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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 129 KB, 2000x1333, Impacted-Wisdom-Teeth-Removal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14265688 No.14265688 [Reply] [Original]

what did you eat after wisdom teeth extraction?

>> No.14265692

Regular food because im not a retard.
chew with your front teeth.

>> No.14265693

So much vinegary shemale cock and dick.

>> No.14265706

unironically this

clean out your gums with your tongue regularly

>> No.14265746

my mom took me to a grocery store on the way home and let me pick out what I wanted and I filled like half the cart with different sobe flavors

>> No.14265768

dq reeses blizzard

>> No.14265771

A lot of chili and quesadillas

>> No.14265778


>> No.14265779

I did this
Just be careful to not let anything get near the back and you're good
That shit hurts when it does

>> No.14265780

imagine needing ur wisdom teeth extracted LOL

>> No.14265786

Mashed potatoes, pudding, and ensure drinks

>> No.14265790

one of my wisdom tooth is completely horizontal but my gums have stopped swelling completely, can I just ignore them?

>> No.14265791

truly teh white man's burden
It's kind of shocking that everyone just ignores the fact that you can make sure your child grows with straight teeth and no need of wisdom tooth extraction if you just feed it a harder diet to develop its jaw

>> No.14265792

Ngl I had a whopper and fries when I woke up from my stupor cause my mom felt bad for me. Ended up getting dry socket later on too.

>> No.14265812

>tfw all compacted and my parents never took me to the dentist so Im footing the bill at 25
> One is particularly bad

>> No.14265825

Im not a dentist but do wear a leather jacket, drive a motorcycle, and beat dumb blondes

>> No.14265836

what do you even feed your kids that's hard?

>> No.14265878

Not much I lost 10 lbs during that time

>> No.14265886


>> No.14265888

lol @ ur shitty body

>> No.14265923

Nothing. Fasting is good for you.

>> No.14265949
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>> No.14265959

jelly and ice cream bro

>> No.14265961


>> No.14265963

pumpernickel or jerkey would probably be fine, as well as steak
but everything that's not soft gooey mush would be an improvement
humans aren't supposed to have to pull out their wisdom teeth, it's just modern children's diet that's fucked shit up

>> No.14265975

Don't forget that you need to teach your kids to alternate both sides of their mouth to chew

>> No.14265977

what the fuck would you know? you're a faggot posting on fatshit american image board

>> No.14266001

>white man's burden
Nope. Im white with no wisdom teeth extracted and straight teeth without braces

>> No.14266028

I never had to take out my wisdom teeth

>> No.14266053

You should get that nerve damage treated

>> No.14266082
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Never had mine extracted because my parents loved me and fed me real food rather than heaps of garbage and HFCS which allowed my body to develop like a human being rather than a jawless alien incel.

>> No.14266093

apple sauce and oxycodone

>> No.14266098

baby food. just went up the aisle and grabbed anything that looked gentle and tasty. mostly had fruit stuff. kept it in the fridge so it was nice and cool. this was back in 2003. i bet the options now are amazing.
didn't have to do that for long, luckily, but i'm glad i did. all four of mine were coming in perpendicular to my other teeth and were severely impacted to the point that they had to shatter the teeth and pick the pieces out of my gums. i was pretty sore.

>> No.14266101

>When you're just guessing about the machinations of the human body but have convinced yourself you can speak as confidently as a physiologist on the subject

>> No.14266107

>when you’re an undeveloped manlet and get upset over things because girls don’t want to have sex with you
At least you got a dollar from the tooth fairy!

>> No.14266157

Most people stop believing in the tooth fairy by time they get wisdom teeth. How did you grow into adulthood believing in the tooth fairy?

>> No.14266164

snow cone because it was across the street

>> No.14266179

Ate normal food and they say no straws but I went down to tropical smoothie right after. Never got dry holes. I'd eat a burrito and a piece of rice would fall in the holes but I always got it out after I was done eating. Literally just don't be retarded.

>> No.14266191

That shit is going to pop off a molar any day now

>> No.14266220

Nah but your teeth are probably crowded too shit
I have the same deal

>> No.14266223

>right after
Yeah, that's why you didn't get it. Dry socket happens after 3 days when the blood clot in your tooth hole forms. You didn't have a blood clot yet

>> No.14266239

>taking sarcasm literally

>> No.14266278

>ended up getting dry socket from carls jr
Not sure if based or not

>> No.14266282

Doesn't the blood clot start forming within 12 hours?

>> No.14266292

what fucking moron still believes in the tooth fairy???

>> No.14266309

That happened to me. I didn't do anything and a few years later it got red and swelled up again so I had to get it removed

>> No.14266330

do you live under a rock anon? tooth fairy is real.
redpill sites:

>> No.14266350

Something with lots of hot sauce. I remember regretting it

>> No.14266379

cheese grits

>> No.14266403

split pea soup
>anon i made split pea soup, look howgreat and chewey it is
dad, im suppossed to eat soft stuff
>well, fine then. If you wont even try my soup you make make yourself a hotdog
its not like i dont want to try it, i cant
fine, ill have your soup

the peas were hard, they got inside the hole and i ended up bleeding after trying to take them out for an hour

>> No.14266404

gamer girl piss while she contorts her face into a cute ahegao

>> No.14266432

Based dad emotionally manipulating his son into enduring pain

>> No.14266502

dry sockets are rare.
lots of people get full mouth extractions (every tooth) and dont get dry sockets.

>> No.14266610

codeine tablets and bourbon

>> No.14266622

Take your Opioids and play lots of vidya games.
Get lots of rest, watch a ton of movies.
Eat tons of pudding, soup like tomato soup, applesauce, vanilla ice cream.

DO NOT eat anything that has tiny nuts or seeds, so an example of this would be peanut butter ice cream with shaved peanuts, anything small and hard like that can get stuck in your holes and cause infection. brush your teeth and use your mouth wash like 3-5 times a day no joke, also clear that shit with water via the lil plastic syringe they give you. you will be find, its only rough for like 5-7 days then you can eat real shit.

>> No.14266627

Why do people treat this like some kind of incredible and complicated surgery

I was eating food a couple hours later and back to work the next day

>> No.14266634

I didn't have wisdom teeth at all, actually.

>> No.14266782

Mine grew mostly straight so the dentist just burned off the excess gum

Hurt like fuck but healed quickly.

>> No.14266844

>humans aren't supposed to have to pull out their wisdom teeth

Yeah, because in pre-history everyone had lost teeth by the age that the wisdom teeth came in, dumbass. The wisdom teeth are designed to replace teeth that fall out.

>> No.14266858

I ate beef broth and split pea soup for a day or two, but after that I was back to normal.

>> No.14266864

it's not a big deal if your teeth come in straight
it's a bigger deal if they come in sideways

>> No.14266870

Nothing. I slept for 2 days. Codeine is a hell of a drug.

>> No.14266894

came out a bit on the side but i never took it away
i'm still fine

>> No.14266919

Wendy's chocolate frosty

>> No.14266943

>one of my wisdom tooth is completely horizontal but my gums have stopped swelling completely, can I just ignore them?
Maybe go to a dentist once a year? And when it comes time for your xrays every 3-5 years, say yes to them, then ask dentist their opinion? You can't see exactly what is going on yourself without xrays.
To be clear, some teeth that can't be left alone to do their damage, and some others are going to cause no other symptoms other than erupting like any other new tooth.
I wouldn't want to go to any dentist during covid, but surely you're up to date anyway with a recent visit?

Your teeth formed from the provided genetics from mom or dad, and if you were unlucky half&half such that your jaws are mismatched or teeth crowded, but most of all, from your mother's very good in utero nutrition when your little teeth buds are forming. Beyond that, it'd be up to you to get regular dental care and floss properly, understand enamel erosion, not do drugs, etc.

>Why do people treat this like some kind of incredible and complicated surgery
Most oral surgeons don't even know how much of a fight the extraction will be until they start pulling on it. It's a pretty violent surgery for some people with a lot of soft tissue damage and tendon pain, and localized swelling. They might end up needing to crack the tooth into pieces, yank with so much force that they need leverage on your face, that traumas your cheek, neck and facial muscles (chipmunk cheeks). You will have no idea.
>I was eating food a couple hours later and back to work the next day
You were lucky to have a simple job, and nothing more logical than that. No one can fix how dumb you appear, however, when you assume to think everyone is just like you. That's on you!

>> No.14266947


>> No.14267038

>implying I ever needed one
Poor mouthlets, burdened by bad diets and terrible parents.

>> No.14267053

went to a LAN party and had some pizza and soda
being young was awesome and now I cry like a bitch for days if I get sore from manual labor

>> No.14267058

>Your teeth formed from the provided genetics from mom or dad, and if you were unlucky half&half such that your jaws are mismatched or teeth crowde
Completely serious, not being a legit mouth breather as a kid/teen is also a big factor.

>> No.14267060

An aggressive amount of panera bread broc and cheddar soup.

>> No.14267114

>being a raging faggot

>> No.14267195

dental health ia important and that sounds like a problem, get it checked out so you dont find out you got tumors down the line.

>> No.14268164

mostly pudding, jello, tomato soup, I had a burger once by not eating it with anything on it and chewing very carefully.

>> No.14268171

mine were coming in the same way, you should get that dealt with before it causes crazy pain.

>> No.14268188

when did you all get them removed? I was only 20 which I think is pretty early.

>> No.14268208

I had mine out at 19, best to get them out before they start erupting on their own

>> No.14268273

A whole tub of Neapolitan ice cream (I got dry socket and wouldn't chew for a week)

>> No.14268290


>> No.14270024

I was born without wisdom teeth

>> No.14270063

Severely underrated post and truly patrician taste on display

>> No.14270075

milkshakes and opiods cause the surgeon was an actual retard and prescribed them to a teenager. I had 4 removed + the top of my mouth opened due to impacted canine teeth though so I guess they thought I'd need em during the recovery

>> No.14270138

Two days before Thanksgiving last year I had to get my second molar removed in the bottom right of my jaw. It was a choice between a root canal or just to pull the fucker out, figured a pull would save me money and honestly a lot of pain.
I wouldn't recommend eating on the extraction side of your jaw at least one or two months afterwards. That shit hurts whether or not it's a wisdom tooth, and the fresh gumline/flesh isn't something you shouldn't mess around with. Once it's properly healed up enough though I don't have too many issues eating really soft foods, that including chewing things like peas or boiled chicken in a soup as examples. Beware of chips and crunchy foods like toast. I made the mistake of eating Funyuns one time and the cutting up I got wasn't fun to deal with after.
Just remember that it takes about a year for your jaw to fully heal after a tooth extraction, just be easy on that bit of it.

>> No.14270148

based and redpilled
I was worried about dry socket but I still smoked weed from my bong like usual, was fine. Any pain was just from my socket healing or food getting into the socket while eating (which is inevitable)

>> No.14270193

I'd had the abcess for a few weeks and had used a bunch of keflex from my stash to try to treat it. Then after a week the pain became unbearable so I finally dragged myself to the dentist, had a fever of 104.2, and the surgeon that cut it out said I was the most septic person he'd ever seen still on their feet. Ended up hospitalized for 3 days getting IV antibiotics and that whole time lived on broth and jello. By the time I was home I ate percocet and whatever the fuck else I wanted to.

>> No.14270215

Mashed potatoes
Steamed fish

>> No.14270231

chicken soup

>> No.14270237

22, got them taken out in february

>> No.14270252
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>he is a jawlet
>he needed his wisdom teeth removed
lol subhuman

>> No.14270257

soups, jello, and mashed potatoes lol

>> No.14270371

I barely ate, but when I did, I had fish porridge.

>> No.14270389

Today actually, and I am 23

>> No.14270404

Checked and I got mine out late last year at 36. My right jaw is still numb but the surgeon warned me this might happen because of how the nerves were wrapped around the roots of it.

>> No.14270807
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>Wasn't born with a jaw that can support all his wisdom teeth
Fucking lmao

>> No.14270837

I have all 4 wisdom teeth, one basically in position like OP pic, for over a decade (almost 30)

I clean the sideways-ish one a bit more because food gets stuck back there but I think it might be cool unless you get gum infections or something

>> No.14270863

The gum around my bottom left wisdom tooth is currently swollen from brushing it too hard. Hopefully I wont need to go the dentist

>> No.14270874

he shouldnt ironically do this maybe?

>> No.14270889

Shout out to all my wisdomboys.

>> No.14270918

I'm evolved and wasn't born with unnecessary teeth

>> No.14270936

are you just saying you utilize all of them...or do you only have like 8 teeth?

also why do wisdom teeth come in later anyway? are they meant to account for teeth you've lost between the ages of like 8 and 20?

>> No.14270958

I was not born with the 4 unnecessary teeth in the back tucked too far into nerves that people routinely remove.

>> No.14270991

My wisdom teeth never grew in, apparently I don’t have any :)

>> No.14270997

i went after the right side started to hurt. I got xrays and he said theyre impacted and ones infected and if i wanted them done today and if i was if i wanted to get knocked out. I said yes and got a little needle and fell asleep for 10 minutes. It sucks for like 2-3 weeks but i was back to work the next day and eating normally. kinda helps to work for a dental company so you dont need to pay the 500$ to get knocked out. My left wisdom teeth are coming in bad tho I might just get it over with soon

>> No.14271219
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I had infected one which was still mostly in jaw and went out in pieces. Didn't even stich, left with gaping hole.
Because I am lard ass I would eat anything I wanted regardless how much it hurt and then used that interdental brush to scoop out bits and pieces out of the hole.
Hurt when I touched the gums.
Got tooth removed on Tuesday was stuffing my face with pizza at friends house in on friday.

>> No.14271334

Nothing because I have God tier teeth genetics and don't have to remove them.

>> No.14271359

Top row; normal food, had no issues after removal
Lower row; soup with bread for diner, eat normally next day.

All my wisdom teeth broke through normally and functioned like normal teeth for about a year, had the top ones removed at the dentist anyway cause I read it could give problems over time. Lower wisdom teeth stayed cause they can't pull them at the local dentist so $$.

After a year I woke up and couldn't open my mouth anymore till half an inch or so cause the tooth on once side was infected and my jaw muscles were swollen stiff. Had to chew bleach anti disinfectant for 2 weeks, my jaw muscles would creak whenever I did and hurt like hell. 2 weeks after I could finally pull the tooth which hurt a lot less than the infection did. When the last wisdom tooth started hurting I got it pulled asap. During the infection I ate yogurt for 2 weeks and soup. When you get problems the resolve those first before pulling.

>> No.14271394
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Nothing but these fuckers

>> No.14271408

I didn't waste money on braces, so there was plenty of room for wisdom teeth to grow in. Asymmetrical teeth probably enhance chewing too.

>> No.14271544

Happy meal

>> No.14271903

Snack Pack pudding, and yogurt

>> No.14271933

Nothing. For a week.

>> No.14271952

never got mine extracted and have all 4

>> No.14272199


>> No.14272295

is it weird that I have my wisdom teeth and they cause no problems whatsoever?

should i still get them removed?

>> No.14272403

I havent needed to get them extracted because I don't have a weak jaw.

>> No.14272497

Mashed potatoes and apple sauce.

>> No.14272538

Still have mine at 24, when does the swelling start?

>> No.14272574

i had the extraction surgery twice because i had 6 wisdom teeth and they thought i had 4

>> No.14272607

Panera smoothie
During my late 20s when I had braces I had 2 upper extractions to reduce crowding. They were premolars so in kind of a weird spot to chew. I drank broth mostly

>> No.14273133

Same shit because I'm not a bitch. I didn't even bother with the painkillers they gave me either, saved those for a rainy day.

>> No.14273146

Liquid, all of mine were impacted and my face was swollen for a week

>> No.14273152

Pretty much nothing OP. I got a severe infection that took 4 courses of antibiotics to wipe out and I almost died.
Everyone tells you 'there's no such thing as routine surgery' but you never think you're going to be the 1% until you're looking up at a shitty ceiling thinking this could be the last thing you ever see.

>> No.14273167

Cigarettes. Didn't even get mene socket.

>> No.14273238



>> No.14273251

>is it weird that I have my wisdom teeth and they cause no problems whatsoever?

It's a complete genetic tossup. You get lucky or you don't.

>> No.14273758

eat well before, had all 4 removed, ate nothing for two days then slowly going from tomato soup up to mushed peas and down to solids again. Not something I'm willing to repeat but I rather have anything out in one operation then suffer through four of them. Paid for full narc so it was basically painless. It did help that they did quite a lot of other things that needed doing in the same surgery.

>> No.14274473

Mac & cheese

>> No.14274774

I had that shit where the flap of skin slides over the tooth and becomes infected a month or two back, it was pure suffering for a week or so. Just popped some paracetamol and very carefully ate on the other side of my mouth, I couldn't even close my jaw.

Still couldn't be bothered going to a dentist, though.

>> No.14275096
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>> No.14275141

I am a neanderthal so I didn't have mine removed since they all grew in straight

>> No.14275768

Had a fat burger because I was hungry