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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 757 KB, 2560x1440, 20200703_113925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14343061 No.14343061 [Reply] [Original]

Roast duck takes a lot of prep work.

>> No.14343065

resize your stupidly huge pictures before uploading you duckfucker

>> No.14343069

I saw these pictures on /an/ I doubt you are the same dude tho

>> No.14343070

Is that traffic cone for bleeding out the bird after you decapitate it?

>> No.14343079


>> No.14343099
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you said it pal

>> No.14343111
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No you havent. Ive havent posted a picture on an in years.
I dont have time to take a picture, go inside resize it and go back out.
Im going to cut its arteries and let it bleed out in the cone the Ill cut the head off.

>> No.14343118

oof, that's rough. imo you should just take the whole top off

>> No.14343129
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I dont have a big enough knife to do i quickly. They pass out very fast this way.
Well chickens do. Ive never processed a duck before.

>> No.14343164

damn they know

>> No.14343192
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Big pots of water take a long time to heat up.

>> No.14343204

>1 tier up from 1080
>stupidly huge
Are you viewing 4chan on a 1024x768 CFL backlit LCD monitor?

>> No.14343206

Kind of like lubing up your mom's asshole for that ripping pounding

>> No.14343232

doesnt the adrenaline ruin the meat when u bleed them out? get them drunk then follow with the ole chopperoo

>> No.14343253

Do the other ducks care when they see their comrade getting slaughtered?

>> No.14343287
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Always feel shitty when I do the deed.
You want an empty stomach when you take out the guts
The dont seem to care at all.

>> No.14343308

dis nigga wildin

>> No.14343309

imagine the smell

>> No.14343312

>Always feel shitty when I do the deed.
LMAO at this faggot

>> No.14343361

>Always feel shitty when I do the deed.

You do realize ducks are rapists right? I'm glad it's dead.

>> No.14343382

It's like 2 inches wide, antposter.

>> No.14343402

OP where do you live cool thread my dude

>> No.14343458
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>> No.14343475
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duck a la traffic cone

>> No.14343480


They are probably thinking of fucking that dead duck

>> No.14343515
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>Always feel shitty when I do the deed
>You want an empty stomach when you take out the guts

>> No.14343532

you're very cool

>> No.14343544
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>> No.14343553

>You want an empty stomach when you take out the guts
he meant the ducks stomach you tremendous faggot

>> No.14343575
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Dunking the ducks.

>> No.14343580

>Im going to cut its arteries and let it bleed out in the cone the Ill cut the head off.

That takes awhile. Hitting them in the head seems more humane. Over instantly.

>> No.14343593
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Yea it took awhile. Im going to go another root next time.

>> No.14343630

Are the ducks afraid of you now? I imagine they come back around when you feed them, but that one doesn't look too disturbed by what he saw.

>> No.14343635
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That took an abrupt turn.

>> No.14343638
File: 992 KB, 2560x1440, 20200703_132917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, in fact I have to keep shooing them away because theyre begging for treats.

>> No.14343683

Frankly I'd hang that duck up in the fridge and let it age a few day if I were you. For a quality duck that your raised yourself it'd be a waste not to do the most you can with it.
Just something to look into.

>> No.14343742

also, a duck

>> No.14343764

Your anti duck propaganda is insufferable

>> No.14343809
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OMG I have the same ducks! They aren't ripe yet ;)

Nice setup, I'll be saving this for reference. I haven't slaughtered and butchered an animal before. I heard the scalding water has to be 150 and ducks, especially ducks older than 5-8 weeks will need about 5 minutes. They are supposedly harder to pluck because of wax around their feathers.

Any advice?

>> No.14343815

Keep the blood and mix with a bit of vinegar so it dowsnt coagulate
Add to rice during xooking for awesome rice

>> No.14343819

A quick beheading? Maybe a duck guillotine.

>> No.14343996
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You're a fucking monster.

>> No.14344000

The rest saw you murder their leader. Better sleep with one eye open.

>> No.14344018

That's fowl

>> No.14344029

Question, if you wash them before you slaughter them, like with soap, will the wax still be present?

>> No.14344061

Looking forward to more updates

>> No.14344071


>> No.14344074
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They are more of a pain to pluck than chickens. I tried using wax but I dont think I did it right. They also dont die as quickly as chickens which is why I will be killing them some other way.
The two I butchered today were the reject ducks. The had very bad pigeon toe.
Ill try that next time. The kill cone I cobbled together doesnt have a spot to rest a bucket. But I need to build a nice metal one at some point as my goal is to raise all my own meat.
Is that obby? How old are you?

>> No.14344076

remember to go into the middle of a city and swing it around your head

>> No.14344077

phone poster detected
phone posting ruined internet forums

>> No.14344082

You do realise if that were true it would make ducks based right?

>> No.14344084

vegans don't want you to know livestock animals are generally dumb as fuck

>> No.14344097

because humans bred them to be retarded. their wild counterparts are actually very smart

>> No.14344103

yea, that's what i said

>> No.14344145

For once OP delivered but still a fag

>> No.14344277

>You do realize ducks are rapists right?
While I was in Peace Corps I watched a male duck rape a brood hen (chicken) until she was almost dead, so I can affirm that this statement is correct.

>> No.14344290
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Im going to follow some advice given me and dry age them in the fridge for a few days.
I fed all the entrails to the chickens. They were very excited.

>> No.14344294

>I fed all the entrails to the chickens. They were very excited.

Did you wash the poop out?

>> No.14344389

Oops. That would have been smart.

>> No.14344410
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I doubt the chickens care too much. Those fuckers are like pigs; they'll eat anything.

>> No.14344822

Cool thread. I'll admit I think I would have a hard time slaughtering an animal I had raised myself, but I would like to try it out with chickens or ducks if I had the space.

>> No.14344832

Phone browsers automatically adjust images to fit the screen.

>> No.14345071

damn it op, you had better post again when they're done

>> No.14345099

How do you actually kill the duck?

>> No.14345303

Use your imagination

>> No.14345326

>Roast duck takes a lot of prep work.
don't forget to empty the grease tray, or the duck spirits will haunt you forever.

>> No.14345333

Is this step truly necessary?

>> No.14345335

Feed them the duck entrails

>> No.14345397

Yea. It loosens up the feathers. Otherwise youd have to skin them and lose all that tasty fat.
I made two cuts on the sides of its neck after I put them into the traffic cone.

>> No.14345418

Not enjoying the duck liver pan fried with a glass of pinot noir...

>> No.14345438

Ever looked into those giant dryer things they use for plucking?

>> No.14345460

God I really hate 3rd worlders.

>> No.14345500

Whys that?

>> No.14345522

I suck at cooking

>> No.14345525

This got dark quick.

>> No.14345531

Usually stink and I don't like stinky people.

>> No.14345666


>> No.14345683

Duck question: do you have to provide domestic ducks some sort of body of water to swim in or can you treat them basically like chickens?

>> No.14345846

cool pictures, I love these kind of threads. Did you acquire and raise the ducks yourself?

>> No.14345854

if you want to remove the feather without a pair of tweezers and hours.

>> No.14345878
File: 260 KB, 1365x1024, Mighty-Ducks-memorable-tv-36864595-1365-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you give them pucks and a stick

>> No.14345957

What about being pigeon toed makes them a “ reject”?

>> No.14346049

holy shit my sides
imagine dying upside down in a traffic cone

>> No.14346194

I'm sorry this traffic cone pic is the funniest shit I've seen here in a long long time.
>be duck
>have a nice life
>die by being stuffed into a traffic cone and dying slowly from a slit throat because your owner is too poor to afford a meat clever that can instantly kill you

>> No.14346628

The other ducks seem to be taking it rather well. Not sure I'd be able to keep my calm if there was another human 15 feet away, head-down in a traffic cone, bleeding to death from a cut to the neck.

>> No.14347590

They could barely walk. The had to flap their wings to get anywhere. They go left behind whenever the rest of the flock went off foraging.

>> No.14347609
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You can only eat one. Choose.

>> No.14347631

gee wiz anon I hope you ain't a burger because doing shit like this without a licence to produce halal or kosher meats became a felony like a year ago and you just posted photos of you doing it and 4channel will be required to notify authorities if you are posting from the United States

so maybe hope they deal with you more mercifully than you did those ducks

>> No.14347645

I'd eat webby since she roont the new ducktales cartoon

>> No.14347680

Perhaps the rabbi is just out of sight.
Maybe he's hiding behind OP's fence post. My experience on 4chan tells me that rabbis tend to hide behind posts.

>> No.14347702

the point is that this will be followed up, the degree of the crime is one that 4channel is actually obligated to out of need to distance itself from posts made here, to actively seek out and give this user's information if he is indeed in America, and that same degree of it will require authorities to actually locate and question anon, and then find out if we has the proper qualifications and reasons to be killing animals in such a needlessly cruel way

>> No.14347722
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>> No.14347737

They're fucking ducks. What else are they good for if not being killed and eaten? Exsanguination is a perfectly humane method.

>> No.14347765

but not a legally merciful one one under US law except in cases of religious exemption, which is a pretty stupid contradiction if you ask me

>> No.14347790

O_O are you saying OP broke us law?

>> No.14347806

Your fucked anon now your chickens got the covid

>> No.14347808

no I don't think me and you ever made any laws together

>> No.14347863

Why is it a felony?

Also, why are you a fucking snitch?

>> No.14348019

think about it, can you not think a more humane way of killing a duck, and doing it right in front of all the other fucking ducks, they're dumb but they're not stupid and it's cruel to draw out terrifying ways of being killed and terrifying sights of seeing others killed, and the animal cruelty laws that swept through a while ago would frown on something like this, I think I agree with them, not that I think people should be punished, but I think it should be strongly encouraged that people treat animals like really stupid condensed versions of themselves, and when you kill them it should be in a way they do not anticipate and have no chance to react to the pain

>> No.14348025

also I ain't snitching on no one but the website literally has to report something like this if it comes to their attention, again only if OP resides in the US

>> No.14348036

Judging by state of OPs backyard and godawful atmosphere he IS INFACT AMERICAN

>> No.14348080

lmfao you are a soyboy retard

OP did nothing illegal.

>> No.14348179

duck, when prepared correctly, is the best bird.
That's my hot opinion

>> No.14348191

this is some ingenuity with the traffic cone

>> No.14348208

it's a felony to prepare and eat your food now? that's new to me
If the soiboys had their way, there would be regulations and taxes on breathing air and drinking water

>> No.14348320

Is this.....the victim? Looks tasty

>> No.14348326

A there goes the ducks dying with any sort of humility left to it

>> No.14348955

please be bait

>> No.14349528

No one dies with dignity.

>> No.14350297

>roasting duck is hard.
>step 1 roast duck

>> No.14350374

How do the other ducks feel about you cooking their brother right in front of them?

>> No.14350504

Good thread, OP.
Thanks for sharing.

Reminds me I have some ducks in the freezer too. I should grill one of them.

>> No.14352096
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>> No.14352111

>God I really hate 3rd worlders.
Okay citycel.

>> No.14352142

post a link to the law.
does it cover non-commercial butchering?

>> No.14352417

Theres very few laws on food youre producing for yourself.

>> No.14352497

OP did not break any laws. What he did is perfectly legal. Now if he fucked the duck and then killed it yeah that would be illegal in every state except Tennessee

>> No.14352514

That is a perfectly acceptable way to kill a duck and

>doing it right in front of all the other fucking ducks

Holy fucking shit cityfags should never talk about anything to do with managing animals. They don't care, they are bred to be literally retarded. They aren't little fluffy versions of your best pal rover and they're damn sure not little fluffy people, they're little retarded dinosaurs that have been selectively bred to not give a shit about anything except shoveling more corn into their bills. The rest of the ducks would probably cannibalize the dead one if given the chance. I know chickens fucking will.

Stop anthropomorphizing animals. They aren't people.

>> No.14352518

When you spend more money on your grill than your house

>> No.14352648
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>> No.14352758
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>> No.14352777

Does that stress the other ducks out?

>> No.14352794

Isn't anon just doing them for themselves? If this is for non-commercial reasons then what is the problem?

>> No.14352805

Different anon, I’ve used on of those for small birds like quail and chukar and they tend to miss a lot of feathers and tear the skin. On a bird with tougher skin like pheasant or waterfowl it might work better, but the little ones are better done by hand imo. If you scald the birds beforehand it works pretty well, but at that point I’d just rather pluck by hand and do a more thorough job.

>> No.14352837

Not OP but this is a very common and ethical way to kill poultry. They don't suffer and they kind of go limp when you put them upside down like that, they don't just bleed out. The whole "chicken head on a chopping block with a cleaver" thing isn't really what most people do I don't think, especially small-holding/homesteaders who don't have a huge stainless steel butchery in-house.

>> No.14352848
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>> No.14353060

good thread OP

>> No.14353460

Poor guy

>> No.14353663

>dying upside down duck in a traffic cone
something about this is morbidly hilarious

>> No.14353704
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>> No.14353776

>cooking board
>GOAT man with ducks in his yard kills a duck in a normal fashion for a dinner
>people act like it's some absurd act of violence
you guys are not cooks

>> No.14353789
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>they're little retarded dinosaurs

>> No.14353821

Underrated post

>> No.14353843

jesus fucking christ