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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14138987 No.14138987 [Reply] [Original]

>why yes, I do eat sea bugs
>land bugs? ew! no way!

>> No.14138990

chink detected

>> No.14139005

am*rican detected

>> No.14139013

why yes I do eat dig dug jim duggar snugs

>> No.14139023

I'm gay

>> No.14139044

$7.99/lb for crab legs at my local giant, getting 5 pounds tomorrow. shit is gonna be dope.

>> No.14139052

rent free

>> No.14139078

Why rhe fuck are shellfish so fucking expensive. They used to feed this shit to prisoners, now it's like $12 a lb.

It's not even the greatest food in the world. Just dense in nutrients you don't usually get.

>> No.14139084

because it taste good

>> No.14139091

>now it's like $12 a lb.
Maybe if you're too far from the sea to get it fresh.

>> No.14139115

If land bugs tasted as good and had a non-gloopie texture I'd eat them too.

>> No.14139170

They eat the poop of grass fed fish. It's called organic and fair trade farming

>> No.14139256

Yeah, most land bugs are pretty garbage tier. I've made a point to try a lot of them travelling around Asia. If land bugs could grow big enough to get some meat on them they'd probably be better. You do get hints of crab from tarantula, crickets are pretty snackable, and ant roe is pretty creamy and delicious. Most other bugs taste like goopy dirt, or crunchy dirt.

>> No.14139347

crustaceans=! insects
thats like saying eating cows are like eating humans because theyre mammals

>> No.14139360

It's more like saying eating fish is like eating humans because they're chordates.

>> No.14140300

Sea bugs have more meat, dummy

>> No.14140780
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sea bugs are big, you eat the meat, can take out the shit
land bugs are small, you eat everything,including the shit

but I agree, eating shrimp creaps me out, what if I eat shit?

crab on the other hand is alright

lobster is overrated

salmon is better and its not a bug

>> No.14141032

If I ever win the lottery I swear to god I'm moving to close the ocean and eat prawns, scallops and ahi tuna every fucking day. They are delicious but damn expensive.

>> No.14141037
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>land bugs? ew! no way!
You will eat them, kiddo

>> No.14141041

Is that Cane's?
Their sauce is garbage.

>> No.14141079

It is because they are a great deal larger, usually.

>> No.14141110
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That probably is a big part of it, yeah.
My main issue with eating the bugs is that they expect me to eat the whole fucking thing. I don't eat the whole lobster with intestines and shell and all and I don't want to do that with other bugs either.
I'm open to eating shelled and deveined landbugs if they're tasty.

>> No.14141119

Well the other part is that land bugs tend to carry all kinds of nasty shit in their system.
Like yea in some sad countries they eat bugs but where I live we don't eat them because they might cause disease or make people sick.
People have died from eating roaches, for example.
And there's that webm that goes around where some black kids are seen catching and eating mosquitos in some third world country. Think about how long their life span is.

>> No.14141160
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I'm not an expert on bug diseases but I kind of assumed that people catch sickness from eating them raw and whole and if they were shelled, deveined, and cooking like you do with a prawn they wouldn't be nearly as risky.
I don't know. I guess we'd catch all sorts of ailments if we ate the seabugs in that way.

>> No.14141222
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>> No.14141235

Do you know anything about insects? You're talking about deveining them like it's possible. You can't devein things like ants, roaches, etc.
You're being ridiculous.

>> No.14141560

Land bugs have very little meat and are often either bitter or sour. If they tasted like sea bugs we would eat them

>> No.14141568

Damn shes a fat fuck

>> No.14141749

You’d have to be pretty autistic to not understand the difference.
With crustaceans, you can actually remove the exoskeleton and internal organs. Not so with insects, which are also 14% fecal matter by dry weight.
Also you immediately out yourself as Jewish or Muslim when you make these posts.

>> No.14141758

No, dumdum, I am not saying ants can be deveined. I'm saying that's why I don't want to eat them.

>> No.14141782
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rich in
reminder to eat your shrimp shells

>> No.14141826

Who here eats locusts? I'd like to know what they're like

>> No.14141832

texture and flavor
next question

>> No.14141840

Both are gross

>> No.14141847

Why do you eat ass but not pussy?

>> No.14141870

wtf is "gloopie"

>> No.14141875

I eat pussy like it's candy, but I never have and never will eat ass. That's where gross poop comes from!

>> No.14141999

>it’s another eat the bugs goy because you eat crustaceans thread

>> No.14142859

well of course, my cretinous friend!

sea bugs - big and tasty
land bugs - less so

its called discernment you facetious shithead

>> No.14142902
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>rich in
Oh boy thanks, I was hoping to find a better way to get my daily dose of chitin.

>> No.14142912

I don't care if it's hypocritical, shrimp/lobster is amazing and I'll keep eating it and continue to not eat bugs. Fuck you.

>> No.14142914

Thought for food: maybe we can genetically engineer land bugs to be fuck huge and farm them so that they actually have a lot of meat on the bone like sea bugs. Now imagine this farm being breached, all the giant bugs escaping and killing everybody and eating US for lunch. That's a hollywood movie right there. Two great ideas for the price of one.

>> No.14142918

Ok, does anyone actually know what commonly eaten bugs taste like? I'm curious

>> No.14142933
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>> No.14142943

>sea "bugs"
have meat
taste good
>land bug
Nothing but puss and slime
Taste like shit

>> No.14142953
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I'm really not curious about this at all. All this talk of "eat crickets" has just caused me to eat at McDonald's every day, which I haven't even eaten at McDonald's for years. I was surprised that the meat actually tastes like meat now, unlike years ago when it tasted like recycled reconstituted and dried toilet paper. I was expecting that in a pandemic it would be even WORSE. But somehow the opposite is true. I will continue to eat there indefinitely, for as long as the meat actually has fat coming out of it, unlike years ago when it was dry as fuck.

>> No.14142974

Im from Finland, McDonalds is actually not turning a profit in my country lol. Anyway like 5-10 years ago they had a big advertising campaign where they claimed their meat was 100% meat. After that their burgers tasted better, not sure if it was just placebo effect tho

>> No.14142978

The dont have efficient enough respiratory systems for that.

>> No.14142982
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>> No.14142997

They actually do taste better IMO. But yeah, even if it's not doing well in Finalnd, McD is fast becoming a monopoly virtually everywhere. They turned their big lead over everyone else into Amazon-style domination of the market.

>> No.14143002

I don't eat the exoskeletons of sea bugs, and most land bugs are too small for it to be worth the effort of removing the exoskeletons.

>> No.14143004

Raise them in oxygen-enriched containments? Insects don't have emotion so you don't have the moral delimas

>> No.14143011

Maybe they can be on respirators all the time, Corona-style

>> No.14143021

No, retard. It's Zaxby's, you can see the logo on the cup.

>> No.14143030


>> No.14143050

Why are shellfish okay but bugs aren't?


We can easily clean shellfish and enjoy the taste
Land Organisms have more complex diets and body structures
You tell me how to clear out a hissing cockroach's guts and I'll try cooking with it

You can't though, can you?
You just like to complain

You just like to start stupid threads and complain about things that you don't actually like caring about

Just the the fuck off my /ck/

>> No.14143057
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Why would anyone build an oxygen rich containment on a scale to feed a futuristic society when they could just raise food that doesn't need a restructuring of the atmospheric composition to work?

>> No.14143079
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>> No.14143086

True, mass use of soy protein would be more worth it. Hell, it's already happening in murica.
Also watch it, you'll summon him.

>> No.14143090

false equivalency.

no matter what you try to compare them to or how you package them I am not eating the land bugs.

sea bugs are fine.

>> No.14143103

where do you live? shellfish is difficult to keep fresh so I imagine most of the price is in transport

>> No.14143415

You find me land bugs that have worthwhile quantity of meat, actually taste good and can be reasonably and sanitarily farmed and im in.

>> No.14143423

Why are you being a contrary cunt and pretending there is no difference?

>> No.14143431
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>> No.14143478

no customer gives a fuck how expensive it is to transport, they are paying for the meat not the shipping

>> No.14143510

Based retard
Based smartard

>> No.14143524

Doesn't matter if they give a fuck or not, transportation is part of the price of a product. A vendor who pays to get shellfish shipped away from a coast is going to have to recuperate that cost.

>> No.14143570

companies don't increase their price like that thinking their customer is logical and will think everytime they buy something that they care about how you made it. companies want their product cheaper so they actually have customers

>> No.14143578

>Land bugs
>So small, no removable flesh, have to eat the bugs whole
>Most of the nutrients/proteins are in the chitin, which is largely indigestible so you don't even get those nutrients
>Due to the food required, achieving a realistic price point for land bugs is actually really difficult, in many parts of the world where bugs are served they're often more expensive than normal meats for this reason
>Farming bugs effectively has not been perfected or even largely attempted
>Too small to clean or be selective with innards, have to eat the whole thing waste and all
>Individual preparation is labor intensive - making a skewer of lamb involves a few chunks of meat, skewering 30 bugs takes more time
>Natural aversion to them due to size and instincts

Meanwhile sea "bugs"

>Large enough to be cleaned effectively
>Large enough to have firm, meaty flesh that can be removed and eaten without the shell
>Shells can be used in stocks/sauces, adding versatility
>Range of bioavalible nutrients that don't require you to grind up the entire creature into a paste before consumption
>Cultural history of consumption, meaning regularly available recipes
>Farming/catching these creatures in the wild is well understood and common practice
>Large enough to not trigger a built in disgust response just from seeing it

I could go on, but there's literally no comparison here. Seafood is the chad choice, bugs are for everyone else.

>> No.14143606


>> No.14143616
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>eating food that gobbles up filth for living

>> No.14143697

it is expensive to ship it and keep it fresh. that's the entire point. you need a product in the first place in order to begin to worry about making it cheaper. the only cheaper way to do it is frozen or canned

>> No.14143776

They taste completely different and the flesh has different textures.

>> No.14143786

Says the man who has never eaten cooked tarantula or scorpion.

>> No.14144339

Back in the day it was a shitty cheap food for fishermen on the coast, then when railways were a thing and rich people came to the coast they had never had shellfish, so they got charged a shitton, this carried over

>> No.14145054
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Back in the day they could not be transported from the water without dying and spoiling, the advent of proper storage increased the market demand because fresh = delicious, not fresh = rancid pigshit, the wider range to deliver to also contributed.

>> No.14145082

Oysters are greats so are crawfish if cooked right crab is good but I prefer soft shell and am not a fan of crab legs shrimp are okay to me but that's because I grew up eating them the most. I've lived on gulf coast whole life and you don't like it good more for me.

>> No.14145091

The problem is that land bugs are too small to butcher the meat. If you eat a grasshopper, you're eating his organs and shit and carapace along with his meat.