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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14374613 No.14374613 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14374620

The early videos are GOAT. There's a very recognisable point where even kay knows it's a meme and it's no longer the same

>> No.14374634

Idk man. The shit like wearing the unfitted watch and the sweaters over her metal band tees tell me she is genuinely low IQ asf. Plus how she responds in the comment section...

>> No.14374651

Who is that fucking old hag?

>> No.14374781

Dude she was on the fucking tv here in the uk she knows shes a meme regardless of how dumb she is

>> No.14374801

Its painful to watch. You have been warned

>> No.14374872
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>> No.14374899

Kay and Jack bro-team

>> No.14374902
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She’s so nice and wholesome, I feel bad laughing at her bros...

>> No.14374918

What if you woke up+found her in bed with you?

>> No.14374951
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What was that video someone had about Big Boy Lee and his NEETvlogs. That was equal part funny, sad, and terrifying.

nevermind, I am a gay retard


>ere's yo soppa pal

>> No.14375265
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For me, it is a different bolognese

>> No.14375277

my god. I thought the meatball video was horrifying.

>> No.14375289

Lasanga my way is great too and by great I mean horrifying and mesmerizing

>> No.14375350
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what the hell guys, I can't take these feels, even the dog seems depressed
I was doing fine until this pandemic hit, now I'm more than ever embraced in the neet hogday, isn't everyone?

>> No.14375385


>> No.14375390

kys newfag namefaggot

>> No.14375392
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Oh my God

>> No.14375409

The tuna taco one is unforgivable

>> No.14375427

Every time I watch this it's worse than I remember

>> No.14375440
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uhhh bros... what did Kay mean by this?

>> No.14375487

The background noise on her videos (the fridge?) sounds like the reactors from Half Life, it's scary.

>> No.14375632

I like that she's always wearing Iron Maiden shirts. She seems so sweet.

>> No.14375642


Tuna mayo soup kaye's way!

>> No.14375712

ok but seriously whats wrong with her. she's not just "low IQ", her concept of food is just nonsensical. does she have some other kind of mental disorder?

>> No.14375777

I can't hate Kay the way I hate Jack.
Both are equally incompetent but I think there's a genuine sincerity to Kay that makes her better.

>> No.14375780

give her little cuddle and a peck on the cheek

>> No.14375816

Ja/ck/ Scalfani

>> No.14375905

i hate her and her family. they pay their penance for enabling her every day by having to eat her slop. she is pure evil.

>> No.14375936

I have been binge watching her lately purely to try and figure out exactly what the fuck her issue is. It's like she reads a recipe from top down and throws it all in a pan in the exact order she sees things mentioned without actually stopping to read what the directions are or how something is incorporated.

>> No.14375969

>Its painful to watch.
hey this is pretty cute and proves that Kay isn't that slow because she can stay on the beat and memorize lyrics. she's just bad at cooking.

>> No.14375973

Mentally ill or abusing drugs or both. People like this are riddled with medical issues and mental illnesses and are on about 20 different meds.

>> No.14375984

That's just how they roll in Britain. It's why the man left on boats to India for some good food

>> No.14376037
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why is she cooking any of that

>> No.14376196

Her son Lee is kind of hot but dumb as bricks.

>> No.14376261

She doesnt strike me as a druggy but there are clearly some wires loose in that head of hers. if you watch a lot of her videos you start to notice her mixing up/stumbling over words pretty frequently. she doesnt sound or act intoxicated though aside from doing shit that just doesnt make any sense

>> No.14376270

I remember a video in which she talked about having some gut infection and needing to go to memory clinic soon. Not sure how relevant that is, but it's about as close as I can get.

>> No.14376591

Kay is based

>> No.14376760

You have a bigger heart than most of us anon

>> No.14376795

she's northen english so unironically might be inbred and she probably grew up in a care home cos her parents where smackheads and she was never taught to Cook properly and she is just starting to learn as an adult and also she has allergies that limit her ingredients options

>> No.14376803

Um what???? Wtf anon, explain. Like I Dont understand the appeal of him

>> No.14376806
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>Idk man. The shit like wearing the unfitted watch and the sweaters over her metal band tees tell me she is genuinely low IQ asf.

The funny thing about the Iron Maiden shirts is that she doesn't even know the band, she said she just gets them because she thinks they look cool lol

>> No.14376906

Lmao it's borderline bestiality. But I just mean aesthetically. To each their own I guess.

>> No.14376939

But I dont understand, usually people into guys with that body type its due to daddy issues which is what confuses me cos he has the face of a child with pubes glued to it.
Please explain. Is this because your self esteem is super low and you think thats the best you can get?
Pls explain anon. I know theres a thing in the gay scene where people wanna fuck chavvy guys but this is taking it too far anon

>> No.14376951

Is that her Beef Wellington? Can't tell.

>> No.14376968

>usually people into guys with that body type its due to daddy issues
That's an odd observation. My father is dead and was fit.
>Is this because your self esteem is super low and you think thats the best you can get
Holy memer. I like British people maybe? Or blondes? He's not ugly, just dumb. And as you pointed out a little chubby but it's not damning if the personality is good. I hope this helped.

>> No.14376997

Whatever floats your boat anon im still super confused by this but I guess its just your preference I only like little twinks and girls iv had sex with more masculine men and it was gross I guess im just less of a faggot than you :p

>> No.14377006

Do you have mother issues and that's why you are repulsed by adult women?

>> No.14377023

I ment petite adults anon
And no I Dont think so I just like being able to manhandle my partners and throw them around and that Dosent really work if they are the same size as me.
Maybe that stems from some sort of insecurity or something due to abuse idk but I have a healthy relationship with my family they never did anything abusive

>> No.14377032

Like it wasnt members of my family that did anything bad to me when I was growing up

>> No.14377042

Low BMI's are usually considered attractive but girl is
>a female child.
and in the context of "twinks and girls" it was easy to misconstrue that as leaning towards pedophilia, especially since it's so prevalent amongst gays.

>> No.14377045

capitalism was a mistake

>> No.14377057

Yes I understand why you took it that way it was just poor wording idk where you live but in scotland we often call females girls cos its more informal "woman" sounds like you mean a middle aged female here

>> No.14377084

You were colonised by the English, I don't think anyone expects much of you.

>> No.14377098

So was most of Asia, Africa and all of America along with a bunch of europe.
Basically every continent at some point has been mostly under english rule at some point

>> No.14377137

I'm from a Commonwealth country and have a huge hard on for colonialists.

>> No.14377159

>(*∀) Colonize my hole daddy UwU

>> No.14377190

You don't have the nerve.

>> No.14377235

You think I wont fuck you? Huh faggot?

>> No.14377242
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>> No.14377306

Y-You too.

>> No.14377403

(* ^ ω ^) stoppp ur making me blush

>> No.14377500
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What the fuck is going on in here?