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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14260289 No.14260289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Select your protein
Can we stop this stupid fucking trend of restauraunts referring to all meat as protein?

>> No.14260294
File: 40 KB, 640x480, E7993038-CA60-45F0-95D7-818B56D6417F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell wrong image

>> No.14260303

Fuck off reddit and guzzle my protein while you're at it

>> No.14260340

What's your point? Meat is protein

>> No.14260366

Fucking reddit nigger. Go the fuck back.

>> No.14260378

usually they offer more than one protein source tho. meat, fish, and vegetarian meat substitutes are categorized as proteins on a menu. What would you categorize them as?

>> No.14260382

I agree. I hate this shit too. Fucking re.ddit shit. Meat =/= protein

>> No.14260383

>/pol/redditor tells others to go back

>> No.14260400

>everyone who says nigger is /pol/
I think you do not know where you are.

>> No.14260408

imagine thinking chicken and fish are meat

>> No.14260413

protein is a component of a dish that has become expected of modern cuisine, most dishes should have a protein
and all meat is protein, but not all protein is meat

im guessing your point is that meat does more than just fulfil the "protein requirement" of a dish and that we should respect is for what is contributes to a meal
that is true, we dont consider the steak to simply be the 'animal part' of a dish, its the main attraction
we say 'protein' because its the easiest way top say 'large, heavy flavour centric part of the meal' without flatout admitting that the rest of the plate is simply a sidedish

>> No.14260416

What a retarded thing to complain about. What's even your problem with referring to proteins as "protein"?

>> No.14260424


>> No.14260434
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Your thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.14260436

if you didnt post a RRRREDDIT image we would take your question seriously

>> No.14260437

it is the flesh of an animal, how is it not meat

>> No.14260438

found the pseudo-vegetarian

>> No.14260444

Fish isn't meat.

>> No.14260447

why not?

>> No.14260451

I can eat it during lent.

>> No.14260454

Meat is just the flesh of an animal, though, and fish are animals.

>> No.14260456

mammals and birds = meat
fish = fish
chicken = poultry

>> No.14260457

>muh pagan traditions

>> No.14260460

okay, why can fish be eaten during lent, but not a land based quadruped?

>> No.14260463

have you considered beans and legumes as sources of protein, faggot?

>> No.14260465

I dunno man I just go by da rulez.
but lent is based off of jesus's forty days in the desert : (
Because we can't eat meat.

>> No.14260467

do americans really?

>> No.14260468
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because my favorite book says so

>> No.14260469

those are human classifications
what are the actual differences between those animals?

>> No.14260470

Ok, so chicken is meat?

>> No.14260471

>vegan calling people faggots
wew lad

>> No.14260474

Do Americans really be so retarded they have to convolute everything? Yes.

>> No.14260475

>40 days in desert
It's actually based off babylonian rituals. If you want to fast, the Bible says to fast in secret and don't make an effort to let others know.

>> No.14260476

why is fish not meat?

>> No.14260479

Ask your local bishop, I don't I'm qualified too answer this question.

>> No.14260481

>those are human classifications
yes anon, that's what we're discussing
no. you know what i mean

>> No.14260480
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My favorite book says they are different so I made myself believe fish and birds aren't animals.

>> No.14260492

>yes anon, that's what we're discussing
ok so discuss
why is chicken(and fish) not considered meat?

>> No.14260504
File: 127 KB, 800x600, Bible_KJV_80123523_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's animal flesh. Meat is anything eaten for food. See Genesis 1:29

>> No.14260506

It's literally a loophole the Catholics invented because the Bible said "You cannot eat the meat of any animal that walks upon the Earth." Someone got the bright idea that, "Hey, fish don't WALK upon the Earth, they SWIM!" and thus, the fish loophole for lent was born and it forever fucked up everyone's conceptions of what meat is because their stupid religious loophole depends upon fish "not being meat."

>> No.14260509
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Almost every menu I've ever seen that had the "select your protein" format had a vegetarian option. "Protein" just means the main thing, and is the word typically used in restaurants to refer to meat (because all meats are proteins), which are generally the centerpiece of a dish and the most expensive element.

>> No.14260510


>> No.14260512

so fish is meat?

>> No.14260518

that verse seems to talk about plants/herbs
says nothing about flesh
mentions no distinction between land animals and sea animals
i know, i want them to admit to though, and realise that a cow and fish arnt all that different

>> No.14260521

Chickens are birds, idiot.
It's literally an ancient religious loophole for Catholics. See: >>14260506
There is no rational reason for it, they convinced the world that fish is "not meat" just so they could cheat on their own rules for their own holiday.

>> No.14260522

Wow. I honestly had no clue what was going through peoples heads every time I've heard someone say "fish isn't meat". Religious people are fucking retarded.

>> No.14260530

They did such a good job of lying to themselves that even to this day many vegetarians feel that eating fish still qualifies them to tell people they don't eat meat.

>> No.14260564

Yes. I'm not a Catholic though, so I don't practice lent or whatever other groups practice it or similarly-named fasts.

Most people mean animal flesh when they say "meat" today. Not all animals are clean though and eating animal flesh was only sanctioned by God for survival when non-animal food was scarce. God also forbids eating blood. You won't go to hell for breaking the dietary guidelines in the Bible, but you're more likely to suffer from poor health as a result of it (much of this is backed up by modern science, e.g. pork being associated with health complications especially when under-cooked). I'm not going to argue about the validity or etc. of the Bible or my beliefs because that'll just get too off-topic, I'm just explaining my perspective on the topic.

A cursory glance at "meat" etymology shows "mete" for "food, nourishment, sustenance".
>Narrower sense of "flesh of warm-blooded animals killed and used as food" is attested from c. 1300 (earlier this was flesh-meat, early 12c.). There is a similar sense evolution in French viande "meat," originally "food." In Middle English, vegetables still could be called grene-mete (15c.) and white meat was "a dairy food or product" (early 15c.). Figurative sense of "essential part" is from 1901.

Yes, the only distinction in the Bible about animal flesh is what is clean and unclean. It explains what fowl, land animals, and sea animals are clean/unclean and that's about the only distinction for dietary guidelines.

>> No.14260588

so if, via modern practices, we can ensure that a typically unclean animal(pig) is now clean(most swine do not have the Trichinosis bacteria) then that animal should be considered clean?
or is it still considered unclean due to traditional practices that have already labelled it unclean?

>> No.14260591

pig is shit and bacon is overrated. next

>> No.14260599

why do you consider pig to be 'shit'?
personally, i think its amazing, but possibly because i dont get to eat it very often

>> No.14260601

meat is fat protein and connective tissue you dingus

>> No.14260607

the defining characteristic of a bird is that it FLIES through the air
Ever seen a chicken take off and fly away? No? Then it's not a bird, simply as, now stop being retarded

>> No.14260610

Most pescatarians I've known seemed pretty confused when asked why why seafood is the only protein they eat. It usually came down to some combination of finding beef/pork/chicken/etc "gross" or unhealthy, and fish not being cute and cuddly. The religious thing was probably also somewhere in the background, even if they didn't realize it.

>> No.14260623

>Ever seen a chicken take off and fly away? No?
You've never spent any time around chickens, have you?

>> No.14260633

so bats are considered birds then?

>> No.14260646

i have, ive never seen one fly past a few meters
dont agree with the guy, but just saying

>> No.14260647

Brain worms aren't the only health complication associated with pork. Even fully cooked pork has been linked to cancer. Some doctors have said you can't overcome cancer if you're still eating pork. You can do your own research into that, but I'm sure you could find studies that prove and disprove it.

I think it tastes good, salami too, but I don't eat it anymore. And pigs roll around in shit and eat just about anything. Feral pigs are even worse than farm-raised pigs, since they'll scavenge garbage and animal corpses.

>> No.14260652

It's feeble though, compared to strong fliers like pigeons, not enough to qualify
Yes - check the bibles list of clean and unclean animals, bat is listed with other birds

>> No.14260659

Huh, bible-thumpers really are completely retarded, just like the rumors say.

>> No.14260667
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>> No.14260676

most meats are linked to cancer though
im guessing there something more specific that you and the studies are referring to though
generally i dont dont pay much attention to those, because most things increase your risk of cancer(especially after 35y/o) and some thing has to kill you eventually, so why are we paying so much attention to 3-5 extra years?

>> No.14260692

Sure yes you're correct but guess what all of those protein choices come from living animals, said protein is their flesh. SO IT'S MEAT.

>> No.14260723

>in the bottom position

Wait, so if you're a top, you aren't gay? Ottomans strike again.

>> No.14260728

Have you ever watched Green Mile? Brain cancer patients really get like that (at least before they lose the ability to talk and eat) and it's not pleasant to watch. Only there's no magic prisoner to cure them instantly. I could get into the medical industrial complex and alternative options for cancer patients, but that's also a little too off-topic for /ck/. Should be easy enough to research if you use a good search engine that hasn't become famous for censorship in recent years.

I know most people don't care that much about what they eat, but food really is the best medicine and if you can prevent yourself from getting sick in the first place you can save yourself a lot of money and hardship. It doesn't bother me that others aren't as into it as I am, I can't control them but I can let them know how I feel about it and they can make their own decision.

>> No.14260735

There's nothing rude about calling religious people retarded. You don't get to spout retarded bullshit based on whatever fairy tale your parents forced on you and then turn around and pretend like that somehow makes you immune from criticism whenever you say something stupid.

>> No.14260746
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>> No.14260750

what part of Green Mile are you referring to? i dont recall much of that film? was there an Alzheimer's patient in the movie?

>> No.14260758

I'm pretty confident that nobody in the world has watched The Green Mile in the past 10 years.

>> No.14260765

>the defining characteristic of a bird is that it FLIES through the air
Jesus Christ, this is literally stone age logic.

>> No.14260774

Some guy's wife had brain cancer and the prisoner who could heal was taken out by guards to heal her just before his execution. Should be around the end of the movie, but it's been a while since I've seen it.

>> No.14260776

well its been like 3+ years for me, i cant be expected to remember every detail of each cult classic out there
i know its good movie, and i went out of my way to watch it, but all i remember was the story of a retard sentenced to death who happened to have healing powers

>> No.14260779

I watched it a couple of years ago. I'd previously watched it several times as a child, in the early 2000s, but I had completely forgotten the magical realism aspect of the film.

>> No.14260780
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>green mile
>cult classic

>> No.14260787

cult classic
top 100 must watch
influential film
whatever the fuck you want to call it, you know what i mean
dont pretend to be retarded

>> No.14260800
File: 19 KB, 474x297, (JPEG Image, 474 × 297 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people love Tom Hanks movies for some reason

>> No.14260823

>cult classic
>top 100 must watch
>influential film
The Green Mile is none of those things.
If "Name a Tom Hanks movie" was a category on Family Feud, Green Mile would only get one answer - and only if that other guy just happened to be polled on that particular day.

>> No.14260840

then what do you consider it? plenty would say its a must watch flm

>> No.14260856

It's Stephen King redoing Shawshank redemption because why not if it worked the first time, but this time with adding his usual racist magical negro simpleton stereotype. Not a terrible movie but meh

>> No.14260861
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>plenty would say its a must watch flm

>> No.14260864

retarded or not, his blackness seemed irrelevent apart from the fact he was given an immediate death sentence
how was stephen being racist? or are you saying the character portrayal was racist despite being somewhat accurate?