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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 294 KB, 1024x683, gettyimages-938246676-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14089972 No.14089972 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14089978

I feed my dogs straight from my mouth.

>> No.14089994

Of course.

>> No.14090007


>> No.14090076

I have and have had family that allows that and that's why I tend to avoid going to their houses. I can get some nice invitations but I don't want to be around be around a place where some cats are running around all over the fucking kitchen. None of them seem to have made that connection yet, that's their problem, not mine.

>> No.14090080

My cat is trained to never go on the counter, so I dont have to worry about her. Don't have a dog.
My ex did though, and it was the shittiest animal I've ever known. Was some kind of pitbull mutt, looked 100% pitbull but my ex loved proclaiming that it was "part German Shepard!" Anyway him and his family didn't train the thing, like at all, to the point where it wouldn't even respond to it's own name and nobody could control it. But they loved giving it treats for no reason, and just spoiling it constantly. When we would cook, if you'd turn your back for a second, your food/prepped ingredients on the counter would be gone because the dog would reach the counter. Would always be up your ass while cooking trying to catch anyrhing that qould fall, nearly killed myself from tripping over it many times. We started putting up blockades around the kitchen just to keep it out, and it would just stand at them, death staring and growling. They'd also have to put weights on the garbage lid, otherwise you'd wake up in the morning and find every single piece of trash scattered all over the house. Glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.

>> No.14090085

... as much as I love them as family, I will not deal with cats or dogs running over food that I'm expected to eat. Once you get some balls you can say no to that.

>> No.14090086
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>animal obsessed with cleaning itself
>animal that likes to roll in mud and eat shit
>of course

>> No.14090117
File: 389 KB, 1900x1900, raccoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I am that's more like raccoons, they're sneaky ass bastards and will likely get into anything unless it's locked.

>> No.14090142

yeah, dude. the cat licks his balls or pussy, walks all over and then runs around in the kitchen. very clean.

reminds me of one of my grandmother's friend who didn't understand why cockroaches were considered dirty even though they'd "just live around the food"

>> No.14090145

Sure, why not? My cat doesn't jump on counters, so I don't give a fuck.

>> No.14090162

Yeah sure that vermin doesn't, it's the little jewel when your looking. How about when you're not looking?

>> No.14090189
File: 1.84 MB, 3161x2370, clean bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catfaggots sicken me with their shenanigans
i would never eat food prepared by them

>> No.14090253

What's so bad about cockroaches compared to other bugs?

>> No.14090266

just pick the hairs out of your food ffs

>> No.14090285

The flying ones are absolutely disgusting, they leave a putrid smell wherever they are, they taint food they get in with that as well

>> No.14090323

no cats or dogs but i have a small brain-damaged chicken we keep in the house and she likes to pick things off the floor

>> No.14090332

Does it wear a diaper?

>> No.14090393


>> No.14090397


>> No.14090412
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I missed dickerd/patti

>> No.14090416
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m-my dog helps me clean the floor when I accidentally something

>> No.14090420
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please post brain demaged chicken, never seen/heard of one

>> No.14090421

Who doesn't have CCTV in every room of the house these days? I know what my cat does.

>> No.14090469

Because you have to waste your time watching it instead of not having them around your house in the first place.

>> No.14090477

So you're like "spycatman" hahaha!
Good times!

>> No.14090505

My mom had to deal with those when she was a little kid, she was always the tallest and hottest one and her ugly duckling little sisters didn't like her and even the stupid chickens would peck at her. Trust she got out of that california shithole and her shit family and came east to meet up with my family, not just for that, but because she fell in love with my dad. Maybe it was multiple things, but hey, it's all cool.
I've never met those cunts from her side of the family and hope to never see or meet with them, my mom certainly didn't ever want to see them again.

>> No.14090513

what the fuck anon

>> No.14090525

True story, my mom went through a lot of stuff when she was a kid.

>> No.14090531

Dogs are absolutely filthy. She gets yelled at every time she is in the kitchen.

Cats are going to do what they want, the only ways to stop them is with lead and forged steel.

>> No.14090532

I'd give a picture but it dox us.

>> No.14090537

Why do dogs lick their own balls?
Because they can.

>> No.14090548

The only way to prevent that is to not have that vermin roaming around your house, maybe dogs for guard dogs.
There's nothing like a barking dog to scare off a negro.

>> No.14090562

My cats have removed actual vermin.
My little niglet girl Psycho Killer has ISIS'd 5 mice alone and countless stink bugs and Palmetto Bugs. The other day I saw her jump into the air and chomp a fly in mid flight. She's based af.

>> No.14090606
File: 307 KB, 552x552, 1584565883947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANON! You need to let go. Not a day goes by that I miss that guy and his cats, but we need to let go. That's what'd he want. F

>> No.14090700

How else you're gonna cook them?
t. Vietnamese
But seriously if you eat cows but judge people for eating dogs you're a hypocrite.

>> No.14090712

Cows are livestock that chew the cud.
Dogs are working animals that eat flesh.
I wouldn't expect you to understand.

>> No.14090723
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Eating dogs is fine, but not when you boil them alive.

>> No.14090742

sure, that mf best knows not to cop a piece off the counter
hell! he can join me up on tha counter

>> No.14090745

wait,what happened? he was the only person who did cook alongs.

>> No.14090764

He died and his cats got taken to the anti cruelty society

>> No.14090776

There are three in the catalog right now.

>> No.14090889
File: 1.31 MB, 3507x2662, P_20200515_171430_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for delay. She doesn't like getting her picture taken.

>> No.14090914
File: 1.32 MB, 4608x1713, P_20200515_171236_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more dynamic pose

>> No.14090974

imagine having those parasites at home. nonsense.

>> No.14091153

cute Cute CUTE!

>> No.14091291

Rod Stewart has really let himself go.

>> No.14091329

Chickens are already retarded, do you have to hand feed it or something? Does it walk in circles?

>> No.14091339

Sure do. My dog even helps make cook dinner sometimes. He likes tortellini.

>> No.14091353

no, even letting a dog or cat in your house is some psycho american shit

>> No.14091455

The other chickens started trying to kill her because they are retarded. We have to keep them separate. She has small specific seizures where she starts walking backwards with her head down until she bumps into a wall or something.

>> No.14091465

>bringing a dog into your house
wh*te people

>> No.14091490

How else would I eat them?

>> No.14091493

Silly cloud

>> No.14091674
File: 8 KB, 276x183, download.jpeg-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents have this one dog who is the worst when it comes to food
We think that as a puppy before we adopted him that the first owners starved him or fucked him in a food related way
>is absolutely obessed with food to the point he will eat himself to death if given the opportunity
>been to vet twice to have lbs of garbage removed from stomach because he got into a trash can
>we have to keep multiple safeties on because he figured our how to open the pantry door and the garbage bin door
Iv said many times that he will die due to eating something

>> No.14092191

As long as they stick to the floor who cares?
You have way more to worry about from all the packaging your food and ingredients come in if it's about getting your workspace dirty.

Do you have an air lock and change into your designated hygienic kitchen outfit that's sterilised daily before entering your kitchen or some shit?
There's being clean and then there is obsessing over absolutely nothing.

>> No.14092199
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>> No.14093539

>that picture
there's only you to blame for this one by having their food on the countertop

>> No.14093544

accidently what, anon? please elaborate

>> No.14093770

I recently became a cat owner as my gf adopted two older cats and let me say

They're useless

They vomit on everything and track their kitty litter, poo and its smell throughout the house

Cats shouldn't even be inside of houses

The dog is welcome in the kitchen

>> No.14093784

My cat sprays this mist out of it's tail over my kitchen. It keeps the roaches at bay.

>> No.14093785

Just lie and say you might be allergic to pet hair.

>> No.14093797
File: 303 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2019-11-12-20h29m42s743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dogs also lick their genitals

>> No.14093809
File: 325 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-04-01-22h59m08s175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, what's up with the "he's dead" meme?

>> No.14093812

she's allowed to walk through or sit by the door but she isn't fed from the kitchen otherwise they end up begging for food all the time, and I don't want her under my feet and in the way while I cook.

>> No.14093816

I have to know what country you live in.

>> No.14093821

That wont work, its close family so they know me and know I'm not allergic to anything.

>> No.14093823 [DELETED] 

Bad cats suck less than bad dogs. My brother's wife has a dog that's just complete garbage. It's emotionless, lazy, sheds like mad, and weighs about 70 pounds. Doesn't bark, you'd think that's a good thing right? Well I mean it doesn't bark AT ALL EVER, doesn't react to other dogs or strangers or anything. So why not get a cat that can clean up after itself? Nope you still have to walk it and let it poo and pee. But "walk" is a misnomer because it's too lazy to do that. It just stands in the yard for a while and eventually decides to do its thing.

All my clothes have mangy dog hair when I get back from their house. Did I mention it's ugly and it drools? And the house smells like dog all the time so there's no point in cooking anything nice, or drinking anything nice, because if you put your nose in the glass and inhale... yum it's Chateau D'og, Vintage 2020.

Fuck dogs.

>> No.14093825 [DELETED] 

Probably arab or south asian

>> No.14093829

is it a rescue dog or something? That sounds like behavior that would result from abuse.

>> No.14093831

An aunt & uncle's house was similar to that when I was a kid. I really would do all I could to get out of going there because everything they made tasted of dog. They had these two dogs that they used instead of children, but the whole place and all the food tasted of dog. It was horrible and my mom wouldn't let me get out of it.

>> No.14093832
File: 367 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-05-15-16h48m37s620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't say what kind of animal you have.

>> No.14093833 [DELETED] 

Don't think so, rescues are normally "dangerous breed" dogs like rottweilers or pit bulls and are unpredictable. They've got kids so they wouldn't allow that I think. This thing is predictable, just predictably shitty. It doesn't even wag its tail, I think it's retarded or something.

>> No.14093840

>rescues are normally "dangerous breed" dogs like rottweilers or pit bulls and are unpredictable
not always, I've owned a lot of abused animals, they tend to act abnormal like you're describing, or can be extremely skittish.
It really depends on the kind of abuse.

>> No.14093843

Maybe it just needs to smacked on the head with a rolled up newspaper, give it the business.

>> No.14093845

Maybe some weirdo was buggering it?

>> No.14093863

Imagine how that would look in open court,
You sir are tried for buggering a dog,
How do you plea?

>> No.14093866

The dog is allowed in the kitchen. But she's chill and will get out of your way if you tell her to. I've never understood people who sperg out about dogs begging for food. Like, I've seen perfectly rational people spiral into a red-in-the-face rage because a dog happens to be looking at them while they eat. Who the fuck cares?

>> No.14093934
File: 324 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2020-03-27-01h26m39s453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had to pass a law after Mr.Hands died from getting fucked by a horse.

>> No.14093944

Right? Those people are assholes. I can't stand assholes who get all upset about their dog barking either. That's how the fucking dog speaks and you're yelling at it?
Imagine if every time someone spoke, you just told them to shut up several times. Everyone would hate that person and think they were a bully.

>> No.14093968

dogs dont speak they just make stupid noises because they are stupid animals. barking is just a loud noise they make when they want to intimidate another animal. when my dog barks I punish him by putting his food bowl on top of something he can't reach and throwing a handful of cat biscuits in his water bowl.

>> No.14093991

yeah i don't eat anywhere with cats, even family
my retarded cunt aunt recently brought a filthy stray to my dear grandma and i won't even go to her house anymore
cat houses always smell like shit and the hair and litterfeet on every surface literally sickens me
cats are just generally awful disgusting animals

>> No.14094003

this but unironically, you grow a bigger bond with them if you mouthfeed your dog as a puppy. Wolf moms mouthfeed their puppies too so they will think of you as their mother.

>> No.14094028

I hate to be a cat vs dog fag but I seriously dislike how cats walk over everything. Kitchen counters, tables, couches. Grossed me the fuck out because I had a roommate who would rarely clean out the cat's litterbox and it was probably stepping all over its own shit and tracking it everywhere.

>> No.14094049

I tell my dog to leave and he walks away then turns 360 degrees and walks back in. So no he doesn't listen.

>> No.14094065

>The dog is welcome in the kitchen
Dogs are low tier animals.

>> No.14094076


>> No.14094080

is cat hate becoming mainstream? i've noticed it more online and irl fairly recently

>> No.14094098

dog cockroaches are quite kleen its just that they are only found in dirty places.

>> No.14094102

petfags are cringe and a symptom of bourgeoise decadence and moral decay. it's literally just a cpe for not being able to own a slave.

>> No.14094107

More and more joggers are going online. They don't like to compete with other animals for food.

>> No.14094108

excellent punishment
I'm sure it can understand why it's happening

>> No.14094116

so much for that superior canine intellect!

>> No.14094117
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>emotionless, lazy, sheds like mad
Clearly the owner's fault. Dogs are literally bred to respond to human emotions hence why service dogs are a thing.
The crazy shedding is de that the dog is not receiving frequent enough baths or using some cheap soap that dries out his/her skin.

I don't like dogs in the kitchen but for safety reasons and it's just poor matters when you have guests.

>> No.14094119

what are you talking about?

>> No.14094121

Remember that cats don’t put up with bullshit and cat haters are people who cats hate

Cat hate is therefore virtue signaling for sociopaths

>> No.14094145

bu buhh buuhh!! coughing and spluttering like an idiot fool. do not reply to this post, you know nothing of punishing animals.

>> No.14094147

dogs were considered livestock in china, bust sadly they changed their legal status to pets

>> No.14094161

t. gondii

>> No.14094167

what are you talking about?

>> No.14094209
File: 534 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2019-11-05-22h23m12s829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a dumb asshole that abuses animals because you don't understand them.

>> No.14094221
File: 582 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2019-11-05-22h23m19s947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can train them not to do things like if you're not a dumb ass.

>> No.14094222

i abuse cats because i hate them

>> No.14094235
File: 298 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2019-12-20-22h57m33s875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up you edgy dumb ass

>> No.14094237

I sprayed him with water. He was stubborn but learned eventually. Nigger probably still did it when no one was looking though.

>> No.14094240

make me

>> No.14094299
File: 177 KB, 480x360, vlcsnap-2020-04-20-19h28m07s775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ.. if you're going to use that technique which is outdated as fuck - you need to do that when they can't see you. Then they won't do it when you're not looking.

Positive reinforcement works way better for pets like dogs and cats.

>> No.14094307

get better at trolling

>> No.14094314

you don't understand animals. it's only hubris that makes you think you can. they aren't to be understood as they are, that's why we shape them ourselves. you are a faggot with toxoplasmosis. please do not cook for anyone.

>> No.14094323
File: 312 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-04-05-03h52m38s706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are a faggot
No, I'm a lesbian. It's different, but you're clearly too stupid to know this.

>> No.14094332
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>> No.14094335
File: 402 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-05-16-07h36m53s908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

predictable as fuck, anon.

>> No.14094336
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>> No.14094350
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ok that's pretty funny

>> No.14094379

you say that like it isn't completely obvious you're a woman. nobody cares that you're a dyke (you don't get pussy any way so it's pointless for you to even mention it) you are still a faggot in the traditional sense.

>> No.14094383

t. faggot expert

>> No.14094389
File: 323 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-01-23-00h25m34s625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a faggot in the traditional sense.
no, that's slang for men who fuck other men.
Stop being purposely dumb.

>> No.14094394

Fucking this. Dogs and cats are both basically useless but at least one of them isn’t incredibly obnoxious, needy and smelly

>> No.14094400
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>owning an inferior pet

>> No.14094403

which one?

>> No.14094405
File: 584 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-03-03-22h47m29s564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many obvious contrarian pant loads in this thread.

>> No.14094414

what's the purpose of this vhs screenshot autism?

>> No.14094415

my ex thought this was funny back in like 2006

>> No.14094419
File: 341 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-04-03-18h59m21s680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know what autism really is?
be honest.

>> No.14094428

a developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior

>> No.14094434

good, glad she dumped you queerboy

>> No.14094439
File: 386 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2020-02-29-20h27m20s366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job. Did you know those repetitive behaviors are usually things like waving arms around or repeating words?
My roommate has a brother who is autistic.
He lives in a care facility because of it.

He doesn't post VHS screen caps on a cooking board because he can't.
See the difference?

>> No.14094440

it's a woman. this is so we know who is posting and she can get the attention she needs. it's a more retarded form of namefagging

>> No.14094448

typical poster, always assuming everyone here is male because of some dumb /b/ meme from like 2005 "hurr no gurls on interwebs"
What's it like to be incapable of original thoughts of your own?

>> No.14094454


I don't, this is also the reason filter all "dickered" threads.

>> No.14094456

how is anyone getting attention by posting things that aren't of themselves?

>> No.14094460

you probably think this is a very clever response and not complete nonsense

>> No.14094463

fuck off you stinky cunt no one likes you

>> No.14094471

>variable severity
it's now apparent you are both autistic and retarded

>> No.14094500

My small dog follows me everywhere but she knows not to get in the way when im cooking and sits nearby inside my kitchen

>> No.14094502

not too long ago anons were calling me based

>> No.14094510

You're just repeating a 4chan meme. You fit the 4chan definition of autism more than I do.

>> No.14094515

Hey, how come you can't answer a simple question and instead dodge it like you did? Is it because you don't have a real answer or can't come up with anything on your own?
Most likely considering the posts so far.

>> No.14094520
File: 409 KB, 720x544, vlcsnap-2020-03-29-21h26m58s183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14094525


>> No.14094527

because of where our kitchen is it would be near impossible to keep them out. they do not get on the counters, but they do jump on the table but we rarely eat there.

cats are much cleaner than dogs. I've never seen a cat eat shit.

>> No.14094529

I don't repeat memes like you do. Talk about repetitive behavior. And they're not even your own thoughts. You just repeat shit you see online.
Sounds pretty retarded to me.

>> No.14094532

I have two cats and they never get on counters. They don't beg for food either and are really picky eaters.

>> No.14094539

digging in shit and running around on a table you sometimes eat at is super clean, you're right

>> No.14094545

lmao please enlighten me with your original thoughts

>> No.14094552

be honest. Why do you hate animals so much?

>> No.14094559

There's nothing to enlighten as you don't seem to have a brain or a soul for that matter.
You keep missing the point, too.
I don't repeat memes. YOU DO.

I've had to type that twice now because I guess you can't fucking read. That's how I know you're fucking stupid.

>> No.14094560

100% based

>> No.14094567

is crying about memes the smart person thing to do?

>> No.14094574

I'm not crying. I'm typing.
Did you know there's a difference?

Bet you learned something new today, huh kiddo?

>> No.14094577

is typing about memes the smart person thing to do?

>> No.14094578
File: 54 KB, 640x474, 1276975340334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna post cats to help sage the thread faster

>> No.14094581

You're right, I guess. But I had other shit to do besides train my dumbass roommate's cat so it was easier just to spray him at the moment. So how would I have trained him not to get on raised surfaces? It seems like cats' natural instinct to do that.

>> No.14094582

HOLY SHIT. You just typed the same fucking sentence and changed one word because I fucking corrected you.

>> No.14094590
File: 69 KB, 489x349, 1276976185186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems like cats' natural instinct to do that.
They like to climb - that's the real natural instinct. You need to have things that they're allowed to climb on and give them treats or pets when they climb on that and just pick them up off the counter and place them elsewhere. They get it eventually.

>> No.14094594
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>> No.14094598
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>> No.14094601

why can't you answer the question?

>> No.14094609
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>> No.14094610

If I'm ever in that situation again I'll try it. Thanks.

>> No.14094611
File: 54 KB, 570x688, owl and the pussycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14094616

Still waiting on >>14094456 to be answered.
And it needs to be a well thought out answered since you keep going on about "is that the SMART thing to do??!?!"

Listen shit for brains, the smart thing to do is to not post on fucking 4chan.
So congrats. We're on the same wavelength there.

>> No.14094620
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>> No.14094624
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>> No.14094625

>is cat hate becoming mainstream?
I don't hate cats, I simply dislike them, but I wouldn't kill one or anything. Calm down.

>> No.14094629
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>> No.14094636
File: 114 KB, 800x581, 1276979126926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, your response is insanely chill compared to the other massive assholes in this thread.

>> No.14094638
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>> No.14094643
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>> No.14094648
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>> No.14094655
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>> No.14094658

that question wasn't directed at me and i ignored it because it was fucking retarded
but the answer is the sweet, sweet (You)s

>> No.14094661
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>> No.14094664

I don’t hate animals just because I said they’re useless. I love animals. I just think dogs generally get annoying after about 5 minutes of being around them.

>> No.14094668
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>> No.14094670

>but the answer is the sweet, sweet (You)s
Pretty much proof that you're stupid as hell because you're just here to troll.

>> No.14094674
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She's allowed in the kitchen but this was a one-time thing for the photos.

>> No.14094675
File: 205 KB, 800x597, 1276983753192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just think dogs generally get annoying after about 5 minutes of being around them.
That isn't love.
You don't know what love is.

>> No.14094676

you don't like (You)s?

>> No.14094680

le heckin wooferinos!

>> No.14094684
File: 65 KB, 425x282, 1276983798666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet there are people in this thread getting so fucking triggered over that image.

>> No.14094691
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>> No.14094692

i just hate cats

>> No.14094702


>> No.14094704
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>> No.14094707
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yeah but why? Why do you "hate" them?

>> No.14094711
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>> No.14094717
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>> No.14094724
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>> No.14094733

stupid ugly vermin that infest my property, murder the wildlife and shit toxoplasmosis everywhere

also spammed on the internet constantly by annoying catfaggots

>> No.14094746

>stupid ugly vermin that infest my property, murder the wildlife

t. some fat asshole that lives in the woods and jerks off to animu porn

>> No.14094749
File: 184 KB, 393x322, alarmed russian garfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're thinking of bob cats and other wild cats. Domestics don't really do this unless you're butthurt about dead birds or something.

>> No.14094751
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>> No.14094754
File: 25 KB, 383x410, cats love anal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14094757

I don't watch anime and I'm not fat so no.

>> No.14094760
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>> No.14094761

so you just fantasize about it?

>> No.14094768
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>> No.14094769

birds are important

>> No.14094773

No, I'm just aware of most fat neckbeards that come here and what their lifestyle is like.

>> No.14094777
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yea but without predators they're a nuisance.

>> No.14094782

your invasive shit rat is the nuisance

>> No.14094789

>not training ur dog to cook u food

>> No.14094793

domesticated animals can't be invasive.
If they were really invasive, you would be able to get a hunting permit for them, like you can for gators.

>> No.14094797
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>> No.14094798
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you don't need a permit to hunt vermin

>> No.14094800
File: 25 KB, 600x500, hey god dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anons, do you let your bird go into the kitchen?

>> No.14094808

Yeah, I guess illegal hunting is a thing.
This is why I can't be pro gun anymore. Only absolute shit heads buy guns apparently.
Can you imagine one of your neighbors just goes out hunting cats like a mad man.
I'd call the fucking cops if someone was hunting in my neighborhood with a gun and firing it.
Any other weapon too. Shooting a bow and arrow at domestic neighborhood cats is pretty fucking illegal where I live, thank god.

>> No.14094811
File: 3 KB, 100x77, this thread sickens me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14094819

i usually live trap and drown
clean and quiet

>> No.14094823

you're lying to be edgy

>> No.14094824
File: 179 KB, 1600x1200, this bird is the best chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14094826

you wish

>> No.14094831
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>> No.14094837

Nah, someone would have reported your ass by now. If a bunch of cats suddenly go missing, people are going to realize what's going on. Not to mention the smell you must reek of.
Except you don't because you're just trying to "win" the argument and get the last word in. Typical 4chan shit.

>> No.14094841
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>> No.14094845
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>> No.14094850

Traps would be super noticeable because they take a long time.
Plus people trap to spay and neuter and know about that sort of thing so I think you'd be caught pretty fast.

>> No.14094855
File: 90 KB, 492x472, im a cat and i dont care for this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14094856

kek pest control is not a crime
drowning them might be marginally illegal but i really don't care
and what smell?
holy shit catfaggots really are retarded

>> No.14094860
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>> No.14094861

caught by who for what?
do you need a rat trap license where you live?

>> No.14094868

they're not pests and people would notice if cats go missing
you're full of shit

>> No.14094871

There are loads of videos of people teaching how to trap to spay and neuter. So these people go out on a pretty regular basis as long as there is some kind of shelter for animals where you live.
If they saw someone like you and didn't recognize you as someone who regularly traps, they'd ask you what you were doing and if you lied, they'd know because shelters have designated people for this.
If you just left the traps out, they'd probably just take those cats to the shelter.

>> No.14094873

they're absolutely pests and it's 100% legal to kill them
sorry you live in a cat infested shithole

>> No.14094878

You must live in some shithole country or you're doing it illegally.
Either way, I still think you're full of shit because you're just some anon trying to act macho in this thread.
Why are you even in this fucking thread if you hate cats so much?
Clearly you're just trying to troll.

>> No.14094879
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That was one of my reasons for taking the pic, yes.
She was such a plump little cutie back then. Now she's all muscle and attitude.

>> No.14094889
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>> No.14094895
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No, but only cuz the nigger tries to eat anything he can get away with

>> No.14094896

an asian.

>> No.14094900
File: 28 KB, 650x488, 21x191_7699_9-e1542157879419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's it like to be on par with this faggot?
Do you like sucking dick as much as that guy did too??

>> No.14094902

tell me where you live
i need to know what country bans pest control

>> No.14094907

i would suck his dick and let him literally eat my ass

>> No.14094908

I'm not telling you where I live psycho

>> No.14094913

Knew it

>> No.14094914

no there isn't, I haven't seen him for so long now.

>> No.14094915

>asking someone where they live on 4chan
How new are you

>> No.14094921


>> No.14094924

???? Of your mum who was a retarded chicken?? Not sure where this is going anon

>> No.14094926

not that new
where do you live?

>> No.14094931

Pest control is definitely legal there.

>> No.14094936

Do you not understand what anonymous means?

>> No.14094941

no please explain

>> No.14094943

Can't really stop the cats from entering the kitchen, but will generally attempt to keep them from climbing on the counter-tops. I would never own a dog though. Such a waste of time for a dumb, useless animal. I lived with a couple who had a dog and they would constantly ask me if I could do shit for them like walk it when I got home from work or give it food rations when they were late because apparently dogs are too fucking stupid to know when to stop eating so you can't leave a bowl out. Thing would bark and wake everybody up when I left my room to walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night and slobber all over my clothes when I entered the house. If I wasn't around, they would actually come home on their breaks from work to take care of the fucker. Owning a dog isn't pet ownership, it's enslavement to a loud and needy shit machine. Once you decide to adopt one, you're basically turning in your hopes and dreams for something that will eat away all of your time. Want to go on a vacation? Gotta find a place that allows dogs because god forbid the thing has to be on it's own for a week with someone checking in once a day. Fuck dogs.

>> No.14094945


>> No.14094965

we had a rooster that was actually not a total cunt cause he was hand raised. He got fucked up by a fox but dad fed him with a water dropper for a couple of days untill he could walk again but he could only walk backwards for the first month. He did make a kinda full recovery, he walked forwards after a while but he was still pretty retarded and super vicious. That dumb fucker would let the dog pull his tail feathers out like it wasn't even a thing but would attack any person with full force and no regard for its own life. I was walking up the back yard and the fucker got out, he reared up and went to scratch up my legs. I pushed him away but that fucker hurt, when he came at me again I kicked him, then the next time I kicked him as hard as I could he was thrown across the yard in a puff of feathers and angry rooster noises, I had to get away, that dumb bird would have died before he stopped, but let the dog literally bite his tail feathers out cause she was a puppy and would chase anything. God I was glad when that cunt died. Fuck roosters fuck jannies.

>> No.14094976

>le jew parentheses meme xD

>> No.14094989
File: 59 KB, 648x484, dat fucking redwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animal lovers go on pol
christ you are fucking new and just trying to fit in.
if anyone is a fucking tourist, it's you buddy.

>> No.14094993

i think you must be new if you think that
>i live in northern michigan
or whatever breaks your anonymity
don't go to /int/ you'll get doxxed and murdered for sure

>> No.14095000

adopting a dog is already dodgy, dogs can easily have physiological issues if they're not brought up will that will make them a pain to live with, but dobermans are already strung up pretty tight and attract cunt owners, so all things considering they got off pretty light.

>> No.14095009

says the person who fantasizes about killing cats
why the fuck would I give you any personal information you dumb dick face.

>> No.14095026

I like cats and dogs but I wouldn't let one live inside in the first place. I'd maybe make an exception to a properly trained poodle, bichon or similar small dog that doesn't shed (and wouldn't be able to reach the counter-tops).
I grew up on a farm with 2 dogs and a varying amount of cats, they'd sleep in the barn or in the garage but never came inside. The golden retriever always tried to sneak in the coop and sleep under a heat lamp in winter, despite having a proper bed in the heated section of the garage.

>> No.14095037

just guessing it's because you know i'm right :^)

>> No.14095038

it's ok to have animals live outside if you don't live near busy roads
Otherwise you're just asking for them to get killed.

>> No.14095042

that's how I know you're full of shit.

>> No.14095051

i don't think you do know

>> No.14095069

I definitely loved my cousins’ dogs. They were incredibly sweet and gentle. But they’re also the only ones I’ve ever met that didn’t annoy the piss out of me or ruin dinner at their house with their smell. I couldn’t own one.

>> No.14095075

My cat loves getting into places she shouldn't get into but aside from that yeah, her own food/water is set up on my kitchen floor.

>> No.14095094

She's so fucking cute SHE'S SO FUCKING CUTE
your other one on the right is cute too

>> No.14095097

>I couldn’t own one.
I mean, if you don't want one, that's fine. But like, don't claim you love animals if you feel that way. It sounds like you just tolerate them and you only love them when they've been well trained.
So you'd have to have the patience to train them which takes love.
But you don't even want one so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove.

>> No.14095098

Well back then we has 10 minutes of driving on dirt roads before getting out of farmlands and even then we'd just be between our farm and the neighbor's so it just wasn't a concern.

>> No.14095103

I used to have a cat that really loved getting into my dresser and would burrow under my clothes.

>> No.14095106
File: 134 KB, 1024x704, 1588324599200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats are an invasive species that don't significantly reduce rodent populations



>Cats are sometimes intentionally released into urban environments on the popular assumption that they will control the rat population; but there is little scientific basis for this. The reality is that cats find rats to be large and formidable prey, and so they preferentially hunt defenseless wildlife such as lizards and songbirds instead. Scientists and conservationists oppose the use of cats as a form of rodent control because they are so inefficient at destroying pest species that the harm they do to native species in the process outweighs any benefit.[32][33][34]

>> No.14095109

Yeah, that's what I was saying.

>> No.14095113

I would stab that thing in the eye first contact.

>> No.14095125

Well of course a site for the fucking bird conservancy would say that. Pretty biased site you linked.

>> No.14095131

Why do these threads always attract such shitty trolls who don't even try?

>> No.14095139

nice ad hominem

>> No.14095147

Well no shit cats eat birds, retard.
Also if cats were really still used for that rat hunting shit, they would have done that in New York a long time ago.

Also you're still talking about wild cats and not domestic.

>> No.14095158
File: 112 KB, 744x886, cat-invasive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, plenty of studies out there all backing up the fact.
You probably don't know how to access and use academic databases though, likely a side-effect of your Toxoplasmosis. Shame really. I wonder when you will finally step out in front of that bus because you don't see it as a threat? I won't try to explain the effects of Toxoplasmosis on you, it's clear your cognition is compromised.

>> No.14095161
File: 242 KB, 1001x663, DSC_7493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hat's off to people who get a rescue dog, but I agree that it's just really fucking risky, especially with larger ones. You just don't know what kind of trauma is hidden in their heads.
Same as people, I suppose.

We sadly lost the brown one about two months ago. She was old and weary and it was time. She had the best life a dog could wish for, though.

No you wouldn't. You'd have to get through me first anyway, since the cowardly little shit would be hiding between my legs because you're a stranger. She only thinks she's hot shit when she's around people she knows.

>> No.14095167

how far must your head be up a cat's ass to think they belong in any ecosystem?

>> No.14095183

>Toxoplasmosis (tok-so-plaz-MOE-sis) is a disease that results from infection with the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, one of the world's most common parasites. Infection usually occurs by eating undercooked contaminated meat, exposure from infected cat feces, or mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy

My cats aren't infected and are taken to the vet regularly.

>> No.14095188

I'm not an extremist like you. But let's be real. You're just saying that cause you're on this site and it's cool to say hard core shit like that.

>> No.14095192

what brainlet site did this come from?

>> No.14095193

At least there's one sane person in this thread.
I can't wait for this shit to either archive or finally get fucking pruned. Shit was bait to begin with.

>> No.14095199

how young must you be to think any of that post was hard core shit?

>> No.14095203

It's a definition that you could find if you knew how to access academic databases.

>> No.14095212

>cats shouldn't be part of any ecosystem
sounds like eradicating a species to me.
Has nothing to do with age. I'm sure plenty of adults in this thread are still stupid regardless of their age.

>> No.14095227

Yes, housecats should be eradicated, what about this don't you understand.
The law planetwide should be
>any cat outside is taken and euthanized, this includes pet cats who have escaped
>all indoor domestic cats spayed/neutered
>owning a cat by 2040 is a felony with up to $100,000 fine and 20 years in prison.

Seems pretty straightfoward to me, where are you having a problem.

>> No.14095243

what academic paper uses anything but international phonetic alphabet notation?
what academic paper provides phonetic notation at all?

>> No.14095256

>what about this don't you understand.
I clearly don't agree with it or any asshole who is shitting on cats in this thread just to be contrarian jerk off's.
>owning a cat is a felony
That's pretty extreme. Dumb ass.

>> No.14095260

well the bird conservancy site isn't an academic paper but >>14095158 claimed it was an academic database, so ask them.

>> No.14095262

it's pretty obvious you're not even trying to be serious anymore and this is just blatant shit posting.

>> No.14095272

this thread is almost over

>> No.14095276

you love it

>> No.14095282
File: 451 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2020-02-18-23h39m59s488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love annoying the hell out of these obvious fucking trolls
all because some idiot got upset about vlc screenshots
they're so fucking assblasted.

>> No.14095284
File: 197 KB, 1280x989, cat-with-robin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dead serious. Cats are a major Environmental problem and they obviously can't exist.
If they ever escape they'll breed like rabbits.
I guess the alternative is, you could make it a Luxury market, with the taxes on breeders and owners going toward culling efforts.
That way cats would cost like $20,000 to buy and have a $2,300/yr excise tax on them, so very very few are ever owned and they can be exterminated quickly if they do get outside.
Then your cat being outside a home or locked transportation container is a felony for the rest of time.

That might work. Easier to eliminate the species, though.

>> No.14095287

>i'm going to be known as the vlc screenshot gal!

>> No.14095288

just keeping bumping the thread until it auto sages

>> No.14095291

still upset I see
I don't even always post them
Why are you upset about someone posting images on a fucking image board

>> No.14095293

lol you're a fag

>> No.14095306

i'm not upset

>> No.14095340

Why did you make the snarky comment then?

>> No.14095566

where do you think you are?

>> No.14095603

this isn't even food related, like it's a bit of a stretch

>> No.14095706

>annoying obvious trolls

>> No.14096133

You can love something and still be annoyed by it. Like a brother.

>> No.14097482

stay mad, little edgyman

>> No.14097634

I don't have any siblings so I don't know what you mean actually.

>> No.14098266

female poster absolutely seething that her asinine question was ignored.
your question didn't make any sense so i didn't answer it but if you really need an explanation: avatarfagging allows anons to easily associate posts to a particular user. you are trying to differentiate yourself from anons. you won't just put on a trip because that makes it too obvious so you'll just add a theme to your posts like vlc screenshots and typing like a woman so people will know who you are regardless of whatever thread you post in.