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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14498982 No.14498982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why did he colab with hitler herself

whats his endgame

>> No.14498988

who fucking gives a shit
i wish faggots like you could get permanently banned from this board

>> No.14498993

Because basically no one else will hire her now that she's basically outed herself as a pot-stirring opportunist and babish is desperate as fuck now that his views are starting to plateau

>> No.14499018

my channel isn't growing anymore

time to colab with the thing that killed bon appetit

>> No.14499060

She has no personality whatsoever, so it definitely wasn't views. Probably just virtue signalling. If you watch it, you can tell he's going over the top to make up for her flat attitude

>> No.14499068

If it were me, it would be for a chance to hold her in my arms and feel like there is a place for me in the world. I can't speak for him, though.

>> No.14499095

But Babish already has a cute, not hideous mystery meat gf.

>> No.14499217
File: 68 KB, 1028x675, Screen+Shot+2016-05-16+at+5.35.48+PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not hitler, that's coconut head

>> No.14499231

Why are you guys upset, what did that woman do?

>> No.14499241

Hitler was based

>> No.14499243

Married someone who isn't me. It breaks my heart to thonk of it.

>> No.14499269

Seriously, people have been making threads about this video for like a week.

>> No.14499274

Why do mods fear this video?

>> No.14499290

There was this YouTube show called Bon Appetit. I never watched it, it was mostly clickbait shit. But apparently that girl was a background character on it or something, and she got fumed because she wasn't getting paid as much as the main hosts. So she went screaming about racism on social media and of course everyone jumped on the bandwagon. So instead of caving to the mob the company just said "fuck it" and shut the whole channel down.
So if you ask certain people she's either Joan of Arc fighting the good fight against racism or literally hitler ruining everything over petty, narcissistic shit.

I made a thread without knowing who she was. I wanted to make a joke about Babish taking the "chocolate pill." Implying he's fucking that black girl.

>> No.14499365


>> No.14499442

The producers were intentionally pushing her onto the screen for diversity points but she wasn't getting paid for any of it.
Which is fair. It just happened to turn out the guy majorly in charge was a lowkey racist so they shutdown temporarily to deal with it.
You're blowing this out of proportion and don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.14499458

She probably wouldn't have said anything if rapopopopo hadn't tried to convince the team that hated him to cover his ass.

>> No.14499467

where did you read they were pushing her on screen? all i noticed was that she was constantly inserting herself into the background while they were filming and the hosts were being generous and allowing her to get her presence out there

>> No.14499496

Not him but I saw a few Claire videos where Sohla was busy with her actual job and got dragged away because Claire needed to be taught some basic technique.

>> No.14499514

right those interactions come across as them being generous to her not trying to take advantage of her

>> No.14499515

I had no idea who she was until this video and would have already forgotten had /ck/ just stopped spamming up these threads.

>> No.14499523

define lowkey racist

>> No.14499536

Doesn't understand why "different race" is an inappropriate choice for a costume party.

>> No.14499541

fuck off with your youtuber shit

>> No.14499559


Why the fuck did she post that shit on social media? That is extremely unprofessional. If you have a problem with your pay, talk to your boss about it.

Most normal companies would just fire the employee for pulling this bullshit.

>> No.14499591

She's south Asian, not black

>> No.14499604

Because tammie outed rapo on social media, and his response was to call a conference asking everybody to keep it all on the down low. This disrespect pissed her off, so she did the opposite.

>> No.14499630

>killed bon appetit
I don't get it. I've just checked, they have 6 million subs and last vid 2.8 million views. How is that being dead?

>> No.14499633

Bon Appetit is a magazine

>> No.14499642

so "is" or "was"?

>> No.14499645

They’re both annoying as fuck but Sohla is a really good cook and her recipes are great. Babish is essentially a tv (YouTube) chef and a faggot. Just fucking makes other people’s recipes

>> No.14499646

Fuck you gay fucking e celeb dick sucking faggots

>> No.14499663
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>> No.14499676

>dat jawline
imagine being mogged by a woman

>> No.14499700

You're fucking right I don't know what I'm talking about! I don't give enough of a shit to follow this bullshit outside 4chan.

Why not post it on social media? In an age where it's perfectly attuned to fuck shit up more than anything else you could do.

Maybe not but she looks black and not like anyone on here (but you) will bother to research it

>> No.14499707

>lowkey racist
go back to twitter you fucking faggot

>> No.14499722

i'm out of the loop, who is this sohla bitch?

>> No.14499728

Just a goddess the like of which you or I will never touch.

>> No.14499731

fuck off faggot

>> No.14499740

If they're using her in video, you could make the case they're making a profit off her without paying her a fair wage for her labor. Like a big company hiring interns or janitors, paying them nothing or just minimum wage, then telling them to run the factories.
It's pretty funny that she probably started shit trying to change things, then ended up getting the whole thing shut down, making everyone lose their jobs. She's probably a pariah amoung her co-workers

>> No.14499745

Jesus, at least pick an average-looking girl to obsess over.

>> No.14499768

no i guarantee they all think she's literally stunning, literally brave, and literally a culinary genius.

>> No.14499787

then why is she not popular? is it because she is a hideous troll with a dull personality? nope, it's the rampant and crushing systemic racism in the USA

>> No.14499829

or ordering your coffee by describing its colour as an ethnic celeb

>> No.14499854

If you think Sohla “looks black” you must have not seen very many black people in your life. She’s clearly south asian

>> No.14499868

She is pretty popular.

>> No.14499896

>Why not post it on social media? In an age where it's perfectly attuned to fuck shit up more than anything else you could do.

Because it just created unnecessary drama. Whenever you resolve a problem, you will want to first try to resolve it in the most diplomatic way possible. Anyone who decides to go straight for the nuclear option makes for a bad employee anyway. You do not want someone around who is prone to cause a ton of drama over nothing.


I figured there was some back story.

>> No.14499940

t. uninformed

>> No.14499964

Yes, and twitter is real life

>> No.14499971 [DELETED] 

dark skin = nigger
that's good enough for me

>> No.14499975

I haven't watched any of his content and months as it was shit. the last video of his I watched was when they try to recreate The Simpsons episode down in New Orleans.
Has his channel even sunk lower than stealing recipes and doing them piss-poorly?

>> No.14499982

Hi, are you from the Based Department?

>> No.14499986

>start shit internally
>get fired individually
>start shit on social media
>get the company shut down and everyone fired
which option do you think a woman will take

>> No.14500008

exactly. this mentality is why you NEVER allow women into whatever club you have. if someone starts calling you sexist or whatever, just own it and say yes, whatever keeps you far away from us. clubs, games, military units, politics, etc- as soon as women join whatever youve created, its all downhill from there 100% of the time. You make women have an interest in YOU, not accept them into groups or try to find common ground with them.

>> No.14500036

>exclude women from your business
>someone starts screaming about it
>laugh and say "yeah we sexist LOL"
>get pummeled with discrimination lawsuits
great plan buddy

>> No.14500047

>military units
lmao women were allowed to serve in the submarine service in the UK from 2011 onwards, and in less than 6 years they managed to start cause a mutiny on HMS Vigilant (Vagilant)

>> No.14500050

There are plenty of “men only" businesses such as doctors, barbers, and etc.
The only women that freak out are the retard feminist who demand access. Yet, they REEEE when we men go into woman's only businesses.

>> No.14500175

>such as doctors, barbers
Jesus, what century are you posting from? Take me there

>> No.14500181

I hope she destroys babish too

>> No.14500183

She destroyed comfy kitchen kino because she hates White people.

>> No.14500201

>There are plenty of “men only" businesses such as doctors, barbers
>that butchering of the English language
post-soviet slavic shithole country detected

>> No.14500342

From what I can gather, originally no one got paid. Then Brad and Claire got really popular and threatened to walk if they didn't get compensated which resulted in a payment system for video appearances and Brad and Claire getting separate contracts for their respective shows. From what it looks like everyone who had their own "series" got a separate contract while everyone doing the basic recipe videos got paid per video. It should be noted however that there are two separate payment disputes, one for video appearances and one over the salary for her actual job within the company - associate editor.

>> No.14500445

this fucking bitch ruined my comfy claire brad and chris videos

I hope she destroys faggot babish as well fuck it all

>> No.14500474

What does this have to do with Hitler? Also capitalize his name.

>> No.14500495

She basically called out BA for not paying POC for their appearances in videos when white people were.

>> No.14500504


>> No.14500570

>Also capitalize his name.
Piss of nazi

>> No.14500635

maybe she should have negotiated her contract better lmao

>> No.14500658

I was quoting "literal hitler," a popular saying

>> No.14500668
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>> No.14501263

Good ol' victim blaming

>> No.14501280

nothing screams that you're butthurt like calling for a permanent ban.

>> No.14501301

So that explains why I haven't seen Bon Appetit videos recently, and I just checked the last one was a month ago holy shit. Is a shame, I actually enjoyed the "Every way to cook X" videos.

>> No.14501303

if you don't think a contract offers you enough money then don't sign it lmao

>> No.14501312

yeah but how else was she going to insert herself into the video's of more successful personalities?

>> No.14501319

her job was editor not actress kek

>> No.14501329

well she wouldn't even be there if she didn't sign something

>> No.14501332

she wouldn't have been there had her restaurant been successful lol

>> No.14501344


>> No.14501361

And if you don't want your entire brand dragged through the mud, don't single out minorities with your retarded practices.

>> No.14501364

maybe minorities wouldn't get singled out if they were better negotiators lmao

>> No.14501387

Zoomers get the gas chamber.

>> No.14501438

IIRC, Brad and Claire were the only ones with contracts for video appearances.

>> No.14501511

dressing up as a different race has nothing to do with thinking some races are superior/inferior to others, which is the actual definition of racism
It's at worst insensitive. It also happened prior to the emergence of PC culture

>> No.14501534

Guess what? You're wrong and need to pay more attention.

>> No.14501547

>person spouts "you're wrong" over and over without presenting an argument
every time with you faggots
make a cogent point or fuck off

>> No.14501560

they were just smart enough to negotiate and pretty sure andy and rick got paid for videos because they weren't retarded. bitch took an assistant editor position and complained that she assisted editors

>> No.14501573

>took an assistant editor position and complained that she assisted editors
Yeah. I'll agree that is wack.
But it's just as retarded to take an assistant editor, make her make videos, then act surprised when she gets you canceled for not paying her for them.

>> No.14501587

thats when you negotiate to get paid for videos

>> No.14501589

Lmao kill yourself dude

>> No.14501592

if you dont advocate for yourself all companies will take as much from you as you let them without paying you more

>> No.14501594

I'm not going to pretend to know if she demanded pay or not.

>> No.14501602

hes going to destroy her obviously
what happens when you put two psychopaths in a room alone

>> No.14501609
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>makes video on tempering chocolate
>doesn't invite Claire, uses the currycunt that ruined all their careers instead
Holy shit

>> No.14501769
File: 25 KB, 329x467, 1536105922623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking in consideration what her, rick and andy have said, they did demanded more pay, and brown face mc-CEO of BA told them to go fuck themselves

agree, right now with the pandemic they want us working all day at home or the office

>> No.14501776
File: 49 KB, 750x750, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk my man, fucking the living shot of a blue haired cunt asking for more of my dick is one of lifes little pleasures

>> No.14501820

>but she wasn't getting paid for any of it.
Video appearances were part of her contract.

Sohla was an experienced chef who knowingly signed a contract for a role as an entry level entertainer. She decided she wasn't climbing the ladder fast enough, and took advantage of the current social climate to go nuclear.

Based on her failed diner, her failed career at SeriousEats, and her "racism" excuse for both, this shouldn't be surprising.

>> No.14501829

>taking in consideration what her, rick and andy have said, they did demanded more pay, and brown face mc-CEO of BA told them to go fuck themselves
She had worked there less than 6 months when shutdown started.

>> No.14501834

>Based on her failed diner, her failed career at SeriousEats, and her "racism" excuse for both, this shouldn't be surprising.
She also didn't graduate CIA

>> No.14501861

>I'm not going to pretend to know if she demanded pay or not.
Brad started off as an intern washing dishes, and took years to work his way up to Test Kitchen Manager. Then it took years for It's Alive to take off due to Vinnie going to bat for him and a lucky break. Then once it got popular, he finally got paid. Same as Claire having to renegotiate her shit as a contractor. Gabbie was a fucking janitor, and has been dead quiet about all this since she's just happy Brad got her his old job.

Sohla signed a shit contract, got a $10K pay increase in a matter of months, and in way less than a year had her own show in the works (3 episodes were filmed by the time of the shitstorm). She was very popular and rising way faster than any of her coworkers. Once popular, she could have brought her leverage to the table like everyone else, instead she through a shit fit and ruined everyone's careers. She laughed at an additional $20K salary increase, which is arrogant. Unsurprising, since she's been open about her disdain on how worse chefs were paid more for being better/popular entertainers, and her attacks on her coworkers.

To put it into perspective, it took Andy 3 years to get a per video pay contract. Sohla was just impatient and disdainful. Everyone else at BA were content to plug away at their jobs and work. Sohla wasn't.

>> No.14502146

Did you reply to the wrong person? Don't @ me again please.

>> No.14502152

go back to discord tranny

>> No.14502271

Is bon appetit really dead? It's been a month since they last uploaded.

>> No.14502437

Yes and this goblina is dancing on the grave by going around to all of the other hipster faggot food blogger channels

>> No.14503061

he doesn't have one, he's just a filthy lib who keeps sailing from one marketing deal to another so he could keep living in a shitty new york flat with his 5 roommates.

>> No.14503072

Who says he didn't invite her?
He probably sent a general invite to whoever was available and that cunt pushed her way into the front.