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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 238 KB, 1200x1200, Basic-Homemade-Bread_EXPS_TMBBP19_32480_B06_20_5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14114647 No.14114647 [Reply] [Original]

How do i get good at making homemade bread? Any good videos on it?

>> No.14114648
File: 3.65 MB, 368x368, dasdf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.14114657

Read that in its entirety twice, then make it.

>> No.14114659

Wtf is this real???

>> No.14114660

measure and stir, autolyse, knead, bulk ferment, shape, rise, bake

What part of that are you finding difficult?

>> No.14114661


>> No.14114666

This is what passes for entertainment in backwaters like the UK

>> No.14114668

How did they get him to do that?

>> No.14114672
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>> No.14114673


>> No.14114678
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>> No.14114680

Ive never done it before and i wanna make my mom bread this weekend

>> No.14114728
File: 514 KB, 480x401, 1581439907844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that bread looks shit though

>> No.14114748

It's literally just plain sandwich bread

>> No.14114751


>> No.14114754

You wouldn't know a good loaf of bread if you fucked it

>> No.14114755

I worked in a French bakery stupid.

>> No.14114765

And I'm the Queen of England

>> No.14114779

pretty unimpressive yeah

>> No.14115146

then why are you asking how to bake bread numbnuts?

>> No.14115265

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why does my bread always come out raw inside reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.14115335

Buy this book and make all of the recipes: https://www.amazon.com/Josey-Baker-Bread-Baking-Bread/dp/1452113688

It's kind of reddit but all of his stuff is very straightforward, well explained, and produces very high quality results.

>> No.14115378


>> No.14115476

bakeries "bake" burnt meme shit, not edible real world bread

>> No.14115488

Get some better dentures, grandma.

>> No.14115504

get cancer from all that burnt meme shit

>> No.14115513


>> No.14115518

either trolling or so addicted to Chorleywood-proceed bread he can't eat anything else

>> No.14115524

why don't anglos seems to know any bread outside of sandwich's bread? i understand why americans are in this situation but why brits and the others do so

>> No.14115535
File: 2.54 MB, 4032x2268, 20200513_190349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda off topic but I made banana bread and I can't get it to rise properly. It'll rise but not enough. Everything else is fine. It tastes good, looks nice and is moist but it won't rise the way I want. I also already tried the other methods. I added baking powder AND baking soda. I whipped the eggs and folded them in the mixture but I still get mediocre bread rise.
Pic related. My last banana bread.

>> No.14115536

British here, our bread is processed filth just like in the States. Specialist bakeries are vanishingly rare. Luckily, in the last few years very large supermarkets have started running their own bakeries. The solution is to get fresh-baked bread from these places and freeze it, like the Scands do.

>> No.14115565

What the fuck faggot, there are all kinds of bread options in the states besides sandwich breads.

>> No.14115571

>British here, our bread is processed filth just like in the States
Worse than in the states. The USA doesn't have Chorleywood.

>> No.14115602

well in straya top become a proper baker it takes 3-4 year apprenticeship under a master. that's working full-time hours baking. it aint no processed ready to go trash you see any old franchisee at the local chain bakery. it is proper baking. once you've done the above for 3-4 years and you'll be fucking awesome at baking homemade bread, in fact I would wager you would be one of the best.

>> No.14115845
File: 126 KB, 512x384, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it matter if it all comes in plastic bag and it's mostly the same spongy bread in different shapes?

>> No.14116249
File: 383 KB, 1224x1632, 20200520_091000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant you fags just make a proper /bbg/?

anyway, here is my starter day three before feeding, definitely a lot of activity, there is a clear liquid separation there and the top is almost like frothy consistency
smell has changed to something a bit indescribable, but not bad

>> No.14116280

General threads are fucking cancer. If you want to discuss something, there's no need to call it a general. It's just a thread.

>> No.14116294
File: 52 KB, 560x420, breadisland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want the bread island, it's usually by the deli counter

>> No.14116315

Make her beer bread if you have no idea what you're doing. Pretty sure it's impossible to fuck up unless you're actually retarded. Throw a bit of dago seasoning, pesto, and cheddar into the dough if you want to church it up a bit.

>> No.14116330

back to /v/ /b/ you go

>> No.14116340

Looks like comfy place to live but a shit bread.

>> No.14116346

Yeah you're a queen alright, Master of the Fags.

>> No.14116433

how much more do you want it to rise? that looks standard for banana bread.

>> No.14116441

that liquid is called hooch - poor it out before your next feeding.

>> No.14116597

>How do i get good at making homemade bread?
Practice. Pick one bread recipe that appeals to you. Repeat until good at it, then try another. King Arthur flour's website has many good bread recipes, if you need a good place to start

>> No.14116674

but the liquid was below the froth
also I read a guide that just it feeding the starter continuously, I just gave it a good mix with the added feed, there any negative consequence to just leaving it?

>> No.14116688

That looks good to me, banana bread is usually very dense and typically doesn't rise very much in the oven.

>> No.14116693
File: 117 KB, 275x350, tayne.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that looks standard for banana bread
Is it? It's only my third time making it. I thought it would be a little taller and make a square shape. I mean it turned out fine I just wanted it taller. Maybe I'm worrying too much. Thanks anyway...

>> No.14116726
File: 1.06 MB, 1129x584, carla_banana_bread_ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used Carla's recipe the only thing I did different was add walnuts.
Pic related.
I just wanted a nice shape like that so I could toast it with some cream cheese or butter to eat with a cup of coffee in the morning.

>> No.14116734
File: 941 KB, 2298x1536, 5C967EAA-007B-4443-BC3D-43E21BCBCC2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My go to recipe for two large or 3 regular loaves is:
1070g flour
600ml water
10g dry or 20g fresh yeast (if you can find yeast at all)
15g salt
100ml olive oil
1 egg
I bake the loaf pan for 20 minutes at 450, making sure to heat a metal pan with the oven and pour water in it just as I put the bread in. After 20 minutes it comes out of the pan and back in to brown the bottom. When that comes out, I take the lid off the Dutch oven and let that one go another 6 minutes. It’s all about getting the feel for your dough and knowing when it is kneaded.

>> No.14116784

that looks like a brick. If you want that then just skip the baking soda/powder.

>> No.14116807

It's a byproduct of the yeast/bacteria. Stirring it in may give the yeast a less then optimal environment to thrive and the starter will take longer to be ready.

>> No.14116810

Yes ofc

>> No.14116815

Watch the bread
Learn the bread
Be the bread

>> No.14116817

>that looks like a brick. If you want that then just skip the baking soda/powder.
That actually rose more than mine did. MIne just sort rose in the middle and sides just rose a little. It made nice little round top not the square shape I wanted.

>> No.14116828

Practice practice practice. Keep making bread until you stop sucking at it.

>> No.14116987

the damned guide is literally called "Lesson 1" you fucking mong

>> No.14117178

nice, u showed them

>> No.14117212

Her face is shaped like my cast iron skillet.

>> No.14117234

how do you sear on a surface like that?

>> No.14118337

yes all cats have a giant bulge between their legs and can dance like boy banders.

jesus christ how tall do you need banana bread to be? that looks like mine.

>> No.14118358

carla does not know how to make banana bread, and that picture proves it.

>> No.14118889

Autism personofied.
Mostly western eu and usa posting on site... you can clearly see where society of mangled perception is going...to shit....
where it belongs