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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 779 KB, 1000x502, 190130-calzone-horizontal-2-1549421238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14135387 No.14135387 [Reply] [Original]

Americans, please explain your thought process. Everytime I try to talk food with one of ya'll, you seem to want to claim that one dish is really just another dish under another name. "Hamburgers are sandwhiches," "pizzas are pies," etc. But, for whatever reason, calzones are then considered to be something completely different from pizzas, even though they are literally just pizzas that have been folded.

How the fuck is a hamburger a sandwhich but a calzone not a pizza?

>> No.14135394

I cannot even comprehend the mental confusion behind this post.

>> No.14135409

I find their definiton of sausage much worse.
You never know what they mean.

>> No.14135419

Might wanna wait 3-4 more hours and post then, son. It's like 5AM-2AM across Ameristan right now no responses from them for a bit.

>> No.14135422

US vs UK
fries: chips
crisps: crisps
cookie: biscuit
biscuit: pudding
pudding: pudding
cake: pudding
sausage: pudding

>> No.14135425


stopped reading


stopped reading

>> No.14135426

>Thinks Americans invented hamburgers, sandwiches, pizzas and calzones.

But seriously, if you want to do a calzone right, you gotta give the meat and veggies some precooking or else it and everything inside it turns out floppier than it should be.

>> No.14135431

Hamburgers are not sandwiches and pizzas are not pies

>> No.14135432

>meat and veggies
I'm sorry my friend, but around these parts the calzone is stuffed full of 3 kinds of cheese and nothing else
you can have sauce for dipping but thats all

>> No.14135437

>>Thinks Americans invented
No one even implied anything of the sort.

>> No.14135446

That's fine, you have the freedom to do things the wrong way.

>> No.14135453

Oh, yet somehow we are responsible for the category a dish falls into? We're not your dad.

>> No.14135470

>there is some international dish categorising body that we're not responsible for.
fuck you're dumb cunt. We're talking about how you call a burger a sandwich but not colzones a pizza. Keep up moron.

>> No.14135481


>> No.14135485

A burger is a sandwich, a calzone is not a pizza. I don't get your issue, but then again, American is my first language. Maybe you should learn to speak it better.

>> No.14135488

You are responsible for which category YOU put the dish in, yes. This is about how and why Americans do this. The rest of the world do not adhere to American food categories.

>> No.14135503

>Una hamburguesa es un tipo de sándwich hecho a base de carne molida aglutinada en forma de filete cocinado a la parrilla o a la plancha, aunque también puede freírse u hornearse.



>> No.14135507

>thinking the main demographic of 4chan has jobs to be at even during the week
>thinking the main democgraphic of 4chan gets up early in the morning
you are a cute one

>> No.14135513

Un hamburger (initialement hamburg-er, soit « galette de Hambourg » en allemand, et non pas « galette de jambon » en anglais) ou par aphérèse burger, est un sandwich d'origine allemande, composé de deux pains de forme ronde (bun) généralement garnis de steak haché (généralement du bœuf) et de crudités, salade, tomate, oignon, cornichon (pickles), et de sauce…


Double bitch.

>> No.14135516

Yes and?

>> No.14135525

>El calzone es una especialidad de la cocina italiana elaborada de forma similar a la pizza pero completamente cerrada por una masa; puede estar relleno de queso, carne, vegetales u otros condimentos, y se cocina al horno o frito.


So maybe I'll need to splain you some Spanish grammar here, cause it's so much different that only a galaxy brain can tell, but "tipo de" means "type of" and "similar a la" means "similar too"

>> No.14135529

What does that have to do with American culinary categoies? Does Spain dictate them for you?

>> No.14135552

I was just told
> The rest of the world do not adhere to American food categories.

Well, when it comes to hamburgers and calzones, they do.

>Il calzone è una specialità gastronomica italiana nella quale una farcitura o ripieno di vario genere viene racchiusa in un involucro di pasta lievitata, e successivamente cotta nel forno oppure fritta

Oh, what's that, not even Italians think calzones are necessarily pizzas?

Sit down.

>> No.14135566

>Well, when it comes to hamburgers and calzones, they do.
"Adhere to" only means that they're standards are not based on Americans. If every America woke up this morning thinking "you know what, hamburgers aren't sandwhiches" that wouldn't change how any other country categorized them.

>> No.14135579

>I'm pathetic so everybody else is!!
Some of you Amerifats make me lel

>> No.14135580

>Col diffondersi delle catene internazionali di fast food, il termine è passato a identificare anche un panino imbottito composto da pane bun, carne bovina tritata (il vero e proprio hamburger), salse e condimenti

Oh really? Because Italians call hamburgers sandwiches because McDonalds is so popular there.

>> No.14135601

>How the fuck is a hamburger a sandwhich but a calzone not a pizza?
For the same reason: STRUCTURE.

>> No.14135624

That's the dumbest reason I'vre ever heard. Hamburgers only appear remotely structured like sandwhiches if you're severely autistic.

>> No.14135648

how are pizzas pies exactly?
like it has a bread base, bot a pie crust
it has no top crust
and i have never seen a pie with a tomato sauce
like the only way they are similar is that they are round

>> No.14135653

>The differences between the international foodstuffs of fast food, the deadline and the identification of an uncooked meat pan, bovine tritata (the vertebrate and own hamburger), sausages and condiments
Are you retarded? What they're saying is just that fast food chains (in general, not one in particular) use the term sloppily and that the usage therefore spreads. This is also completely besides the point, becuase again, America doesn't dictate what the rest of the world calls different foods, and the discussion isn't about what the rest of the world calls food.

>> No.14135665

are you being serious?
the structure is identical, they only difference is the ingredients
if you swapped the meat patty for deli meat, it would be a ham sandwich, regardless if you use a bun or sliced bread, or what toppings went onto it

>> No.14135666

Calzones are pasties.

>> No.14135672
File: 184 KB, 860x390, fb_hassun_herran_leipa-860x390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like the only way they are similar is that they are round
I would think that's the key point, yes. Pies are round and baked in an oven. Sandwhiches have bread below and above and are not made in an oven. Heaven't knows what Americans would call a toast.

>> No.14135682

I would not use a bun for a sandwhich, nor would I use the same condiments for either, or even put them on in the same order.

>> No.14135684

Probably a calzone, seeing as they have bread both below and above, and are made in an oven, but aren't round.

>> No.14135688

Yea you would use a bun for a sandwich, because you use a bun for a burger, which is in fact a sandwich.

>> No.14135689

a cake is round and goes in an oven, buts its not a fucking pie

>> No.14135692

take a BLT, add a meat patty, what is it?

>> No.14135694

Hamburgers are not sandwhiches. Calzones are pizzas, however. And if calzones aren't pizzas, then hamburgers definitely aren't sandwhiches.

>> No.14135696
File: 3.03 MB, 3500x4000, AquaCock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on 4chan
>I'm not pathetic
pic not related

>> No.14135701
File: 660 KB, 1000x665, recipe_pattymelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sandwhich. Adding meat patty to a sandwhich doesn't make it a hamburger.

>> No.14135709

and if that bread was a bun, is it still a sandwich? no ingredient change, all you done is chance the shape of the bread so its all crust

>> No.14135712

>On an American website.
>Speaking to me in American.
>But... But... America doesn't dictate what I call things.

Living rent free in your brain.

>> No.14135724

topologically, hamburgers are sandwiches.
pizzas are pies
calzones are to hamburgers as hamburgers are to pizzas.

>> No.14135726

Explain the similarities between calzones and pizzas please. I never understood why people think this. What definition would you create that easily includes both foods?

And about the burger thing, I think you're just mistaken, sorry.

>A hamburger (also burger for short) is a *sandwich* consisting...

>> No.14135728

topologically, pies are calzones but pizzas are not pies.

>> No.14135738

>But, for whatever reason, calzones are then considered to be something completely different from pizzas, even though they are literally just pizzas that have been folded.
"whatever reason" being a different preparation method and final product, seems normal to give it a different name at that point

why does it seem like so many people are saying "ya'll" now when being passive aggressive? it's almost like they're using it as profanity but too timid to actually use a "real" insult. makes it pretty obvious what their intentions are. and most of them can't even spell y'all correctly.

>> No.14135749

a hamburger is a sandwich because a sandwich is anything with a SEPARATE TOP and BOTTOM made of the same thing, with something in the middle

and a pizza is explicitly any form of flat bread with a topping

>> No.14135754

>why does it seem like so many people are saying "ya'll" now when being passive aggressive? it's almost like they're using it as profanity but too timid to actually use a "real" insult. makes it pretty obvious what their intentions are. and most of them can't even spell y'all correctly.

>> No.14135761
File: 78 KB, 800x450, 165f3d2f-0610-40a6-abf8-478fb850be7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pies can be single crust(bottom crust) or double crust(top crust)

>> No.14135804

With a patty and a bun that particular sandwhich would be a hamburger. Add certain ingredients on there and it would become an unedible monstrosity.

>> No.14135816

Calzones are made in exactly the same way as a pizza with the exact same ingredients. The only diffierence is that a calzone is folded before it gets put in the oven. Compare that toa hamburger, which is made with different ingredients and which only similarity to a sandwhich is that they both have bread in both ends.

>> No.14135821

this eurofagnigga complaining about food existing. just eat a stromboli and kill yourself.

>> No.14135826

And yet you keep posting sweetie ;-)

>> No.14135846

Its a different experience in the mouth.
This argument comes up in a different way when categorizing throws - such as in judo.
You get completely different categories if you focus on how it is for the person throwing and how it is for the person getting thrown.

I would say how it is for the diner is more important of a criteria than how it is for the cook.

>> No.14135852


>> No.14135858
File: 326 KB, 1000x667, 1590080813950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calzone is just a shItalian Quesadilla.
shItalians are the Mexicants of Europe.
South America is the Africa of the United States.
Canada is America's hat.

>> No.14135865

So what definition would you create that includes both calzones and pizzas but not other foods? I still want to understand how that could work.

A hamburger is made with ingredients quite similar to other sandwiches. It has meat, lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, cheese, and condiments like mayonnaise and mustard. All classic sandwich ingredients. But that's beside the point, as a sandwich is defined by structure. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is made with ingredients unlike other sandwiches (ingredients much less typical than those found in a burger), but it's a sandwich because it conforms to the structural design.

Calzones also aren't made like pizzas. They have fillings, like turnovers or filled pastas or dumplings. The filling will often be mixed together and then scooped or placed onto the calzone. Whereas pizzas have toppings, not fillings, and these toppings are usually spread and then arranged in ascending layers (sauce, then cheese, then meat or vegetables). Calzones also frequently lack a tomato sauce entirely. Calzones are a subcategory of turnovers, not pizzas.

>> No.14135869

Topologically. The texture of biting through the layers. We've been through this already.

>> No.14135875

America, you are truly the dumbest nation have ever existed. Please don't ever change, because I need a good laugh every other month.

>> No.14135877

>I don't get your issue
yeah, and that's why you're stupid. It's easy to understand yet you fail to. Low iq

>> No.14135881

I'm sorry you are wrong about food. Take comfort in the inevitable fact that American customs and definitions will supplant those of your irrelavant culture and this dispute will be settled then.

>> No.14135897

>such as in judo.
>You get completely different categories if you focus on how it is for the person throwing and how it is for the person getting thrown.
The person getting thrown feels like he's getting thrown. It's absolutely retarded to try and categorize what type of a throw it is from his perspective. There's nothing of value to be found there.

>> No.14136011

>doesn't undertand that his contry is being bought by China.

I understand why you would think the rest pf the rest of the world is laughing wtih with you rather thab ather you. And don't think that voting for a different president will change a thing.

>> No.14136038

Prying is a kind of cutting

>> No.14136046

>why does it seem like so many people are saying "ya'll" now when being passive aggressive? it's almost like they're using it as profanity but too timid to actually use a "real" insult. makes it pretty obvious what their intentions are. and most of them can't even spell y'all correctly.
Because of liberals appropriating black culture.

Makes me not want to say it anymore even though I'm a white Southerner, just so as not to be confused with these people.

>> No.14136051

Imagine being completely dominated culturally, militarily and politically by a country that is itself under the thumb of another country. So your cope is that your master has another master. Then congrats on being the bottom rung, the slave of a slave, retard.

>> No.14136359

>14135425 #
>why does it seem like so many people are saying "ya'll" now when being passive aggressive?
It only seems that way because you're a braindead retard. Y'all is used as an intensifier and as an indicator that one is speaking to a grpup rather than a specifoc individua. No oneis sayib it in lieu pf autisti fucking retarf, you autistoc fucking retard.

>> No.14136369

i mean, if you're dumb enough to go by what the box or door feels, then surf. Might as well add in opening there as well.

>> No.14136376

Hamburgers are steamed hams. It’s Utica’s expression.

>> No.14136708

Based opinion coming through:

Hamburgers are sandwiches.

Pizzas are also sandwiches, albeit open-faced ones.

>> No.14138298

why don't you get over americans?