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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 629 KB, 1000x591, dianxi-xiaoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14192793 No.14192793 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14192796 [DELETED] 

You misspelled gooks.

>> No.14192813

>female cook

>> No.14192823

i'd appreciate if you refrained from instigating intellectual arson in trying times like these. stick to positive language and avoid being all too critical during these dark days. not a threat, just an announcement.

>> No.14192828

Ahh youtuber threads. The only thread that ever gets over 100 replies every time.

>> No.14192856
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Binging with Babish!

>> No.14192862

cook, not cuck

>> No.14192872

he has a GF, less of a cuck than you

>> No.14192883

Stay mad roastie

>> No.14192888

>screamed the incel

>> No.14192928


>> No.14192930
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nuff said

>> No.14192931

Do you want to expand on that? Fucking faggot.

>> No.14192934

Joshua Weissman, great simple recipes in metric.

>> No.14192940


>> No.14192944 [DELETED] 

ahhh, yeshua weiszman was a very dedicated student of mine in the "Shul".

>> No.14192959

Townsend is pretty cool. Nice guy, wife variety of recipies, no fancy equipment needed.

>> No.14192979

>Imagine your whole gender being responsible for food preparation for literal thousands of years
>Men try it once
>Instantly better at it

>> No.14193008

You need a partner to be a cuck.

>> No.14193026

This is the only right answer

>> No.14193032

in terms of pure skill these are my favorite
>chinese cooking demystified
>the art of cooking
others i also watch cause im bored and like watching cooking videos
>internet shaq
>pro home cooks
>human ballsack aka gugafoods
>ballistic bbq
>taste show

>> No.14193037

Kay is superior

>> No.14193041

he's unbearably annoying with all his retarded editing, gay zoomer humor and retarded cadence and way of talking. he is a good cook but i already know almost all of the recipes he covers anyways.

>> No.14193044

>internet shaq
so much wasted potential
>pro home cooks
I love nothing more than watching some wealthy New Yorker who spends the entire time on camera looking and talking like he has anything better to do than provide me information about cooking. Babish might be a memelord but he at least respects his viewers as human beings.
>human ballsack
kek. I just want to learn about proper cook times, heat control and picanha prepping, why do I have to sit through BR dad jokes and queer wankery over expensive meats

>> No.14193047

idk i like mike, i never got the impression that he's a condescending rich new yorker type

>> No.14193055

he had one episode that had an edit every 10 seconds, it was just unbearable. I think there were other people who bitched about it being more of a memefest than an actual cooking video and since then he's cut it down to a more tame 3-4 edits per video. It's his signature, can't get around it, but at least he's become self-aware enough that he realized his zoomer memes have diminishing returns.

His kneading tech is ace, gotta say. Other than Babish I don't think I've seen anyone who has such excellent recipes with thorough details and good technique on such a variety of different dishes. A lot of good cooks have tedious videos or leave out important recipe details like measurements.

I've never seen him smile or laugh a single time on camera. He doesn't seem at peace either, he just seems like he's too busy to talk to the camera, like someone kept bugging him to do a video so he was like "alright, fine, let's get it over with." It's weird because he showed a clip of him with his wife and they were talking and laughing, with all kinds of body language, but he's absolutely humorless for the camera. In that Mexican sandwich episode too, he's in a store and all we see of his interactions are "do you have oaxaca cheese?" "It's over here" "okay." I swear people from any other part of the country have the decency to give a howyadoin or a thanks to people around them, but he's just all business all the time.

>> No.14193058

Y'all know she/he/they are Jewish, right?

>> No.14193064

He's a pleasure to watch but I wouldn't make too many of his recipes. The pork chop with gravy one, however, looks incredible.

>> No.14193170
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Pretty good

>> No.14193189


>> No.14193195
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>> No.14193199

i hate him so much

>> No.14193222
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>Success breed jealousy

>> No.14193291

Best home cook going yeah BOI!

>> No.14193303
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>> No.14193359

>Other than Babish I don't think I've seen anyone who has such excellent recipes with thorough details and good technique on such a variety of different dishes

Chef John?

>> No.14193371
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/our guy/ of course

>> No.14193391

>no Life of Boris

>> No.14193399

fuck off boris

>> No.14193424

No u

>> No.14193603

literally why

>> No.14194554 [DELETED] 

rent free

>> No.14194570 [DELETED] 

Love this woman, Liziqi, and that other guy for all the buttdevastation they cause.

>> No.14194585

best muk-bang Ytuber.

>> No.14194592

he's a fag but I have made a few things from his channel- all good

>> No.14194814

henrys kitchen

>> No.14194843

i don't like his lack of skincare and his annoying behaviour, which is shame because he seems like he knows how to cook

>> No.14194862

kenji lopez-alt

>> No.14194988

Tried watching one of his videos, and not only was it overedited, but mostly I could barely understand him because of the """background""" music. Truly unbearable, will never watch again.

>> No.14195075

Good at what he does, but after seeing the hog he calls a "girlfriend" in his Valentine's video, I now question his taste.

>> No.14195111


Khoan Vong

>> No.14195194
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Based Wang

>> No.14195342

Here I find gopher on road. Very tasty

>> No.14195357


>> No.14195412

so much this

>> No.14195540
File: 454 KB, 750x715, B962380A-5C90-4E9F-A2DB-729CEA4159D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This qt

>> No.14195550

kenji's the greatest wellspring of knowledge there is on the subject
glad to see him having more a presence

>> No.14195845


>> No.14195847

how to bbq right
smokey ribs bbq

>> No.14195881
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>53 posts in, and still no Papa Desuyo
guess /ck/ is filled with soiboi faggots

>> No.14195982


>> No.14196178

Adam Liaw

>> No.14196186

Came in just to say this but unironically.

>> No.14196665

internet shaq for good cooking advice and should i series for watching nightmare recipes come alive. the best cooking youtuber on the planet is unrivaled, however

>> No.14196698

I made BA Claire's buttermilk biscuits and they came out fantastic. I'd made them once before but I overworked the dough.
Joshua Weissman has a shitty video presentation but the food he makes is highly appealing.
Chef John is comfy, even if what he's making isn't anything that appeals to me.
Souped Up Recipes and Chinese Cooking Demystified are great. I especially like CCD for its emphasis on techniques. Adam Liaw is also rather detailed in his presentation.
Fuck Adam Ragusea.

>> No.14197122
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Kimagure Cook


>> No.14197131

Came here to post this. Kaneko's just got this bumbling charm that makes him super likable.

>> No.14197140

Why the Hate on Ragusea

>> No.14197150

classic henlips

>> No.14197156

I watch chinese food youtubers and I like chef old bones and women with a degree in chinese lit who started a cooking channel.

>> No.14197158

maangchi & chinese cooking demystified are based

>> No.14197160

haha i have her nudes

>> No.14197620

His presentation is condescending and he comes off as an asshole. He's a smart guy. I would probably watch him if he weren't such a prick on camera.

>> No.14197631

He's not a smart guy. He taught journalism. The entire field is about how to look smart without being smart. If you fall for his tricks you're an idiot.

>> No.14197643

thank you for giving me more reason not to watch him

>> No.14197667

he is unbearable. Such an obnoxiously pretentious, snotty, arrogant söyböy who is completely steadfast in his midwit opinions. I want to assault him so fucking bad, I've only seen like 3 of his videos but it was enough to foster a deep burning hatred for the cunt

>> No.14197687 [DELETED] 

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.14197711

Because he says he strives to not give a fuck like MPW, but he's the most susceptible YouTuber ever. Also, he's a passive aggressive faggot.

>> No.14197726
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At first I thought there was a bunch of rats in that basket. Fucking hell I'm racist.

To answer your question, Kenji Lopez-Alt is definitely up there and I love Kitchen and Craft. Also unironically Adam Ragusea. He's a pretentious cunt who does things differently for the sole purpose of doing things differently, but damn it all, everything I've tried from him was excellent.

>> No.14197742

I am enough of an oldfag to get the layers of this post. *crack* *siiip*

>> No.14197745

> he's the most susceptible YouTuber ever. Also, he's a passive aggressive faggot.
I urge you to never watch Sam The Cooking Guy then.

>> No.14197751

Also this. His low bullshit skimmed recipes are actually try-able and worthy of trying.

All recipes from for example Bon Appétit are all bullshit. I don’t have their level of pantry, time and resources.

>> No.14197764

>All recipes from for example Bon Appétit are all bullshit. I don’t have their level of pantry, time and resources.
You have to find the few good ones. For example, this one here is damn good and requires nothing particularly hard to get:

>> No.14197773

>Literal CCP-funded and produced propaganda


>> No.14197783

>>chinese cooking demystified
Lmfao dude that guy has totally drunk the kool-aid. Did you see that corona video he made about wet markets where he pinned his fucking 3000-word essay slobbing CCP knob and basically absolving China of any responsibility? He's a lost cause

Glad to see I was right for bullying the asia-obsessed weirdos in high school because he's what they grow up to become

>> No.14197797
File: 76 KB, 640x639, glen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this guy?

>> No.14197807

He looks like that uncle you have who only shows up for big family celebrations and whom you always asked your mom about why he's the only uncle you have who doesn't have an aunt with him and then decades later when you're in your twenties and haven't seen the guy in five years you realize he's gay and your family was ashamed to tell you.

>> No.14197815



>> No.14197825

I wouldn't know if his cooking is good because I hate his stupid face and how he talks so much that I can't bear to watch any of his videos

>> No.14197829

Here's my full list of subs. Some are inactive, sadly, but most are active.

Alton Brown
BigMeatSunday (inactive)
Bruno Albouze
Byron Talbott
CookinginRussia (maybe he'll post again now that his Helsinki restaurant failed miserably)
Gavin Webber (g'day curd nerds)
Get Out and Grill (formerly Mother's BBQ)
Gordon Ramsay
Hiro Terada (diaries of a master sushi chef)
John Quilter (formerly Food Busker)
Making It Modern (inactive)
Pailin's Kitchen (formerly Hot Thai Kitchen)
Peaceful Cuisine
Scott Rea (amazing for butchery)
Siu's Cooking (inactive)
Smokey Ribs
T-roy Cooks


Binging with Reddit
You Suck at Reddit
Adam Reddutsea

>> No.14197874

cutie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DDGgEAwonw

nice recipes from this guy too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K07E9WQO4c

>> No.14197937

i dont give a shit what people who run cooking channels think about any other subject

>> No.14198183

Haven't seen this mentioned, OrsaraRecipes.. comfy watching

>> No.14198190
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>> No.14198252

hey Ken

>> No.14198549
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For me, it's Chef John from FoodWishes.com

>> No.14198823

no one mentioned one of my favorites: Not Another Cooking Show

I tried a few of his recipes and they came out great, even his non pasta ones (that he makes way too much). Also like his editing style.


>> No.14198945

I Love her recipes and the little stories about her grandma!

>> No.14199105
File: 944 KB, 1242x1219, my n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you actually like that guy?

>> No.14199112
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>> No.14199130
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>> No.14199131

>Also like his editing style.

>> No.14199133

I like him too.

Rick Bayless; Mexican food by a fit colonel sanders

>> No.14199186

>Also like his editing style
You mean the style aimed at ADD spastics?

>> No.14199209

Bruno Albouze is the only correct answer and everyone else bows to him.

>> No.14199261

anybody remember that anon that posted a channel with a british (i think) woman who cooks and serves it to his family fuck can't remember it

>> No.14199386

it Chef John from fooooooood wishes dot com with, my contribution to this thread

>> No.14199499

TikTok shill

>> No.14199732

i like this guy for chinese takeaway dishes
the music in this one is too loud but they've fixed it for newer ones

>> No.14199797
File: 91 KB, 856x541, kenjiass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kenji "lopez" alt

>> No.14199921

He's korean and attractive which all the girls love now because of kpop

Women have finally contracted the yellow fever men have had for centuries

>> No.14199926

He's simply too based for this board

>> No.14200292

no larry wolfe? for shame...

>> No.14200305

>Chinese Cooking Demystified
>Adam Liaw
I tried recipes from both of these, with good results. Recommended.

>> No.14200340

Kimagure Cook cause he actually teaches you how to filet like every type of fish ever

>> No.14200428

he never mentions anything about the ccp
he doesn't try to absolve china of responsibility
all he does is show what a typical street market looks like
it's you who's drank the goddamn koolaid

>> No.14200561
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Based Daddy Jack

>> No.14201977
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Unironiclly Life of Boris, mainly for exposing me to easter european recipies that I would have never heard of otherwise

>> No.14202039
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>Bruno Albouze

As far as deserts go I don't think you'll find a better channel than him. His problem is he's so far above what your average home cook can re-create that it makes him more of a show than something they'll ever attempt.

>you can only hope to look this good at 50

>> No.14202048

what about sous chef erik, though?

>> No.14202064
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it's not even close

>> No.14202113


>> No.14202131

im always astounded by his recipes, he's probably the best baker on youtube.

>> No.14202135

I remember who I learned from, bruv.

>> No.14202137

It was more like men had other things that needed to be done so cooking was done by women. Once it actually got distilled enough to become a profession in its own right men were on top of it.

>> No.14202165

nice hiss

>> No.14202168

The Real Deal

>> No.14202183

Easily, Paul 'Fotie' Photenhauer. As if no one has heard of him already.


>> No.14202868

bruno taught me how to do inverted puff pastry. he's alright.

>> No.14203701
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He's good when it comes to being knowledgeable, but his shtick is really the GoPro camera. Needs more wife on camera, though.

>> No.14203729

For me it's Townsend's Wife's Son's 18th Century Orange Fool.

>> No.14203928

Sam the Cooking guy

>> No.14204075
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>> No.14204106

Do norfs really?

>> No.14204113

Who fucking cares? Besides nazis (and who cares what they think)

>> No.14204135
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If you want a bit of a challenge, or just feel like trying to make something special, try Bruno Albouze. His channel is dessert focused, but still has some dinner recipes. If you're a fan of chocolate, this is a good place to start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF2BKOzS1Jc

>> No.14204169

Surpringly no.

>> No.14204251
File: 25 KB, 652x367, 08d3c2f52433a60c5ae9dcc5d73dd010-933365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Cooking? Silly gwailo..."

>> No.14204272

I'm not talking about the video you retarded boomer i'm talking about his pinned comment, christ almighty

>> No.14204302


>> No.14206087

The issue with threads like these is that you have to rate people both as cooks and as people to watch. >>14192856 and >>14192934 are great examples. Babish is a "meh" cook with good production values and a style that's welcoming to normies. Meanwhile Weissman is definitely a good cook with excellent camera work but a zoom zoom memetastic style.

>> No.14206088


>> No.14207015

are there any high end cooking cooks or high tier technique youtubers? looking to really get good at cooking but where I'm from there aint much irl.
I've done mixology/bartending and learned a shit load from shrubs, spherification, foams, fat washing etc. but in the kitchen I just know the basics like heating up pan before putting oil, letting oil get hot and then throwing the steak

>> No.14207051

PHC has useful videos on fermentation. I wouldn't bother with all of his content, but some of the other stuff is unique. Gugafag is terrible though, hate his vids. They're way to long with the exact same dialogue trees of
>"let's try preparing [meat].
>"Mmm [meat] is so juicy and tender."

Realistically, he doesn't sound like he's a terrible person, but his content is just not fun and unique enough to be worth more than one vid worth of viewtime. I'll take him any day over that Food Wishes faggot who inflects the pitch of all his phrases upwards, though. He is absolutely terrible, exceedingly annoying to listen to, and I end up accidentally clicking on his vids when looking things up all the time, so I have to hear his stupid voice and the exact same Garageband jazz sample track he posts every time. I do not wish him any good will and will never understand why anyone here likes him.

>> No.14207055

I'd imagine most people watching them won't attempt whatever they're cooking so their priorities are more on the SHOW aspect.

>> No.14207087

This guy >>14202039 >>14204135 is about as high end as you're going to find.
Preppy Kitchen is the best introduction to advanced cake decorating techniques I've found.
No idea for savory stuff.

>> No.14207199

was mostly looking for dinner stuff

>> No.14207228


The guy in Hull. I ended up watching some of his videos when I wanted to see how standard take aways make pork balls in batter. I'd definitely be visiting there if I lived in Hull. But I dont sadly.

>> No.14207322

preppy kitchen is fantastic

>> No.14207349

Look up "Historic Italian Cooking", shit's cash

>> No.14207926



>> No.14207986


seconding chefsteps

>> No.14208025

I hate how it's impossible to find any decent sous vide videos because guga is always the first 30 youtube search results. I just want some basic info on time/temp to cook things, not 30 videos of guga doing "experiments" and then saying everything is "soooooooo goood"

>> No.14208044

Cooking with Jack is the only correct answer

>> No.14208196

this dumb slav squat meme shit is fucking gay, overdone,and ruining my culture

>> No.14208300

You just know these chinese women channels with high production quality are propaganda funded by their government.

>> No.14208327
File: 43 KB, 472x480, 1586388847206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just fucking @ someone?
Take a look at the mirror before you call someone a faggot.

>> No.14208344

You have to have a girlfriend to be a cuck. Thats how it works.

>> No.14208504

I unironically wish more governments would put out that sort of propaganda

>> No.14208732

Hook, line and sinker

>> No.14208822
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>> No.14208829

You forgot Sam the cooking guy

>> No.14208835
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>> No.14208884
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Glen is pretty comfy guy with really clear recipes.

>> No.14208892

I appreciate that he shows you the real deal. Most other channels focus on easy home cooking.

>> No.14208968
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are they based?

>> No.14209035

Hes just fucking unbearably a faggot.

No one mentions peak cook Malcolm Reed Howtobbqright? The GOAT

>> No.14209044
File: 312 KB, 1080x596, Screenshot_20200607-153948_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes just fucking unbearably a faggot.

No one mentions peak cook Malcolm Reed Howtobbqright? TheChad of youtube

>> No.14209052

Daddy jack likes 2 things in this world. Food and large black women.

>> No.14209118

he certainly knows how to bbq, right?

>> No.14209139
File: 387 KB, 1080x615, Screenshot_20200607-165646_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chef who walks the path of heaven. Hiro Mizushima aka Tendou Souji

>> No.14209280


>> No.14209740

Babish the kike pushing (((kosher salt))) in every recipe

>> No.14209747

Jack Chaplin

>> No.14209851

Can you read?

>> No.14209889

jacques pepin

>> No.14209921

Check out English Heritage cooking videos


>> No.14210464

Kimono mom

>> No.14210640
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>> No.14210659

More's the pity: I can't vouch for everything, but the babka Babish made and the cookies Weissman did for their crossover both turned out very well.

>> No.14210663

Based and redpilled.

>> No.14210680

Love the size on them milkers.

>> No.14210713

He lives in Austin, and is literally the type of person Austinites blame for increasing their housing costs and gentrifying their neighborhoods. It's nice that he's got actual chops (his former work place was a fine dining establishment here in town, but fuck him sideways.

If you want the best: >>14196178 Adam Liaw is so fucking good, and him not being huge is a travesty.

>> No.14210969
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nice fella

>> No.14211045

>le epic cyka blyat slav humor
fuck off retard

>> No.14211051

wang gang?

>> No.14211055


>> No.14211059

ya seethe?

>> No.14211094
File: 158 KB, 827x2047, 1574212406902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art of Cooking is a really good, sadly inactive, channel. you can tell he was a chinese restaurant kid


>> No.14211422

A new player enters the chat

>> No.14211556

Cowboy Kent Rollins.

>> No.14211578

Who bakes here? Sometimes is a dude and sometimes is woman. It could be multiple patissiers paid by and studio production.

>> No.14211589

You haven't seen his female counterpart. She's an absolute beauty.
I'm a grill and I prefer her

>> No.14211621


There is no other possible answer.

>> No.14212070

>that intro
Hell yes im so down for this thank you

>> No.14212097

>bugman propaganda
fucking idiots

>> No.14212515

The only ones I watch is pretty much
Hiroyuki Terada
Brad and Sohla from BA

>> No.14212615

Literally mogged by Mocomichi. Better cook and more handsome.

>> No.14212838

Glen's the best.
Simple and elegant videos and recipes. Great presentation concerning both how videos are shot and his chill personality. Is clear about not being a pro, but knows his shit and researches.

>> No.14212908

>Hiroyuki Terada
he's a fraud. was exposed a while ago

>> No.14212917

he did a video on the Uyghers and their food meaning he is NOT party endorsed

>> No.14212935

I like Andong when he isn't being a shill, which isn't often. Channel is My Name Is Andong

Chef John obviously
Chinese cooking Demystified
Pro Home Cooks but only when doing wierd shit like using an air fryer because his shit is basic bitch soccer mom tier pop foodie shit otherwise
Glenn and Friends is alright but gives me a serial killer vibe
Cowboy Kent Rollins is fun if you can tolerate Boomer humor. He's nice and has nice doggos

>> No.14212953

The ccp line is that they are happy and flourishing under the glorious personal rule of Winnie the Pooh
The ccp line is not that they don’t exist

>> No.14212960

based answer

>> No.14212972


>> No.14213005

i've never watched this guy but im watching him make a crunchwrap supreme and he's got the same speech disease that chef john has when he's describing the steps of cooking

>> No.14213135
File: 153 KB, 1346x690, ich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these posts and not one fan of Ichkocheheute. For shame.


>> No.14213927

I really hate this guys voice (probabley doesn't help i cant speak german) but thank god there is subtitles and the videos are actually well produced.

>> No.14214134


Fuck this guy, he's a pedant

>> No.14214166
File: 118 KB, 889x1018, maangchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Maangchi.


>> No.14214238

Came here to say cowboy Kent. Wholesome boomer shit

>> No.14214262

I really like this guy. His pasta dishes are great plus editing is great and he's pretty entertaining to watch. Super comfy.


>> No.14215468

Future Neighbor
>Healthy and simple food
>Cozy stories and anecdotes from Korea
>Flawless skin

>> No.14216138


>> No.14216143

"Cooks" not "graphic designers" whom only retards think are good cooks

>> No.14216178

Ballistic makes me so calm for some reason. Seeing a dude just genuinely happy making burgers is wholesome.

>> No.14216189

>Makes legit good looking pasta
>serves it on a cutting board

>> No.14216210

quang tran is based

>> No.14216233

The same Malcolm Reed from Star Trek Enterprise? He put on a lot of weight.

>> No.14216263

What happened?

>> No.14216926
File: 29 KB, 474x266, glen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Glen, Babish. Gordon Ramsey

>> No.14216944
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, glenandwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Comjfy vids, GILF wife.She's got a tight body for a woman in her 50s or 60s.

>> No.14216956


>> No.14216961

I know this makes me reddit as fuck but I like Sorted.


>> No.14217021

comfy boomer core shit

really like how simple his stuff is

>> No.14217027

No Cooking with Dog or OrsaraRecipes?

>> No.14217164

based dubs

>> No.14217200

In economics it's called comparative advantage. Men might be better than women at just about literally everything, but there are some things that women are decent at and therefore can relieve the men from doing.

>> No.14217272


>> No.14217273

some of their product reviews are interesting
but even their most interesting content is still too much for me since they obviously have to exaggerate the shit for views

>> No.14217539

Dont care desu, he is comfy to watch. If only that beaner behind the camera would shut up for only a minute.

>> No.14217559

Tried his shrimp scampi the other day and it was a huge hit. He really is pretentious as fuck though but I can overlook it since the recipes are simple and to the point mostly

>> No.14217571

> A chinaman being a cruel cunt as per usual
How surprising.

>> No.14217576

My maybe top 5 favorite youtuber. I wish he would stop slacking.. And no joke he cooks super simple Swede bork stuff but its 10/10 for some random streamer. My fav is his summer car eps.

>> No.14217615

unironically outdoor chef life

>> No.14217617

50's lol try mid 40's. I dont mind them but I can just tell they are that portland/libtardimus maximus type people. Like chef john found that out and just cant watch anymore. In his twitter a while back he said "I know Biden has dementia but we got to vote him over drummmphhhfff!" Got I hate TDS fags.

>> No.14217820

ima uh mikahru jacksanahru

>> No.14218517

"I...I was merely pretending to be retarded a-and you fell for it! h-haha"

>> No.14219173

Apparently, he's ded. Although, I think it's just YT rumors.

>> No.14219208

Mac and cheese looks fucking perfect. I'm gonna try this way. Based as fuck.

>> No.14219307

>meal prep is dumb lol, just use your immersion circulator and sous vide everything

>> No.14219336
File: 24 KB, 184x181, 1550386676021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, your old man.

>> No.14219341

this is next level schizo

>> No.14219369

> I just want some basic info on time/temp to cook things,
just find a chart
not exactly video content here

>> No.14219485


>> No.14219523
