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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14494987 No.14494987 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make these little fuckers not taste like satans asshairs ?

>> No.14494991


>> No.14494992


>> No.14494994

By using 4-aco in a capsule instead

>> No.14494999

How do you know what Satan's asshairs are like. Is he cute.

>> No.14495018

grind them up really fine and put them in lemon juice for like 15 minutes then shoot it.

>> No.14495020

can't, just choke 'em down

>> No.14495027

Chex Mix.

>> No.14495031

just get em down. I see it like taking a shot. sure you can blend them and put em in a smoothie or whatever, but its better to just suffer for a bit.

>> No.14495045

My friends sautéed them with a steak once, they said it was good.

>> No.14495083

Your friend lied.

>> No.14495092

The only thing that will come of this is that you will ruin a good steak dinner.

>> No.14495095

After much brainstorming I think chooped up in yogurt and honey would be the best way to kill the raw flavour.

>> No.14495107

You are so fucking dumb that you don't realize you can go down to the supplement store and get big gel capsules to stuff the fuckers in? Fuck it, you deserve to suffocate on satans fiery brap.

>> No.14495110

pinch your nose and eat them fast. you can make tea but it just makes your drink taste shitty.

>> No.14495112

Stop being degenerate.

>> No.14495124

let me put this in a way you will understand, zoomie.
drugs are based as fuck

>> No.14495130

Eat them quick then follow with either Sunny D or OJ. Or you can grind them up and put them in capsules.

>> No.14495136

bro they taste like pumpkin seeds. I kind of like them. I had them with strawberries one time and it was pretty good. Probably any fruit

>> No.14495141

This will make you trip stronger because more of the active ingredient is released at once when exposed to acid

>> No.14495144


>> No.14495156

From a friend of a friend of a friend
Its for my gf I can handle them just fine. I might end up force feeding her a la foie gras style
Take the quran and shove it up your pooper

>> No.14495166



>> No.14495319

Can this be created from certain shrooms as a precursor?

>> No.14495339

Do specific acids enhance mushrooms? I've noticed that OJ seems to increase any psychadelic effect imo.

>> No.14495384

>>weigh out dosage
>>finely chop and add to a shot glass
>>fill with oj
>>let sit for 20 or 30 mins
>>take in one gulp, chase with a little more oj

I also like to eat a piece of fresh citrus fruit as I start to feel the trip coming up (~hour or so after ingestion). Blood oranges are my favorite because if you eat them sloppily over a bowl, dark red juice pools in the bottom and at the end you get to drink it two handed like you're consuming the blood of your fallen enemies. Best enjoyed nude under moonlight.

>> No.14495392

It is the vitamin c (ascorbic acid)

>> No.14495393

Melt down some chocolate, finely grind shrooms and mix to gether.

>> No.14495474

i had the worst trip of my life doing something like this
the acid meme really works holy shit

>> No.14495489

should I trip bros. ive never done it

>> No.14495499

Yeah, under 175lbs take 2.0; over 175lbs take 2.0-3.5

>> No.14495507

how should I prep. where do I even score shrooms

>> No.14495521

>where do I even score shrooms
black people

>> No.14495537

For your first trip, be alone with your phone turned off.

>> No.14495540

Use exotic chai tea with dried orange in em it'll taste good and get you way more funded up

>> No.14495546

You can legally buy the spores and theyre easy to grow.

>> No.14495561

Illegal in CA, ID, and GA.

>> No.14495586

just put them in your mouth and chew with water you baby

>> No.14495595

im FL so we're good. how do I grow a shrooms

>> No.14495600

i just order them online

>> No.14496031
File: 150 KB, 800x1003, 800px-Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn_1974crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Illegal in California
>Somehow legal in Utah the state that just got 5% beer a year ago
The fug?

>> No.14496120

Its for my gf man she finds the taste repulsing, but likes the trip.
To the abons that suggested the Oj acid extra kick I thank you and will try it for myself.
Peace out

>> No.14496510

you can also grind into powder and add to melted chocolate and let it reharden just keep track of how much powder youre adding

>> No.14496527

black tea with honey and a pinch of cinnamon is the way to go
had em on a peanut butter sandwich before as well but that was the dryest fucking thing i've ever eaten

>> No.14496541

Downvoted for assuming Satan's gender

>> No.14497112
File: 127 KB, 334x346, 1541222129861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, no anon mushrooms are infact based. Weed users are cringe and effeminate but mushrooms have a powerful visionary and masculine energy that every man ought to be able to experience.


This is the only joe rogan podcast worth listening to. I truly hope my fellow kings on this website dont miss out on this incredible drug of our ancestors.

>> No.14497115


>> No.14497120
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Man has been consuming two wonderful substances, alchohol and mushrooms, since before we were human at all. Mushrooms are anti degenerate in every sense.

>> No.14497122

Psychedelics open your soul up to demonic possession and manipulation. Don't do them unless you want to permanently f up your head.

>> No.14497125

Drugs are 99% cringe, only substances like pscilocybin that humans have evolved alongside are truly based.

>> No.14497133
File: 1.22 MB, 800x782, ✹.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sandwich shrooms in doritos and eat with dip
>mfw still get queasy

>> No.14497134

I'd love to score some shrooms - never done any psychedelic and think it'll probably help with my mental health - but I don't have any nigger friends that do drugs.

>> No.14497141

Mushrooms have to be one of the best psychs. They make me feel like a god. Id rather take mushrooms than acid anyday. The only problem is the usual nausea which can be prevented by eating a decent meal before hand a few hours early, or tou could just fast and get a nore intense trip. I like how mushrooms sedate you only for tou to awaken in a pschedelic mindset.

>> No.14497145

yes but become redpilled first and also grow your own.

Prep by becoming a fascist and learning to meditate. After that, Spores.

I can tell you've been hurt. Stay away from these substances, you are likely a schizoid type or your worldview is very fragile. Or if your just speaking out of your ass then i recommend you stop being cringe while you still can.

>> No.14497148

You can hear noise, but you can feel the silence

>> No.14497153

eat it with good cheese

>> No.14497159

Psychs and alcohol are a great combo. It eases the anxiety, and makes things a lot smoother, especially if you have quality beer on hand like some nice stouts to drink throughout the trip, but i do not suggest you get shitfaced and then take a dose.

>> No.14497164

i find them to be a disorienting combination, however i truly believe that blue mead is amongst the most quality of all /ck/ recipes

>> No.14497172

Ive never heard of blue mead before. Is it just shrooms steeped in mead? I dont mean jyst chugging alcohol, just a quality beers to sip throughout the trip.

>> No.14497175

It kind of relieves the psychedelic tension, but i like to drink a lot as well.

>> No.14497183

Something to hold in your hand and bring you back to reality if need be, like a ciggarette.

>> No.14497225

Go outside

>> No.14497573


>> No.14497584

Only the weak get possessed.

>> No.14497832

They don't even taste bad. Where did this stupid meme come from?

>> No.14497849

>guys I'm taking drugs am I cool yet?
>uhh guys how to make drugs less yucky? :( they don't taste like my favorite pudding

Imagine being unironically like this.

>> No.14497913


>> No.14498180

I never minded the flavor at all...

>> No.14498188

Why do all drugs look absolutely fucking disgusting?

>> No.14498205

Peanut butter usually helps me desu.

Trip typically once a week.

>> No.14498218

Just eat them you pussy
If your mind can't handle a "bad taste" then your mind is not ready for shrooms

>> No.14498527

weed looks pretty tho (if it's good) and you can't deny that

>> No.14498545
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I just grind them up finely and put them into gelatin caps. Midigates the nausea for me, I'm not a fan of the taste.

I prefer acid, it's cheaper for me to buy in bulk anyways.

>> No.14498579

such a complete fagle, they taste just fine the way they are. but it you're going to be a fagle, grind 'em up and mix them in something. if you can't think of something creative you like just mix/mash them up in peanut butter and you won't have to be a complete faggot and vomit them up for no good reason like so many weak faggots. make a pbj, or just mash the grind into anything you like, or just empty out a teabag and make some tea (1-2 grams of ground shrooms steaped in a teabag is the most perfect mellow high, like having a 40).

>> No.14498605

also, don't be a faggot and boil the shrooms if you do tea. just boil some water, put it in a cup, and steap a teabag full. eat the rest when you're not if you're not a weak stomached faggot. heat destroys the psychedelic content you're looking for, so steaped in hot water not so bad, but IN the boiling water NO.

>> No.14498643

>being possessed by demons
>not chilling and making peace with them
lol retard

>> No.14498771

It’s just dehydrated mushrooms senpai

>> No.14498948

>it's good because its natural!
what a retarded-faggot take. do you like to drink sulfuric acid because it's natural too?

>> No.14499094

Weed is genuinely fucking beautiful, especially if you look at it with a magnifying glass or a weak microscope. It's crystals and shit everywhere.

>> No.14500174

Thats too much man.

>> No.14500291

Grind up then mix amount into chocolate that you tempered and make chocolates, the chocolate helps coat the gut to help you not wanna hurl

>> No.14500520

Based zoomer.

>> No.14500590

This makes the trip very strong, I kind of recommend this.