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File: 780 KB, 1280x720, sohla_bonappetit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14543229 No.14543229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>completely destroys and decimates a world renowned grassroots YouTube cooking show by stirring up petty drama and bringing forward bogus accusations of racism

Nothin' personal kid!

>> No.14543235

the funniest thing, to me, is she is still going to work for the magazine. this indicates to me that it wasnt just about "muh racism" but she probably was spooked by social media comments/messages.

i'm expecting the youtube channel to be essentially the same, just with different people to replace whoever's quitting; if they decide to replace them at all.

>> No.14543240
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>owned by global mass media company Condé Nast

>> No.14543243
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it hurts bros...

>> No.14543247
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>makes literally the worst parts of the show leave
wow based beaner

>> No.14543248

Whites are more valuable in the role of visual presenter. I don't know much about this case but the diversity hires probably hurt viewership more than they helped.

>> No.14543256

oh no, the least talented and least personable staff members that brought in a fraction of the views that brad and claire did aren't appearing anymore! what will ba do?

>> No.14543278

Damn, the red-haired on is pretty.

>> No.14543317

>product created by consultants for a multi-billion dollar media conglomerate Conde Nast who is the main tenant of 1 World Trade Center

Is this your brain on 4chin?

>> No.14543382

Based. This just goes to show that an integrated society will never work.

>> No.14543390

no one needs anything more than brad and that jewish girl (claire?)
thats literally diverse enough

>> No.14543667

I’d watch a show about Molly and Tuna desu.

>> No.14543695

Sohla sucks so much ass. It sucks even more that you can never have a discussion with these retards. Everyone should get paid the same, but people act like Raponi was sitting in his plantation porch saying "reduced the colored employees pay."

And by the way, no one forcedSohla to take an entry-level job. She took it for 50k in NYC. Then she even got what she wanted and it was increased to 60k. Infuriating.

>> No.14543703
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>> No.14543841

That fluoride stare

>> No.14543952


>> No.14543973

You retarded pol faggots are the dumbest people on an already dumb site. That’s pretty bad

>> No.14544028

You retarded Simp faggots are the dumbest people on an already dumb site. That’s pretty bad

>> No.14544119

she's racist.

looks like the last supper with judas the racist right next to claire jesus.

>> No.14544122

and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.14544714

This is basically the strategy for woke minorities that get employed these days.
>get employed as some diversity hire
>try to get along with everyone initially, so that people get comfortable around you and stop watching what they say
>bide your time and keep records of every instance when someone says something insensitive or politically incorrect
>scour everyone's social media for further incriminating material
>once you've accumulated enough material, go to your boss and demand a raise or a promotion
>if refused, complain on Twitter about how a white coworker said "nigga" when quoting a rap lyric in 2013 and how the CEO dressed up in an offensive halloween costume in 1997
>set up a gofundme for victimbux when the company fires you

>> No.14544738


>> No.14544751

some lady got mad she wasn't as popular as other ladies because her personality was kinda shit so she said racism was happening and now people are quitting or something.

>> No.14544754

Link? To archive if there is one

>> No.14544791

I don't remember the exact chain of events, but I think it started with some disgruntled staffer leaking pictures of Adam Rapoport (BA editor in chief) in a "brownface" halloween costume. That led to a bunch of people coming forward alleging racial bias at BA and Sohla specifically complained that she and other POC chefs at BA get paid less for video appearances than their white colleagues. Rapoport and a few other people resigned, most of the test kitchen crew refused to make more videos until the payment situation was straightened out, apparently what was offered wasn't good enough and now they're leaving the channel.

TLDR: Alleged racism, pay disputes, resignations, no more videos.

>> No.14544801

But Claire will still do a McDonalds fries episode, right?

>> No.14544805

Sucks about Molly. She could still have a future in videos, if you comprehend my innuendo.

>> No.14544823

Let's pray she does.

>> No.14544828
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>> No.14544843

Huh? I didn't know that Gaby was one of the "woke" people. I assumed her silence was just her think all the diversity hires were stupid.

>> No.14544871

lol That's priya not sohla

>> No.14544884

imagine getting paid an absurd amount of money to cook for a camera in your fucking high rise new york kitchen and still complaining about your life. holy fuck i hate these fucking kikes. every last one of them will pay

>> No.14544885

It's even worse then that, actually. She actually did the exact same thing to her previous employer, and before that opened (and subsequently ran into the ground) a restaurant that was shitty and overpriced even by new york standards. Everywhere she goes she spreads failure.

>> No.14544890

they were only getting paid $65k and didn't get raises when they were getting forced to have more screen time

>> No.14544897


For me, it’s the Aryan girl in the back.

>> No.14544905

>they were only getting paid $65k
imagine being sohla and getting paid 65K a year to pretty much just socialize, eat, and occasionally cook something
ah but it was racist and wrong to tell sohla to avoid spending her time eating and socialized while people were trying to focus on working on recipes

>> No.14544907

Me too

>> No.14544939

>It's even worse then that, actually. She actually did the exact same thing to her previous employer, and before that opened (and subsequently ran into the ground) a restaurant that was shitty and overpriced even by new york standards. Everywhere she goes she spreads failure.
Source? Was the previous employer serious eats? They're doing fine.

>> No.14544945

I don't recognize anyone to the right of Delaney except Amiel.

>> No.14545003

That dude needs to change his lord Fauntleroy haircut.

>> No.14545126

Serious eats was her peevipus employer, yes, and while she didnt actually ruin them like she did BA, it wasnt for lack of trying.

As for the restaurant, there were pictures of the menu up here when this first started. Single dishes costing more than an entire meal.

>> No.14545133

She managed to get her Jewish middle management boss fired, made a few minimally popular employees to begin with either leave or stop appearing in videos and the main, beloved, cast is unaltered and will resume shooting videos shortly (I mean I assume things were down due to covid anyways). So not really a big loss then, eh?

>> No.14545139

>stirs up shit to get more money for video appearances
>was literally offered an extra $20k per year (Sohla stated in an interview)
>turned down that raise (said in the interview it was "insulting")
>goes into contract negotiations for 2 months
>just fucking leaves the video side altogether
>still guest stars on other cooking channels
What the fuck? Was her whole goal to just burn down the videos or what? After all that, she just turns down all raises or contract re-negotiations that she was fucking demanding under accusations of racism? What did she really want, then?

>> No.14545149
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I stopped watching before I heard about any drama.

>> No.14545150

Babish is next

>> No.14545154

>forced to have more screen time
When you work on a contract you can literally just say, "No, I won't do that because it's not in my contract," and then they can't say shit. But she didn't do that, she agreed to do it first and then complained later. But the thing about agreeing to do more than what's in your contract is that the people who write the contracts then lose all incentive to update the contract. Why pay a worker more for doing things they already agreed to do anyway?

>> No.14545191

Nah, he's signaled his virtue by having her on the show, but nothing more.

>> No.14545196

it's funny brown people never complain they are mostly used as props by white people rather than in positions of actual power (see: biden's vp search)

>> No.14545197

hes gonna get #METOO'D

>> No.14545199

>petty drama and bringing forward bogus accusations of racism
I hate Americans so much lol

>> No.14545203

Actually, that is exactly what Sohla's complaint was about BA. That's what makes it all the more ironic that she doesn't understand how she's being transparently used by Babish and other channels who have her on purely to show how "supportive" and "woke" they are.

>> No.14545308

If she agreed to do the videos without first asking "How much more are you going to pay me?" then that's her own fucking fault.
Supposedly she asked for a raise *after* she started doing the videos and was denied which prompted her to go public with the payment situation and she thought the $20k offer was just to shut her up.
If her videos were pulling in tons of views maybe she could've used that as leverage when her contract was up for renewal, but her shit isn't nearly as popular as BA "fans" seem to think. If she were putting up 10M views like Claire maybe I'd have some sympathy, but she's a special guest star on a mid-tier sitcom at best.

>> No.14545410

I want to make Priya choke on my cock until her mascara runs down her cheeks and then creampie her multiple times while playing with her big ass tits then give her a tend kiss after


>> No.14545416

What makes you say they were bogus?

>> No.14545430

I imagine she'll go solo or join a new thing and keep doing those videos.

>> No.14545451

You based chad kings are the smartest people on an already smart site. That’s pretty good

>> No.14545452

Sign me up nigga

>> No.14545581
File: 58 KB, 699x609, molly-baz-is-an-american-senior-associate-food-editor-at-bon-appetit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want "randomly" run into Molly at some upscale hipster joint in NYC, get her liquored up, then fuck her brains out in the alley out back. I'll ignore her texts for a week or so to really let the grief and shame of cheating on her husband settle in, then slowly start to plant suggestions over the next year or so as we continue our affair. Eventually her husband will suffer a tragic "accident" and once the estate is settled Molly and I will begin our new life in some Mediterranean hideaway because apparently that dude was loaded.
Tuna can come too.

>> No.14545582

Not only did she fail to open a restaurant, when she failed she blamed it on racism and white people.