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File: 2.45 MB, 3024x4032, 1592084057937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14246043 No.14246043 [Reply] [Original]

I've spent a decade plus in the food industry, cooking at everything from mom and pop diners to swanky prix fixe menu places. I've cooked tens of thousands of burgers for every imaginable type of customer, and am going to tell you now, definitively, the preferred ways that people order their burger. The most popular burger temperature is Medium-Rare, followed closely by Medium. After a significant power gap, it's then Medium-Well; you know who you are. Lastly, Rare and Well-Done are both outliers, and if you disregard kid's menus and fast food, Rare is slightly more popular than Well-Done. That's it. That is the truth of the matter based on the facts. Now that this has been cleared up I hope everyone can get back to productive food and cooking discussion.

>> No.14246204

6 years of service, medium rare to medium master race here.

>> No.14246217

To attempt to be the true fat fuck Taco Bell fatty you have to name your pic TB... Anyway please kill yourself as I hope the true Taco Bell fatty has.

>> No.14246220

I hope you die in a fire tonight you fat piece of shit.

>> No.14246225

Abby has seen some shit

>> No.14246238

I swear that everyone on this board is a drink faggot or a woman.

>> No.14246239
File: 36 KB, 368x341, plskillme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid lard ass.

>> No.14246241


>> No.14246242

>he doesn't drink
speaking of faggot

>> No.14246248

>this is the 10th time we've posted this bait image, and we have become very efficient at it

>> No.14246252

Why are you a 90lb female Japanese office worker? Why can't you consume more than 1200 calories in a sitting? you scrawny skelly twink bitch.

>> No.14246256

Idk why anyone would want a rare burger. Steak should be rare/medium rare of course, but ground beef is just inherently grody. I wont refuse to eat a burger that's pink on the inside, but I would prefer it cooked. Nobody orders ground beef tacos medium rare.

>> No.14246257

Everyone on this board is an anorexic faggot, a woman or an obese bloatlord. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14246261

The point is it's not the real Taco Bell fat fuck you fucking boy loving cunt queer piece of shit degenerate nigger trap whore cumdumpster AIDS-ridden tranny

>> No.14246263

>He has never had medium well tacos.

>> No.14246264

OP is a long term troll who unfortunately gets incredulous responses to this day. If everyone called him a total subhuman faggot each time, and saged, he would finally stop.

>> No.14246278

>being jealous of a loser
enjoy your death

>> No.14246286

>He cannot eat ground beef at any doneness.
Crap genetics, KYS yourself.

>> No.14246290

Why would I envy a man that pretends to eat raw ground beef?

>> No.14246294

Are soi cucks so weak their bodies can it handle raw ground beef? Big ZEZ.

>> No.14246296

This is what you do. Now listen up. Get two pounds of 80/20 and a pan. Slice off a chunk of butter and melt it. Break up the beef and press until its taking up the whole surface. Set it to high and quickly mix it all up until just the edges are brown. Take it out and throw in 4 slices of bread. Really soak all those juices into the bread. Flip it. Toast it again sucking it all up. Throw all the meat back into that pan and get most of it on top of the bread so it doesnt cook anymore. Cover it and set it to medium. Wait another 4 or 5 minutes and slide everything out into a large bowl and mix with Worcestershire sauce. Eat from bowl with a fork. You got the most delicious primary burger meal on earth. The meat should be rare to medium rare.

>> No.14246297


>> No.14246304


>> No.14246321

Delicious. Butter is a necessity but I dont add bread. Use the butter only. If you have good meat, you dont need Worcestershire or seasonings.

>> No.14246366

Fuck off you fat slob.

>> No.14246383

The bread is just there to absorb the juices and toast most divine with the butter. What do you do? Throw the best tasting juices away?

>> No.14246404

I have the most powerful orgasms after I eat meat, but my niece says my load tastes better when I drink alot of orange juice.

>> No.14246442

extra rare for me please. I'd prefer completely raw but so many places use frozen patties so it's not possible to get a raw patty since they have to unthaw it by cooking somewhat

>> No.14246487

>t's not possible to get a raw patty since they have to unthaw it by cooking somewhat
We take as many burgers as we'll need out of the freezer a couple days before and let them thaw in the walk-in. Nobody should be cooking frozen burgers.

>> No.14246521

No no no. You cook from frozen. Why the fuck would you take it out so it can grow bacteria and other contaminants in it over those days? Always cook from frozen.

>> No.14246650

You take it out frozen. It thaws slowly.

>> No.14246669

Its easier to prevent the inside from cooking if you cook it with high heat from frozen so it just sears the edges while the inside remains rare.

>> No.14246673

If I recal, Isn't rareness only really a thing for whole pieces of meat?

Once meat is ground it doesn't really have the affect much (aside from color obviously)

>> No.14246684

Wow all that experience but still doesn't use a thermometer to cook ground beef to 160F. What a fucking idiot, enjoy your e coli

>> No.14246692


>> No.14246698

correct, unless you trust that the minimum wage worker cleaned all the e.coli out of the meat grinder, then you should cook ground meat thoroughly

>> No.14246714

Pussy ass soiboi weak shit genetics faggot.

>> No.14246791

Nobody uses a thermometer to cook burgers.

>> No.14246839

>Once meat is ground it doesn't really have the affect much
Of course it does. The more you cook it the drier it's going to be, and as the juices are released the meat loses both mass and flavor.

>> No.14246912


Tacobell anon on life support

>> No.14246929
File: 105 KB, 920x710, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usa today
>shopping at walmart

>> No.14246930

I make tea with fresh cow shit. Pussy.

>> No.14246933

Imagine defending eating shit burgers

>> No.14246934


>> No.14246939
File: 18 KB, 252x231, _138_dilatingeyedrops2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14246943

Do Americans really eat shit laden meats?

>> No.14246947

Did you actually turn off your ad blocker to read an article from USA Today?

>> No.14246948


>> No.14246955


Imagine being a shit eating Yank. What a disgusting nation.

>> No.14246959

So now you've turned off your ad blocker to read the same USA Today article on two different click bait sites?

>> No.14246963


Shite eating Yanks on life support

>> No.14247039

Nobody buys groceries at Walmart, dum dum.

>> No.14247047

That's like saying no one buys groceries at Tesco. Most of you lardsharts do and you all love the taste of shit. Why do Americans have the worst meat standards in the world?

>> No.14247066

>Why do Americans have the worst meat standards in the world?
They don't. But if you're going to cherry pick examples maybe take a look at the current administration.

>> No.14247082

>They don't.
Every other month there is another recall due to fecal contamination. Where else on Earth does this happen outside of places like Zambia?

>> No.14247127

I'm a cook and we've had 2 recalls in the past 5 years, both for e-coli in romaine from very specific regions. It's really not some sweeping epidemic like your news sources have seemed to convince you. I'd suggest not reading the same alarmist, fear mongering garbage 5 times on 5 different websites.

>> No.14247143

blame the spics who shit in the fields

>> No.14247241

Rare burgers are the second least popular, right before Well-done. The most popular are medium-rare, like in the OP image.
>i would prefer it cooked
It is cooked.

>> No.14247329
File: 42 KB, 500x500, avatars-000004295205-4hwoqw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first heard of burgers being cooked from rare to well, after a waiter asked me in a restaurant, I scoffed thinking it was a cheap gourmet gimmick. Oh, how naive I was.

A succulent beef patty, raw but juicy on the inside like biting into meat pudding with a crisp exterior. Each bite like parting caramelized labial folds of an mixed african woman in stark contrast to the pink insides-working my tongue around the meats salty juices. The salad tossed on it and all between the divine pleasure of two sweet white buns. Yessss.

And what's this? A pungent cheese like the smegma of a thousand unwashed penises, oh what a whore this dirty burger is, mayonnaise and sesame seed mixed into every bite like buttery cu-uh-uh-uh cuuhhm IM IMMMM!!!! IM COOOOOMMMMING!

>> No.14247454

What city is OP in?

>> No.14247498

For as long as I've been here, the one thing that never changes is that Australia will always let you know when they come online.

>> No.14247595

Plus what?

>> No.14247703

Plus size, dumb esl.

>> No.14247863

hahaha. you got me.

>> No.14247920

You are a lard ass piece of shit. I can tell by your basic bitch cookong methods and immense portion size. Hoe many times a day do you eat this meal when you het your beef, faggot?

>> No.14248095

You do realize that the image is a re-post, right?

>> No.14249626

If you think people won't recognise that burger you're literally fucking retarded, it was posted almost every week for months. There was only a gap recently. No proof that you're a cook at all you fucking larper.

>You're not Taco Bell guy
>"s-stop insulting my weight"
You're clearly a fucking fatass too. Eating lard while jacking off in your parents' basement doesn't make you a chef.

>> No.14250597

>medium rare to medium master race
That seems to be really common with cooks. I've found that servers tend to prefer their meat more on the rare side. Not sure what that means.

>> No.14250649

where is the drinking pasta

>> No.14250781

me too
usually cook non frozen patties, but end up cooking a bag of frozen 1 day. frozen patties cooked better/burned less than the non frozen patties. still normally cook non frozen patties, gotten better at cooking without burning. still thought the frozen cooked better.

>> No.14250799

>identifying and reporting contamination is bad
>be like every other nation with a spotless record, because no1 inspects and no1 gives a fuck.
kys non american. :)

>> No.14250873

Health inspections are basically communism.
People should be free to serve rotten food and customers should be free to eat it.
I personally wouldn't, but who the hell am I to decide what's right?
This is not the Soviet Union, comrade, maybe get that shit outta here.

>> No.14251059

>people should be free to serve rotten food and customers should be free to eat it
I agree, as long as people are educated and informed.

>> No.14251088

I always order my quarter pounder with cheese medium rare

>> No.14251136

I know they say, "have it your way", but can you really order a BK burger to temp? Even if it wasn't against their policy I doubt any of their employees could accurately cook a patty that thin medium rare.

>> No.14251161

>most popular burger temperature is...

I've been in the fine-dining/restaurant/diner/fast-food industries literally twice as long as you have, and only the extremely rare, picky, pretentious twats actually request that their cheap ground beef sandwich be cooked to a specific internal temperature/consistency when they order a burger. Otherwise, almost literally everyone understands that a hamburger is a poor man's sandwich-meal, and they have always been notoriously cheap for a reason. When someone orders a burger, they literally just expect the meat to be cooked through, and if it isn't, they won't even notice. The only time they take note is if the meat is literally cold in the middle, and they get runny shits for three days afterwards. Yes, even in fine dining establishments that take "pride" in their "gourmet" burgers. When you order a burger at a restaurant like that, the servers/chefs talk about how you're a retard for not ordering a real cut of meat at that kind of place, considering the price markup for a burger there, and the fact that their "gourmet" burger, aside from exotic toppings like truffles and shit, is nearly indistinguishable from burgers from the popular mom & pop diner a few blocks away.

A burger is a quick lunch item, not a fucking gourmet meal. Grow up, put the ketchup bottle away, and order an actual cut of meat that you can appreciate without eating a mouthful of bread, onions, pickles, and cheese with every bite.

>> No.14251180

You've clearly never worked in a professional kitchen, and likely don't eat at restaurants very often, if ever.

>> No.14251184
File: 234 KB, 1400x1400, boarger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A burger is a quick lunch item, not a fucking gourmet meal.
Burger at DB Bistro Moderne

>> No.14251625

I hate NYC so much. I lived there for two years and couldn't afford to do anything other than pay rent. It's sucks being surrounded by all this great stuff you'd at least like to try once in your life and being completely broke.

>> No.14251677

>I lived there

my condolences

>> No.14251712

I got into my first choice grad school. The only things I didn't like was how crowded it was and how expensive everything was. I know you can't imagine traveling more than halfway across your state, but it's good to get different experiences, anon.

>> No.14251739

Where are you now? I'm on Long Island

>> No.14251754

>I'm on Long Island

my condolences

>> No.14251764

Thank you. I live near a lake that was once a destination spot for wealthy people in NYC. It was surrounded by mansions. Now it's a dump and a spot for selling drugs. Thanks progressives.

>> No.14251985

Haha way to make a fool out of yourself.
Look at the fries next to the wine glass lmao

>> No.14252004

The fries look good to me.

>> No.14252097

Yeah I know who I am, medium well is based and the perfect texture/ flavour

>> No.14252260

They're next level steak fries, asshole!

>> No.14252550

Yeah, the fries are probably fine, but just the fact that those McDonalds looking fries are propped up next to the fancy wine glass and the ridiculous burger like it's some fine dining experience chomping on some greasy fries and fat ass burger.
Lmao, people are fucking retarded.

>> No.14252584

Drinking's for fat slobs.

>> No.14253285

>like it's some fine dining experience chomping on some greasy fries
Have you literally never heard of steak frites? If you see some fries next to a glass of wine and think it looks weird, that says more about you ignorance and immaturity than it does about the restaurant and the people who eat there.

>> No.14253294

you’re fat. I disregard your opinions about food.

>> No.14253420

That looks like any wine glass, nothing fancy about it.

Nothing at all gives any impression of "fine dining", except maybe to people who have no idea what fine dining is.

>> No.14254086

>Have you literally never heard of steak frites?
Moules frites is another good one

>Lmao, people are fucking retarded
A retard is you.

>> No.14254443

Flyovers, everyone.

>> No.14254451

>Moules frites
Is literal street food

>> No.14255714

How in the hell are you supposed to eat moules frites while walking around?

>> No.14256130

I haven't seen a new thread today.
I guess Tuesday is no longer the new Friday.

>> No.14256147

Thread 404'd for some reason.

>> No.14256183

Rural Alabama, 15 years. Medium or well only. Steaks, well, hoagies "cook the hell out of it please", chicken/pork "can you make it crispy?" That and fattier cuts of meat are cheaper because people are convinced lean meat is better. It's really dumb down here.

>> No.14256206

with a date, of course

>> No.14256226

I used to think the, "burn it to a crisp" thing was a boomer thing, but I think it has more to do with ignorance and isolation. When you live in such a bubble that you, your daddy, and everyone you know does something a certain way it's really difficult to wrap your mind around the idea of anything else even being a valid option, let alone being better. Same reason shit like Coors Light still sells so well. If you've ever watched any of those reaction videos where people from specific cultures try foods from other places for the first time the reactions are almost always the same. It's basically, "this isn't how we eat this in my village so it's wrong".

>> No.14256234
File: 465 KB, 643x589, Bouloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you dumb dumbs really not know that's Daniel Bouloud's famous burger?

>> No.14256258

if i saw u irl i would probably pull a knife on u

>> No.14256515

No. Was wondering what was inside there. Now I really want to try it. Still it's just a burger. Would most likely never want it again after trying it once.

>> No.14256595

That plate sickens me and your burger belongs in the trash. I mean what kind of self respecting adult doesn't have decent dinnerware and eats off some grotesque toddler plate? Seriously, grow the fuck up.

>> No.14256608
File: 169 KB, 536x637, 1568244315065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread is still up

>> No.14256976

>Still it's just a burger
It kind of looks like a burger, but I don't think the actual experience of eating it would be very relatable to eating a normal burger.