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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14085564 No.14085564 [Reply] [Original]

What foods do you dislike? Or can only eat a certain way?

>> No.14085574

Autism thread #34567336899

>> No.14085600

I pick the the toppings off my pizza slice and eat them one by one. I audibly gag if I taste anything more than sauce and crust when I start to bite into the pizza itself. It’s like my body is rejecting it

>> No.14085661

Not a big fan of boiled eggs, the texture and the smell just throw me off.

>> No.14085704

I don't like my food to touch each other, unless it's the whole point of the dish.

>> No.14085721

Try boiling it for 7 minutes
The motherfucking rabbi made me it some dry as shit egg during passover, must have boiled it for 15 minutes

>> No.14085739


did the rabbi bite your forsekin off too?

>> No.14085783

No but 5 out of his 7 daughters were hot as fuck, any of them could bite my foreskin anyd

>> No.14085795
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Can't eat Welsh Rabbit because I'm allergic to rabbit. Also, my Uncle ate one bite and starved to death because of the rabbit.

>> No.14085803

why do you people let them do that sick shit? how is it legal.

>> No.14086200

Religious practice and the government cannot tell a group of people how to practice their religion.

>> No.14086214
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>> No.14086237

post the other 5

>> No.14086282

kikes are gonna get threes soon enough

>> No.14086289


>> No.14086319

Whats a good recipe for baked jew?

>> No.14086340

Is that why it's legal for mormons to get multiple wives?

>> No.14087170

Since I was a child and to this day I hate kidney beans.

>> No.14087191

fatty meat like pork belly is gross as a big piece. sliced thin like bacon is fine tho.

>> No.14087204
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Whatever you do, just max the oven.

>> No.14087225

I won't drink regular soda gotta be diet

>> No.14087229
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Fucking hate okra, i cant eat It no matter what

>> No.14087233


>> No.14087237

I can't stand egg yolks.

>> No.14087247

I can't tell if I like or dislike your ketchup dipped penis fruits...

>> No.14087299

ketchup, it's too sweet and instantly ruins whatever it's on.

>> No.14087303

just kill yourself lmfao

>> No.14087313

So far the most cheese I'll eat is
>kraft mac n' cheese if that even counts anymore
>gouda + cheddar grilled cheeses
>gouda on a "gourmet" burger or some shit (only instance I can remember eating cheese on a burger)
>Parmesan + breadcrumb exteriors are okay too (chicken parm is an easy example)
I may be missing one or two other examples but I've always been a freak about cheese. I started to chill out about it once I was 18 or so.

>> No.14087315

factory mayonnaise

so i never tried making homemade mayonnaise either

>> No.14087317

Kohlrabi is pure torture. sulfur and socks. Sweaty german men. Not a taty vegetable.

>> No.14087318

You first jerk

>> No.14087328

havent tried sushi yet

>> No.14087341
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>> No.14087345

if you do, start with something like a california roll or a crunchy roll. My first sushi I tried was some weird eel sushi shit and it put me off trying it again for years.

>> No.14087462

Never even knew kohlrabi was a german thing and doesn't even have a proper translation. Good to know.
Btt: I hate fucking celery

>> No.14087498

Instant macaroni and cheese. I can hardly even look at it without gagging.

I would probably never even try marmite or natto, but those are the only things I can think of.

>> No.14087508

Most condiments and dressings freak me out. Ketchup, mustard, mayo, relish, ranch are all disgusting to me even on a visual level. People call my food plain or boring a lot

>> No.14087529

My family drinks buttermilk. It makes me gag instantly.
I also stay away from yoghurt and soft cheeses, and especially cream cheese.

>> No.14087545

I fried the picky eater nerve in my brain. Somewhere between trying sauerkraut for the first time and trying peanutbutter with mayonnaise or adding mayo to a peanutbutter banana sandwich. Now I see through the veil, and look forward to trying different shit together to find those hidden golden combos. Currently have a couple jars of beets eggs and onions pickling in the fridge.

>> No.14087554

Micheal Cornflakes (yes that Micheal Cornflakes) was shocked to see his sons fucking their hands instead of their sisters he had assigned them, so he ordered all penis casings to be removed at birth to prevent masturbation.

>> No.14087555

mayo. im traumatized by the post-soviet mayo culture and the atrociois cooking it results in.
russians bake it, dress the salads, douse it over just about any food, i cant percieve the fucking sauce normally because of if
the fact that it's too fatty and the taste is meh is secondary

>> No.14087561

> mfw it's now the foreskin thread

>> No.14087883

I can't even eat sweet potato, I have read somewhere that some are intensely intolerant to it and for some reason it is one of the few things the body can help you tell because those affected hate the sweet taste. I wish I could eat it because it is a healthy, cheap and objectively good-tasting.

>> No.14087892

Are you seriously trying to imply pickled eggs are weird?

>> No.14087900

Parsnip, swede, yams etc
I dont like any sweet vegetable except carrot if that counts

>> No.14087910

If I eat salt, it has to be kosher salt.

>> No.14088361

Har har. For non UK citizens, welsh "rarebit" is pretty much cheese on toast, but it's more like a gooey cheese sauce. No rabbits involved.

>> No.14088570

Most raw fruits, which really fucking sucks cause I know it's irrational but for the life of me I can't get over it.

I'm fine with literally anything else.

>> No.14088602

Seafood. Everything seems to have this horrible stench to it, no matter what it is if it comes out of the ocean. Even nori tastes awful to me.

That said, I was deathly allergic to fish - even freshwater fish - when I was young and to this day all fish smells horrible to me.

>> No.14088665

I used to love mushrooms as a kid, then something happened and I couldn't stomach them anymore. My folks believe I ate a bad one at some point and got sick. I wish I still liked them, I have fond memories of them.

>> No.14088810

I have never stomached onions, tomatoes and mushrooms.
Although after doing a lot of research on mushrooms I'm open to trying them slowly. Onions and tomatoes feels like eating membranes.

>> No.14088868

I don't like the taste of bananas or anything banana flavoured. I also don't like boiled eggs because of the smell and slimy texture. Sauerkraut. Cold sliced ham. Kidneys smell like piss. Liverwurst tastes like peppery goop. Spaghetti carbonara makes me gag. That's all I can think of for now.

>> No.14089201

I cannot eat mushrooms either. The texture combined with the taste is something that seems like it shouldn't exist. Wet, yet crunchy, but at the same time the taste is like something that has gone off.

Tomatoes I like though. I have tomatoes as snacks, however the local variety here is rather sweet and small. The texture of the flesh isn't grainy either.