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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14178983 No.14178983 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst meal a family member brought to a gathering?

>> No.14178995

What I brought last time but worse

>> No.14179010

My cousin brought a whole premade Thanksgiving meal to my house except turkey.
She didn't listen when I told her I'd be cooking all day making everything from scratch.
She then paraded around like she was our savior for bringing premade shit, making sure she mentioned it every 5 minutes.
Unfortunately I killed the mood by telling her to STFU and take her food with her.
She was always extra but I could've kept my cool a lot better

>> No.14179526

My sister once made mashed potatoes. That's it potatoes what were mashed. no salt, no pepper, no butter, no sour cream/milk/cream.

>> No.14179538

We invited some friends over for dinner and made spaghetti (I was poor then) used some reasonably good spaghetti sauce. The guy was absolutely astounded by the taste and couldn't believe how good it was. He was absolutely floored. I asked him later "what was that all about" he said his girlfriend always made spaghetti with plain tomato sauce.

>> No.14179541

Give me their numbers please. I'll treat them right.

>> No.14179567
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>Be me
>Mom dies
>Move from Maryland to North Carolina
>Thanksgiving dinner
>Cousin is a fucking psycho and a fucking vegetarian in the south living in a trailer next to me
>I don't know what she served but it was the most vile and sour thing I've ever eaten
>We threw it the fuck out after she left Thanksgiving

She was a teacher in Fayetteville and really loved scratching out my dandruff and braiding my hair.

I will only forgive them because the bbq turkey at church was so good. Fuck the South.

>> No.14179586

Another sister came over one day for a get together and made burgers. She said she did it this way all the time:

She takes ALL the leftover spices from her pantry that she hadn't used in a long time and mixes them in to the hamburger.

Shit was the saltiest nastiest tasting hamburgers I ever had. Then she left all the extras with us. The next day I tried eating one again and it was horrible. I just through all of it out. complete waste of 2 or 3 pounds of cooked burger patties.

>> No.14179593

R u a gril?
Post ass pls

>> No.14179657
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I didn't make the food but I went to a family gathering for thanksgiving and instead of the traditional turkey and sides it was homemade Chinese buffet style.
Thinking back on it now, I think it was a stupid decision, even if it was done "by scratch" because even I as a half-breed sometimes struggle with shit like fried rice or whatever. Anyway, the main dish was wonton dumpling soup. Usually most people would know to blanch/pre-boil your fresh wontons to help cook the wonton wraps but my in-laws who made the dinner didn't know that and served everybody raw wontons, essentially.
My fiance and I seemed to be the only ones who noticed and/or even had issues with that dinner.

>> No.14179675
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>I as a half-breed sometimes struggle with shit like fried rice
you struggle with one of the most accessible foods in the world?
>most people would know to blanch/pre-boil your fresh wontons
what the absolute fuck am I reading

>> No.14179685

I worked with an Iraqi kid who was telling us about how awesome Dolmas are and that his family made the best.

IF you don't know, dolmas are some random crap wrapped in grape vine leaves.

And they tasted just as good as that sounds. They were horrible. I took 5 and it took all my will power to gag them down. no one else took more than 5, one guy flat up told him they looked and smelled like shit.

he ended up taking most of them home.

>> No.14179695

I don't understand how you can be so flyover a dolma makes you gag and yet you've never had a cabbage wrap.

>> No.14179706

Peak boomer.

>> No.14179707

It gf's mom brought some sort of ham or bologna "salad". Another time she brought some shit that was a mix of cottage cheese, cream cheese, and jello packet and it was called cottage cheese salad. I have no fucking idea why in the Midwest the term "salad" is so loosly used.

>> No.14179710

I don't know where the cabbage wrap thing came in we are talking about shit people bring to pot lucks, no one has ever brought a cabbage wrap to any get together I have been to, and I'm not flyover, those things smelled vile, I never smelled anything so foul and yet someone was so proud of.

>> No.14179713

peak moron.

>> No.14179716

>I don't know where the cabbage wrap thing came in
You described dolma as if you had never heard of a stuffed leaf in your life, I can only assume you grew up entirely on microwave dinners.

>> No.14179755
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ah i remember in highschool a friend of mine called me late to tell me they were having trouble mashing potatoes. i asked them how long they had boiled them for, or what size pieces they had cut them into, and they said 'you have to boil them?'

staying on topic, once my mom made rabbit stew for christmas and decided to pour a solid fucking pint of vinegar into it. she defended it and served it.s he also once just put some canned beets innto a blender and called it borscht. my brother and i ate in silence while she went on about how we should be thankful we had food or a mother at all.

>> No.14179819

Treat them right? As in... what? Throwing their makeup-plastered corpses into a shallow grave? Sending their severed head to their boyfriends (since they're obviously not married) in the mail?

>> No.14179842

When you say pre-made you mean she didn't even make the shit herself right?

>> No.14179849

>you have to boil them?

>> No.14179876

It always amazes me people make a mistake that basic, though I'll admit when I first tried making jack Daniels sauce I didn't realise how little alcohol was actually needed

>> No.14179889

Excuse me, why are you mad to the point of heavy breathing over me not liking a dolma?

>> No.14179894

What is your problem retard?

>> No.14179935

"healthy" mashed potatoes that were literally just potatoes and water. not even some salt
that or the pumpkin pie made without using a recipe that was like taking the cinnamon challenge

>> No.14179951

I almost always make mashed potatoes like that. I don't add water, just whatever they absorb during boiling is enough. I like potatoes and see no reason to taint them with butter.

>> No.14180000

Put some garlic cloves in there next time you boil some potatoes then add some pepper, parsley and cream when you mash them

>> No.14180004 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14180009

What a deserved get.

>> No.14180028

What was the brand, anon? I've been needing a solid brand for a while now.

>> No.14180031

You're over-boiling your potatoes if they're retaining that much liquid.

>> No.14180033

green bean casserole. had bits of bacon, sour cream, and worst of all - peanuts.

i took one bite and gagged, then faked that i was sick.

>> No.14180035
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>you have to boil them
Anon, please tell me you're lying. My sides can't handle the truth.

>> No.14180036
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>using a get this perfectly
Based and checked.

>> No.14180043

How can you be such an unfunny sperg?

>> No.14180046


>> No.14180096

Enough liquid for them to be mashed is too much? A perplexing claim, frankly. If they're soft enough to be mashed with liquid, they're soft enough to be mashed without it.

>> No.14180117
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>doing something different for thanksgiving one year, mom was coming over (parents are divorced) to make lasagna, salad, and garlic bread
>actually based, I love all of these things
>mom made the lasagna the day before for conveniences sake. already a red flag.
>she reheated the lasagna; sauce is coagulated and browned. she used lean turkey beef instead of ground beef because "turkey on thanksgiving xd" without even thinking about the end result. tasted like leftovers: was bland as shit and the texture was awful.
>salad was tossed to her own preferences even when my dad and I both asked her that she let everybody (only 5 people) make their own personal salads
>garlic bread used plain butter instead of garlic butter and didn't even bake it long enough.
>coddles my half-brother who doesn't like lasagna or salad so that motherfucker gets to make his own shrimp pasta
I forced a second bite of the lasagna down, had a piece of "garlic" bread and a drink and headed upstairs without saying anything. When I came down the next morning apparently my dad was super cool about the whole thing, nobody else liked the lasagna and he too was upset how she just kinda threw us under the bus with the salad thing all the while coddling my half brother.
It was worse than the also infamous "Scrambled Eggs and Yams Thanksgiving", although that one was unironically good just because how much of a joke my dad and I played it off as, and it was only us two that year.

>> No.14180234

My dad and I pride ourselves in being pretty decent home cooks. I also have this one ultra annoying uncle who comes around every once in a while. The last time he did he decided to buy some ready-made supermarket fish dinner. It was horrendous but he tried to go on and on about how great it was so he didn't have to admit it was a fucking awful idea.
He hasn't visited us since and I hope it's because he realized that by praising this ready-made trash he's indirectly insulted everything we'd ever cooked for him.

>> No.14180235


>> No.14180248

It doesn't sound great, but I hope you grew out of that passive aggressive sulking.

>> No.14180302

>taint them with butter.
You seem to have misused the word "taint". I believe you meant "grace".

>> No.14180304

Devilled eggs with enough horseradish to kill a horse
A cherry pie with a burnt top but raw crust inside? Also, freezerburned breads my grandma baked 3 months in advance for no reason that nobody wants to eat
The layered trifle mom insists on making constantly that gets soggy as fuck in the middle
Also one time I tried to bring red, white, and blue rice krispies to a family gathering but I guess I didn't add enough marshmallow because they set as hard as bricks. Nobody ate them but me

>> No.14180458

Family of retireds.

>> No.14180475

>turkey beef
It's called ground turkey.

>> No.14180504

>Devilled eggs with enough horseradish to kill a horse
This is how I know you aren't Polish. We kill multiple jars of the real homemade shit at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July et al.

>> No.14180508

My family is half-Polish. Also you sound like my Uncle. Nobody wants devilled eggs so strong ur nose hairs get burned off just smellin em sorry some of us actually have functioning tastebuds

>> No.14180517

It was me. I made stuffing for the first and last time and it was awful. Burned outside and undercooked inside, and I wasted a very good squash making it.
Fortunately nobody in my family even likes stuffing all that much and they were all cool about it, but I was pissed at myself.

>> No.14180526

>i made something for my family that don't like when it's done well, and did it poorly
Why do you hate your family?

>> No.14180529

All my immediate family except me and my dad have been vegan so long they've forgotten what good food tastes like. I've eaten some atrocious shit.

>> No.14180532

Everything tastes good when you're starving.

>> No.14180628

>Burned outside

Sounds to me like you didn't stuff it up a bird's asshole.

>> No.14181099

so lets get something straight my shit for brained friend. I was quite interested in trying dolmas. They looked interesting. But the smell was anything but appetizing. they had a strange slimyness to them and I don't know if you have ever eaten grape leaves but they have an unpleasant paper/cardboard texture. they just did not taste good.

ah the cry of the noargument

this is a complete non sequitar and has nothing to do with dolmas. you seem dense.

this is not me.

Your closet is full of the exact same shirt and pants. you have never touched your dick except to pee. you peel grapes and secretly wish you were male. The thought of a naked women causes you to vomit ironically making you to be a giant dick.

that was more than 25 years ago I have no idea, probably ragu or prego.

also not me

>> No.14181158
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Bro have you tried pan-frying fried rice without a wok? Shit's annoying as fuck and if I'm not quick enough my rice will end up gummy instead of being light and fried.
As for the wontons the wonton wrappers were LITERALLY raw. The soup itself wasn't even hot enough to cook the wonton wrappers. I was just eating dough.

>> No.14181182


>> No.14181371

My older cousin brought a cranberry green bean casserole to thanksgiving one year

>> No.14181376

My grandma once made a smorgastarta for Christmas, but she put way too much salt in the filling. Everybody spat it out and she became very hurt. The next day I ate a piece with coffee out of symphaty, but she threw it all out later on.

>> No.14181392

I show my mom how to make carbonara as shes always raving about how good my version is(its just fucking standard sketti, parm, bacon,black pepper and 50% chance of cream i like both versions sue me) next time i go there she does it but adds a shitton of red onions completely ruining the dish

>> No.14181899

The caterers for my graduation dinner made lasagna, and I swear they must’ve used cinnamon or something, along with way too much sugar. It had an unexpected sweet taste to it that made me and several others feel ill.

>> No.14181900

>m-moooom this post is unfunny and I made sure everyone knows it !

t.butthurt (for unknown reason)

>> No.14181923

If your parents are divorced why are you having a thanksgiving meal together?
honestly what kind of cuckery is this?

>> No.14182047

because he's the CEO of Dolma Inc.

>> No.14182089

Divorce is hip these days. They could still be living together, fucking, having kids, but hey divorce was on twitter and there's an almost 50% divorce rate now let's try whatever that is!

>> No.14182127

everyone in my family flips over this disgusting broccoli casserole my grandma and aunt makes

it's condensed broccocli soup, mashed up saltines and overcooked broccoli stirred together and it's rotten

>> No.14182130

Sounds foul

>> No.14182132

That's a no no now

>> No.14182148

i still do it
i like to live dangerously

>> No.14182194
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I am the family member who brings over stinky goat curry

>> No.14182208

Then it isn't stuffing. It is dressing.

>> No.14182614

It's not stuffing if you aren't using it to stuff something. You want it to soak up all the birds juices my guy.

>> No.14182641

My understanding is that that is a tuna sandwich cake. Time to send grammy to a home.

>> No.14183531

This is the winner. Nothing gets on my nerves more than someone who can't stick to the plan. On the other hand, you should have tasked her with bringing something so it was all more collaborative. Thanksgiving is supposed to be shared. Amen.

>> No.14183611

I'm about to grace your taint with my man butter I'm churning up

>> No.14184925

You should try the Lloyd Grossman sauces. They cost a little extra but they're pretty much the best jarred sauces you can get your hands on, in my opinion. Nice range of flavours and meals and always tastes like they've actually bothered to use decent ingredients.
Why is it a no-no? Did I miss some health PSA?

>> No.14185006

My cousin is an awful cook. I remember when she made horrendously bad scallops and that was most likely the worst thing I ever ate. No wonder she's single at 45

>> No.14185116

So here's the reality of the situation. When I was 8, I tried dolmas and didn't like them. I had the same complaints as you, they were slimy, oily, and didn't have a good taste.
Well, 12 years later I gave them another shot.
I tried them because they just seemed strange to me, how could someone like these? And wa la. They were delicious. I was floored.
Dolmas are really wonderful. So simple, just grape leaves stuffed with rice, and so wonderful. The flavors are distinct and satisfying. The texture of the grape leaves is perfectly contrasted by the loose rice. A great snack.

>> No.14185125
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sugar? who puts fucking sugar in lasagna?

>> No.14185130

Maybe you just don't like seafood, dude.

>> No.14185201
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DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.14185206
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>me dont like food
>that make me better than u

>> No.14185219


My dad's wife made this godawful shit:

2 inch layer of thawed frozen peas (health risk)
2 inch layer of fucking mayonnaise
topped with shredded cheese and bacon bits

I really can't describe how excessive the goddamn mayonnaise was. She was so proud of it. She guilt-tripped every single person into trying it.

>> No.14185226

>My dad's wife
Is this some kind of cuck thing? I don't get it.

>> No.14185234


yeah my dad is a reverse cuck

>> No.14185278

Well I was 47 at the time and had no expectations good or bad about them. the texture was nauseating and the taste and smell was strange sickly garbage like smell.

>> No.14185282

So you're a manchild? I don't understand why you're telling me this.

>> No.14185292

because morons like you can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that sometimes the food they like taste like shit to other people. we are sorry you have no sense of taste or smell and can't understand that.

>> No.14185355

My mother had dibs on making dessert for the family gathering, so she baked a cake:

Atrocity list:
1.Whole cup of ginger
2.No sugar at all
3.Thin burnt layer of pure chocolote
5.Brick solid

Sorry ma but your cake tasted like an old matress

>> No.14185470

Retards were eating under-cooked bird then blaming the stuffing when they got sick.

>> No.14185509

>cousins fiance is deathly allergic to all nuts so many of the traditional family recipes can't be used

>> No.14185515

Divorced parents often remarry. I don't call my dad's third wife my stepmom.

>> No.14185522

>go to Chicago for business
>order a burger
>waitress asks if I want a salad on it
>salad on a burger
>after a few questions it turns out she meant do I want lettuce, tomato and onion on it
Do americans really?

>> No.14185548

>in lasagna
Are you sure there wasn't a type there?

>> No.14185555

People put sugar in red sauce to mask the flavor of undercooked canned tomatoes

>> No.14185556

not him but my dad remarried after I was an adult. I refer to her by her name or if I'm talking to someone that doesn't know her I refer to her as my dads wife because calling her my step mom feels weird.

>> No.14186152

nuts don't belong in food.

>> No.14186161
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>> No.14186166

We called my parents by their first name, and the same for my aunt and uncle. I did not find out that was considered weird till I got in to college.

>> No.14186175


>> No.14186195

I hate when people use their retarded slang with me like I'm supposed to know what they're talking about. They sound like foreigners that are just getting by in English when they do that. Worse is when they use non-English words for what they mean, and then act like I'm stupid for not following. I don't feel bad for a second, though. Approval from these prideless retards means nothing.

>> No.14186201

>autistic man confused and angered by regional dialects, news at 11

>> No.14186205

>We are sorry...
Oh, I'm talking to a schizo. Makes sense now.

>> No.14186221

So what you're trying to say in coded language is that you got flustered when the waitress asked if you wanted pollo asado or carnitas in your enchiladas.

>> No.14186245

Literally, and I mean fucking LITERALLY, any time anyone brings a fucking "vegan/sugarfree/blahblahblah/" version of whatever normal meal is
Replacements fucking suck, there's dozens of good meals not using replacements

>> No.14186249

No, although technically possoble noone has ever served such a version of smörgåstårta to me nor have i seen one. Normal topping are gravlax and shrimp for seafood version or ham and /or roastbeef for the meat version.

There is no vegetarian/vegan version because there is no way to make it palatable

>> No.14186265

why are frozen peas a health risk?

>> No.14186362

Damn, based get. I will follow your wise words.

>> No.14186509

Why would you deliberately make something taste like that?

>> No.14186966

Did they run out of sliced almonds? Seen greebeans with those

>> No.14186996

Are in Indian or Jamaican?

>> No.14187000

Perhaps your childlike palate is the problem.

>> No.14187023

No you retard, they just happen to always fuck it up.
"Sugar free pecan pie"
Turns out hard as a rock, the sweetener the recipe calls for hardly tastes of anything.
If you want to make a sugar free meal, don't make a meal that fundamentally requires sugar to make it work

>> No.14187130


>> No.14187293

and I've been talking to a complete retard. I should know better.

>> No.14187299

ah yes the ol' "if you don't like the awful crap I bring you must be a child defense". No your food is crap, taste like crap and will always be crap.

>> No.14187361

They obviously need an alpha male in their lives, you'd be surprised what a couple of well placed hits can accomplish.

>> No.14187373

At least if you're going to fuck up a food, that's the way to do it. I'd eat a heaping serving of that with some salt and olive/sesame oil

>> No.14187438

>Fuck the South.
Fuck *you* nigger we're not responsible for your family.

>> No.14187463

what? no. liquid changes the softness of the resultant goo, obviously. This is like basic observation,

>> No.14187477

Mmm, limitrophe fish. I wonder if I still have a tin stashed in the fridge somewhere and some pickles to go with it.

>> No.14187499

Says the vegan who won't eat meat because muh fee fees, and appeal to authority. Fucking kek

>> No.14187544

>Ground beef
Jesus Christ, you're supposed to use sausage, you flyover abomination.

>> No.14187734

When I learned how to make peanut butter, I got excited and inordinately proud of it. It happened that a week after that was a family gathering for my grandmother's 85th birthday where we were encouraged but not required to bring a dish. So I baked some bread and made peanut butter sandwiches with home made peanut butter, thinking I was going to impress everybody.

When I arrived I saw my sister walking in with a beautiful looking trifle and some mini quiches. I immediately realised that bringing peanut butter sandwiches was fucking retarded. There's nothing fancy about putting peanuts in a blender. I left them in the car and told everyone I'd been too busy to bring anything.

I tried one of my sandwiches the next day. It tasted like I'd forgotten to put salt in the dough.

>> No.14187737

that's a really sad story, anon.
I'm sure they would've loved to try your homemade peanut butter.

>> No.14187747

Honestly sounds like you dodged a bullet with the no salt in the dough and probably would have been the butt of some jokes for a while.. I'd remake it and maybe bring it to a more casual family setting.

>> No.14187759

If I tried sharing something with home made peanut butter again it would probably be something else, maybe a dessert incorporating peanut butter. Sandwiches is just dumb.

>> No.14187890

Nah, I think it can work with good home-baked bread. Maybe try some fancier, like borodinsky with raisins - I bought a loaf of it by accident once and it turned out to be pretty good, ate it with no toppings even.

>> No.14187893

Dolmas can be good, but only at a restaurant.

>> No.14187909

i'm assuming thawed but not reheated

>> No.14187917

you think peas have salmonella or some shit?

>> No.14188277

Buy a wok you half wit

>> No.14188286

He said they’re each made from different things, like I imagine a cheap slaw or any random potluck protein filling might be, and this guy brought horrible ones. That’s what the thread is about. Get over it

>> No.14188307

My aunt likes to proudly announce that she made dessert and every time I forget what that means and take a bite of the "dump cake" which is just a cake mix with a soda poured on it. It's some midwest trend this cunty tv ad lady came up with and my aunt thinks it's the greatest lifehack in the world.

But my other aunt makes delicious chocolate scotchies so all is well.

>> No.14188499

we have one can of sprats left. it is sacred. was i the one who called about the potatoes?

>> No.14188560

stop being a sook.

>> No.14189699

Listeria is the bigger risk.

>> No.14189710

>My food is crap.
No, my food is perfectly normal. I'm not vegan or sugar-free or anything. I just don't freak out when someone else is.
Not vegan, just not terrified of vegetables.

>> No.14189713

Maryland IS the South, you asshole.

>> No.14189778

No. It's not. Maybe it's south of the mason dixon line, but it's not the "South".

>> No.14189819

Their state song is about how the damn Yankees invaded. You're wrong.

>> No.14189851
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>a cake mix with a soda poured on it
what the fuck
why are boomers so fucking terrible at cooking

>> No.14189858

My mother insisted the ENTIRE family join her for a "church BBQ" and apparently it was being hosted by a vegan. We ate grilled corn on the cob, cold pasta salad and watermelon. Waste of time and good manners.

>> No.14189937

Ok. But it's not the "South". Even Virginia is barely the "South".

>> No.14189982

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.14189990

do you not eat any fruits or vegetables raw?

>> No.14189991

I wish I had soymilk, a barcade, and a trans gf named Megan

>> No.14190215

no your

>> No.14190404

weapons grade retarded

>> No.14190427

Fucking uppity little bitches who have never been outside of ohio. If Maryland is the "South" to you you are a sheltered little yankee faggot.

>> No.14190452

>never been outside of ohio
I never want to visit the south again, hot and humid, if I didn't have family down there I would never go, I like the food though.

>> No.14190465

I never go away from the South, you know-nothing asswipe.

>> No.14190523

I dunno, but I’m never allowed to cook/ ring anything because my rich relatives insist on cooking everything and refuse help from anyone but then parade around like they’re saints for slaving away to feed the whole family.

>> No.14190629

There's plenty of retarded faggots in the south

>> No.14190734

Look at this pleb holy shit

>> No.14191079

Boiled carrots in velveeta

>> No.14191104

im indian
Taste like what? i didnt even describe the taste to you?

>> No.14191111

Dolmas are great

>> No.14191184

obviously not

>> No.14191195

Why you gotta bring Ohio into this, bitch?

>> No.14191201

Be kind he probably will die just by looking at nuts

>> No.14191248

Based get.

>> No.14191292

That isn't even a dump cake. A "good" dump cake is more like a ghetto cobbler. Like a generic one would be canned peaches dumped on white cake mix and a bunch of butter, crisped up and semi-edible.

>> No.14191494

No. I've never heard it called salad in the USA. Interestingly I've lived in Chicago and the UK and the UK is the only place I've heard it called 'salad'. They're all gay, though

>> No.14192305

This is your brain on loneliness

>> No.14192560

>whole cup of ginger
holy fucking shit, your sinuses must have been deep cleaned afterwards

>> No.14192568

Sour mashed potatoes.

It sat in a car for a 3 hour drive in the blazing heat or whatever, but shit was gross nobody ate it and we had to throw it away. Big family too, so it was a huge food tray worth. Sad :(

>> No.14192804

ok schizo

>> No.14192820

It's just slang, you hear it all over the place. I'm shocked people don't know that the plant toppings of a burger are sometimes affectionately referred to as salad. You guys don't think anyone means it literally do you? That would be a sign of autism.

>> No.14192829

My cousin and his family insist on bringing this disgusting "macaroni and cheese" they make to EVERY family gathering possible. It's fucking ziti noodles with those fake cheese shreds piled onto it, a top layer of Kraft singles covering it, and burnt to a fucking crisp in the oven. They bring it only because they're the only ones who will eat that shit, ensuring they can pile up a stupid huge portion for themselves.

>> No.14192833

>hating on dolma as a 47 year
What an absolute fucking tastelet. Kys

>> No.14192844

quads of truth, I'll only eat Dolmas from now on

>> No.14192851

Dolmas are easy tier to make m8 its like making a homemade burger always better at home.
Quads of truth.>>14191195

>> No.14192960

I mean cinnamon can be nice in lasagna, but sugar is too far.

>> No.14192978

My best friend's stepdad made pizole with lamb in it once. The motherfucker was so proud to offer it to me, but it smelled like a backed up toilet. I'm not a pussy when it comes to food, so I actually got a bowl and started in on it. It tasted exactly like it smelled: hot fucking sewage. It was the worst thing I ever ate, but I managed to put away two bites before kind of just awkwardly walking away, and driving home.

That was the third time I'd had lamb in my life, and the third time lamb was fucking disgusting. Luckily I had it a fourth time, and it was good, so I don't know what the deal is.

>> No.14192992

mine belong in your mouth

>> No.14193025

Not at all
She used that pre grinded cheap ginger, and because she cooked the fuck out of the cake, I could only get the gingery aftertaste

>> No.14193028

Youre one of those people that cant handle the meaty and fatty smell of lamb. Just try to hide with other spices herbs until you build up tolerence.

>> No.14193031

>you hear it all over the place
no you fucking don't

>> No.14193036

I do. They're referring to salad vegetables ie. vegetables that are eaten raw.

>> No.14194892

Look up the Mason-Dixon line

>> No.14194903

salad is a dish, usually served cold, that consists of a bunch of chopped up stuff. I have a cousin that makes a jello salad similar to what you're describing but it has a bunch of chopped up fruit in it which in my mind makes it a salad

>> No.14194914

Why did you take something you made on a 3 hour drive? That's pick something up on the way distance.

>> No.14194929

Like a fruit salad...

>> No.14194970

Just put shit on them.
Or serve them like that on purpose so nobody eats any and you can hoard the leftovers for making lefse.

>> No.14194976

>my brother and i ate in silence while she went on about how we should be thankful we had food or a mother at all.

>> No.14194993

>Not the south
To be fair as a Californian I look down on all you east/southeast/midwest cretins equally. You don't know what good food is.

>> No.14194995

>wanted to play fake wops for Thanksgiving
>didn't actually want to put forth any effort recreate your beloved Olive Garden classix so you had mommy do it for you
>mommy who I'm sure has made you her shitty food before
>both wants a "custom salad for everybody" but also wants his autistic baby brother to be miserable and eat shit he doesn't want
I mean-

>> No.14195014

He probably just made shitty ones. Dolma are all about the filling, and if the filling sucks the dolma sucks. I'm not sure how he managed to fuck up the filling since it's usually rice, garlic, olive oil, lemon, seasonings and (sometimes) ground meat. But it's possible.

>> No.14195015

Everyone in my family is a great cook. I dont even know what this is like. Well, granny Tracy was Irish and she made Turkey Jerky one year so that's not entirely true... but it was still edible. She's Irish though so what's a nigga gone do ya feel me? It was probably average American cooking and I'm just spoiled. But mom's side is all top tier including the men, and Granny's kids are all pretty decent as well including dad. His sister used to make Dutch oven Mac & cheese from scratch that was out of this world.

>> No.14195036
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>> No.14195040

This is the first I'm hearing about it and i'm 35

>> No.14195078

>a food I hate is so bad I only ate FIVE of it
Holy shit how fat are you? How many had you been planning to fucking eat?

>> No.14195601

Fuck you mexinigger

>> No.14195684

Just shoot me a call when you find one.

>> No.14195751

you know this thread is about people who bring shit food to an event not whether or not a particular food is good.


never heard of people thinking lamb taste like sewage, but it has been known to taste like lanolin especially in mutton.

were that to ever happen they would be bitten off then barfed down your throat.

I've heard it a couple of times and I'm 54 (the ride never ends).

small retarded homosexual! how big do you think dolmas are? these were about 1.5 inches by MAYBE 1/2 inch.

>> No.14197101
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Are we seriously still talking about fucking Dolmas?

>> No.14197126

My Mom does the exact same thing with the exact same recipe

>> No.14197361

A spaghetti omelette.
Literally cooked spaghetti, put them in a oven tray with egg and a little bit of cheese. It was served cold, with hard pieces of cheese, cold egg and cold gummy spaghetti.
Almost puked in the plate.

>> No.14197374

Would be gr8 if it wasn’t cold and hard

>> No.14197386

this is an 18+ site, kid.

>> No.14197628

finna based

>> No.14197634

coasties fucking ethered

>> No.14197635

Damage control.

>> No.14197638

Barf is a term only really used by advanced gentlemen who grew up reading Mad Magazine.

>> No.14197645

Stfu bitch

>> No.14198004 [DELETED] 

tis true I did read a lot of mad magazine how did you know.

uhm no I do think that I will.

>> No.14198009

tis true I did read a lot of mad magazine how did you know.

uhm no I don't think that I will.

>> No.14199555

Based curry goat man
A lot of people trust you

>> No.14199574

Spaghetti with squash “noodles”
Such a bad fucking texture

>> No.14199685

then don’t use canned tomatoes

>> No.14199738

But gross... overly sweet tomato sauce is just a total meal-ruiner

>> No.14199741

when all the sides are just shit mixed with mayonaise

>> No.14199744

>Spaghetti with squash “noodles”
>Such a bad fucking texture
spagghetti squash is good right out the oven, but you def dont want that shit sitting in a bowl under tinfoil for 3 hours

>> No.14199865

Post tits filthy slamhog

>> No.14201359

A block of cream cheese covered in apple slices and caramel intended to be eaten on crackers.
Brought to thanksgiving a few years ago.

>> No.14201372

does this person have any relation to Jack Scalfani

>> No.14201377

ham salad, tuna salad, ambrosia salad, taco salad, chicken Caesar salad, etc.
lots of kinds of salad.
and ham salad is weird

>> No.14201386
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My aunt once bought an entire beef tenderloin. And then marinated it in soy sauce.

>> No.14201405

it's from an episode of spongebob, it's slang children use sometimes.

>> No.14201411

Lamb smells fucking disgusting. My mom would make leg of lamb stuffed with garlic and dad loved it and I fucking hated it. She is a good cook too so I know it's just that the meat itself is disgusting. Dad also loves chicken livers and would risk our lives stopping at the nigger neighborhood KFCs in Oakland and shit to pick up an order whenever we were in one of those areas. You know, the areas where the cashier is behind 3 inches of bullet proof glass... those seem to be the only KFCs that carry livers. They aren't available at every location.

>> No.14201421

Not gonna lie a family staple is called Salt Block. 50/50 Soy Sauce and Vegetable oil with fresh garlic as a marinade. Then into the broiler for a few minutes on each side. Shit is fucking cash.

>> No.14201424

Nah bro

>> No.14201425

On a London Broil that is.

>> No.14201504

This thread makes me not want to cook for anyone

>> No.14201513

Maybe you guys have the same mom

>> No.14201549

ok, just dont fucking eat the shit then bitch is what you need to tell em.

>> No.14201723

based retard

>> No.14201734

That is a nonsense reply. They're not overboiled just because they can be mashed. That is the point of contention, not whether extra liquid changes anything.

>> No.14201783

>I dont even know what this is like
So don't fucking post.

>> No.14201962

Family is usually good when they cook so nothing outright bad but
>duel birthday lunch since me and another person in family have birthdays close to each other
>its literally nothing but fucking sandwiches
>"Oh its too hot to cook."
Where did this meme of "too hot to cook" come from?
Everyone in my family has a house with ac and we did not eat outside, the whole thing was inside.

>> No.14202013



>> No.14202016


>> No.14202022

Treat your half brother better.