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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14421203 No.14421203 [Reply] [Original]

>mmmm, bacon, lettuce and slices of water
What other vegetables need to be cooked for 30+ minutes just to be edible and why haven't these gone the way of the dodo in flavour of romas at least?

>> No.14421206

I like them

>> No.14421210

OP may as well add your brain to the vegetable mix.

>> No.14421213

I wouldn't call them inedible, they are just nothing, like the bud light of vegetables

>> No.14421227

We'll also have to add yours. Reading comprehension. Tomato isn't a vegetable, but nowhere does he say that bacon is.

>> No.14421235

By saying “other vegetables”, OP is insinuating that everything xhe listed is a vegetable.

>> No.14421238

pretty sure he was not implying bacon is a vegetable

>> No.14421244

um, thats a pretty odd interpretation of that sentence, is English not your first language?

>> No.14421260

im correct though

>> No.14421276

why do you possibly think this?

>> No.14421281

Dont buy shitty tomatoes.

>> No.14421293

heirloom tomatoes are even worse for this

>> No.14421294

To be fair, if he's saying that tomatoes are slices of water, but not lettuce, who knows what the fuck OP is talking about

>> No.14421297

just use ketchup like all amerifats

>> No.14421301

Word salad.

>> No.14421305

yeah, that is the weird part, lettuce obviously is just as much a slice or water, maybe even more

>> No.14421311

its not confusing at all

>> No.14421314

I only use what is commonly referred to as Italian Plum tomatoes. They're cheaper, and more versatile. I'm not really sure what your issue is with the other types of tomatoes is, but I get the feeling you haven't a clue about choosing quality produce.

>> No.14421315

Because he isn't familiar with BLT, obviously. It's not as definitive as you think. Both you and OP can fuck off. OP for his shitty phrasing and you for defending it.

>> No.14421319

This just tells me you've never had a fresh grown non-factory produced tomato in your life

>> No.14421321

any large tomato is not very flavorful in raw usage

>> No.14421323

When are you cooking lettuce for 30+ minutes?

>> No.14421324

an unripe tomato has no flavor, is grainy, and is watery. a ripe tomato is sweet, soft, and juicy.

>> No.14421331

the phrasing isn't ambiguous at all

>> No.14421341

lol le epic trololololol such comedy much funny

>> No.14421366

what specifically are you confused by?

>> No.14421373

The only tomatoes you should eat are grape tomatoes

>> No.14421377

They're tasty cold and add a splash of refreshment between the bread and bacon

>> No.14421389

tomatoes are fruits, even if sold with the veggies like the supreme court BS said and this thread is hella gay. most tomatoes sold in the US aren't even ripe so that is why you taste nothing.

>> No.14421424

Romas here are good raw desu if you work in the produce department and can eat them as soon as they come in.

>> No.14421470

The fact that lettuce is more notorious than tomato for being crunchy water. The unnecessary mention of bacon. The use of flavor instead of favor. The suggestion that all vegetables that need to be cooked should be replaced by a specific breed of tomato, in a post intended to deride tomatoes. The whole post is a lazy mess, and OP needs to take writibg lessons if he wants to continue using this mode of communication.

>> No.14421644

The only sentence you just wrote is a runon sentence. You make about as much sense as OP.

>> No.14421659

>nooooioiiiiiiooouou you can't write a list you have to compose an essay

>> No.14421669

It's a vegetable. They basically never have flavor if you don't season them. You should try it with balsamic

>> No.14421774

>what are carrots, onions, corn, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, peas etc

Even stuff like celery and and lettuce have a planty sweetness, one tomato is three cups of water.

>> No.14422695

Kek OP absolutely blasted by this man's anal cavity

>> No.14423277

Have you ever heard of fennel?

>> No.14423290

shop for tomatoes somewhere besides a chain grocery. buy from a vegetable stand, or at a farmers market. fresh without the gas are the best, and regular tomatoes from a grocery are all artificially sped up and gassed to be ripe to sell faster.

>> No.14423528

>nooo please don't buy your normal ass vegetables at a grocery store of all places, make a stop somewhere else for them

>> No.14423642

Grow your own then you won't have to leave the house you lazy fuck

>> No.14423653

large raw tomatoes are boring no matter where you buy them

>> No.14423667

You must never have tasted what tomatoes actually taste like before. All you know is the bottom of the barrel generic grocery store tomatoes, which you accurately call "sacks of water". Flavorful tomatoes are some of life's greatest joys, and I so pity those who have never tasted what tomatoes actually taste like.

>> No.14423676

tomatoes deserved to be cooked, don't waste your time with raw

>> No.14423681

Let’s face it OP is just a overgrown man child trying to cope about his children tier palate

>> No.14424117

How is gonna pick them if he never leaves his house donut

>> No.14424160
File: 230 KB, 750x728, image0 (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cooked for 30 minutes? nigger you obviously don't have the absolute trash we have in australia
>go to buy tomatos for sandwich
>they're all sold is massive packs, can't just buy two
>look like they have cancer growing inside of them with sickly pale skin
>get home and cut one open
>fucking GREEN on the inside and stinking of sap
>think fuck it not going to waste these and try to make a sauce
>soon as they hit the pan the smell is absolutely atrocious
>fill kitchen with the scent of manure and compost
>after and hour they're still stiff as aluminium, have to resort to mashing
>add in some other cooked vegetables and stew the fuck out of it
>mix in pasta and couple of fist fulls of salt in pepper
>taste like shit, can still smell the land it was grown on
>horrible bitter after taste and somehow full of little sharp fibres that cut your mouth
>finish the cooking wine in disgust

>> No.14424442

Stop buying giant red nothing balls from Walmart and start growing your own. No tomato from any supermarket in the world will ever be as good as even the most basic homegrown shit.

>> No.14424981

You should have left them to ripen, supermarkets always buy their shit underripe so it can stay on the shelves for longer. Regardless fresh tomatoes suck for making sauces, tinned is best.

>> No.14424990

tomatoes are the one vegetable you shouldn't buy for cheap
the difference between bottom tier cheapo supermarket tomatoes and actually good tomatoes is staggering, the good ones have like 10 times more flavor

>> No.14425008

raw tomatoes are good. you are just retarded

>> No.14425023

>one tomato is three cups of water.
You liar they aren't even as big as three cups of water unless your tomato is the size of a coconut

>> No.14425128

if you like mushy, barely flavored like anything, slop

>> No.14425145
File: 363 KB, 357x542, yeahnah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in shitney and the produce isnt good. HOWEVER, it's not on your ditrade's level of shit.
just buy ripe tomatoes and put some salt on them