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14281919 No.14281919 [Reply] [Original]

agree or disagree?

>> No.14281938

Pepsi is for trannies, coke is for chads

>> No.14281942

Pepsi > Coke on it's own
Coke > Pepsi mixed with liquor

>> No.14281963

I like them both

>> No.14281979

Fountain Coke > Cane Sugar Coke > Fountain Pepsi > Bottled Coke > Bottled Pepsi > Canned Pepsi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Canned Coke

>> No.14281989

>Cane Sugar Coke
Do they even sell that in the US?

>> No.14281996


>> No.14282016

I used to think pepsi was better just because I WISHED it was better because I favor blue packaging because my absolute favorite color is blue (I mean, I can't express to you how much I like blue and blue things). But alas, I have come around to realize the coke is simply better taste-wise. Nothing can top it. This is the reason pepsi has cornered only about 25% of the cola market. Most people will agree that coke is just better in taste.

>> No.14282062

cope and seethe

>> No.14282314

in spic places

>> No.14282353

I assume you haven't seen Coke's gamer campaigns.

>> No.14282411

I prefer base Pepsi to base Coke, but Coke is better for mixing with rum, and the Coke versions of alternate flavors like vanilla and cherry are better.

>> No.14282461

I'll have to look into this

>> No.14282466

I dont like the taste of pepsi, always has tasted flat to me.

>> No.14282472

nice cope discord tranny, don't forget to dilate

>> No.14282480
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>shitsi > crap-a-cola
I wouldn't know

>> No.14282496
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Dr. Pepper.

>> No.14282598

it doesn't matter
you r-tards will argue over anything

>> No.14282607

Coke > Pepsi = rc cola > generic store cola

>> No.14282630

But that wasn't the question. It was whether you agreed or not that Pepsi was better than coke.
Not what your favorite soda was.

>> No.14282643

Pepsi is better than coke. Coke is better when its an ingredient like with cherry coke or any kind of alcohol base. The lone exception was pepsi twist, where the coke version was trash but probably they just used a trash fake lemon base.

>> No.14282647

As a bong, Coke > Pepsi since ours uses real sugar rather than corn syrup.

>> No.14282649

Grow up and start drinking water.

>> No.14282650

why are you here

>> No.14282660

i dont know

>> No.14282663


>> No.14283089

yes costco is a spic place.

>> No.14283111
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RC Cola master race reporting in.

>> No.14283224
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the amerimutt fears supreme German beverage production

>> No.14283263

Pepsi is for when they don't have Coke.

>> No.14283469

Nothing tops ice cold Pepsi

>> No.14283476


>> No.14283483
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Stop stuffing your face with way too many calories in food each day and you won't have to make diabetic substitutions like water in place of soda.
Reminder Coke has about as much sugar as an orange juice and you're a gullible faggot if you're afraid of it.

>> No.14283723


>> No.14283746

pepsi is for poor people

>> No.14283831

Coke has that problem where their plastic bottle and can products don't have consistent taste. Fountain coke is really good though.

>> No.14283865

people actually drink pepsi? holy shit

Coke is the classic soda flavor. I am not surprised you sugar slurping lard boys prefer the sweeter soda i guess..

>> No.14283876

>imagine being so poor you need to buy the half price one
kek I would pour a Pepsi into two coke bottles before I ever got caught drinking one. Pepsi is for basketball-americans. because they are poor.

>> No.14283883


Coke cost like 20 cents more than pepsi.

>> No.14283902

Fentiman's is also 10x better than pepsi and coke

>> No.14283915

I can't choose because both are amazing.

>> No.14283943

Coca cola outside USA >>> McDonalds coca cola in USA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything bottled in America

>> No.14283948

Pepsi is for commucucksfags

>> No.14283956
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I've found the exact opposite. 20 oz bottles are my goto for Coke since I like having a resealable container to drink a little at a time as I'm working and I like those so much more than fountain Coke it's not even close. The syrup distribution gets all screwed up when it's in some fast food dispenser (yes, even McDonald's which everyone keeps raving about for whatever reason) and the carbonation isn't as good.
Also cans are probably best of all for Coke but I don't want to down an entire can every time I go to drink some soda nor do I want to leave some open container sitting there potentially causing spills or attracting bugs. And I'm not getting one of those stupid can covers just to fix that problem when 20 oz is also the better size.

>> No.14284014

I do not ponder on such topics as I am an adult and do solely drink water with my meals

>> No.14284028

>Drinking water to try to make yourself feel more like an adult
You'll probably grow out of that in another decade or two, anon jr.

>> No.14284130

dr. pepper

>> No.14284133

this i thought i was the only one who liked fountain drinks more

>> No.14284157


>> No.14284189

that's an argument against orange juice, not an argument in favor of soda

>> No.14284294
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i feel like i'm the only one in the world who thinks they both taste like shit. i can down a dr pepper, mountain dew, sprite, root beer, or any other unhealthy syrup drink you hand me, but i throw cokes and pepsis in the trash. awful flavor

>> No.14284397
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Make way for the king

>> No.14284404

>mountain dew
I genuinely don't get this one. It's so bad. And I'm being a snobbish "ugh, I like this slightly less so I'll say that it's shit" faggot, I seriously cannot imagine liking the flavour of Mountain Dew.

>> No.14284445

to be frank it's really only baja blast that i like--i can agree that normal mountain dew isn't very good. i drink diet sodas now though and diet dew is real good

>> No.14284476
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For me it's Moxie, the best soft drink.

>> No.14284490

Anything that doesnt have stevia shit

>> No.14284521

I like Pepsi best, but only drink with plenty of ice or water added, I can barely take in raw Coke

>brewed with ginger and herbs
sounds good AF, is that alcoholic?

>> No.14284596


Coke is for people that...
A: Live in there parents basement
B: Gay
C: Trannies
D: Furries
E: Retarded
F: WinFAGs/MicrosoftFAGs
G: Dumb middle aged men that they think they know it all
H: Dumb middle aged women
I: All of above

>> No.14284615
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>> No.14284677
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>> No.14284682

Coke = american and mexican food
Pepsi = pizza and chinese food

>> No.14284683

Nah coca-cola is better unless i travel, pepsi tastes the same no matter where i have been, but coca for some reason do not. Maybe its sugar cane sugar used someplaces, or just the amerilard favorite of corn syrup

>> No.14284686

diet pepsi>diet coke>coke>pepsi

>> No.14284696

Dr. Pepper > Rc Cola > Coke >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pepsi

People who drink pepsi shouldn't have the right to vote or bear arms.

>> No.14284716
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No. Healthy people who aren't overweight aren't going to be harmed by drinking orange juice.
I bet you think sugar causes diabetes. If so you fell for fat person propaganda (same people who love screaming "thin people are unhealthy too!")
>With Type 2 diabetes, though we know sugar doesn’t directly cause Type 2 diabetes, you are more likely to get it if you are overweight. You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories.
>In the present study, we investigated the association between dietary intake of carbohydrates and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
>These prospective findings suggest that the intakes of starch and sucrose are not associated, but that those of fructose and glucose are inversely associated with diabetes risk.
>Is diabetes caused by eating sugar?
>A diet high in calories from any source (including sugar) contributes to weight gain and weight gain increases your risk for type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease. Type 2 diabetes is not caused by sugar, but by genetics and lifestyle factors.
It's still an open question as to what does cause it, but the academic consensus leans towards weight gain, particularly since you can even find reliable connections between different specific kinds of fat deposits on the body and your risk for it.
>The mechanisms by which visceral obesity results in insulin resistance appear to be related to excess lipid accumulation in liver. This may be due to excess fatty acids from visceral adipose tissue draining into the portal vein.

>> No.14284736
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See pic related if you're curious who's been posting all those pictures.

>> No.14284756

Stop being smart, this only dumbdumb board

>> No.14284768 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14284774

I only drink Pepsi Max. I find it tastes better than Coke Zero.

>> No.14284787

Dr. Pepper is not a cola

>> No.14284794

Only correct post in this thread. Disregard all others.

>> No.14284842

Pepsi Max is way better than Cola zero.

>> No.14284955

I had a dream last night that I got my hands on a fresh bottle of Pepsi Blue. I miss that stuff, lads.

>> No.14285040

Soda is for children, so neither.

>> No.14285052
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for me it's

>> No.14285139

Who fucking cares

>> No.14285170
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he cute

>> No.14285599

Coke as a drink, but pepsi as an overall brand

>> No.14286169

Coke stays carbonated for longer but assuming both are equally carbonated, Pepsi has more of an appreciable taste to it.

>> No.14286265


>> No.14286306

ICE cold Coke > Coke = Pepsi Max >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pepsi

>> No.14286342

Oh, well I agree with that. I like most alternate Mountain Dew flavors, especially BB.

>> No.14286363

Regular pepsi is fucking cancer. There's so much sugar in it that you can feel it on your tongue, I hate that. Coke is much better, but Pepsi Max is BASED as fuck.

>> No.14286403

Although with the caveat that vanilla liqueurs/liquor Tastes better with Pepsi for some reason.

>> No.14286421

Depends where you get it, or what you are eating with it frankly. Fountain Coke is great, fountain Pepsi I find is typically flat. Coke is better in cans, Pepsi in bottles. Also there is different sweeteners depending on the country, when I was in Hong Kong I couldn't get over the Coke for that reason. Japanese Pepsi is really good for whatever reason too, better than their Coke for sure. Don't really drink either much anymore though.

>> No.14286425
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>> No.14286431

Water uber alles

>> No.14286434

>he drinks juice

>> No.14286439

I'm not worried about diabetes, I just don't need 200 empty calories when I get thirsty

>> No.14287668

Basiert und Rotgepillt.

>> No.14287809

it's alright, but most of their tonics are wayy too flowery.

>> No.14289205

Based and hydropilled

>> No.14289228

Coke from can>Pepsi from can
Coke from bottle<Pepsi from bottle
Coke from fountain=Pepsi from fountain
Coke from can>coke from fountain, thus coke is better than Pepsi

>> No.14289239

Pepsi is nasty. I'd rather have generic store brand cola than Pepsi.

>> No.14289309

I bet you are a fatass autist.

>> No.14289671

>Is Pepsi okay?
Yeah, Ill take a water.

>> No.14289853


>> No.14289870

best cola I've ever had

>> No.14290763
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i am a tranny and i like pepsi better than coke (and dr pepper better than pepsi, and pepsi real sugar better than that)

>> No.14290803

nobody likes you.

>> No.14291230

no preference

>> No.14291253
