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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 621x414, alcoholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14125603 No.14125603 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite alcoholic drink?

>> No.14125608


>> No.14125613

Why do you force this shit

>> No.14125616

cheap rum straight from the bottle.

>> No.14125624

nobody forces you to post here you fucking faggot. go back to your mcdonalds thread

>> No.14125634


>> No.14125638

You go back to r9k first.

>> No.14125643

underage b&

>> No.14125646


>> No.14125651

what's the most economical drink?

>> No.14125663


>> No.14125676

what do i mix with

>> No.14125685

Nothing beats cold vodka

>> No.14125695

Anything over 7.5%.

>> No.14125699

Usually a medium or light beer. If I want to get a strong buzz I'll go with a heavier beer. I'm looking forward to all of the summer seasonal beer flavors. Hard to beat a cold beer on a hot summer day. Wine has it's place too, but it's usually too much of a hassle unless I want to drink the entire bottle in one day. Anything stronger is useless unless you also buy mixers.

>> No.14125716

which one?

>> No.14125725

these black box wines are fucking awful but if you put them in the fridge they're drinkable

>> No.14125738

I've a bottle of Busnel VSOP, which is a Calvados Pays D'Auge, that I've been enjoying a lot recently.

>> No.14125845

literally no one was complaining about al/ck/ before mods became autistic about banning the general completely from /ck/ for no reason

>> No.14125890

Makers mark with one cube.
3 weeks sober btw

>> No.14125897


>> No.14125998

>3 weeks sober

Congrats. Now try to make it 3 months. Then you'll actually feel like a human again.

>> No.14126006

colt 45

>> No.14126009

that's rad man

>> No.14126427
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Bacardi 151.

>> No.14126519

Moscow mule.

>> No.14126621
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Whiskey sours with a lot of egg white.

>> No.14126708

i don't drink

>> No.14126743


>> No.14126762
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These days, Miller 64. Not because it's good, but because since I drink all day I can still be functional. I don't know if this was better or worse than when I waited until 5 and downed liquor.

>> No.14126779

For taste, I like ouzo or other anise drinks
Gin or Rum to get wasted

>> No.14126782
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Irish whiskey.

>> No.14126787 [DELETED] 


>> No.14126793

That creates ketchup vapors.

>> No.14126800

shit i just got a warning for saying sage in all fields from teusday

stupid rule made by stupid mods

>> No.14126805

Bulleit bourbon mixed 2:1 with Aperol, splash of lemon juice and topped with soda. lots of ice, sugar if im feeling fruity

>> No.14127000

steel reserve

>> No.14127127

Laird’s Bottled in Bond

>> No.14127794

>actually bought that meme whiskey
Heem urself

>> No.14128322

Use to be alcohol based hand sanitizer. Prolly cheap vodka now, I'd anything else cheaper is by a negligible difference.

>> No.14128514

Fuck yea

>> No.14128516


>> No.14128545

This implies that we derive enjoyment from it. That's not how these threads work, newfriend.

I've been doing store brand lagers with vodka mixed in. Cheap and effective, and suitable for the nice weather.

>> No.14128553
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cut cognac

>> No.14128555

>Have been sick + on meds for about 2 weeks at this point
>Haven’t had a glass of whisky since it started
>waiting to go off meds before I start drinking again
Bros the wait is so long

>> No.14128558

Good starting point for quitting, though.

>> No.14128562

I wouldn’t say I excessively drink. I just like a glass or two in the evening ever other day

>> No.14128586

>it's not like i drink every day
>I don't drink that much every day
>I'm sober during the day
>least I don't show up to work drunk
>least I don't need to drink first thing in the morning
>I've got it under control
>I'm drinking in moderation, it's not a problem
>least I got my booze
>hey man I ain't meaning to hurt nobody I just need some money so I can get my drink

>> No.14128591

Compared to the fine folks who frequent these threads, two a day is absolutely nothing.
You might as well draw a big X on the back of your hand in marker.

>> No.14128630

i drink 3 beers a day and i consider myself a teetotaller

>> No.14128647

I think I was never that much in denial about beeing a degenerate alcoholic, just about how much it damages me, and what I really get out of it if I feel like shit all the time regardless

>> No.14128652

is it true that more than half of americans don't know alcohol causes cancer?

>> No.14128660

is it true that more than half of muslims don't know goat pussy can give you std's?

>> No.14128665
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Vodka :)

>> No.14128773

Red wine

More specifically something North Italian or Tuscan

>> No.14129043

I want to try alcohol for the flavor, where should I start

>> No.14129055

I'm 31. Never consumed alcohol in my life. Not religious, just saw a lot of miserable people doing it, and stayed away. Wine is good in a stew, though.

>> No.14129061
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>> No.14129066

>tfw some heartless bastard on /ck/ reminds you that there are tens of millions of kids like that on the planet right now.

I need a drink

>> No.14129074
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you're finding an excuse to drink, drink pop instead

>> No.14129089

Rye whiskey, neat.

>> No.14129096

>how an we get a new one now?
She could have them all living in luxury if was willing to do the deed a few hundred times. Selfish bitch.

>> No.14129102

Anon, why do I keep going back to old overholt?

>> No.14129122

Beer and champagne
>tfw I won't be able to have any for the next 2 years

>> No.14129171


>> No.14129176

We're having a baby

>> No.14129280

>falling for the baby-jew
You are so fucked. Your life is fucked. You will be poor forever.

>> No.14129309

That baby is the best thing that has happened to us, but tell yourself whatever.

>> No.14129313

highland single malts

>> No.14129321

Why does having a baby stop you from drinking for two years?

Traditionally human gestation only lasts 9 months

>> No.14129328

>babby to save the relationship
good luck i guess

>> No.14129347

I'll be breastfeeding and don't want to take any risks
We were doing great prior to the pregnancy though. Why do you have to assume the worst?

>> No.14129348

Congrats anon!

>> No.14129366

Thanks anon! I wish you the best

>> No.14129385

This whole site is toxic. Don't worry about it. You're gonna be a great mama, congratulations. <3

I'm with you mate, just good old whiskey, straight up. Why fuss around with anything extra. What's your go to? I like Bulleit Rye and Templeton.

>> No.14129416

I like spirits, wine, cocktails but really nothing beats the taste of a good beer. I like Belgian wheat beers or big-name lagers like Estrella, Peroni, Heineken and Kingfisher. Microbrews are a meme imo and usually aren't anywhere near as good as the big brands, just overly hoppy IPAs that hipsters will mindlessly eat up.

>> No.14129423

You're adorable, thanks for your kind words

>> No.14129438

I still firmly believe that a mod was trying to troll anonymously and got btfo, then banned these threads out of buttfrustration.

>> No.14129442

australian tax on alco is too high and im cheap as fuck so i never drink, but recently I've taken to mixing red wine with pepsi max.
7 standard drinks for less than 5 bucks and it's not half bad.

>> No.14129446


>> No.14129452

Recovering al/ck/ here. There are a lot of booze I will never know what tastes like because I never tried them in my drinking career. What does vermouth taste like?

>> No.14129457

Surely he wasn't wasting time trolling while busy on the clock. I mean, they get paid, right?

>> No.14129476

For me, its Knob Creek. The most I'll ever go with a cocktail is an old fashioned once a month or so.

>> No.14129486

Varies between sweet and almost bitter

Basically wine with added botanicals.
What gin is to vodka, vermouth is to wine.

>> No.14129487

It's called being nice to an expectant mother, you miserable fuckwit. Although... clearly she's new here and might be more at home on a different forum altogether.

>> No.14129499


>> No.14129501

Some slut got spunk in her cunt and NOW it's okay to be nice to them?

>> No.14129511

you genuinely talk like you are new here. "miserable fuckwit" lmao.
we're anonymous and I can't make you leave, so it would all be in good fun if you could just confirm for me that you use reddit.

>> No.14129513

a few people have said that the reason they got rid of them was because beer companies wanted to shill on /ck/ and al/ck/ threads were ruining that

>> No.14129516

It tastes like musty shit. You're not missing much.

>> No.14129576
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>> No.14129725

I don't go to sip threads. Why would you come here?

>> No.14129771


>> No.14129807

>saw a disgusting drunk on the bus today
>drooling, literally lowering his head and letting off footlong strings of drool
>listening to music on his phone's loudspeaker and awkwardly dancing to it
>but when i see him take sips from his small bottle of liquor i get mad jelly and can't wait to go home and start drinking
fucken hell lads, only a few hours left

>> No.14129819
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These are the words you never want to see in one of these threads.

>> No.14129845

look dude, you'll never be a girl

>unironically using "toxic"

>> No.14129847
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suntory toki, like the weeb i am

>> No.14129878

I bought one of those recently and was pretty disappointed with it.
It's not bad whisky, but it's really fucking boring considering the price. It costs about as much for a bottle as Laphroaig 10 here, and there's certainly a lot more character in that.
Someone on this board told me to mix it with water and I guess that did open it up a bit, but it's just not a very interesting whisky for that money.

>> No.14129886

What sort of third world shit hole cruelty is it to get a baby chimp hooked on booze jesus christ

>> No.14129901

Haters hate al/ck/ because we get along.

>> No.14129904

it's a $35 bottle here in east coast US, so there's definitely cheaper domestic options. it was nice to stumble across after not liking most of the stuff i've had before (bourbon mainly), but yeah i get that. i've started to like the bottle of nikka pure malt i bought. not sure yet if it's worth the $80 but we'll see

>> No.14129941
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>slippery slope fallacy
>used unironically

>> No.14129945

>t. furfag

>> No.14130337

Are you implying it doesn't happen?
I've seen people lose their jobs cause of alcoholism, lose their homes and companies, lose their lives.
I ain't saying (you)'re necessarily gonna end up on the streets, but that you might. And alcoholics are absolutely terrible at recognizing just how close they are to the bottom, and just how difficult it can be to climb up from there.
You might think you're doing just fine, that noone even notices your drinking. But that's just your drunk ass ignoring the truth.

>> No.14130403

"bad things can happen if you do that" applies to pretty much everything in life you hack.

>> No.14130641

Koskenkorva viina/vodka

>> No.14130705

>no reason
the reason is that since 4ch was sold to Hiroshima Nagasaki efforts have been made to make this site, blue boards especially, more "advertiser friendly", and it looks like advertisers don't want a lot of products to be associated with self-loathing alcoholics and alcoholarpers

I don't think it's a very good reason at all and it undeniably makes a lot of boards worse, but that's the reason nontheless

>> No.14130880

I like expensive whisky but I can’t afford it. I like expensive cognac/brandy but I can’t afford it. I like expensive rum but I can’t afford it. I like expensive vodka but I can’t afford it.

I drink the cheapest vodka I can find with the cheapest sugar free mixer I can find. If I have a little money I’ll get a litre of Jack Daniels honey from my local store because they always have it on offer. I drink it with copious amounts of ice so as I sip it waters down more and more so it lasts as long as possible whilst still getting me buzzed. In the end I’m just drinking cold water that’s slightly whisky and honey flavoured. Then I do it again until the bottle is done and I’m ready to sleep.

>> No.14130909

He might not be an actual addict.
He's both a child and a chimp, so I wouldn't be surprised if he acted out like that about plain soda as well.

>> No.14131102

Altos and nehi peach. It hits the pallette most esquisitely.

>> No.14131265

I'd love to hear about your social interactions. Other than with the cashiers of your liquor store, of course.

>> No.14131436

>2 jiggers of mezcal or decent silver tequila
>juice of 1 lime
>4oz pomegranate molasses
>a little bit of fresh grated ginger
shake and serve over crushed ice
I call it the Red Rocket

>> No.14131666

Used to exclusively drink hard stuff, but my friends got me into beer. I find they produce different drunks. Beer is way more chill but I can only drink a six pack before I'm gonna be slightly hungover the next day, with hard stuff it gives me energy to party all night and way harder to get hungover.

>> No.14132992

Not the guy you replied to, but coming from a former alcoholic(me), a drink or two at the end of the night is not that much. I quit for a long time because AA had me brainwashed into thinking I could never drink again or else I was gonna go off and ruin my life again which was bullshit. I drink two glasses of whatever booze I have every other night and I'm much happier than I was when I was constantly paranoid and avoiding friends and social situations thinking that I was gonna fuck my life up. It's really not bad to drink like that if you aren't using it to push problems away.

>> No.14133003

Hand sanitizer and grape soda over ice.

>> No.14133008

i really enjoy taking a sip of liquor and then inhaling deeply while resting the liquor on my tongue.

>> No.14133310

If anything it's the opposite. Most alkies (and other addicts) are great at hiding it. That guy who's visibly tipsy at work is a late-game drunk who's probably been taking nips under the desk for years.
Nine times out of ten the only people who could pick up on alcoholic "clues" are former/current alkies themselves, or people who have lied with them. A lot of people wouldn't believe how many lushes and functional drunks there are out there.

>> No.14133321

this but 13%

>> No.14133369

I have a fiancé and a child. A stable job in tech support but it’s boring, I’d describe myself as functionally alcoholic. A close group of friends I’ve had since a young age. I’m just relevant enough to stay on their radar but I spent most of my time in bed, looking after my child, spending time with my fiancé and getting drunk, stoned and consuming the latest garbage on TV.

>> No.14133385

sounds like you're the average redditor

>> No.14133451

Sounds like you need to make a judgement on sometimes personality based off a few lines of text because you’re insecure that I’ve achieved a few more things in life than you. I’m not saying I’m anything but average. But I browse here because I find it more genuine than reddit. Reddit is good for update and news. The comments and community are cancer.

>> No.14133458

pretty sure that's not a woman, that's a young boy

>> No.14133462

As a supposed family man, you're getting awfully worked up over random 4chan comments. Might check between your legs if there's a pussy starting to grow where your balls once were.

>> No.14133472

I drink whiskey (canadian club, crown royal, johnny walker, fourty creek ) every day and ciders every day (these days usually liberty village dry cider or the 1904 brickworks dry, sometiems duntroon if everything else is sold out)

>> No.14133500


>> No.14133536

I wouldn’t say I’m worked up dude. I think you’re trying to work me into a shoot brother, but you’ve worked yourself. Try being constructive. At least then what you have to offer might mean something.

>> No.14133589

Congrats. Hopefully this will be me someday once I quit drinking and find a wife.

>> No.14133604

Shitty gin.

>> No.14133629

These days it's equal parts cheap vodka and either pineapple or white grapefruit juice, topped with club soda. Towards the end of the night, when I inevitably run out of club soda, I start topping it with tap water. It tastes exactly like what it is: heavily watered down juice. Gets the job done

>> No.14134404
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>> No.14134430

Whiskey sour and port

>> No.14134433
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I've said it before, but this shit. It tastes awful but it's strong. It makes you reel on the first few tastes but then it starts to numb you and you just stop tasting it. It's shit, but it's cheap and effective, and it'll be there next time you want to get drunk, too. The only point of it is to get drunk, and nothing else. But it's cheap enough for you to come back to it and that's all it needs for you to buy it. When you drink just to sit there and be drunk, it does the job, even if that just means staring at a wall until you finally feel tired. Fuck it.

>> No.14135706

vodka + ice

>> No.14135855

Is crushed ice important for Tiki drinks? Why can't I make a Planters Punch by just shaking it with ice and pouring it over cubes like any other cocktail?

>> No.14135862

if you think this makes a significant difference you're beyond gay.

>> No.14135899

Thanks for the reply. It's far better than expected but I don't know if I should feel glad or concerned. How is it being a father? I'm a bit scary of the responsibilities.

>> No.14135916
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Pure Vanilla Extract

>> No.14135944

Never using crushed ice for tiki drinks, because it waters down the drink too much. Also a pain in the ass to make.

>> No.14135980

If you can comfortably take 7 days off of drinking, you're not an alkie. Straight facts.

>> No.14136158

Damn it's only 9:30 in the morning and I want to crack a Hamm's already. Not even sure I can justify it by saying it's the weekend since it's been the weekend for the last two months of quarantine. Think I'll chug some coffee and go for a drive instead. Crack one at noon when I start gaming.

>> No.14136162


Koskenkorva Viina is kinda shitty. Vodka on the other hand is great. The distillery adds sugar and oils to Viina, making it taste horrid.

If I have to choose I always get the vodka.

>> No.14136180

Good shit bro, and can get it 24/7

>> No.14136223

Solid rules:
Half a standard drink an hour
No more than 2 oz of alcohol a day
If you go over, you don't drink the next day, bar none.
Congratulations, you're not an alcoholic and you can ignore the retarded protestant idea of universal progress.

>> No.14136304

the one with the most alcohol.

>> No.14136340

>No more than 2 oz of alcohol a day
i.e. ~4 standard drinks a day max?
That I should drink in at least 8 hours?

>> No.14136346

>drinking daily
>not an alcoholic
uhhh I have some bad news for you my dude.

>> No.14136358

>Smirnoffbro !ollmwVODKA
Did you manage to sell your house

>> No.14136374

yeah dude, i'm now living in a nice house in an absolute shithole in the north east. totally avoided having to clean my last house from the day i moved in to the day i bailed, and not a sober day from then to now. cosiness is mine.

>> No.14136478


>> No.14136501
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A can of Vanilla Coke Zero and three shots of either WT 101 or EW BiB. Two of these and I’m good to go.

>> No.14136536
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3 weeks sober today baby. Most since 5 years ago of almost every day. To answer your question, Everclear or if i'm drinking beer its the king of beers: Natty Daddy.

>> No.14136677

>is it hot and sunny?
Dry cider, preferably 6.5%+
>is it cold and gloomy?
Imperial/oatmeal Stout, with strong espresso flavor.
>mixed drink?
>>14134404 with a splash of half n half and about a 1:3 split of kaluha to vodka.

>> No.14136893

This is such a weird question

>> No.14136899

two drinks in and i get all AOR in this bitch

kenny g coming up next

>> No.14137393

ketel one or hendricks with some citrus based fruit juice, apple cider, cranberry
I don't get too fancy with liquor

>> No.14137407

fuck off lizard man

>> No.14137410


>> No.14137421

good for you its not worth it

you start it off like a novelty and it developed into a "hobby" but then you just drink when your sad/happy whatever and you just start feeling empty but you cant stop because thats what youve always done and all your friends do it and then youre fucked

>> No.14137428

i had my first beer with 13 and i've gotten wasted maybe 10 times in my whole life (pushing 40 now).

>> No.14137440

Fuck me for moving past the Bud 40 a day hobby stage. Be a fucking decade this year of pretty grim times though they could have gone much worse. Maybe the fact that it's gone into double digits will help sober me up a bit.

>> No.14137447


>> No.14137466

This but unironically

>> No.14137539

Boys I've been hitting 1140mL vodka per night for the past few years. I can't believe my gf friends and family still put up with me.

>> No.14137552
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>> No.14137684

Being an alcoholic wouldn't suck so much if I didn't put on a shit ton of weight. You can be an attractive alcoholic, you can't be a blubbering fat, sweaty mess of an alcoholic.

>> No.14137788


>> No.14137798

feels good
I can have an occasional drink or cigarette without needing another

>> No.14137802

depends what you're putting down
you'll dry up like a stick if you're just swigging hard liquor but if you're an alkie-in-denial that is chugging 24 packs of commodity beer, then you're gonna get that bellay

>> No.14137813

At my absolute lowest about a year ago, I was finishing off a bottle of vodka a day mixed with maybe 10 cans of ginger ale. I wouldn't eat much or anything at all. Why eat, ya know?

>> No.14137827

yeah, it seems appetite is seriously lost. next level alkie is dropping any type of mixers, and that's when you really dry up . the ginger ale is still adding calories.

grew up around alkies, so you pick up the trends. parents used to have guests over that brought their own cheap bottle of vodka as a gift, and would finish the bottle themselves over the evening.

>> No.14137847

best booze to wake up not feeling like shit the next morning?

>> No.14137862

good vodders

>> No.14137876

interesting you mentioned that. the two homos with the whisky channel said something I actually liked when they suggested one dry week per quarter to "set yourself straight"

after I polish off my current bottle I'll go dry for a week and see if everything is good.

>> No.14137997

Absinthe. Feel like a rich 19th century nobleman while drinking it and he morning after like you're some bad 19th century poet waking up broke in a scabby ass Parisian love hotel. Get that full breadth of the al/ck/ experience. Fiji water has this perfect point when you toss it in the freezer where it louches perfectly with the absinthe. Pretty sure my liver would punch the eject button if I even looked at a bottle right now though.

>> No.14138213

Yhden tähden Jallu on jumalten juomaa

>> No.14138771
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sorry bros, I just got kicked to the ground with pancreatitis. Cant join you guys for a drink again.