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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14560839 No.14560839 [Reply] [Original]

Post best cooking books or recipe books

>> No.14561492

i need them

>> No.14561512
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Either this book or James Beard's Fowl and Game Cookery is my most used cookbook. The recipe for Quenelles is especially a favorite of mine despite the insane amount of work required if you lack electrical appliances.

>> No.14561524
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Best for what? It's an expansive subject, and some books are great for some people and terrible for others, depending on needs and skill or familiarity.

>> No.14563075

Will try to get more specific after I get home. I’m looking for inspiration and challenge

>> No.14563079

Best in its category, duh.

>> No.14563559
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>> No.14563573
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i just bought this
is it worth it?

>> No.14563600
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I collect cook books, I have over 240. The Marlboro cook book Morning Fires, Evening Lights has A LOT of really great recipes in it. A lot of scratch made ingredients (also w their recipes) like sourdough, ketchup, and pizza dough. I worked for a marketing company in the 90s and we gave these books out as premiums. The meatloaf recipe is my favorite. You can find copies resold on amazon or ebay that are wrapped in original plastic so you don't risk getting a cook book that stinks like cigarettes.

>> No.14563930


>> No.14565792


>> No.14565836

bro why would you read about cooking when you can watch a video of someone visually demonstrating how to perform each step?

>> No.14565853
File: 429 KB, 1214x1800, la technique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES. marcella hazan is the goat.
also this is great too if you just wanna know how to cut and cook shit. don't even bother with culinary school.

>> No.14565858

because birds-eye pov doesn't tell you anything about smells, sounds, textures etc.

>> No.14565862

>presenter explains to you the smells, sounds, textures, etc
what now, bitch?

>> No.14565882
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Way too many unknowns.
Your skill level?
What are you trying to make?

Don't overlook Betty Crocker and Joy of Cooking. There's good stuff in there, in a "you don't get full on fancy" kinda way.
Ruhlman's Twenty has merit, the hundred recipes are good, but the 20 techniques you learn are so fundamental to everything else, the rest of your cookery gets better.
Pic related for what you may end up using the most day to day.

>> No.14565893

I think most youtube cooks are shit. The good videos are scattered around, and they don’t have close to the scope of a book. But I’m equally open to reccs in that department

>> No.14565983

>your skill level
I mean I can follow a recipe, and if it says to use a technique I don’t understand, I can research the technique

My palate is pretty crude however. But very adventurous. And as such I’m interested in novel flavor pairings. But I’m also interested in classical cuisines from around the world. I’m interested in elegant food and foods where you are juggling a lot of elements while making it, because I find that fun. If there are good books on presentation, I’m interested in that as well.

I guess the book I would like the most is something that I can look through, and it would have lots of inspiring recipes with beautiful presentations, that would be fun/challenging to make and taste excellent... That still isn’t very specific. Im sorry

>> No.14566223

ive heard la technique is an essential read
any others that youd say are the most important cook books
specifically the 'what is actually happening' during cooking if theres any that do that
science of cooking without going all Heston

>> No.14566233

>on food and cooking by harold mcgee

>> No.14567121


>> No.14567204

does /ck/ have any charts for recommended cooking books or the like? /lit/, /sci/ and /his/ all provide pretty extensive book recommendations, hell even /fit/ and /g/ come with recommended reading

>> No.14567290

>I guess the book I would like the most is something that I can look through

Ruhlman's Twenty.

>novel flavor pairings
That's bologna-banana jubilee territory.

>> No.14567316

>implying anyone on /ck/ - /int/ Bantz & Youtube Shilling reads

Ask yer mum for her mum's old copy of Joy of Cooking

>> No.14567326

Someone should make a chart.
Joy of Cooking is based.

>> No.14567335
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>Joy of Cooking
And where else can you get such great concise instruction on skinning a squirrel?
That always cracked me up.
Betty Crocker pre-1980 is good too...Afterwards it just went sideways with brand affiliation and product placement. They may have reverted, but i wouldn't know.

>> No.14567348

Pick up a copy of the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook (you'll probably recognize it, usually red and white checkered with some blue), but go for something like the 11th or 12th edition. I've noticed in the newer ones they're paring down content for bigger pictures and whatnot.

It starts off with a bunch of technique stuff, then some essential kitchen equipment (and how you might use it all), and then sorts recipes by category (meals, drinks, desserts, appetizers, soups, etc.)

>> No.14567355

Another Excellent choice.

>> No.14567397

The food lab

>> No.14567404

Does anyone else buy cookbooks from restaurants or famous chefs?
The Momofuku cookbook for example.
I have a few restaurant cookbooks.

>> No.14567492
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There are some excellent recommendations in this thread.

>> No.14567499

I like how small squirrel is in the "small game" category like people eat rats with tails for sport.

I don't know where it is, but I have a cookbook somewhere that talks about removing the musk glands from racoon muscles, and where they are, or else it taints the whole stew pot if you miss one, and the whole dish is inedible. I'm like ugh, it was worth it for that? I used to marvel at the carloads of families that used to come with brown grocery sacks stop on my street and collect land crabs by the sackful to feast on at home (Miami) when I was a child. It was never white people, so it was something only other cultures appreciated. They tasted muddy though I never tried one. Stone crabs and Florida lobster were preferred. Land crabs were just nuisance pests that wrecked your foundation, smelled up the street when rotten or else risked a tire puncture.

>> No.14567546

Same book...look closely at the pic i posted before. It's right there.

>> No.14567759
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Spic here. I can swear by Diana Kennedy's mexican cooking. Recipes are legit and book format is great.

>> No.14567812
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I've wanted to do some kind of roadmap similar to roadmap.sh but for learning to cook from books and quality resources. I feel there's some great advice on /ck/'s archives but it's all scattered.

Ideally, I would like it to take you from shitty microwave meals, to decent cooking skills and basic nutrition knowledge. I'm still learning but I think at least for the starting stuff, The Professional Chef would be a good starting point. After that, it could either branch into smaller subjects (seasoning, desserts, baking, nutrition, regional cuisines, plating).

How would you do it?

>> No.14567820
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I have a couple of miss daisy's cookbooks. it's a restaurant in tennessee. my mom always used to make a few from one of the books so I bought a copy of the book she used and another.

here are a few I like. I want to buy the non-revised version of the mccall's cookbook because the recipes are simpler and it replaced many.

>> No.14567842

The Food Lab and The Flavor Bible are the two best!

>> No.14567845
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You might make fun of me but this cookbook is fucking great. I've made so many things out of it.

>> No.14568002


>> No.14568027

Arnold Zabert's baking books are my bible

>> No.14568617

I've been trying to find Massumo Bottura's Bread Is Gold. I'm definitely interested in those kinds of books

>> No.14568638
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Do cookbooks have a word for kino, cause this is pure kino

>> No.14568643

i know he's a meme but jamie oliver unironically does a decent job at explaining whats going on in his books

>> No.14568647
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Where else am I going to find recipes like whey cooked polenta with strawberry sofrito? He asks for you to take a million hours building up tiny ingredients but whenever I bother it's been worth it.

>> No.14568667
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this book is great. not so much about recipes as much as overall concepts on food.

>> No.14568699


>> No.14568706
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help me out ck

>> No.14568772

I've found a few phaidon cookbooks online but that one is nowhere to be found. I might actually spend money on it

>> No.14568788

>I like how small squirrel is in the "small game" category like people eat rats with tails for sport.
I'm pretty sure people do across the rural south.

>> No.14568790

You should put complete new techniques by Pepin, It's la technique and la methode sort of combined together.

>> No.14568809

i've had squirrel pie in louisiana before. wasn't anything special but it exists. a lot of regions in the south that got fucked after the civil war and people that had to live out in the woods because they were wanted confederate soldiers with bounties did this kind of thing.

>> No.14568823

Did that guy put his politics in it like Wild Fermentation?

>> No.14568861

Which have you happened upon?

>> No.14568864
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>> No.14568867

otherwise there is the noma guide to fermentation as well, which is warmly reviewed

>> No.14568900

oh this and the River Road cook book are wonderful! I love Junior League cook books.

>> No.14568907

Lots of good soup and stew dishes. Some good rice dishes like her Park City cashew chicken. Outside the box but not weird.

>> No.14568918

The only cookbook anyone ever needs.