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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.56 MB, 900x899, townsend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14087602 No.14087602 [Reply] [Original]

* grates nutmeg in your path *

>> No.14087616
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, misterx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* grates a matchbox full of nutmeg in your path *

>> No.14087640
File: 114 KB, 900x900, Ramsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see townsend beat the fuck out of this smug redcoat britbonger

>> No.14087641

>that video he made crying about politics

>> No.14087646

Does he really grate it? Is that not inauthentic for the period? I bash it to powder in a mortar and pestle.

>> No.14087647

Townsend is pussy Gordon would yell at him and he'd start crying

>> No.14087653

Orange Fool

>> No.14087655

John Townsend is a gay hating far right bigot. It's weird people assume he's a liberal. He's obsessed with the past, just like conservatives. The orange fool recipe was the woman's idea, not his, and he went along with it, and I assume came to regret it. The reason the orange fool shit blew up so big is that he didn't want to comment on it because he's terrified of people finding out his wacky religious retarded nazi views on gay people being sinful abominations which would, of course, get him cancelled.

>> No.14087661

He cried about fags like you bringing up politics where it doesnt belong.

>> No.14087676

fuck you en*lish cunt

>> No.14087685

This guy is lowkey a cuckold desu.
Nutmeg tavern? Soy.

>> No.14087687

I get the sense that he's more a proper conservative, rather than one of the angry closet faggots who claim to be conservative today.

>> No.14087901

Sounds based to me.

>> No.14087914
File: 30 KB, 470x370, gibbon6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like he is based.
Disregard gays

>> No.14087927

Cool, i like him more now

>> No.14087933

>i'm frustrated
should've changed it to "i'm gay"

>> No.14088103

based, yanks are fucking pussies

>> No.14088134

i watched his videos on building a cabin, and man that is the life i tell you

>> No.14088181

Love his channel

Never gonna try any of his recipes

>> No.14088206

Why? Why would he do that? Has he gone insane?

>> No.14088571

He does always gimme a lowkey gay vibe

>> No.14088634
File: 24 KB, 299x400, IAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14088720

Shut the fuck up you north-american pseudo-intellectual holier-then-thou piece of shit.

>> No.14088723

*creates a good youtube channel and ruins it all in the span of a year*

>> No.14088823

Not even the wings?


>> No.14088954

Seething mutt

>> No.14088985
File: 1.51 MB, 750x422, I'm Frustrated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* gets frustrated in your path *

>> No.14089086

funny how you lost to a bunch of pussies

>> No.14089124

Fuck off faggot

>> No.14089733

Nutmeg was big shit back in the 18th century. Hucksters often sold nutmeg and there was a few that would sell wood that looks like a nutmeg.

>> No.14089843
File: 1.06 MB, 807x563, 1574730521402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* sprinkles old el paso seasoning in your path*

>> No.14089858

Gordon would curbstomp that LARPing faggot, then run a marathon for no other reason than he can.

>> No.14090257

>I'm frustrated with the drumpf fans who watch my videos after i said they are banned
Not even a trump supporter but he took it too far

>> No.14090706

Nutmeg has always been his thing; it was a very common spice in 18th century recipes.

>> No.14091491


>> No.14091556

fuck off to /b/ you meme loving faggot

>> No.14091648

have you watched the canoe building videos yet?

>> No.14092833

because you're so masculine

>> No.14092842


>> No.14092946

But old El Paso is for white people

>> No.14092950

Some Hispanics are white --- for now.

>> No.14093560

Cope, /pol/tard

>> No.14093677

*makes Orange Fool in your path*

>> No.14093796


>> No.14093980

didn't want the place anyway

>> No.14094252
File: 93 KB, 246x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all anons: What's for breakfast?


>> No.14094270

Let us all remember that, on 15/5/2020, we got "Wu Flu" into a Townsends video.

>> No.14094284

please link

>> No.14094286

Imagine deciding someone's political leaning and personality traits despite having never spoken to them or even seen them outside of a fucking casual food video. You absolute retard, keep pretending you're smart, I bet you never even went to college.

>> No.14094311

proof please? I'm going to assume this was on the nutmeg tavern stream. I haven't gotten around to watching this week's stream yet.

>> No.14094359

do you think he has a permanent nutmeg high

>> No.14094367

permanent cock high is more likely. I've heard he hangs out with the bbq pit boys at the house of sausage.

>> No.14094974

>hur dur orange drumpfkinlet
fuck off

>> No.14095497

Anyone tried making the dirt oven yet? It's discussed fairly often, so curious


>> No.14095793

Fucking just answer me you fags. Most of the rest of this thread belong on /tv/

>> No.14095861

>Townsend's and Wife's Son

>> No.14095956


Link is currently private.

>> No.14095967

It's accurate. I've been to many a historical house and living history museum from that period, and they did indeed grate their nutmeg. And if you bring up Townsends around people in that field, they're well known for their authentic and high quality products. I can tell from personal experience that their clay pipes are great.

>> No.14096091

>being this gay
go suck on a dick you faggot