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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14355258 No.14355258 [Reply] [Original]

This is what god intended man to eat

>> No.14355264

why is your hooch sidewise my friend

>> No.14355281

Sure, but I'll fry my eggs in a pan and not on the sidewalk like an animal.

>> No.14355912

over-easy for gentlemen, sunnyside-up for egg sandwiches, scrambled when speed is an issue, but that mess in the OP is a mistake I would feed to my dog rather than see the light of day

>> No.14355922

Dickel Rye is good too

>> No.14355934

Speaking of slop o' shit...

>> No.14355960

I was already drunk when frying them

>> No.14355984
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maybe your god, but not my God.

>> No.14356061

also based

>> No.14356079

Looks good, but who the fuck drinks whiskey with food? Do you have crippling alcoholism?

>> No.14356175


OP if that actually is your photo you are just barely less of a piece of shit than those Reddit fucks who post pictures of their bong next to a bowl of cereal with cartoons on in the background.

>> No.14356186


>> No.14356190

Sure, but you should still eat fruits and veggies.

>> No.14356220

I'd give my bottom nickel for another shot of Dickel!

>> No.14356224

Honestly looks like my average dinner I have way more health problems than a 25 year old should.

>> No.14356235

where is the pepper and/or hot sauce? this is shit op

>> No.14356241

A real cook doesn’t need seasoning to make good eggs

>> No.14356244
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real impressed with the whiskey bro, so manly and tough!

>> No.14356261

Right, they need cheese

>> No.14356266

>>This is what god intended man to eat

Then he sends you to hell for gluttony

>> No.14357100

God intended men to eat dick

>> No.14357114

This, pussy is reserved for bbc only.

>> No.14357117

What's with the western breakfast? Where's the fucking vegetables? How the hell do you digest that grease?

>> No.14357451

Replace the bread with ham and the whiskey with milk/coffee with a fuckload of cream and that's essentially what I feed my boyfriend.

Though I would add 4 more eggs and at least 3 more slices of bacon

>> No.14357457
File: 128 KB, 640x640, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A breakfast fit for a king. Literally the perfect way to start your day.

>> No.14357743

I can't imagine having a gf to cook for me. Probably because every modern woman cooks disgusting slop. Anyone who's worked at a restaurant know women can't cook.

>> No.14357762

Your eggs look worse than Joe Rogan's. Impressive.

>> No.14357796

Thanks but you can keep the wonder bread

>> No.14359388

Obviously, kikes can't eat pork

>> No.14359409

The inconsistency bothers me. One egg is fried hard and the other still has runny white. Toast isn't buttered. You're getting there but square yourself away. 6/10.

>> No.14359411

Anon, you weren't replying to a female.

>> No.14359418

Far too geerous

>> No.14359454

Bacon looks to be cooked pretty well, to say something nice. Plus the whiskey choice is solid. Good, but not inflated cost hipster crap.

>> No.14359558

Nah, it's belly bacon not loin and is overcooked.

>> No.14359566

That's definitely American bacon. Or streaky bacon or rashers or whatever the limp wrists of the world call it.

>> No.14359595

stay your faggot asses on reddit

>> No.14359615

That's literally the reason why breakfast cereal was invented.

>> No.14359623

i'm gonna fuck your grandma

>> No.14359788

I know Americans are lazy fuckers, but are you really so bone idle that you can't butter your bread for sandwiches or toast?

>> No.14359797

i never understand how you can enjoy hard liquor with a savory meal like that.

i always need something cold, at least, and sweet/neutral to help with the salt/taste of the food.

>> No.14359805

why don't you sip on my cold soft boomer cock you little faggot

>> No.14359838

present it

>> No.14360003

>whiskey in a plastic bottle
Americans don't really, do they?

>> No.14360026

it's portable, the bigger kind is in glass

>> No.14360031

it's just for the picture I'm sure, he seems like a fag who would do that

>> No.14360154

>hes never bought a plastic flask of spirits to smuggle into night clubs with the boys
sorry about ur life friend

>> No.14360207

>That's definitely American bacon.
Yes, which is sliced from pork belly.

>> No.14360354

I found an old plate with the same pattern smashed underneath the house when I moved here.

>> No.14360862

No they only need pepper

>> No.14360880

hey OP, your a fucking nigger

>> No.14360892

Wine doesn't really pair with cheese. It just muddles the flavor of cheeses. You want a drink that cuts through, like whiskey. Wine and cheese is a meme that you can move beyond if you have the will.

>> No.14360894
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Nice epic bacon meal bro really fucking manly bet you slay mad pussy

>> No.14360908

>no veggies
lol obviously you're using food to cope with society finding you repulsive

>> No.14360909

Are you brain damaged? When you fundamentally change something, no reasonable person calls them the parent ingredient. Do you call pickles cucumbers? Do you call sauerkraut cabbage?

>> No.14361341

You have no point to make, you're just a pleb who doesn't know the cuts of a pig.

>> No.14361357

Have you considered killing yourself? No chef from any English speaking country would call that kind of bacon "pork belly". Yes it comes from the belly of a pig, but if you served that to any chef and called it pork belly, they'd smack you in the fucking head.

>> No.14361460

>Nah, it's belly bacon not loin and is overcooked.
Notice how I didn't call it pork belly, but belly bacon?
Do you often make up random shit, accuse other of being wrong, then going on a tirade against your imagined occurance?
Either a schizo kike or a retarded nigger.

>> No.14361495

If you like sour mashes you should try some Henry McKenna.

>> No.14361577

If you want to develop IBS

>> No.14361625

Reminder that eggs and bacon as the ideal American breakfast is and ever has been a forced meme to sell more eggs and bacon.

>> No.14361630

I can't remember the last time I saw an egg or a bacon advertisement. That shit sells itself because they are fucking delicious.

>> No.14362667

Take your meds sweaty

>> No.14363949

Bread is a man-made food. Our guts can’t efficiently process the gluten. Alcoholism isn’t great either.

>> No.14364769

I bet OP is also

If you are, why are you always eating toast?

>> No.14364990

>Reminder that eggs and bacon as the ideal American breakfast is and ever has been a forced meme to sell more eggs and bacon.
This might be the dumbest post on the entire board in its history.

>> No.14365902

Wow, how did you work that out sherlock?