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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 154 KB, 1156x812, 1587497563576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14100369 No.14100369 [Reply] [Original]

Sincerely speaking, is this a healthy meal plan?

>> No.14100387

No it's not. AmeriKKKans are pathetic, my dog eat better.

>> No.14100409

>sugary bread
>with more sugar spread on it
>fruit(sugar), with more sugar candy on the side
>followed by more sugar swimming in sugar syrup
>with a sugar bar for desert
oh fuck

>> No.14100410

>literal reddit reposts

>> No.14100425

wtf, this is all sugar
is this just a dessert plan? I mean if this is all you eat for a week you'd lose weight for sure, but it's nor exactly a healhy balanced diet

>> No.14100450

>meal plan for x amount of calories
>waste it on empty calories galore

Why tho

>> No.14100468

Literally could've made a stir fry, spaghetti, or even fucking rice & beans

>> No.14100471

this nigga suggestin beans lmao

>> No.14100489

It might be better than what they were eating before. That said, we don't know how many calories they burn or if that constitutes their meal for the day or what. You can eat nothing but absolute crap sugar and as long as you burn it off you'll be mostly okay. So this could range from "Unhealthy as shit" to "Okay".

>> No.14100494

Maybe for calories, but most of this stuff is loaded with sugar. The little fruit cup and preserves especially.

>> No.14100505

Does anything pictured not have sugar in it?

>> No.14100551

I never understood lunches like that, how are you supposed to get energy when everything you eat is sugar?
After moving back in with my parents during corona, I noticed they only eat pastries, cookies, and chips for lunch and drink coffee and pop.
It's no wonder I was a fat kid until I moved out

>> No.14100576


>An apple which is almost nutritionally empty and full of sugar
>A fruit cup which used poached fruit meaning a lot of those fibers are broken down making them less useful, floating in either sugar or water that has drawn out the fruit syrups and turned it into sugar water
>White bread with sugar spread and sugar nut butter
>Nature valley which is a candy bar with some fiber and protein
>"trail mix" which is sugar with nuts

Fucking Americans man...

>> No.14100594

are you going to post this once a month you cock sucker?

>> No.14100608
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if their dinner isn't as bad as their lunches, it might work out

>> No.14100612

I'm curious what some good fruit to take as a lunch snack would be
You have any recommendations?

>> No.14100617


the bread is wheat/brown bread but that aint trailmix its m&ms lol

>> No.14100621
File: 15 KB, 480x267, whatthe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meal plan
Nothing but fruit, nuts, and M&Ms

>> No.14100626

maybe all the nutrititon is in the mistery box next to the strawberry preserve

>> No.14100631

>reheating a stir fry

>> No.14100650

lets be fair here
if the pb&j is the breakfast
the bar is lunch
the apple, fruit cup and m&ms are snacks for the day
and dinner is lean protein and salad she is hitting her mark and loosing weight as long as she only eats that
pictuure is decieving because thats too much jam and peanut butter for five sandwiches and we assume this is her lunch

>> No.14100651

keto niggers will REEEEEE over it, but it's not really that bad. only real problem is lack of protein, so it probably wont be very filling, but if they actually stick to just eating that for lunch it's not that bad

>> No.14100655

>my husband
He want her dead early.

>> No.14100692

Despite all the bitterness around here, I think this is a nice gesture. Certainly better than a bag of chips and a chocolate bar. There's no point running around the block if you don't know how to walk, yet.

>> No.14100706

>/ck/ doesn't know the difference between processed sugar and natural sugars

Apples are the epitome of heathy eating. Where do you think the saying 'an apple a day' comes from?

>> No.14100741

poor farmers who couldn't afford a doctor's visit so they lie to their children saying an apple can keep them away?

>> No.14100747

fat fuck already ate one of the fruit cups

>> No.14100749

no, you disingenuous fuckface.

>> No.14100752

what the fuck is wrong with w*men

>> No.14100758
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>> No.14100759

>foodlet thinks there's a difference between processed sugar and natural sugar
When you eat food your body doesn't discriminate when it breaks it down. Glucose is glucose.

>> No.14100763

>what the fuck is wrong with w*men
Her husband made the meal prep.

>> No.14100784
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 11425576860509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you were to eat a sandwich, apple, fruit cup, and bar in one sitting, it still has less sugar than a can of coke, and half of it is fructose. You are all fucking retarded.

>> No.14100792

Coke doesn't have nearly as much sugar in it as you seem to think

>> No.14100797

Check out the insurance policies, maybe one is trying to kill the other off.

>> No.14100817

Fructose just gets turned into glucose anyways
>drinking coke

>> No.14100835

>pb&j on wheat
20g, but its a fucking apple
fruit cup
>nature valley bar

>20oz bottle of coke

>> No.14100846

so much sugar jesus

>> No.14100847

It also takes a while to get to the liver because it usually takes awhile to chew and digest. Its not a blast of sugar like in soda and candy. You couldn't eat enough fruit in one sitting for it to have negative effects on you.

>> No.14100851

Lose the M&Ms, fruit cup, and granola, swap out PBJ for tuna on toast, swap in some cut veg.
If she's a hardcore sugar addict let her have a square of dark chocolate per day.

>> No.14100854

nice moving the goalposts, you said can of coke.
You must admit that 11g of sugar in a fruit cup or bar is ridiculous

>> No.14100866


>> No.14100867

The must both be north of 250 lbs if this is a “healthy” departure from their usual diet

>> No.14100873

a little bit of glucose in something like an apple that also has vitamins and fiber isn't the same as sucking down a soda with high fructose corn syrup, particularly in how it affects how your blood sugar spikes, but keto fags still get equally triggered if anyone tries to imply eating any amount of fruit ever could possibly be good for you

>> No.14100877

lol fuck off we all know anyone who drinks soda drinks more than one can a day, especially if they drink mountain dew. Im not saying that the amount of sugar in that shit is good, im just saying everyone itt think its some ungodly amount of sugar

>> No.14100889

Old style doctors didn't care so much about whether they got paid or not, the most important thing was to make sure that folk were OK and doing well. Money was the least of things unlike now where everything goes through accountants and bean counters.
Madness, they call it gladness,

>> No.14100907

Apples are not nutritionally empty.
Source of:
Fiber, insoluble and soluble
Phytochemicals (quercetin, catechin, chlorogenic acid, anthocyanin)
Vitamin C

>> No.14100923


>> No.14101096
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>this enormous pile of shit is still less shit than this really dense turd i found.

okay buddy

>> No.14101117
File: 145 KB, 1532x1200, 1511387975432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most Americans literally do not know how to eat properly much less cook for themselves. it's honestly one of the biggest hidden crises we have in our country. for decades we've been fed lies about what our diet should be from the government and it's various related organizations(3 meals a day, carbs and dairy etc). on top of that our government just allows our food corporations to do whatever the fuck it wants to us because capitalism is epic based wholesome elon musk chungus 100. we've literally fed our populace for decades with bovine growth hormones and chemicals, and this is not even mentioning how we're intentionally made to be unhealthy because of capitalism and America's need to fund our completely fucked in the head medical sector where our citizens are trapped in a constant looping hell cycle of being made to be unhealthy so we can be on pills and need medical procedures the rest of our lives.

you can laugh at OP all you want but you seriously need to fucking open your eyes

>> No.14101123

Apples, grapes, melons of your liking, pears, blackberries, pineapples, blueberries, bananas, mangoes, strawberries, cherries, grapefruits, oranges...
Most of what I'm listing are known to have good vitamins, fiber, or both.

>> No.14101140

bro i love beans

cheapest gains on earth

>> No.14101146

Not to mention the way products advertise themselves are extremely misleading, and often rely on clear misunderstandings.

For example: PROTEIN being sprayed across the front
things like V8 splash which do not honestly admit they are an inferior product
GLUTEN FREE being a literal meaningless buzzword

it's cheaper just to cook at home

>> No.14101151
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That's pretty sad, Anon.

>> No.14101167
File: 2.21 MB, 225x168, 2ce5f3b564cb7d8b7713d16efbe4f12e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans don't know how to cook
Honest truth. I'm one of the lucky ones, I grew up with a strong association to the kitchen and to cooking. Most of my meals I ate growing up were of homecooked meals, and part of it was the fact that I grew up poor.
A very common misconception is the idea that healthy eating has to be expensive, yet a carton of eggs, gallon of milk, carrots, onions, potatoes, green onions, cabbage, and even 8-10pc package of boneless pork chops can easily go for $10 or less depending on where you shop, all of those things I listed can be sold for under $45 fucking EASILY. Yet to a lot of people not only would they look at those foods listed and go "All of that sounds disgusting", but even if people weren't picky they'd still find a way to think that they couldn't possibly come up with a way to combine the ingredients to make a full meal.
Families buy frozen dinners because it's easier to plan ready-made meals than to actually put some effort into food that not only is healthier, but it TASTES BETTER.

>> No.14101189

Apple+peanutbutter+whole wheat bread should be plenty for anybody. The candy, granola bars and packaged fruit is trash.

>> No.14101272

>pb&j on wheat
a tablespoon of jelly has that alone.

>> No.14101367

I can buy all of that for under $45 at Whole Foods. Milk and pork chops will be the bulk of it, but $45 is a lot of money if you actually know how to shop and cook.

>> No.14101372

no, its basically all sugar

>> No.14101384

Since moving away from California and being in the midwest food shopping is definitely a little easier depending on what I'm needing. I find core staples like dairy and eggs are very cheap, I'm always worrying about what proteins to get. Another thing I always keep in mind is the fact that groceries are one thing you can not really worry about extra tax cost.

>> No.14101391


>> No.14101415

Back in 2018 era there were multiple threads that were reposted, verbatim, and multiple duplicated posts, the only difference was the timestamps. Back when al/ck posts were a thing.

>> No.14101423

Notice that nobody asked this guy.

>> No.14101428
File: 153 KB, 680x626, 1588695271014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice that you're a nigger faggot. Here's your (((you)))

>> No.14101429

It's not but you know about it since it's a weekly thread on /ck/.
Why do you keep making those ?

>> No.14101433

he's trying to make her ass bigger. she's the one that sees nothing wrong

>> No.14101442
File: 35 KB, 770x415, 1555805078417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14101452

Pretty sure that it has more or less the same amount of sugar, and the fact that it has little nutritional value.

>> No.14101471

They don't even look like meals to me, they're just snacks. I really hope this isn't what she eats for lunch everyday.

>> No.14101483

>meal prep
>literally just grabbed 3 items and “bagged” the m&ms

I would say this was satire but then see all those upvotes.

>> No.14102006

All fruit is healthy. Just eating too much of some fruits can give you too much sugar. All fruits have sugar, but mango and pineapple have a bit more sugar than others.

And have some variation. Dark fruits like berries have more antioxidants, citrus fruits have more vitamin C

>> No.14102007

Fruit is not sugar you fucking retards, fruits are healthy for you. Sugar is put in sweets like chocolate and candy not fucking fruit and bread.

>> No.14102022
File: 111 KB, 257x257, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck are you even trying to say with this post? What does coca-cola have to do with this empty calorie meme meal prep?

>> No.14102029

You WANT a meal with "empty calories" .Calories make you fat.
Holy shit is this board fucking retarded or something

>> No.14102032

>Certainly better than a bag of chips and a chocolate bar

In what universe? What distinguishes a white bread sandwich with jelly and peanut butter from a bag of chips? What distinguishes a chocolate bar from a nature valley "trail mix bar"? Let's not forget about the high fructose syrup in a cup along side the little chocolate candies.

>There's no point running around the block if you don't know how to walk, yet.

This is here trying to walk with her elbows and then getting frustrated giving up when she keeps falling on her face, blaming it on her genetics.

>> No.14102037
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>You WANT a meal with "empty calories"

>> No.14102055
File: 253 KB, 770x1284, Angry Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sincerely speaking, is this a healthy meal plan?
It's sugar and fiber with a tiny amount of protein, that's it. This whole image is a super sized trail mix.

A meal plan for what? I hope it's hiking. Christ.

>> No.14102376

Calories give you weight you fucktard

>> No.14102382

>Sincerely speaking, is this a healthy meal plan?
absolutely not. all fat should be removed. absolutely no peanut butter, no snack bars. no jam no trail mix which looks like it has chocolate in it.

She should eat a big plate of boiled potatoes. hot wet starches are the best. bean chili is another option.

>> No.14102910

The m&ms or fruit cup need to go, pack some carrots or celery.

>> No.14102942

Nothing but sugar, people eat too much fruit. And pb&j is really a desert

>> No.14102956

boomer retard's apples are NOT healthy in any way no fruit is

>> No.14102963

Can your dog form a sentence better than you?

>> No.14102975

>Shitting on what is at minimum 90% water and fiber
Apples suck compared to other fiber rich fruits, not objectively you meming fuck

>> No.14102978

People with soul crushing office jobs eventually succumb to eating junk food, your soul can only take so much until the copying, filing, typing, boring weekly meetings, coworker gossiping breaks you. Daily reminder to get a job unlike this...work outside, be a cop or paramedic, join military or anything other then office job.

>> No.14102990

>Where do you think the saying 'an apple a day' comes from?

The apple lobby? Where do you think the idea that we all need to drink cows milk constantly came from?

>> No.14103376

Lmao ask me how i know youre 250 lbs

>> No.14103387

Proof white people have no culture.
>No delicious dinner leftovers that you’d gladly eat for lunch at work
>No quick lunch cooked up that morning

>> No.14103388

>and that's just lunch

>> No.14103399

>and chemicals
You were really close to making a good point but you fucked it up with "muh chemicals"

>> No.14103402
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>> No.14103408

>epic based wholesome elon musk chungus 100
great shit, anon.

not to mention mass marketing and targeted advertising to specifically poor communities often trapped with no reliable food sources besides gas stations and shit. there are no easy opportunities for people to learn any cooking skills or nutritional information. If you were unlucky enough to grow up in a household that doesnt cook, you will likely never learn how

>> No.14103530

thats where the pb and j sandwich goes,

this shit is lacking protein what the fuck its pure sugar

>> No.14103538

Great way have no muscle mass whatsoever

>> No.14103608

lol, not at all.
Nature valley bars are calorie dense and loaded with all the addictive sugars that breakfast cereals have.
All those fruits/fruit products contain ever more sugar, and is that fucking m&m trail mix?
you shouldn't be eating bread every day either.

this is an embarrassing attempt at trying to eat healthfully. none of this stuff will even fill you up

>> No.14104517

>meal prep

Yeah, I sure love eating food that's literally five days old by the end of the week. That's just the thing to improve my Friday.

>> No.14104559
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americans eat m&m's to eat better

>> No.14104568
File: 1.86 MB, 3120x3120, 20200515_235228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my meal.
Skirtsteak panfried with hand cut carrots, refried and mashed pinto beans, all held together on some stove warm naan.
I'll drizzle with Valentina or similar.

>> No.14104576 [DELETED] 
File: 3.22 MB, 3120x3120, 20200515_234828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit of dill, pepper, cayenne, salt etc

>> No.14104605

This is my first thought every time I see this stupid fucking meal plan shit. There is nothing more exciting than 5 straight days of the same shitty food, culminating in a Friday lunch of soggy, aging, slop.

>> No.14104623

I dont understand how they cant manage 30 minutes to cook 1 solid meal a day for themselves. Maybe its because i was a line cook but it doesnt take much time or effort to whip up something soul warming. I'm autistic so I'll cook the same thing for a month so i cant even hate on their pre planning. but freshness/assembly especially for a fuckin peanut butter sandwich looks retarded

>> No.14104647

Buddy half of high fructose corn syrup is fructose

>> No.14104654

You shouldn't be drinking coke either. Do you have brain problems?

>> No.14104749

So you’ll just get a medium sized amount of sugar for your day and that is it? No that is not healthy, where is the protein? Fat? This kind of “meal” will leave you exhausted and with nothing to show for it

>> No.14104775

looks like he slaved over a hot stove

>> No.14105003

Nothing these is good for you other than the apple. That's all sugar lol

>> No.14105010

how does one "loose" weight? I see people say it all the time and I never know what they mean.

>> No.14105026

>using 1/2 tap of jam
>not counting the m&Ms
>20oz can of coke
Imagine trying this hard to save face on an anonymous australian underwater basket weaving forum.

>> No.14105037



>> No.14105040

I helped make Thanksgiving dinner last year. I didn't do much basicly just made the gravy and stirred some of the side dishes that were being kept warm on the stove top. My cousins were all impressed I knew how to do it. I asked one cousin to turn a burner off while I was in the garage filling the fridge with beer and he didn't know how to turn a burner off. And he's like 25 years old

>> No.14105066

>be construction worker
>good pay because no beaners in my country and millennials were to coddled and think its beneath them
>eat as fuck as you want and still get jacked
>regularly have /fit/ people asking what my shoulder routine is
>I don't have one, mate.
>get to make shit
>its like the adult version of aging with Lego
Take the trade pill, lads.

>> No.14105095

Pajeets confuse "lose" with "loose"

>> No.14105112

He didn’t even prep sandwiches for her.... what the heck did he do?

>> No.14105122

>Fuck up your body before your 40 and can barely move after

>> No.14105126
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:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

>> No.14105137

Ugh I gained weight after having kids and hip surgery. I FINALLY got it together about a week ago and was like no more. F this crap, I’m eating clean like I used to...
Last night I was in bed looking at the giant fat roll at the bottom of my stomach having a panic attack ugh

>> No.14105152

He put m&ms in the tiny containers and arranged everything on the table for the social media photo.
#husbandmaterial #mealprep #diabeetus

>> No.14105166
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it puts the m&ms in the tiny containers or it gets the hose again

>> No.14105173

The naturally occurring sugar and carbs in fruit is very high.

t. type 1 beetus

>> No.14105200

My meal prep is steamed broccoli, chicken thighs, and baked sweet potatoes. For a snack I do baby carrots and guacamole. Drinking water and the occasional cashew snack. Am I doing good /ck/?

>> No.14105207

>Am I doing good /ck/?
>meal prepping

>> No.14105218

>meal prepping
>thinking that eating 4-day old cooked chicken thighs is praise-worthy


>> No.14105220


I travel for work cuckold neet, kys

>> No.14105245

What? No one said she should be drinking coke instead retard, everyone is pointing out that these "meals" are unhealthy. What point do you think you're making?

>> No.14105249

>posts looking for praise
>gets absolutely btfo and resorts to throwing insults

lmao, enjoy your shitty job.

>> No.14105258

>this bowl of ice cream has less sugar than this portion of pecan pie, and therefore it is ok for my diet

Cool retarded logic anon, I'm sure that's helped you well in life

>> No.14105269

>travel for work
>meal prep
How do these support each other? You come home from your work trip and eat what is basically days old leftovers? Doesn't sound appealing to me.

>> No.14105458


I travel with my work truck around and a yeti cooler with all my meal prep. The only alternative in burger land is fast food.

>> No.14105736

you better know the fat whore will be plowing this down with a side of diet cola and top 40 playing on the radio

>> No.14106999

>how are you supposed to get energy when everything you eat is sugar?

Sugar IS energy. Literally everything you eat is converted to sugar.

>> No.14107018

It says nature on the candy bar which means it's healthy

>> No.14107025

Where are the juice boxes

>> No.14107083

What the fuck, so I can eat just about everything and have unlimited energy ??

>> No.14107095

Meal prepping is anti-Cooking and Food. The people who praise once-a-week cooking claim it's proactive but in actuality it is a sign of laziness and disregard for what you eat to not prepare delicious fresh meals every day. Enjoy the dry, flavorless 4-day old chicken and brown rice seasoned with condensation. Preppers might as well burn off their taste buds or sign up for a *oylent subscription, because they obviously don't give a shit about the quality/taste of the food they're eating

>> No.14107144

Sugar and carbs with zero nutrients lol

>> No.14107301
File: 180 KB, 375x360, pepelaughcrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not nutricious at all

>> No.14107317

Obese hands typed this.

>> No.14107356

t. tastelet

>> No.14107584

As an American, I'm saddened to see this. We have so many other viable options, cheap and easy access to good foods. I'm looking at this and see only the peanut butter and apple are the closest thing to food.

This is NOT a healthy meal plan.
Here's what I would change, or sub out for a better option:
Keep Apple / Peanut Butter
Sub in Almonds / Dark Chocolate Pieces
-Fruit in Syrup
Don't need it, already have an apple, but I'd do apple two times a week, mix in Strawberries, Kiwis, Blueberries. Much healthier fruit options.
-Carb and Sugar Nature Valley Bar
If you need food in bar form you're already failing, but Quest makes a few decent tasting ones that won't spike your blood sugar to 150.

As for proper meal planning, just look at your overall goals.
Want to lose fat? Eat less carbs and more filling food.
Want to gain muscle? Eat more protein and less processed food.
Want to be a fat lard ass with no energy constantly hungry?
Eat the shit in that picture.

>> No.14107612

Wow, I love cooking dinner. But you're a fucking retard. My wife does cooking 4-5 days a weak, and if she wants to make a giant dish, and have left overs, because it saves time and energy for a large family then good for her.

I can tell you've never had to cook for a large family, and are very alone. I'm sorry your insecurity and irrationality over that, has spilled over into hating on people that like to save time.

>> No.14107647

Banana is the best fruit.

>> No.14107649

Living off this for too long could send you into psychosis if your life or job is too physically demanding. Try to figure out how to get some carbs in there. A least get yourself a potater every couple of days or so.

>> No.14107658

Canned pasta... straight out the can

>> No.14107659

>80% carbs
Yeah Figure out how to get some carbs in there!

>> No.14107673

Nothing wrong with leftovers, especially when it's something that doesn't suffer from microwaving like stew, chili, soup etc. I often make a big pot of those during the weekend, freeze most and eat the rest as long as it lasts. But it's insanity to cook loads of chicken breast, rice and some vegetables and eat only that for a week.

>> No.14107688

>80% carbs

You're being optimistic, it's at least 95%

>> No.14107703

I mean... you're probably right, but I was trying to subtract the dietary fiber.

>> No.14107708

Obviously, eating leftovers from a big meal the day after is different from autistically preparing identical refrigerated lunches for consumption throughout the week. The identical lunches will become bland, both because the prepper is eating the same thing each day, and because it's 3-5 days old. But way to miss the point, idiot.

>> No.14108048

Fructose is the sugar that's bad for you, retard. Glucose is healthy, fructose is processed by the liver and affects it the same negative way that ethanol does, just without the drunkenness.

>> No.14108103

Fructose is bad because it doesn't raise blood sugar. Foods that spike blood sugar quickly prevent over eating, because when blood sugar spikes the body sends out satiety signals.
try eating a bunch of plain baked potatoes, an extremely high GI food. It will be tough going because you will start to feel full very quickly.

>> No.14108115

Imagine being this obese and obsessed with muh tastee fooood

>> No.14108133

a fuckton of carbs and very little fiber. the onbly thing with a decent amount of protein is the peanut butter. i guess the micronutrients are pretty decent, though

>> No.14108226

>He doesn't care about the quality of food he eats
Why are you on this board?
Also how does his post in any way imply he's obese? Fat people are the lazy ones. They don't cook themselves and don't care about quality of the food as long as the it has fat, sugar and salt.
Go choke on a dick and self-quarantine yourself in the fast food threads.

>> No.14108259

To discuss "food" and/or "cooking", which is not synonymous with being an obese turboautist

>> No.14108269

How does not liking 5 days old leftovers translate to being a turboautist in your brain?

>> No.14108312

There is typically nothing wrong with 4* day old leftovers, but even so, saying that nobody can enjoy food not immediately prepared. The obsession with "deliciousness". That leftovers are of "low quality". That not preparing and eating food in the exact way he prefers is "anti cooking and anti food"
It is all autistic as fuck. These are the types of nigga who complain about yt ppl not eating spicy food or acting like they can tell the difference between saffron and safflower. The only difference between them and the obese white trash is they have different targets for their obsession with tastee foodie

>> No.14108333

It's probably better than whatever she was eating before. Still not great though. Maybe she'll get lucky and live into her 60's

>> No.14108351

Too much sugarm KYS

>> No.14108357

The apple is fine. The rest is sugar cocaine

>> No.14108365

Tuesday, InstaPot Ginger Seasame Chicken
Roasted Broccoli and Red peppers
Homemade Cheese sauce
Wednesday Same thing
Thursday Ginger Chicken, Roasted Brussel Sprouts
Friday Ginger Chicken Roasted Brussel Sprouts
If you cook food for what it's meant for it will last and taste great.
Stews, Slow Cooks, Chili's, and Curries all taste better on the 2nd - 3rd day.
This is fucking basic food science, how do you not know this on this board?
1 main dish and 2-3 side dishes covering 4 days. Efficient and delicious.

I usually cook on Saturday and / or Monday, and do a one off dish, that will last one or two days.
Proper Cooking, Storage and Reheating are all aspects to understand about cooking. And meal prep is a tool like any other.

No, plain white chicken breast will not taste great if pan fried with nothing and stored in a plastic case for 4 days. I understand that, but if that's all you do to meal prep, are you actually doing it right?

>> No.14108366

>all fat should be removed
fat is an essential part of the diet, fucktard. you need your good fat and protein, you cut the carbs.

>> No.14108372

>my husband, who is a low IQ beta male, really want me to lose weight so he can have a semi again when he tries to fuck me

>> No.14108379

Literally don't own one in my house.
6 burners, mini-oven, grill, oven, toaster, air fryer, roaster, outside grill, electric kettle, and fire pit with a stone ware is more than enough.
If your food can't hold up in taste after 3 days, your food isn't top quality bro.

>> No.14108399

Just be honest, are you a troll for (you)'s or something?
None of that sentence is remotely coherent.
I understand if you were being sarcastic.

>> No.14108431

Fuck the haters, I would rate you on how well it tasted after the 3rd day.
If it tasted good, then good job, sounds great. If it was rubbery, too dry, or didn't take to the reheating... I would tear you a new one you piece of shit.

I recommend cooking the chicken, taking out 3/4th of the chicken when it's "done"(safe to eat but not cooked to desire) then over cook the last 1/4. Eat that one first. Use a little extra salt WHEN you go to reheat it, not before, this will dry it out quickly.

>> No.14108442

>i'm a high test male because i love rolls of fat because i have no standards
beta cope

>> No.14108516

carbs can be turned into fat. you only need a tiny amount of these essential fatty acids. it's a non issue. most people are overweight, so they got plenty of fat hanging off their bodies already. they're trying to get rid of it. so to get rid of fat, your best bet is to not eat it.

>> No.14108604

Fat can be turned into carbs, the human body is a wonderful thing.
The irony is, everything would be fine if we stopped eating processed and boxed shit. MSG, Sodiums, refinement, and processing is what turns the food into garbage.

If you eat just plain whole natural foods, meats, veggies, and fruits- you'd probably have a better body then actually trying to count and diet everything.
But fuck those prewrapped goodies are convenient.

>> No.14108654

If you're low fat dieting, the goal is to remove the hidden costs of shit like half an ounce of butter. That's how you lose weight on low fat. It's just cico for retards who can't bother to properly portion or measure.

T. low fat dieter because if I don't, my poo is sticky bullshit that constipates or some giant fat oil barge in a toilet.

>> No.14109654

All that SUGAR. Seriously? This is the kinda sweet and loving hamplanet of a wife makes for her hamplanet husband when they agree they're going to "lose weight together"

>> No.14110476

I did some digging and apparently they are both fat autistic retards.
>He struggles to show love the way I like to receive it, and now for the first time in 6 years he fucking nailed it.
>I know this isn't the healthiest meal, that's not what it's about. It's about him doing something for me that I didn't ask for or expected. We are at this moment discussing what he should get for next week, because he's "apparently lunch incompetent" and has never made a lunch before. He didn't even realize it's all sugar. This is literally a "it's the thought that counts" moment.

>> No.14111716

unused energy gets converted into fat tho

>> No.14112804

>no fruit is
based retard