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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14136242 No.14136242 [Reply] [Original]

Oh, I get it it, it's like veganism but for incel contrarians who were never properly forced to eat their vegetables as a child.

>> No.14136269

Why would you have to force someone to eat vegetables?

>> No.14136274

At least I don't look like a Jew from Auschwitz

>> No.14136280

Because maybe some people actually respect plants?

>> No.14136282

But veganism was always the incel contrarian diet

>> No.14136314

Veganism is a w*man diet.
W*men can't be incels.

>> No.14136331

Yeah its basically "I WONT EAT MY VEGGIES' taken into a movement

>> No.14136410
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No thanks I'm not a flat earth retard

>> No.14136418

Why the fuck would you NOT eat veggies? Carb content? There are shitloads of veggies out there that barely have any carbs. You can easily maintain a state of ketosis while eating a shitload of green veggies. What kind of ass-backwards justification you need to have to think of veggies as something harmful?

>> No.14136430

Because children are picky and some would eat junk all the time if they could.

>> No.14136431

he de-fibered and de-carbed his pineal gland and reconstituted it with goat plasma sucked directly from the vein of the live screaming animal

>> No.14136442

lmao what

>> No.14136466
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it's the diet if the junkie incel king

>> No.14136480

muh antinoochrients

>> No.14136879


>> No.14136883

I wish this shit would stay on /fit/

>> No.14136921
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>> No.14137060

how is that different from adults?

>> No.14137173

This, I'm on keto and still masterfully craft massive turds that would make any vegan jealous

>> No.14137190

Adults are responsible for themselves, if they want to fuck up their health then that’s their own business. Kids should be taught how to nourish themselves properly.

>> No.14137197

okay but that's not really funny

>> No.14137203

People on a carnivore diet must have the most uncomfortable shits.

>> No.14138212

>properly forced
never a more telling statement about vegetables can be found.

>> No.14138223

thank you for your concern regarding out bowel movements

signed normal people.

>> No.14138238

hard shits are the best

>> No.14138265
File: 3.04 MB, 444x250, nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that clean wipe...

>> No.14138468

I prefer the feeling of a nice, solid meat-poo as it massages my prostate over a vinegary vegan shit.