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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14154117 No.14154117 [Reply] [Original]

>3- lbs Ground Beef

>3- Large Eggs

>2- 4 oz Jars Pimento

>5- Cloves Garlic(minced)

>1- Medium White Onion(chopped)

>1- Bunch Cilantro(chopped)

>Cumin(to taste, use your nose)

>Salt & Pepper(to taste)

>5- quarts chicken broth(I used water and 6 Tbsp Knorr powder)

>1- Can Beef Consomme(I forgot to purchase this so I substituted with 1 Tbsp Knorr Beef Powder)

>5- Large Carrots

>5- Large Zucchinis

>1- Medium Cabbage

I start with bringing the water to boil in my 12 quart stockpot. Then I add the Bouillon powder. While the water is heating up I start the meatballs.

>> No.14154151
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Combine the Beef, Pimento, Cilantro, Onion, Garlic, Eggs, Cumin, Salt and Pepper in a large mixing bowl. I used the Kitchenaid I picked up for $40 off of Letgo last week, it worked well. If you don't have a mixer it is best to use your fingers.

>> No.14154159

Lel no one actually cooks here, this is the booze and fast food board

>> No.14154173
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You're going to want to be judicious with the Cumin. A little goes a long way, but if you don't use enough the flavor of your savory balls will be weak. You don't want weak balls lads. So after a quick mix on the low setting you're going to want to use your nose, sniff your balls to see if you have enough Cumin. If you are familiar with working with Cumin you'll know when it's just right.

>> No.14154189
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Powdering my balls to achieve optimum power lever.

>> No.14154207
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I also added a little bit more onion and cilantro. With experience you'll know when you've got it right.

>> No.14154220
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Achievement Unlocked.
Time to roll out balls.

>> No.14154234
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.14154237
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By this time my water was starting to boil. Adding my bouillon.

>> No.14154242

That he’s American

>> No.14154260
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And the beef.
This is my dad's recipe. He used chicken stock and a can of beef Consomme. But we are substituting.

>> No.14154269
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I prefer bite sized meatballs. They are easier to cook and stick together better. I used about a heaping teaspoon. A melon baller also works well.

>> No.14154302
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By this time our soup stock should be at a rolling boil. It is important not to cool down the stock too quickly so we add the meatballs one at a time as we roll them out. This helps them maintain their structural integrity. You'll notice that at first they sink to the bottom of the pot and then after a minute or so they'll start to float.

>> No.14154327
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After we drop our final meatball into the pot we cover and reduce the heat just enough to maintain the boil. Boil for 20 minutes or so then turn the heat off and let things settle.

>> No.14154367
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Once things settle the fat from the meatballs will settle at the top. I used 80/20 Ground Chuck because it was on sale, so I skimmed about a cup and a half of scum off the top of the soup. I spooned it into a Pyrex measuring cup first, then let it settle and separate for a minute, then skimmed the 2 cup measuring cup and put the oil into an old jar and let it cool before throwing it away in the bin. Then I poured about a cup of good broth from the Pyrex back into the pot so I wouldn't waste any.

>> No.14154376


>> No.14154399
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I prepped my veggies while the meatballs cooked. I quartered the cabbage then removed the heart because I'm not a fan, then cut the cabbage into strips. The carrots and Zucchini I chopped a bit thick, maybe 1/2 inch/12 mm. But it's really up to your preference.

>> No.14154439
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I turn the heat back on and return to a boil, then add the carrots and cabbage first and cook for a few... maybe 10 minutes until the carrots first start to soften, almost al dente.

>> No.14154454 [DELETED] 

Then add the Zucchini at the last minute so they don't get mushy. You could probably even turn the heat off at this point and let them set in the hot soup until they are tender.

>> No.14154459
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Then add the Zucchini at the last minute so they don't get mushy. You could probably even turn the heat off at this point and let them sit in the hot soup until they are tender.

>> No.14154471
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Time to start heating up your flour tortillas.

>> No.14154490
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Soup is done, time to dish up. You can see the Zucchinis are tender and look like a pickle in the middle. The soup is done when they're done.

>> No.14154502
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The soup is served with tortillas filled with cheddar cheese. I prefer a good sharp cheddar.

>> No.14154509
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>> No.14154524

you have 'rona all over your shit

>> No.14154535

ew succzini
me no like
it ok to cook with no succzini?

>> No.14154537
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I set my cheese rollups into the hot soup and the tortillas soak up the broth while the cheese melts. This is my absolute favorite meal... and I don't even like soups. The key ingredients are the Cumin, Cilantro, and Pimento in the meatballs, leave any of these out and they come out shit. I know this from experience fucking up this recipe. I don't know what it is about the Pimentos and Cumin together but it is an amazing combination. I have looked up other Albondegas recipes online and I haven't found another with Pimentos. They are all shit. My dad was an amazing guy, this is his recipe.

>> No.14154545

I picked this up the produce at the Mercado in Greenville. The Mexican stores are fully stocked while the shitty Ingles and BiLo etc are still raped with spotty shelves. The 'Rona doesn't work on Mexicans bro. They're too blasted, the PCP and Meth kill the virus.

>> No.14154557

You could try it without Zucchini. Maybe substitute another type of squash. Some people even put corn on the cob in their Albondegas. The most important part is the meatballs. That's where 90% of the flavor it.

>> No.14154977
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Use your hands you fucking imbecile
>kosher salt in "Mexican" dish
We hate the kikes more than we hate you fucking gringos
>No tomatoes
>No chipotle
>No guajillo
Just kill yourself you fucking fat ass. It should be albóndigas with Chipotle or guajillo caldillo, albóndigas are not meant to be served with chicken broth.
Why do you americans put so much effort into ruining everything?

>> No.14155034

"We hate el kikos more than u gringos pinche wey"
go eat some beans or something greasy

>> No.14155063

this is kino home cooking. i can imagine being 8 years old and going over to a friend's house and hoovering this shit up in awe that it tastes good and yet isn't tendies. then the kid shoots me in the eye with a BB gun and i change schools because the bullying is getting so bad and my parents are worried that i'm gonna grow up to be a serial killer. but i secretly resent them for taking me away from the friend whose mother made me this fucking delicious soup

>> No.14155089
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>el kikos
Nice display of ignorance, Tyrone. Keep making America proud

>> No.14155123


My gfs mom makes this all time

>> No.14155131


>> No.14155202


>> No.14155205

in from the what you ate today bread
i thought that looked like meatballs

>> No.14155240
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>Use your hands you fucking imbecile
I'm not trying to tell you how to mow lawns, Pablo.
>No tomatoes
>No chipotle
>No guajillo
Not everything has to have hot pepper in it, you Oaxacan tastlette. Tu Madres pinocha pesta como pescado e medi muy osco, pinché Llanta.
>Why do you americans put so much effort into ruining everything?
Shouldn't you be chopping the top of a Chevy Nova and destroying the suspension or something?

>> No.14155288

I have had a few variations of this soup. This really is the best version, and super simple. The versions with a beef broth lack the depth of the chicken stock plus beef Consomme combo. It works well as a starter or the main course too. My dad used to enlist his granddaughters into mixing and rolling the meatballs which is most of the work. If you're.good at prep the entire dish takes maybe 60-90 minutes. You should try it.

>> No.14155296

It's "albóndigas"

and that doesn't mean meatball soup, it's what you call any meatball in Spanish.

God, I hate Americans, and I'm not even Mexican.

>> No.14155300

There's no one way to make albondigas you larping retard. That's like saying there's one way to make marinara.

>> No.14155301

They're killer. Very well balanced flavor combo as long as you get the right amount of Cumin and Pimento. Cumin can be tricky, you have to trust your nose.

>> No.14155302

>The versions with a beef broth lack the depth of the chicken stock plus beef Consomme combo.
it's...it's MSG

>> No.14155323


I hate the the hysterical retards on this shit board. Go back to r3ddit and they'll tell you exactly how to pronounce your dishes and how to make them while respecting other cultures you fucking wet pussy.

>> No.14155330


>> No.14155356

>and that doesn't mean meatball soup
Albond*gas is what it is called in America, not everyone is trying to say Caldo de Albond*gas like some sort of flaming NPR reporter. My buddy Hector says Spaniards sound as gay speaking Spanish as Englishmen do speaking English. We took your languages and made them better, 100% less gay.

>> No.14155373

>My buddy Hector says Spaniards sound as gay speaking Spanish as Englishmen do speaking English
European Spanish is much better than most of the dialects spoken in Latin America. Sudacas are just envious.

>> No.14155376

>it's...it's MSG
Yeah but I don't usually use Knorr I usually buy the fancy organic shit from the store. But I stocked up on Knorr for the 'Rona. Although all the Mexicans I clique'd with growing up used Knorr religiously... so I guess that could be considered "authentic". The soup just wasn't as satisfying with beef broth alone in comparison to chicken broth+.

>> No.14155393

He's definitely Castizo. He came here on a jumbo jet with a greencard like a civilized human being. His sister owns a trucking company in Manzanillo Colima and his family is wealthy. He's a Poncé directly descended from the Conquistadors.

>> No.14155395

yeah, most Mexicans can't really cook. they heavily rely on industrialized seasonings.

>> No.14155399

I don't think you understand what a sudaca is...

>> No.14155461

It sounded like a pejorative, I didn't know it was aimed exclusively at South Americans.

I'll probably make Chile Verde in the next couple of days. I may use chicken or beef though to piss off the Latinx community on this board after seeing how easily triggered they can be. Maybe Chilaquiles with Pringles or Doritos or something.

>> No.14155709

No hardboiled egg pieces in the center makes me sad

>> No.14155955

you don't slam the head on the counter to pound the heart out?

>> No.14155963

flour toritillas are also known as floritas
why didn't you melt the cheese?

>> No.14155970

I do that with Iceberg lettuce not with cabbage. Cabbage is too hearty.

>> No.14155972

>why didn't you melt the cheese?
The cheese melts in the steaming hot soup when you dip your roll-up in the bowl.
See >>14154537

>> No.14156008

please don't

>> No.14156058

I love cumin, so i don't have to worry
need to find these

>> No.14156188

Looks good! Thanks for sharing your recipe. I'll save it and make next week.

>> No.14156213


>> No.14156535

I hope you enjoy it. It's my favorite meal.

>> No.14157088
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Maybe try Chayote, it's another type of squash. But it's not as subtle as Zucchini though and will alter the overall flavor of the soup a bit more.

>> No.14157116

Anon, I love cheese and your balls look really delicious, but the cheese really seems out of place.

>> No.14157162

Sharp cheddar is the way to go. I've tried white melty cheeses like Mozz and Jack but they're too subtle. Maybe a pepper jack would suffice... but Sharp cheddar will always be my go-to. Make a pot and try it with various cheeses. I think you'll probably agree that the savory cumin infused meatballs are complimented by the tangy bite of a good cheddar.

You have me wondering though... Maybe a blue cheese?

>> No.14157904

Bong here. Great thread, OP. I find this kind of obviously authentic Mexican cooking very interesting. I have noted your recipe in my special file. Thank you.

>> No.14158506

You're welcome my Albion friend. As an actual Hispanic with a Portuguese mom that means a lot to me. I try my best.

>> No.14158524

>not browning your meatballs

>> No.14158707

These aren't those kind of meatballs, Luigi.

>> No.14159766

Portuguese are based. Portugal is the UK's oldest ally.

What other authentic Mexican stuff can you drop me quick? I don't want to take up your time so only if you feel like it.

>> No.14159773

why do you not brown anything? meatballs just boiled in broth is sad

>> No.14159795

Looks like little balls of shit in bowl of shit

>> No.14159797

Not OP, but this is a genuine fucking dish, you sad cunt. Not everybody in the world cooks like you. Look up the name of the dish OP posted. Stop being so fucking lazy.

>> No.14160081
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I am probably going to make a Chile Verde sauce, tomorrow or the next day. Traditionally you would brown some pork ribs and cubed shoulder or butt and then simmer in a tomatillo and green chile sauce. I usually use serrano or jalapeno, but you can buy canned mild green chilies that have a really good flavor. I also simmer shredded chicken or ground beef in the same sauce for tacos too. It beats the hell out of taco seasoning packets. I picked up some dried Guajillo and Ancho chiles too which are good for making Chile Rojo/Colorado and traditional red enchilada sauce. And I also bought some dried Chile de Arbol for making really hot red salsa and that mayo based shit like Taco Bell uses but hotter. You make a simple salsa after roasting and then boiling the chiles then puree and mix 50/50 with mayonnaise.

I just got back from Costco and am dealing with new kittens in the house so I have been super busy today.

>> No.14160135

He shouldn't look up the name OP posted, he should look up "Albóndigas soup" because "albondegas" isn't a word (except in Galician and even then it just means meatball, not meatball soup).

>> No.14160211

Thank you, OP. I won’t be able to get most of those here but I’ll make note of this recipe anyway. Cute kittens ^_^

>> No.14160504

stuttering psychopath

>> No.14160739

Looks good desu

>> No.14162286

Thanks, they're about 4 weeks old and mom is starting to ween them. Do you have an ethnic market in your area?

>> No.14162338

wow look at this fucking autist nobody cares

>> No.14162501

Your meatballs look like mushy balls of feces I think that adds to the authenticity of Mexican dogshit cuisine