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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 400x342, the-balkan-peninsula-400x342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14330257 No.14330257 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, food from the Balkans is amazing. They have a perfect balance of meat, fish and vegetables. Every dish I've tried from there tastes fantastic.

>> No.14330274

probably something like

Greek = Bulgarian > Turkey > The rest is inedible old world horrors

>> No.14330277
File: 22 KB, 600x445, bulgarian-feta_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me me, its sirene cheese

>> No.14330287
File: 40 KB, 570x380, d701ffb787a62207c14af04bd659256e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian food?
It's amazing as well.

I went on a 10 day tour around ex-yugo and the food was fucking good.
I have to agree that Greeks do the best and most amazing roast lamb and pastry though.
Turkish Grill is the best too.

>> No.14330299


>> No.14330554

What kinda bread you got there chief? Those sausages look good.

>> No.14330730

Does it taste like feta?

>> No.14330813

as a bulgarian i think greek and turkish cuisines are generally better developed and more varied than ours, but i'd still say we beat out the rest of the balkans. yugos have good grilled shit and pastries. can't think of any redeeming qualities of romanian cuisine. their feta-like cheese, telemea is damn good i guess.
slovene cuisine seems to be more central european than balkan from what i've seen

>> No.14330834

The bread is “lepinja” (leh-pin-yah). Very similar to pita bread.

Those sausage you see are called “ćevapi” (cheh-vah-pi). Think of it as the Balkan cousin of breakfast sausages.

We usually serve these two items together with a roasted eggplant and red pepper dip called “ajvar” (eye-var), a Balkan style cream cheese product called “kajmak” (kai-mock) and chopped raw onions (although I prefer mine grilled/fried)

This ensemble is generally served as a single dish, and is very common across the former Yugoslavia.

t. Croatian

>> No.14330836

yeah it does. it's a bit saltier and less milky than feta, but it's pretty similar.

>> No.14331402
File: 643 KB, 720x540, 1585322252252.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Bulgarian niggas at
P.S. there is no "best cuisine", but Balkan cuisine is incredibly underrated

>> No.14331455

>The rest is inedible old world horrors
Not really, at it's worst it's just a bit simple, but there aren't any weird recipes as far as I know

>> No.14331459

She has skills!

>> No.14332429

>at it's worst it's just a bit simple

Pretty much this. It’s tasty, but not something you’d see at a fancy restaurant. If you like meat, potatoes and cabbage, then you’ll be fine.

>> No.14332444

BUREK, burek best food good food best best bureeeek

>> No.14332446

Don't forget the sour cream, sour cream, sour cream, dill and sour cream.

>> No.14332538

Even better

>> No.14332555

and kajmak and ajvar and ljutenica and pindzur and ...

>> No.14332718

and kajmak and ajvar and ljutenica and pindzur and ...

>> No.14332810

A greasy burek with meat served with yogurt is just amazing

>> No.14332820

It would never occur to me to compare lepinja to pita bread, I would say another difference is that lepinja is usually also toasted on fat after baking when served with ćevapi. Other than that, spot on explanation.

>> No.14332830

We have a huge numbers of yugos here in Switzerland but I never happened to see a yugos restaurant... I wonder if they're themselves ashamed of their Cuisine

Interestingly a lot of albanians open up "Italian" restaurants, with fake Italian names and Italian flags everywhere, also I never saw an actual albanian restaurant

>> No.14332852

At least in Germany back when Yugoslavia still existetd there were lots of Yugo restaurants from what older guys say, because Yugoslavia was a popular holiday country. I'd guess after what happened in the 90s nobody wanted to eat Yugo stuff anymore.

>> No.14332868

I've always wondered why nobody anywhere else seems to give a fuck about kajmak. It's probably the best thing to put on bbq meat. It's like a salty cross between butter and cheese, so fucking good. Do other countries have it and I just don't know what it's called?
Too bad good burek is a thing of the past, there are probably like 4 places in the entirety of Belgrade where it isn't complete ass.
Gastarbeiters usually aren't the most entrepreneurial people. Not just that but you need a lot of money to start a restaurant especially in Switzerland and theres a very high failure rate for restaurants in general + our food isn't exactly well known. It makes a lot more sense for immigrants to work normal jobs, live in a frugal way and then move back to their home country with some savings in old age.

>> No.14332889


Sad, it would be nice to have more variety... We've got Thai and Italian restaurants everywhere

>> No.14332892

That's a shame about the burek, but I've been hoping to try to make one myself, properly, with homemade dough. I've made it already a couple of times with phyllo though and it was great.
Also I've been told that the right way to make the dough for burek is to keep it in a mix of lard and oil for half an hour which doesn't sound wrong to me but I've never heard of it before.

>> No.14333057
File: 26 KB, 590x350, 1593297462532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a whole balkan thread w/o shit flinging
50 grams of Sirene™, grated
250ml yogurt
2-4 finely diced cloves of garlic
Mix. Split between two plates .
Poach 4 eggs . 2 eggs per plate.

In a pan melt butter on low to mid
temp. Add a t.spoon of sweet red paprika. Mix well with butter . Key here is not burn the paprika. 20-30 seconds .
Cover eggs with sauce and enjoy.
Eggs "Panagyurishte"

>> No.14333083

It's way better

>> No.14333084

Forgot measurement for butter. You only need 20-30 grams .

>> No.14333186

Ottoman Turkish heritage :)

>> No.14333189

I wish balkan foods were more common where I live. Every experience I've had so far has been good.

>> No.14333217
File: 213 KB, 1024x665, istockphoto-639765496-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not including hungary, the best one

>> No.14333224

probably cause hungary isn't in the balkans dumbfuck

>> No.14333243


>> No.14333269
File: 182 KB, 500x597, 1589333573900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is well known that the Ottomans have taken many things from the Balkans.

>> No.14333276

No you fucking retard. The balkans (also a turkish word btw it means forested mountains) were turkish for 700 years and copied turkish culture wholesale.

>> No.14333290

>copied turkish culture wholesale.
Not really. Most of us aren't muslim and while there are some cultural similarities (definitely for food, we took a lot of their stuff), it's nowhere near wholesale.

>> No.14333292

шeфe, тypцитe ca имaли oгpoмнa импepия, пpидвopни гoтвaчи и вcякaкви тaкивa изгъзици, мнoгo пo-вepoятнo e тe дa ca paзpaбoтили paзни peцeпти, oткoлкoтo нaштe ceляни
aкo eднa peцeптa я имa и в бългapcкaтa и в тypcкaтa кyхня, пo-вepoятнo e ниe дa cмe я кoпиpaли.
нямa лoшo, пo-cкopo тpябвa дa ce paдвaмe, чe нe ядeм бeзвкycни лaйнa oт типa нa вapeни нeбeлeни кapтoфи и цвeклo и квoтo paзнитe тaм дeгeнepaти в изтoчнa и цeнтpaлнa eвpoпa ядaт

>> No.14333302

jel bugari stvarno pocinju recenicu sa "шeфe" haha

>> No.14333303

>Not really. Most of us aren't muslim and while there are some cultural similarities (definitely for food, we took a lot of their stuff), it's nowhere near wholesale.
Many of you are christian ottomans. its a thing. it is wholesale. it is also why you have a perpetual identity crisis because you feel you must deny it and pretend it isn't so.

>> No.14333306

This food is eaten where-ever turks went. from delhi sultanate india (with more spices in many cases but the same recipe) to the balkans. cope.

>> No.14333308

Standard fare with a dumb foreigner thinking he knows better than people that live here lol no worried bud keep it up.

>> No.14333312

why are you replying to me? you don't even know what i'm saying.

>> No.14333315

Consider how much American influence there is in the Balkans and that's only a 30 year cultural supremacy. Now consider 700+ years (in some parts of bulgaria and greece it is closer to 800 years). You are ottoman-people. You have turkish culture. It is not something you can erase. You can merely try to deny it like a schizo and have mental illness and societal-psychosis.

>> No.14333317

>Standard fare with a dumb foreigner thinking he knows better than people that live here lol no worried bud keep it up.
I know that it conflicts with your agenda of pretending to be dutch protestant europeans so that the Eu supports you. I know that it conflicts with your internal romantic nationalist propaganda designed by russian academics. Cope.

>> No.14333322

ok you're right, you can leave the thread now and go back to shitposting on /int/

>> No.14333328

bitch i am /ck/. i go here and on /his/. cope. i know my shit. i speak these languages. you don't. eat shit or some boureki or some shit lmao.

>> No.14333330
File: 116 KB, 792x792, 1589334855954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balkans have been populated for thousands of years before the turks showed up . It is why I still have my foreskin .
Feels good man .

>> No.14333335

Yeah and they didn't eat the same shit pre 1300 and post 1300. COPE.

>> No.14333343
File: 1.76 MB, 3000x2400, EA104DD1-17A0-4110-A14B-F9D9CF1B0E34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo you disgusting roach, shoo, before I bring out insecticide.
No idea, but kajmak is fucking amazing. I buy it and it just with bread, as a spread. It’s too fucking good.

>> No.14333344

you don't speak the languages because you made an angry reply to my post agreeing with you
you're an /int/sect. go back

>> No.14333346

you mean kaymak?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaymak

>> No.14333354

nobody is saying there isnt an influence of turk food on balkan food you inbred baboon fuck off already. always has to be one annoying twat like you in threads like this.

>> No.14333356

You schizo. Every single food item you have and eat and celebrate is demonstrably, provably turkish. You ONLY eat it because TURKS owned that clay and you were part of Turkey.

>> No.14333358

No, I said kajmak. I don’t care what mutts call it

>> No.14333359

>nobody is saying there isnt an influence of turk food on balkan food you inbred baboon fuck off already. always has to be one annoying twat like you in threads like this.
Its not 'an influence'. There is maybe 'an influence' of austrian or italian food. The core and essence and substance of balkan food is Turkish food.

Like you are Turks who are christian. simple as.

>> No.14333360

yup, i said as much in my post which you would have understood if you actually knew the languages like you claimed
you're only a shitposter interested in being cancer. like i said already: ok great, you're right, you can leave now.

>> No.14333364

>The word kaymak has Central Asian Turkic origins, possibly formed from the verb kaymak, which means melt and molding of metal in Turkic.[1] The first written records of the word kaymak is in the well-known book of Mahmud al-Kashgari, Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk. The word remains as kaylgmak in Mongolian, and with small variations in Turkic languages as qaymaq in Azerbaijani, qaymoq in Uzbek, қaймaқ in Kazakh and Shor, кaймaк in Kyrgyz, kaymak in Turkish[1], gaýmak in Turkmen, კაიმაღი (kaimaghi) in Georgian, and καϊμάκι (kaïmáki) in Greek.

This is like Americans liking Pho and claiming that it is actually American. Or Samoans claiming that American food like spam is actually Samoan.

>> No.14333367
File: 19 KB, 407x407, 1589681046195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the ottomans bring chickens too ? Garlic ? Butter? Yogurt ?
Thanks I forgot we were all eating raw meat before you guys showed up .
Eби ce в гъзa, boss

>> No.14333368

>Did the ottomans bring chickens too ? Garlic ? Butter? Yogurt ?
>Thanks I forgot we were all eating raw meat before you guys showed up .
You were basically german-cuisine tier. Yes.

>> No.14333376

>The word is derived from Turkish: yoğurt,[6] and is usually related to the verb yoğurmak, "to knead", or "to be curdled or coagulated; to thicken".[6] It may be related to yoğun, meaning thick or dense. The sound ğ was traditionally rendered as "gh" in transliterations of Turkish from around 1615–1625.[6] In modern Turkish the letter ğ marks a diaeresis between two vowels, without being pronounced itself, which is reflected in some languages' versions of the word (e.g. Greek γιαούρτι giaoúrti, French yaourt, Romanian iaurt).

>> No.14333378

Turks are mutts of all the brown people of this world as well. A disgusting half breed of all of the inferior genes on this planet. I don’t care what you sand apes call it.

>> No.14333379

нямa нyждa дa бъдeш тaкъв кoмплeкcap

>> No.14333380

this guy is literally replying to posts within 20 seconds lmao

who hurt u buddy, did ur mom get dicked down by some fat slav dick or something?

>> No.14333382

Eat something else or show some respect for your master.

>> No.14333395
File: 852 KB, 2150x4848, 1590886020864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wikipedia source

>> No.14333396

My country was never conquered by you sand apes, but I’ve been to Istanbul and you’re the most disgusting people on this planet. Even chinks can be considered human next to you. Vile, disgusting, clearly showing genetic connections to apes just by looking at your faces.

>> No.14333400

but bulgars were turkic too

>> No.14333401

Then speak turkish you slavshit rapebaby.

>> No.14333402

eh why? do you?

>> No.14333403


>> No.14333404

You were our subjects for all of recent history. >>14333395
Until Turks, your food was something like Latvian-Polish food. Cope.

>> No.14333410

Of course but being vampiric-slavshit-rapebabies who steal bulgar-identity but don't speak turkish you can't comprehend being an authentic person.

>> No.14333413
File: 40 KB, 500x396, 1DFD36C3-172E-4334-8604-52B6C1A74F05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you cope with the fact that you’re genetically half roach half ape?

>> No.14333419
File: 352 KB, 1500x900, A136RD4cKwL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cope by knowing that my ancestors conquered and ruled you for 800 years.

>> No.14333421

>>mfw a whole balkan thread w/o shit flinging
didnt last too long until this insane weirdo came in

>> No.14333423

I will scan and check every single balkan thread. You can have your threads but if you like this food you must respect that it is turkish.

>> No.14333430
File: 719 KB, 674x790, 232452342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14333441

You have no ancestors, you’re a mixed country of all the brown people of the world. The only history you have is what you stole. And now your economy is tanking, you’re going bankrupt and you’re reverting back to being just another islamic shithole. There’s not a single country that is declining as fast as turkey right now. The only good thing a turk can achieve in his life is moving to another country.

>> No.14333442

get professional help

>> No.14333463 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have no ancestors, you’re a mixed country of all the brown people of the world. The only history you have is what you stole. And now your economy is tanking, you’re going bankrupt and you’re reverting back to being just another islamic shithole. There’s not a single country that is declining as fast as turkey right now. The only good thing a turk can achieve in his life is moving to another country.
Have you tzatziki (aka cacik) to wipe away your tears.
I will fuck you.

>> No.14333477
File: 1.44 MB, 2498x1426, yougonnagefucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have no ancestors, you’re a mixed country of all the brown people of the world. The only history you have is what you stole. And now your economy is tanking, you’re going bankrupt and you’re reverting back to being just another islamic shithole. There’s not a single country that is declining as fast as turkey right now. The only good thing a turk can achieve in his life is moving to another country.
Have some tzatziki (aka cacik) to wipe away your tears.
I will fuck you.

>> No.14333488
File: 57 KB, 612x551, gettyimages-81230190-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hиaмa извинeниe дa бъдeш тoлкoвa нeoбpaзoвaн.

>> No.14333500

what does this mean

>> No.14333507

"Bulgarians" claim to be the descendants of Bulgars (a Turkish people) but don't speak Turkish and hate Turks. They basically stole Bulgar identity because they are soulless vampires.

>> No.14333512
File: 1.68 MB, 1066x724, 3425243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""""bulgarians""""" have nothing to do with bulgars but steal their history, identity, and name.

>> No.14333536

>The world's oldest processed gold, the almost 7,000-year-old Varna Gold Treasure from the Chalcolithic Necropolis in the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Varna, has been showcased at a special exhibition in the European Parliament in Brussels.
Coof coof

>> No.14333546
File: 107 KB, 2458x266, 232131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The world's oldest processed gold, the almost 7,000-year-old Varna Gold Treasure from the Chalcolithic Necropolis in the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Varna, has been showcased at a special exhibition in the European Parliament in Brussels.
Are you implying that you had anything to do with the neolithic anatolians who were living there at that time?

>Also: description of "bulgaria" in medieval era. Ruined by slavshit gypsies like you.

>> No.14333562

""""Bulgarians""""" can either stop calling themselves bulgarian or start learning turkish. simple as.

>> No.14333569

>I would say another difference is that lepinja is usually also toasted on fat after baking when served with ćevapi.

Shit, that’s what I was forgetting. That and it’s lighter than pita, which I find to be more dense.

>> No.14333578

>Bulgarians be like: wow turks also drink boza, what a coincidence!

>> No.14333583

Dude how many times are you going to post this? Who are you convincing? This is an Indonesian knot tying forum.

>> No.14333586

The whole point of this thread is that you all faggots argue about trivial bullshit .
Глyпaци, I was the only one to post an actual recipe in a food related board. Fuck you all

>> No.14333587
File: 1.18 MB, 898x906, 2452341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bulgarians be like
wow turks also eat this??? huh. weirrrd!

>> No.14333596
File: 860 KB, 658x676, 837487247832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until you vampires stop stealing my bulgar-cousins identity.

>bulgarians be like, wow i guess bulgarian pastries are really popular in turkey.

>> No.14333599
File: 1.23 MB, 952x706, 32432423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>balkan niggas be like, wow i guess our christian balkan culture endemic here forever and totally not a copy of turkish culture is really popular in turkey, what a coincidence!

>> No.14333602
File: 267 KB, 432x408, 2342342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bulgarians be like wow let me wash it down with some bulgarian coffee

>> No.14333612
File: 131 KB, 685x835, 1593112082701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turkroach be like look I came and put a new coat of paint, that means I made it right?

>> No.14333614
File: 18 KB, 219x275, 220px-Te_lawrence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anglos be like wow let me shoot you with my new arabian friends.

>> No.14333619
File: 427 KB, 544x420, 9832489289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WOW such great bulgarian food
>what a coincidence that this is only eaten where ottoman empire ruled... across the region.

>> No.14333623
File: 390 KB, 580x394, 2387428743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bulgarians be like let me enjoy some bulgarian shish-kebabi

>> No.14333626
File: 231 KB, 316x416, 2342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such appetizing bulgarian-not-turkish appetizers

>> No.14333635

>bulgarians be like wow i guess what a coincidence that bulgarian-food is popular in this region. it can't be that all the turkish-recipes and turkish-words for these foods and the fact that they are provably traced to turkey and only eaten because we used to be part of turkey for 700 years.

>> No.14333640
File: 790 KB, 872x822, 231432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14333641
File: 35 KB, 400x542, 1592925513433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you make 4 posts for each of mine, let me just remind you that my cock is not mutilated.
Because, yes my forefathers had enough water to wash their dicks.

>> No.14333645

Neither is mine. It is only something that some people still do and it isn't even mandatory in islam btw. Any more copes to get out of the way?

>> No.14333650

Just one.
I was the only person in the whole thread to post a recipe .
On a food related board. Have a good day roach..

>> No.14333660
File: 217 KB, 922x850, 27834782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food history and discussion is not food related
also i posted all the pictures of 100%bulgarian-totally-not-turkish food.

>> No.14333661

god i love pastry with sour cream. honestly, everything is so much better with sour cream. pasta, meat, sauces, chilli, absolutely everything.

>> No.14333665

you were also the only one to feed him replies and respond to him

>> No.14333666

wow so stop eating yogurt. see how well that goes in your ottoman christian turk culture.

>> No.14333681

you need a doctor right quick bro jesus christ

>> No.14333693
File: 10 KB, 246x205, 239489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its you who needs a doctor because you are denying the obvious fact that you are all turkish-culture people who eat turkish food. Its not politically correct for you to admit i guess and psychologically difficult so you cope.

>> No.14333733

Always got along well with people from Balkans. Except turks, fuck turks.
Also what's with them and wearing gold chains and big as fake gold gaudy rings. Also every Albanian here has a Mercedes, even if there house is falling apart, they got a new Mercedes. Must be really status obsessed.

>> No.14334465

never stop eating sour cream and yoghurt.

>> No.14334514

Croat here
We spit in your food, especially Americans
fuck off and stay out

>> No.14334518

Albanians are not balkanites, they are subhuman parasites

>> No.14334525

Turks themself don‘t have turkish culture. Ottoman culture is mainly persianised and with arab influence trough Islam. Turks are just nomads who adapted to the people they conquered.

>> No.14334526

yeah, some tourists in Croatia are arrogant fucks. especially the english

>> No.14334530

hence why we spit in their food and spike their drugs with drywall.

>> No.14334543



> The Bulgars (also Bulghars, Bulgari, Bolgars, Bolghars, Bolgari,[1] Proto-Bulgarians[2]) were Turkic semi-nomadic warrior tribes that flourished in the Pontic–Caspian steppe and the Volga region during the 7th century. They became known as nomadic equestrians in the Volga-Ural region, but some researchers say that their ethnic roots can be traced to Central Asia


>> No.14334550

>Like you are Turks who are christian. simple as.

Turks are muslim greek, armenians, kurds. They're the descendents of a small persianised elite mixing with the local population and adopting Islam.

>> No.14334556

> The only good thing a turk can achieve in his life is moving to another country.

Deep down they remain nomads I guess.

>> No.14334586

but we are ethnically not turkish at all. Sounds like cockroach cope to me

>> No.14334612
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 104325405_3073277789422113_7891951411965368592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, nothing to see here, we're full, fuck off, etc.

>> No.14335130
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Se bastasse unosirni e mesni... če si lačen
uno sirni e mesni za tebe... če si lačen
uno sirni e mesni za tebe na štacion
burek (4x)

Mam pr'jatla, ime mu je Ranko
da bi jedu burek je oropal banko
ma dragi Ranko, kaj ti to pomaga
v zaporu suh kruh in plesniva vlaga
kaj boš zdaj ko bureka ni
mraz pa stiska ti kosti
malo premisli, možgane pretegni
hitro pobegni in teci na...

burek (8x)
Burek, burek mi ful pomaga
za trebuh, da ni prehlada
a včasih se je treba nahranit
za moč za ženo ubranit
ko je letu poštar iz našega praga
ga je vidu sosed in si mislu "vraga"
te so divji, te so močni
sam da od mastne hrane ne postanejo nori
dragi sosed, ne se bat za nas
od mnogo hrane ne moreš met ozek pas
a žene so boljše, otroci so mirni
saj ne jejo druge hrane kot pa mesni al pa sirni
burek (8x)

Če ne vem kje naj ga dobim
kar takoj na štacion letim
in le tam povprašam ga
prijatelja albanskega
imaš sirni, imaš mesni, daj ga hitro, Bog te tresni
mesni, sirni, saj ni važno, burek jem te strastno
daj mi burek, sirov burek
mesni burek za moj...

>> No.14335151

15th anniversary in a fortnight.

>> No.14335160

American here, they never even taught us about your shitty countries. But I know the boot is Italy

>> No.14335188
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1593186020828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balkan threads are best threads

>> No.14335380

Canadian here, I just came in here to poke the powderkeg and say that I hope Erdogan shacks up with Putin so they can be on the losing side of WW3 and we finally get to enforce all of Sevres

>> No.14335989

Learning serbocroat atm. How do i pronounce the aj in words? I saw earlier anon spell out the pronunciation for ajvar with "eye-var." Is that always the case? Is daj in dajte pronunced "die-tay?" Ive been pronouncing it like i would for da, "dah-tay."

Does the j do that to other vowels? Like broj should be pronounced "bro-i?" Hvala brati!

>> No.14336278

>Is daj in dajte pronunced "die-tay?”

First half right, second half kinda off. “Die-tay” would be written like “Dajtej” (not a word) but the correct pronunciation would be more like “Die-teh”.

But that is a good observation on your part. “Aj” will be pronounced as “eye” in 99.9% of cases, as in “čaj” (ch-eye) and “majka” (my-kah), for example.

Good luck in your studies, anon!

>> No.14336565


if the j is at the end of the word it's usually pronounced as an i : Broj (broi), znoj (znoi), loj , daj (dai), znaj (znai).

>> No.14336573

Too bad food can't save an economy

>> No.14336652

Why do Americans always do this pseudo-French thing whenever they see -te at the end of a word?

>> No.14336657

Are you Bulgarian, if you so are ethnic Turks who got brainwashed by Slavs and Greeks.

>> No.14337355

>there are people who haven't tried either zelnik, tavce gravce or pastrmajlija

>> No.14337392

so this is what being a tastelet faggot looks like

>> No.14337406
File: 71 KB, 499x499, imbased2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do we slovenians have the best songs out of the balkans?

>> No.14337642

Hvala!! So the e is pronounced more like "eh" rather than "ey?"

Jebem ti mater

>> No.14337651

>Jebem ti mater

>> No.14337655


>> No.14338334

brother yes, good music. Slovenia is underrated, sadly most people can't even tell the difference between slovakia and slovenia. love slovenia because there I had my first ever burek. will always love

>> No.14339659

>balkan thread
>it's a fucking dumpster fire

Never change balkan bros. But yeah the food is pretty lit

>> No.14339704

so good so good. especially homemade.
slavic food in general is good as well. (like czechs, slovaks, poles, so on)