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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14173764 No.14173764 [Reply] [Original]

Is liver the ultimate pleb filter?

>> No.14173771

Thats literally catfish bait and is disgusting.

>> No.14173777

It's the ultimate biological filter.

>> No.14173841

ill take that as a yes then

>> No.14173857

I have tried liver only once in a recipe. It tasted almost rancid and the texture was fucking gross. I'll stick to using it as bait for delicious catfish thank you

>> No.14173873
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>> No.14173880

tripe and lungs are

>> No.14173882
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>> No.14173886

whats lung like?

>> No.14173895

Thats actually brain not plebian liver.

>> No.14173902

No it's just a reddit food. Something that no one likes but they eat it to try and feel interesting.
>I eat stuff that filtered blood and piss, aren't I so wacky XD

>> No.14173935


It depends on the animal. Beef liver if cooked right is good.
Deep fried chicken livers are delicious.

>> No.14173947

do you REALLY need to purge calf liver in milk? seems like a waste of milk

I made kidneys once and purged them in vinegar
and chicken livers I just rinse off and cook straight up

>> No.14173972

Liver? I hardly know her!

>> No.14173983

>not only a literal tastelet, but also has shitty taste in dokis' too

>> No.14173985

liver is so unappealing that i'd rather use it to catch clean and eat smelly ugly catfish

>> No.14174021

yummo in my banh mi

>> No.14174047

Milk does nothing and is indeed a waste. It's just placebo.

>> No.14174048

simply eric

>> No.14174069

bruh what
just cook it

>> No.14174103
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It's snails because you need extra special cutlery.

>> No.14174113


>> No.14174116

Of course. Even better when paired with onions which is also a pleb filter.

>> No.14174128

"pleb" is just part of the meaningless hateful rhetoric used on sites like this and can be safely ignored.

>> No.14174152

he's british. they're weird.

>> No.14174157

liver and onions with mashed potatoes
its perfect

>> No.14174407

this shit is really good. I've never really had a hunk of liver, though.

>> No.14174416

I've never had plain liver but I eat a lot of boudain and liver is an ingredient. Can you taste liver in boudain?

>> No.14174418

Pleb detected

>> No.14174477
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>you called out a bigot therefore YOU must be the thing they're making fun of! LOL!

>> No.14174992

*unzips kidneys*

>> No.14175006

I've only had it with chicken livers (and not the stronger pork liver), and it's definitely pleasant. Gives a nice mineral richness.

>> No.14175009

I love liver (and hearts), it tastes freaking good, add some garlic, a little bit of lemon juice, fantastico.

>> No.14175035

Granny food.

>> No.14175038

taste like cooked vagina blood fart.

>> No.14175129
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who cares?

>> No.14175193

Liver paté is probably the most common thing I have on my sandwiches, it's delicious with pickled cucumber for some sweetness

>> No.14175202
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>> No.14175210

How it's liver reddit food? Everyone except for spoiled burgers eat it.

>> No.14175218
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>> No.14175230
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>Wilma, it's those darn words again.

>> No.14175258

>everyone except for spoiled burgers eat it
Nah, liverwurst is really popular among spoiled burgers. My mom was feeding it to me since I could eat solid food.

>> No.14175358
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>Is liver the ultimate pleb filter?

Yes, if you don't like liver and onions you are in fact a pleb.

>> No.14175402

Now that's funny

>> No.14175491
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This. Food of the gods. Liver makes one of the richest and tastiest gravies in existence. The whining plebs itt screeching about “catfish!” have obviously never tried it.

>> No.14175512

Water is just fine. The latest I read on this is that the milk *maybe* gives it a slight edge in creamier taste. I use water, and it does the trick nicely.

>> No.14175514

Kidneys are great and all, but the liver does the lion's share of the work.

>> No.14175529

Pretty much yeah. I’m no where near a picky eater and I don’t even eat that shit.

>> No.14175550

i think it mostly depends if you grew up with it or not
refined taste, if you would

>> No.14175830

>bitches about trite language
>uses a brainlet wojak
based self-infatuated hypocrite

>> No.14175962
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are there places where paté isn't a common, normal food? I get that some people don't like the taste of fresh liver, even though they're wrong, but there's literally nothing daunting at all about the taste of paté

>> No.14175968

"meaningless" is hateful rhetoric and you can safely kill yourself in a garage with a car running

>> No.14175970
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liverwurst is so fucking dank, i'm usually a total soy when it comes to this type of stuff too

>> No.14175976
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>> No.14175981

how to cook liver

>> No.14176086

It's a secret food for the thinking man, peasants and serfs eat bread and rice but not the nutritious liver, thanks to that I can buy it cheap beacuse for them it's gross

>> No.14176090

Peter O'Toole was such a pimp

>> No.14176120

They also use dough. Eating bread is now literally eating fishbait, disgusting

>> No.14176125

I never purge liver or kidneys. I've also served unpurged liver to countless customers without a single complaint

>> No.14176137

>One of the most nutritionally dense naturally occuring food
>Historically relevant staple
>Taste so meaty tastelets actually see it as a con

But hol' on, if its a "reddit food" i better stop eating it. Just in case

>> No.14176144

This with a side of smashed lingonberries

>> No.14176146

Its paté, no?

>> No.14176219

Plebs don’t like liver.

>> No.14176531

A slave wrote this.
Also, Avarius: stop buggering boys behind the apothecary. Claudia wrote this.

>> No.14176760

Gaius and Aulus, bros forever.

>> No.14176766

I know how short the attention spans of bigots is, so I figured I should use something visual.

>> No.14176776

great! now we have liver snobs another group of people with no sense of smell or taste running around telling everyone how incredible they are that they can eat one of the worst tasting foods around.

now just replace the word liver with shit and it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.14176790

I strongly dislike liver. All organ meats, actually (save brain and spleen as those are good; also tongue, if that counts as an organ). Even so, I sometimes get strong pangs for this pork liver-and-kidney soup I grew up with. I eat all the organ meat first, then have the normal meat and noodles after.
Why do I eat this if I hate organs? Like... I even hate them while I'm eating them in this soup, but I make (or, more likely, order) it anyway from time to time. It's fucking bizarre. Does anyone else sometimes get hankerings for foods they despise or am I alone?

>> No.14176801
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liverwurst? They should call it liver best!

>> No.14176818

Liver has the consistency of paste spread anyway. I think most people only have the palate going in for standard chicken and beef cuts. The flavor shift isn't huge, but the chew is off-putting.

>> No.14176829

I hated beets for a long time, now I could make them a staple. Maybe our taste changes or it could be a sense of nostalgia in returning to foods from childhood.

>> No.14176890

bruh are you fucking dumb
it's one of the cleanest organs in the body, and healthiest to eat

>> No.14177533

>hated beets
>past tense
Except I still hate liver, but still occasionally get a hankering to eat it. I wretch while I eat it and everything.

>> No.14177567

All right liver fans, I've been trying to eat carno but Oregon meats scare me, what's the best way to get my toes into eating organs. I can handle some textures but if the flavors really off putting or bizarre in addition to a terrible texture I fear it's a pretty uphill battle

>> No.14177681

Gross, how anyone eat that? Literal organs at that, I already feel queasy looking at it

>> No.14177713
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Based and checked

>> No.14178104

Chicken liver and black pudding with a THICC madeira sauce... goddamn, its rich but delicious.

>> No.14178133

Chicken hearts and chicken livers are great from a Brasiian grill.

>> No.14178155

My moms been making me liver and onions since I was a kid.
I'm also black, not sure if that matters.

>> No.14178170

It does if a policeman spots you walking out of a store.

>> No.14178175

All jokes aside, organs are peasant food. Theres a reason wypipo dont eat pigs feet or chicken gizzards

>> No.14178195

Uhh, we don't take kindly to that kind of gendered language here, faggot.

I love liver. Never bother soaking it in water or milk.
Not a huge fan of the ol' liver&onions fry-up, and I don't think it's a good place for a liver newbie to start. It's good, and a lot less overwhelming, in stews or ground up and used in sausage, meatloaf, even burger patties.

>> No.14178234

Good for gravy

>> No.14178298

haha those scare quotes

>> No.14178323

liver is close but the ultimate is kidneys, both because of the texture and the slight taste of piss

>> No.14178325

Is a filter organ a pleb filter... really? It is a peasant meat at best. Mmmm love that disgusting iron taste. Moron. May as well ask the same about chitlins.

>> No.14178328

don't say that around a cajun

>> No.14178341

There were a bunch of dead catfish (well 2 we saw but I’m
Sure many more) floating in the lake this weekend. What does it mean?

>> No.14178352
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I guess your local 5G tower got switched on

>> No.14178388


>> No.14178425

Maybe someone was throwing leftover grenades in the lake and there too many catfish to grab?

>> No.14178442


>> No.14179440

Might be the other flavorings in the soup itself. I fucking hate blue cheese. I grew up in a 3rd world country with very scarce public restrooms. There were places like walls, or trees, or canals where everyone would just piss and sometimes do their business. The moss and algae covered piss stenched wall is what blue cheese smells like to me and i hate eating it by itself. But when I make blue cheese dressing and eat it with some wings I can't stop eating it.

Try squeezing out some of the bile in the liver in your hand and marinating it in red wine when you cook it again. That'll get rid of some of the off smells of liver.

>> No.14179441

Why would eating organs be different to eating muscles? You're still eating a dead animal. I'll never understand Americans.

>> No.14179452

I've had liver and onions a few times and while I don't dislike it, it's always had that metallic taste to it that's hard to get past.

>> No.14179461

I would try it on restaurants first. Organ meats are often labeled "sweetbreads". If you google sweetbreads restaurant in your town it should come up with some results. If you're dipping your foot in and trying it out, I wouldn't suggest outright cooking with it the first time. Taste how it should be done first then you'll enjoy cooking with it in time.

>> No.14179524

sup whiteboi

>> No.14179535

what animal?
on chicken its not noticeable and it should be the one youre starting out with until you get an appetite for it

>> No.14180878

Yes in America. It freaks everyone in my family out when I mention that I make it and when they visit and see it. Any tips on making better beef paté?

>> No.14181133

They are not a forgiving food to cook. The classic way to eat them is in terrine type dishes with loads of butter and some brandy, herbs etc, but i prefer something healthier. Imo best seared like a steak then cooked with just a bit of liquid to braise them until still pinkish, but stop before they become rubber ball textured. I tend to buy organic chicken livers and there's a big difference in flavour between them and the non organic ones.

>> No.14181150

>watch the cartoon Doug as a kid
>he despises liver & onions and it's often portrayed as nasty looking shit with stink waves coming off it
>go to restaurant with parents, they have liver & onions
>get it anyway out of curiosity because it's from my cartoons
>it instantly becomes my favorite meal for like the next 5 years

that day I decided Doug was a faggot

>> No.14181156

Liverwurst, it's only about 50% liver (the rest is pork belly or pork shoulder). It tastes a little bit like liver but overall it's very tolerable. Pork liver is the most tolerable form of liver in general imo, even more so than chicken.

>> No.14181159

>the undisputable pleb food
>"pleb filter"
sorry but i actually have money, i don't settle for refuse

>> No.14181161

It's probably the easiest deli meat to make yourself as well

>> No.14181313

>tasted almost rancid
It probably was then dip shit.

>> No.14181351


>> No.14181635

pate is good straight liver no

>> No.14181649

It isnt common in the states. I have to admit to struggling to enjoy a whole chunk of liver but I make venison liver pate and thats great

>> No.14181734

I love liverwurst to death. Some onions on top for peak sensation.

>> No.14181744

>not heart
Fried chicken hearts is honestly the best shit but so many people get grossed out by the idea of eating a heart.

>> No.14181830
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it's quite popular in my country and one of my favorite foods. Anyone who does not like it is a soy faggot with baby taste.

>> No.14181866

Have you had duck liver?

>> No.14181960

>eating an organ that can kill you of vitamin overdose
oh no no no no

>> No.14181982

honestly pasta with chicken liver sauce (butter, white wine, chicken liver, shallots, sage) is in my top 3 favorite pasta recipes, not overpowering at all

>> No.14182016
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that's a Polar Bear's liver
it's vitamin A

>> No.14182045

Like foie gras?

>> No.14182061
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Every grocer I've been to in America, and I've traveled a lot, has beef and calf liver frozen in about 4 oz slices. In addition, there's a few that have fresh.

I grew up eating it pan-fried then in a sandwich as it's dirt cheap. A lot of older folks eat it a lot.

>> No.14182076

Can't find any recipe that isn't in moon runes, have one to share?

>> No.14182082

>he doesn't eat potentially lethal food
Why even live?

>> No.14182423
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>> No.14182462

Heart is

>> No.14182656


>> No.14182670

Type that into the search bar at google.com and you should get answers

>> No.14182682

Shut up, cunt.

>> No.14182691

I can't be bothered to cook it, so I chop it up into small chunks, stick 'em in a jar in my fridge, and eat a few each day like vitamins.

>> No.14182776

Organ meat in general is pleb filter material. Haggis is basically just a bag of guts that you eat.

>> No.14182783
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>> No.14182786

Gonads, brains, and eyeballs are the ultimate pleb filter.

>> No.14182888

People in Germany eat this constantly. Do Americans really get filtered by this? No wonder their cities are burning.

>> No.14182900

Guess you didn't have anything to say to that. Ha.

>> No.14182937
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Not him but if that attention wasn't enough you can have this:


>> No.14182997

During the corona lockdown my grocery store was out of pretty much all meat but had a shit ton of beef liver so I lived off it for a week. It was good but I started getting sick of it. Then I read its bad for you if you eat it too much.

>> No.14183006


>> No.14183041

>that day I decided Doug was a faggot
But the premise of the show is that doug is a faggot

>> No.14183079

Liversausage with raw onions doused in a coarse mustard or horseradish is heavinly. You can add a strong blue cheese too. Get out of here you tastelets.

>> No.14183100

After going vegan this is the only thing I miss
It's pretty amazing that Americans hate all meat that actually has a flavor of its own without seasoning

>> No.14183316

You're probably fine. They recommend it for pregnant women because of all the vitamins.

>> No.14183335

I love organ meat but afraid of gout.

>> No.14183339

That's because pregnant women need more
If he's not pregnant, that doesn't apply
Too much of any substance, vitamins included is unhealthy.

>> No.14183343
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i must have some