopping)
>get back home
>I go to the gym
>moping when I come back
>anon why didn’t you say you were going to the gym!?
>you saw me put on my gym clothes and grab the bag
>yeah but I wanted you to tell me
>did you want to go?
>go sit at computer
>food food food I want dinner
>almost having a tantrum in the kitchen now because it’s still not cleaned
>make dinner
>she fills her plate
>eats half
>leftovers/second servings for me now ruined
>go lie down in bed
>she comes over
>grab her ass
>”I’m not in the mood right now I just want to cuddle “
>she finally goes to clean while I jack off to some degenerate porn because after years and years of porn and depression I need weird shit to get off
>go to bed

Don't fall for the girlfriend meme bros.

>> No.14598745

Big time man hands.

>> No.14598762

Where to meet women who want to get married, have children, and cook for their husband? I already know that I must rule out white women.

>> No.14598771

fuck off normalfag

>> No.14598775

My wife makes me cook for her, yet she will cook only for my bull.

>> No.14599085

Stir Fry is super simple. Just chop up your veg, I usually use onion, garlic, zucchini, bell pepper and carrots. Fry that up in a little oil until they start to get caramelized or browned. Then add the stock of whatever your meat is, beef stock for slices of steak etc. Bring that up to a boil and add some soy sauce, some chili sauce, and just a grocery store seasoning packet for stir fry or whatever generic "asian" flavor packet. Add your meat, you can either bread it before adding or just toss it in. Then after the meat begins to cook ad a bit more stock and some corn starch to create a thicker sauce. Add more soy sauce or chili sauce to taste and serve over just some uncle bens or a generic minute rice.