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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14173097 No.14173097 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14173107

yeah no way i'm gonna watch that

>> No.14173121

Kenji seems like a nice guy

>> No.14173147
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The best cooking youtuber and the worst cooking youtuber have collided. The duality of man

>> No.14173153

unless u voted for trump and not Hillary Clinton like those other ni-

>> No.14173180

>best cooking youtuber
Featureman's in that video?

>> No.14173244

Adam has the worst look. Fuck sake I just wanna punch his face.

>> No.14173476

Actually not that bad. Mostly Kenji talking about his time at Cook's illustrated and his chef work. Ragusea butts in with his autistic shit but pretty tolerable.

>> No.14173674

They actually agree on pretty much everything, but I guess you could see it that way if you have a hate-boner for Chadam.

>> No.14173687


I've been loving Kenji's recent home cooking vids, I know he's a bit of a lib but they're so god damn chill.

>> No.14173689

I think I would die for Shabu.

>> No.14173694

I think Kenji's just too polite

>> No.14173695

he didn't really mince words with gordon ramsay
I'm a bit surprised he didn't get more blowback from that given how much the internet sucks ramsay's dick

>> No.14173700

Imagine giving a shit about someone's political views when he literally never voices them and talks about something else entirely.

>> No.14173708
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This is absolutely terrifying

>> No.14173709

That's the best part. Kenji has done the research. He isn't just a noob, he gets to criticize that pretentious fuck. If Adam calls Ramsey a blowhard he gets called a hack, if taste testers at Tasty hate on a Ramsey recipe people call them philistines, but Kenji throws science at Ramsey's bullshit.

>> No.14173714
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It's been kind of a trip watching kenji, a man from whom I've learned so much, raw dog the weirdness of the internet.

>> No.14173719
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fellas am I a simp

>> No.14173720
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>> No.14173722

>makes an entire video on his cooking channel about how you should always trust scientific consensus and any further probing into less popular studies is equivelent to being a flat earther, unless you yourself are a professional in the field
based ragusea

>> No.14173728

It's actually kind of tragic. I'm reasonably certain he's doing that so he doesn't have to sell his restaurant because of the Wu Flu.

>> No.14173735

/ck/'s favorite youtube chef and some hapa?

>> No.14173766
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His current format is incredible, though. While the older videos on his channel and with serious eats did have good info in them, strict scripting and cheesy stock music did them no favors. Now he fills the space with personal anecdotes of increidble value from being both an internet and real world veteran of the industry, and his videos are so fucking good. I definitely hope Wursthall will weather the storm, but I also hope this cooking series is here to stay.
Too long has his throne been usurped by those using his work to further themselves.

>> No.14173774

yea the restaurant looks like it costs a fortune too.

>> No.14173779

his cooking style is really reliable too compared to other food youtubers. like most of his recipes come out pretty good even if you fuck up

>> No.14173780

He made a mac and cheese with fucking ham and peas in it. Just seeing the thumbnail made me unsubscribe. He can go kill himself

>> No.14173783
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There's also the matter of audiences. Tasty and Gordon Ramsay videos will get millions of views from basically everyone, even folks normally not interested in cooking as a hobby, because of the spectacle of some ridiculous/ly expensive dish and/or Gordon Ramsay yelling at dudes. The viewers of Kenji's less popular videos will tend to be those home cooks with a direct interest in cooking, and they'd know more than the average gob.

>watching kenji deliberating on which of 3 dozen beers on tap to imbibe

>> No.14173791

Exactly. "Kenji's Cooking Show" has the added benefit of making Babitch look like the hack that he is because now when people want to watch a Kenji recipe they can just watch it from Kenji.

>> No.14173804

it kind of killed me internally to watch someone build a multimillion media empire off of the backs of others

>> No.14173811

Not gonna lie Ramsay's old cooking series where he just focused on teaching cooking skill was pretty great. Was my first intro to cooking for myself in high school and I still think he's a good chef but too stuck in old unproven techniques.

>> No.14173815

He's the kind of boomer to actually believe that searing seals in the juices.

>> No.14173816

why is this hapa obsessed with white people? dudes obsessed

>> No.14173821

he voiced them up constantly in the vid

>> No.14173822

It killed me inside when he made a burger video and mixed egg into the ground beef, something everyone else considers a mortal sin.

>> No.14173830

why does ramsay cause so much seething?

>> No.14173833

Ragusea looks grotesque with his new buff fat body, he needs to cut asap

>> No.14173834

how is it racist? chinks do eat dogs

>> No.14173837

He's got genuinely bad opinions for somebody with so many Michelin stars

>> No.14173844

>whats the scientific consensus for chopping carrots?
i hate the "i fucking love science" retards because without acceptation none of them have studied science past highschool

>> No.14173848

in kenji's case, it's because ramsay raised the flag for a generation of chefs to be complete asshats and turn their kitchens into living hells
ramsay might've been a perfectly pleasant person to work with off camera, but his public persona was still immensely popular, and arguably damaged industry culture

>> No.14173849

You're one of those dipshits who actually believes the "someone ate an infected bat" cover story, huh?

>> No.14173854

> i took my wife's last name

jesus cucking christ

>> No.14173860

Should have probably studied English for a bit longer, breh.

Ramsey pretends to be an American drill sergeant, which is why I assume he's so popular over there.

>> No.14173875

consensus is that it spread from a pangolin in a wet market to a bat in a wet market to a human or is ching chong saying it was the cia?

>> No.14173878

in case you are actually this socially retarded
>some white people commit mass shootings
>how is it racist to make jokes about white people committing mass shootings

>> No.14173890

I'm saying it was made in a lab. Whether that lab was American or Chinese is something we'll never find out (because nobody would be stupid enough to let themselves get caught for this), but I find it very likely that the Chinese made it and then accidentally dropped the petri dish.

>> No.14173889

there's an entire dog meat industry

>> No.14173900

Yeah, and there's an entire mass shooter industry. Its lobby is called the NRA.

>> No.14173904


>> No.14173911

except that most mass shooters aren't white or nra members where as most dog eaters are chinks

>> No.14173923

were you homeschooled? are you on the spectrum?

>> No.14173925

not that guy, but...

such as?

>> No.14173929
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>most mass shooters aren't white

>> No.14173930
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are you a nigger?

>> No.14173934

>citing wikipedia

>> No.14173937

prove anyone one of those wasn't a mass shooter

>> No.14173963

>make claim
>expect the other party to fact-check for you

>> No.14173977

/pol/ didn't ruin this webs-

>> No.14173979

>cant prove me wrong
no fact checking required, wiki posts its sources
i accept your concession

>> No.14174051

/pol/ didn't. /pol/ is as obnoxious as it ever was. What ruined this website are the election tourists. People here will shriek about reddit all day long but all these /pol/ack buzzwords are the most reddit thing on this site.

>> No.14174149

i really like that go pro style

>> No.14174387

>not that guy, but...
You dont have to write that you absolute reddit fag

>> No.14174489
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>This statistic shows the number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and February 26, 2020, BY RACE AND ETHNICITY OF THE SHOOTER(S). Between 1982 and February 2020, 64 out of 118 mass shootings were initiated by White shooters.

>> No.14174526

he's not actually good at making food
see: his videos

>> No.14174557

>gangbangers shooting up house with they opp in it is the same phenomenon as Gary the loner white kid going to school with an AR-15 and trying to kill as many people as possible
low IQ /pol/troon detected

>> No.14174632
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kek they both admit to visit 4chan occasionally

>> No.14174739


>> No.14174755

who the fuck is the chink?

>> No.14174760

hi kenji you put way too much salt/boullion in your egg drop soup

>> No.14174769

You shouldn’t criticize anyone’s intelligence when you’re typing shit like that bro

>> No.14174886
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I think we caused Adam's bigorexia by making fun of him so much. I can't prove it, it just sort of seems like it.

>> No.14175297

why do retards never understand normalizing
64/118 is 54%, current us demographics are 63% actual white, even setting aside the sea change of demographics since 1982, that makes whites underrepresented/less likely than the average person to be a mass shooter

>> No.14175652

>scientific consensus
>cooking video
i stopped watching him when he started putting shit in his cooking videos that isnt cooking; like the tortilla video

>> No.14175739
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If he comes back to the source of cyberbullying, knowing people are going to talk shit about him, he only has himself to blame. He literally shouldn't be here.

Adam Ragusea looks like if John Oliver lost control of his life.

>> No.14175984

adam is a decent cook, i like following his recipes. but there is no way in hell i'm going to watch 1.5 hours of him talking on webcam.

>> No.14176130

No, you're just a pansy.

>> No.14176135

He has that Markiplier punchable look

>> No.14176139

Nowhere near that bad. Adam's voice is nowhere near as rage-inducing as Markiplonker's.

>> No.14176154

whoa whoa whoa that's actually bullshit?
admittedly i'm not very experienced but using the egg helped keep the patties together and hold their shape, maybe even added to the taste as well

>> No.14176162

>literally most mass shooters are white people

>> No.14176172

That's kind of the issue. Yes it helps them hold their shape, but they shouldn't be holding their shape. Burgers have a bun around them and cheese melted over them that keep them from falling apart so you want to make them juicy and crumbly, not rubbery which is what you get it you mix egg into them.
Ramsey put them onto a grill, where you might want the extra stability from the eggs but you can simply cook them on foil for the first few minutes if you really want to grill your burgers.

>> No.14176198

Adam needs to cut, badly, he has the worst case of fatceps I've ever seen

>> No.14176479


No, i'm just not half asian with an insane tolererance for msg

>> No.14176507

>every night is pizza night

uh oh. it all makes sense