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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14515831 No.14515831 [Reply] [Original]

Who here grow and can their shit for the upcoming apocalypse?

Here's 24 jalapenos from the garden I made into some delicious Cowboy Candy. Sure it's not nutritious but it's fucking good.

>> No.14515853

There's no apocalypse and you're an alt-right faggot for thinking it's even a possibility. Too bad, a reasonable canning/preservation thread could have been interesting.

>> No.14515877

that's just your shit opinion.
you don't know my politics, you're just an asshole who makes assumptions.
in fact you were the one who shit on this thread, which is still fine.

>> No.14515895

get over yourself, queer-bait

>> No.14515919


I can as a hobby mostly in case of power outages and to take advantage of sales.
Store bought canned soups, stocks and meat taste like slop to me so it's nice to have homemade stuff.
If you're into beer making and like propagating yeast strains a pressure canner is very useful. I have a 21 1/2 qt All American Pressure and its built like a tank. It's nice not having to buy rubber gaskets every year.

>> No.14515928
File: 34 KB, 1080x370, muh alt-right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps /r/food would be more to your liking

>> No.14515933

This shit scares me. This level of self unawareness. I could suffer from the same thing.

>> No.14515944
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I just made some pickles and blueberry jam. Garden is producing faster than I can eat. My tomato plants are ripening soon Ill be canning lots of tomatoes. Got to setup something to do this outside I dont want to keep heating up the house.

>> No.14515949

My gasket on my presto has lasted three years so far. But those all american look nice.

>> No.14515961

>redditors pretending not to be redditors
holy fuck, you might as well be undercover cops. please fucking step up your game.

>> No.14515963

I always can my own pickles. I don't like processed pickles very much though I mostly like fridge pickles.

>> No.14515969

>you're just an asshole who makes assumptions.
shut the fuck up fake cowboy. don't assume there's gonna be some kind of libtard apocalypse

>> No.14515974

>alt-rightoids pretending to be plebbitors pretending to be poltarts pretending to be not-redditors pretending to drumpf pretending to cheeto pretending to it was her turn
anon this is a board about food and cooking

>> No.14515985


Those big 23 quart Prestos are pretty cool, they can fit 16 quarts of chicken stock per batch. Mine can only handle 7 quarts. It seems like such a major design flaw not to allow for double layers of quart jars.

>> No.14516004

>a reasonable canning/preservation thread could have been interesting.
And we could have had one if you could have just ignored OP's joke. Dumb libtard.

>> No.14516143

same with my toms
I hear you can can them in water no problem how are you doing yours?

>> No.14516150

can u show pic?

>> No.14516218


I looked it up and it just holds 7 quarts like mine.


>> No.14516312

Ferment instead, its better for you (probiotic) and has more complex flavor. You have to store it in the fridge though unless you live in a colder climate, but you have plenty of fridge space and planning for an apocalypse is pretty cringe

>> No.14516333

>OP just makes a joke about the apocalypse to start his canning thread since shit is fucked right now
>everyone on every side of the isle jumps down his throat and shits up his thread
simply lol @ the state of 4channel

What reasons do people can stuff for? Just preserving food, or can you use it to make anything cool? I might be down with storing big batches of soup or something but if there's an interesting reason to pick it up as a hobby instead of for practicality I'd be more interested.

>> No.14516375


If you're into beer making, specifically propagating yeasts, a pressure canner is useful for making jars of sterile batches of wort for starter.

If you have dogs a pressure canner is useful for processing animal bones for food. You can cook the bones to a point where they turn to mush and are safe to feed animals.

It's nice to be able to can things like chili, stew, smoked fish etc and use them for picnics and to take to work without having to worry about refrigerating them. Canning stock is my favorite, homemade is so much better than store bought and I like not having to freeze it.

>> No.14516411
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tastes better
costs less

>> No.14516833

then shut the fuck up and talk about cooking, you hypocritical puddle of shit

>> No.14516971
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I picked some oregon grapes and blueberries to make jam with. Blackberries are next!

>> No.14517190

I'm down to my last jar of that stuff. Can't get to the flea market to get a crap ton of peppers with all the Rona.

>> No.14518094

so you're a fan of it as well? I live where they don't have any sweet picked jalapenos, that's more of a Texas thing correct?

>> No.14518520

I don't know the origins. I'm in CA, and a local beer bar had it as an optional topping for their sausages. Figured I'd try my hand at making my own. Lightly spiced vinegar sugar syrup right. Give them a quick boil in it then put them in jar, reduce the syrup a bit and fill to the top and seal up. I like to get a mix of red and green jalapenos for some color and a few Habenero to take the spice up.

>> No.14518839

I had a used All American, they are totally awesome.
They are worth every single dime, as soon as I'm able, I'm buying one brand-new

It's so nice loading up quarts in the thing.

>> No.14518858

Canning is a must-have skill for the apocalypse, when we have to close down the cities and starve the redditors out. It will be sad and tough, might as well have comfy canned foods to deal with the trauma.

I canned a bunch of large salmon I caught. I don't really like large salmon, but canned it makes perfect salmon patties.

>> No.14518864


>> No.14519086

Post a picture of a glass jar.

>> No.14519094

pls spoonfeed how 2 can

I have a bunch of stuff growing right now; tons of peppers, onions, eggplant, tomato, etc. There is no way I can use it all. I pickle things a lot, and I've never had anything go bad on me, but that has to sit in the fridge anyway. I would love to actually be able to can, though. If I could pop open a can of pickled produce like mid January, that would be the bomb. What's the initial investment like?

>> No.14519136

>pressure cooker
>some jars and lids
If you're clever you can get the pressure cooker cheap or free. Jars should be purchased new.

>> No.14519140

I just pasteurize em in my bathtub, 64C for about a half-hour. (:

>> No.14519154

It's fucking simple. It's exactly how you make saline and cook utensils for deep wound treatment. I'm very used to that.

>> No.14519179

If you are hot water canning you need to be careful what you can. Meat and some low acid produce won't last at hot water can temps. If you have a pressure cooker you can pretty much do whatever you want. You can get fancy rigs designed for canning, but if you aren't sure you want to commit you can almost always find just a random pressure cooker someone has in their garage. I got one from my parents neighbor that was in the box never used from their wedding 30 years prior.

>> No.14519423

You throw all your jars out after one use? If you don't know how to sterilize things, you shouldn't be doing it or commenting on this thread.

>> No.14519459

He means don't buy jars second hand, at least I hope that's what they mean. You don't know what that 20yr old Ball jar at the thrift store went through. Canning jars are cheap as fuck just buy new. Reuse your own or ones from someone you trust. I think also the kids you are technically only supposed to use once but you can probably get away with more than that.

>> No.14519468

if youre uising mason jars you need new lids. you can reuse the rings.
they make reusable lids though

>> No.14519523

You use kids? Are you on a register?

>> No.14519613


Water bath canning requires a very low investment. It can only be used for high acid foods though. That means stuff like pickles, jams, jellies, canned pineapple, relishes etc. A pressure canner is needed if you want to can meat or vegetable stock, meats, low acid vegetables.

A pressure cooker is not a pressure canner.

The USDA has tons of free, safe canning recipes available. You can also find a lot of cookbooks for canning on libgen.


I would stick to water bath canning, you can invest in a steel canner that will come with a rack you can use to lift and lower your jars but it's not necessary. All you need is a large stock pot taller than your jars. You can use small jars, 1/2 cup or 1 cup size, if you don't have a really big pot.

You have to buy new lids every time you can. You can invest in Tattler lids which are reusable.

>> No.14519634
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I would also recommend buying a canning kit that has a wide mouth funnel, magnet stick, jar tongs and a tool for removing air bubbles/ measuring jar head space. These kits are like $20.

Clean your jars with hot soapy water, boil them for 10 minutes to sterilize. Clean the lids and rings put them into a pan of hot but not boiling water so the glue can soften. Take jars out of boiling water with your jar tongs and arrange them on the counter on a towel. Use your clean funnel and ladle to add the recipe you made to the jars, use the clean air bubble tool to remove bubbles and measure head space. Different items need different head space. Wipe the ring of the jar with a paper towel dipped in vinegar. Use your magnet tool to remove a lid and place it on the jar. Put the ring on the lid, just tight enough to hold the lid to the jar. You don't want it super tight because you want the air in the jar to escape during processing. After the jars are filled you boil them for the time requires, use your jar tongs to take them out and let them sit on the counter. As they start to cool you will hear a pinging noise as a vacuum seal is created. Test every jar for a seal and store with the rings off the jar.

Granite Ware Enamel-on-Steel Canning Kit has everything you need for like $50 but if you already have a large pan just buy the tools.

>>9-piece canning kit includes 21-quart canner, canner lid, 7-jar rack, 9-inch colander, lid wrench, funnel, tongs, jar lifter, and magnetic lid lifter

>> No.14519770

>Autocorrect gets me on the sex offender list

>> No.14519775

know who's gonna get hit the hardest during the upcoming apocalypse? the morons who didn't see it coming...

>> No.14519783
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Now that's a rare Pepe

>> No.14519787

This is all technically correct and best practice, but I've also watched my farmer relatives can their jam by just taking the hot jars out of the dishwasher, filling with hot as fuck jam, putting on a lid and letting sit on the counter. No boiling at all, the fucking mad lads have been at it for decades and never have a problem. This is not to suggest you do the same, but to tell you that it's not rocket science and while you can fuck up just follow the steps and you don't need to treat it like bomb defusal.

>> No.14519788

I made the apocalypse reference as a throw away dipshit line I can't believe how everything has to be hyper political these days. I made no reference to any political party or ideology and yet Libby over here's is defending the liberals like it's his job.
I just want to keep what I've grown in my garden to eat at a later time, I've put a lot of work into it and it pains me to throw out even one zucchini or cucumber

>> No.14519813

It definitely will if you continue posting shit like that.

>> No.14519818

Just ignore it. The extreme ends of the political spectrum is populated by autistic drones twitching with anticipation of shitting up discourse with their "ideology".

>> No.14519824
File: 204 KB, 1012x1301, 20200724_074733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post on canning thread
>Uncover Soros/Google plot to use subtle autocorrect text changes to get me investigated as a sex offender

>> No.14519849


You're right, but farmers tend to have more produce than they know what to do with. It doesn't matter if some jars go bad because they have so much. If you're paying 3.99/lb for fruit then you might want to take more care to prevent mold or yeast infections in your jars.

>> No.14519867

Kit is a word. Why would it autocorrect? If it was a typo you would have hit the R, F or G key. You knew what you were posting.

>> No.14519919

Yeah "lids", I mean maybe it was autocorrect maybe my fat fucking thumbs on this phone. I admire the detective work though.

>> No.14519940

We all know what you meant. Expect a knock on the door soon.

>> No.14520807

You don't let it sit, you flip it over.

>> No.14520815

That’s not a can it’s a jar

>> No.14521332

>That’s not a can it’s a jar
yeah like your asshole's not really a pussy but it doesn't stop random men from fucking it, it's just semantics

>> No.14521367

>something someone totally not gay would say

>> No.14522292

Doing sauerkraut presently, but this year have pickled beets, garlic scapes, cukes, and radishes, then did 3 jars of raspberry jam. Red potatoes just came in and thinking over dicing and canning some.