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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14071969 No.14071969 [Reply] [Original]

I've had my first case of gout, at the age of 28. I took it as a sign that I need to make drastic lifestyle changes. I've now gone seven full days without any meat, and I want to fucking kill myself. All of the recipes I know are rich and meaty. I need some recipes besides vegetable soup and salad, and I'm allergic to coconut, avocado, and bananas, so a lot of vegetarian and vegan recipes are out the window.
I plan on making lentils and rice for dinner tomorrow night, and that's as creative as I have gotten. Please give me some recipes to make me forget about real food, or alternatively, make fun of me for being so fucking fat and lazy that I got gout. I've never been so depressed over something I did to myself.

>> No.14071975
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You gotta replace one addiction with another, OP. Try learning guitar, a sport, or something constructive. Are you gay, if that matters?

>> No.14071992

It could be worse i guess. I got gout at 28 too and im pretty thin. Drank way too much in my twenties but was otherwise fit. Anyway, try eating more curry(tumeric) and things good for your joints. Get used to staying hydrated if that isnt already a habit. If youre lucky it wont impact your life much at all after a while.

>> No.14071993

I play a few different instruments, guitar being one of them. Pretty much my only hobbies are cooking and playing music, anymore, and I really don't cook much at home because I do it for a living, and I'm almost always at work.
I'm not gay but I've been celibate for two years now.

>> No.14071998

drink cherry juice problem solved

>> No.14072005

Curry is a good idea, I could curry the fuck out of a lot of things. I drink a lot of water but also too much soda and coffee flavored milkshakes from my towns knockoff version of Starbucks. I haven't had a drink since January, but I also spent a good chunk of my twenties drinking heavily. Do you still get flare ups or have your lifestyle changes led to a permanent cure? That's what I'm most worried about.

>> No.14072008

I fucking hate cherries.

>> No.14072017

Thanks, Phil.

>> No.14072111

fuck you
no problem

>> No.14072172

I went on a gout friendly diet for 2 months after my first and second flareups. Introduced alcohol with low or no purines after while continuing cardio daily. Went back to my old lifestyle but with a bit less meat after month 3. I get extremely minor joint pain maybe every third month now, but eh, i love drinking. Just keep in mind 8+ hour flights might give you a flareup.

>> No.14072181

do you hate them more than having the gout?

>> No.14072187

Also oops. Meant to also say ive always had minor joint pain, but gout was a hassle. And dont dig yourself into a hole where youre out of shape and its too painful to exercise properly or you mite b fukt.

>> No.14072195

Post songs/tunes

>> No.14072206

>being white
and we mudslimes get shit bc we choose not to eat pork. The lowest tier protein out there. Lemme hear more cope from the niggas with gluten allergies and lactose intolerance.

>> No.14072866

Condolences, gout flareups are nasty. Do a search on low purine foods.

>> No.14072907
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>live like an animal
>shocking health crisis
>huh better go fucking nuts and live off distilled water and cabbage
Why can't whites just eat a balanced diet consisting of mostly vegetables and a reasonable (~300g cooked weight) portion of meat once or twice a week.

And does it really have to be either steamed unsalted boneless tenderloin all the time or XXX-TREEEM habanero ghost pepper bear spray dumped over gross-out "weird food" andrew zimmern novelty testicles? Can't you just enjoy a standard cut like tongue or cheek or flap steak?

>> No.14072918

Filtered, thank you for posting with a trip

>> No.14072923

My Dad has gout. You don't have to never eat those purine rich foods again but you do need to cut down on them drastically. There's also some foods you can add to your diet that will help your body break down the purines.

>> No.14072933

very cringe post

>> No.14072936

here's a you

>> No.14072938

>Can't you just enjoy a standard cut like tongue or cheek or flap steak?
organ meats are out when you have gout

>> No.14072952

Try limiting yourself to 2-3 servings of meat per week, maybe stick to fish. Try adding yogurt or kefir to your diet, those might help
People eat too much meat nowadays anyway. What everyone needs is a balanced diet, not any of the extremes on the vegan/carnist spectrum bullshit

>> No.14072959

Being healthy and eating healthy is not hard, it's not complicated, it's not a trade secret and does not require any special skills or knowledge.

If you're not able to take care of yourself like a adult human being you do not deserve to breath the same air as capable people on this planet.

There's absolutely no excuse for being stupid or not knowing something in 2020.

>> No.14072979

>I've had my first case of gout, at the age of 28
Lmao nice genes fatboy.
Answers here mostly suck.
Drink coffee.
Avoid HFCS.
Eat a cherry.
Post results next week.

>> No.14073247

Doesn't that only apply to organs doing chemical shut? Tongue and heart are basically muscles.

>> No.14073272

Stop eating carbs and inflammation will go away

>> No.14073277

Stop breathing and your stupidity will go away.

>> No.14073281

>lentils and rice
Kek you’re going to make it worse, lentils cause gout

>> No.14073291

I don't think that's how gout works. It's a buildup of uric acid that causes crystals in the joints or something. Carbs cause arterial inflammation.

>> No.14073332

Ugh. I used to be super fit. Had bad hip injury. Now working full time with 2 kiddos and used to be a long commute. I have put on a good 15 pounds I need to shed, but it feels impossible sometimes.

>> No.14073365

OP here, I also used to be a /fit/ guy, until I fucked up my hip and knee in a car accident two years ago. It's not like I couldn't stay in shape, after I recovered, but I kept eating like I still worked out, and then just never worked out again. Then I was out of work for a couple of months due to wuflu, and I did nothing but sit around and eat. I started running a couple of days before I caught the gout, and went back to my old diet of lean meat and veggies, but I guess it was too little too late.

>> No.14073387

Am*riKKKoids think anything that isn't boneless skinless tendies is basically equivalent to eating cobra prostates

>> No.14073393

see a Dr faggot

>> No.14073401

>eating cobra prostates

>> No.14073424
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How bad does it hurt? I drink heavily and eat a lot of meat. Hopefully my genes aren’t a trigger for it

>> No.14073441

I did, yesterday. I only got enough super nsaids for ten days, and was told to stop being fat, which I was already working on.
It started off where I could ignore it, and then got worse every day until I couldn't get my shoe on or walk on my foot. I limped around for a week before I went to the doctor.

>> No.14073445

Celebat on purpose or Not? Former sex addict?

>> No.14073446

I don't know what you're talking about, I loved my organ meat as much as I loved red muscle meat. That's why I have gout, you retard.

>> No.14073449

>was told to stop being fat
I like doctors who speak plainly.

>> No.14073450
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I drink alcohol and eat meat every day. Need to start drinking more cherry juice

>> No.14073454

they would do blood work and make you go back asap.

>> No.14073460

On purpose, I got tired of banging sluts and decided that I wouldn't bang any girl until I found one I could really have a relationship with. After I took sex out of the equation, I haven't been able to find a girl I can talk to without feeling like I'm pulling teeth.

>> No.14073463

arthritis in general is extremely painful and demoralising. getting gout was what triggered my eventual journey to sobriety. it was especially bad for me because i like to walk a lot.

>> No.14073467

I did get blood work, and the blood work confirmed what the doctor saw immediately after I took off my shoe. I got a script for indomethacin and colchicine and was told to stop being fat. Where do you live, where labs don't come back after an hour or two?

>> No.14073492

Walking was about the only exercise I got for a long time, outside of the running around I do at work.
For those who think I'm morbidly obese, I'm 6'2" and 230lbs, which don't get me wrong, is fat, I have a gut and man tits, but I didn't think it was bad enough to get gout. Until I got gout.
I'm only staying off meat until I drop thirty pounds and stop having gout, and then I'll bring lean meat back in until I get back down to 180.

>> No.14073524


>> No.14073557
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>> No.14073572
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Left foot isn't as swollen today, probably because of the medicine the doctor gave me.

>> No.14073656

Here's a little ditty I've been playing with.

>> No.14073748


>> No.14073875

Ok fags, gout fag here. I got gout at 21 and am currently 26. ive had gout in practically every joint in my feet, my toes, and my knees. Ive even had trophi in my ears. ive been through all the ups and downs and the meds. its a crazy fucking disease. ask me questions and save yourself problems. imma drop some knowledge bombs. i was a phyics/biochem in college and got fucked by my doctors too many times so i started doing my own research.

MEDS: so gout is a funny problem, and a very profitable one for drug companies. the most profitable ones are the ones you cant stop taking without being fucked in the ass. most work to treat your symptoms while killing you. do your own research and read about these drugs before you ruin your life.

this is an anti inflammatory that isnt technically an antiinflamitory. not all of its pathways are fully researched so take everything about this drug with a grain of salt. it inhibits mitosis by disrupting production of microtubules. it doesnt let your body react to monosodium urate crystal buildup and there are some sources that claim it helps to break them up. IT DOES NOT EXPELL, FILTER, OR BREAK DOWN URIC ACID. it is not a solution for high uric acid levels, it is a solution for only the symptoms. i have a story on this later.

>allopurinol and others
these drugs are xanthine oxidase inhibitors. xanthine oxidase is an enzyme that breaks down purines and purine derivatives from food and waste to turn them into uric acid. why does this happen? because our body can not filter purines by itself. it NEEDS this mechanism to get rid of purine wastes because otherwise they build up in the body. while there are no immediate consequences, expect your skin to start falling off in 10-15 years and your organs to slowly shut down. have fun.

a very strong NSAID that is super effective in stopping gout attacks and commonly prescribed alongside colchicine. ONE SMALL FUCKING PROBLEM. its an antiuricosuric.

>> No.14073894

Yes that’s my problem too. Just continuing to eat the way I used to eat but not exercising the way I used to exercise —-

>> No.14073896

How bad do you have to fuck up to get gout. In your fucking 20s?

29 year old here.

>> No.14073904

just drink a lot and have genetic predisposition

>> No.14073914

Wouldn't opiates work long term? I don't know how painful gout is but something like tilidine is way safer and stronger than diclofenac

T. Been taking opiates for 7 months now

>> No.14073923

antiuricosuric drugs are drugs that help to RETAIN serum uric acid levels. what dat mean? means you dont piss out uric acid, you hold all of it in, but the gout goes away, so you just save up MORE for next time.

my current salvation. a very old drug and fairly cheap to make, therefore it is not common to prescribe because you dont need a salvo of drugs and dont have organ failure leading to more treatments. it is a uricosuric which is what you want. it works by inhibiting uric acid reabsorption in your kidneys making you piss out more of it.

FOOD: so ive tried a fuckton of diets and talked to a lot of people with gout. ive learned that something that works for one person doesnt necessarily work for other people.

>red wine
this shit will lay me out in 2 glasses, ive tried a few times and each time has been disastrous. i literally cant drink wine anymore, or eat rasins, and i stay away from grapes for good measure.
personally ive noticed no change in uric acid levels weather my diet had a lot of low levels of red meat.
lobster fucks me up a little bit but not too much. i can stand eating a good bit with only minor aches the next day.
for some reason, every time i have a minor attack my body craves orange juice. while medically sugar is supposed to be bad, orange juice somehow helps me deal with with it better. i have no idea, it just fucking works
i have both cherry pills and cherry juice, its pretty cool, pretty tasty, and i like it. however, ive seen no effect on my gout attacks in terms of intensity or frequency.

some things i forgot to mention: my dad and grandad both had gout in their middle years. i got fucked by genes and i also drank a lot. my uric acid levels were a stable 14-17 when i had blood tests done before i forced my bitch of a doctor to put me on probenecid. i bought a home uric acid tester and its been doing good work for me showing 4.6-6.8 on average.

>> No.14073937
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figure out what foods work for you and against you. get a uric acid meter. AND FUCKING DRINK WATER. i cant stress enough how much drinking more water is integral to the whole foundation of managing gout. it only gets filtered if you drink more water. also if you have probenecid you will naturally be thirsty all the fucking time, but if for some reason you dont drink water while taking it you will get kidney stones. fair warning. ive been forgetting to post some pictures but i will now. heres a gout attack. ive had none since swapping meds tho but this was last year.

>> No.14073940

>Had gout in my 30's.
>Doc told me it was because my BP is 150/110 and killing my kidneys
>Got on BP medication
>Now drink and eat steaks without issue
for some people, fixing your BP is enough for your kidneys to recover to a state where they start processing purines again. i'm lucky i guess

>> No.14074003
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heres a rundown of a bad attack from a gout fag. the first time i had gout i thought i broke my right ankle. i went to the er and had people freak out because my BP was 220 and they throught my heart was fucking up. the pain is something that is difficult to explain but imagine this:

your foot is locked in a vice and you are being ripped away from your foot, the outside of your ankle has torn and all of the other fibers are about to be torn, but whoever is pulling you stopped and just left you there. this pain lasts for 8-13ish hours without abating. it blanks your mind and makes you want to just chop off your leg and live as a cripple. every time your heart beats it hurts MORE and MORE so you cant get used to it. eventually you start to pass out from the paint in 20 minute intervals before being worken up by the pain again. ankle pain is the absolute worst because the inflammation has nowhere to go.

in terms of using opiates as a long term solution look up gout trophi. if monosodium urate (the crystals) is left alone, it grows and turns into yellow masses in your joins called trophi causing permanent, irreversible damage. these progress insanely fast when your joins are exposed to cold, since cold temperatures significantly lower the concentration needed for monosodium urate to form. i saw this first hand when i had some minor frostbite on my ears and afterward there were these ugly white cotton-like growths at the tips of my ears. i cut them open and tried to clean them out but they only really disappeared when i lowered my uric acid.

>> No.14074022

and there we have it. it wasn't your terrible diet and life choices. it's genetics.

>> No.14074037
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heres the story i promised. so i believed my doc and sat on colchicine for a while, but i needed to work at my lake house something crazy for a few days throwing around logs and carrying heavy shit in very ugly terrain. well it turns out when you have a lot of crystals and you put a lot of pressure on your joins, attacks erupt regardless of what shitty drugs you take. i was in misery for a good 4 days as the attack started from my right foot, ravaged it, and then moved to my left. in those 4 days i drank more water than i thought i had. thank god i like to stock up. heres what i pissed out in 4 days. notice the color.

>> No.14074064

Did you drink a lot of water before that?
I’ve drank about a gallon a day for the past 6 years

>> No.14074087

there were times when i was working too much or gaming too much where i didnt drink enough but mainly my problem was that i didnt like water so i drank drinks, sugary or not as long as it was flavored. i also had a shitty habbit of not drinking a lot of water when i drank alcohol, which was frequent. I've since gotten used to water and drink a fuckton of it.

if youre talking about that specific situation, it was after i started drinking lots of water. my problem is that my body is really good at retaining uric acid. its probably a genetic fuckup i got from my dads side as he has the same thing. my urine uric acid levels are fairly normal if im not taking meds, but my serum uric acid levels are crazy elevated.

>> No.14074088

Yeah, I get it, I fucked up. I'm fully aware that my lifestyle choices fucked me up, I get it, you don't have to keep telling me. I went for a run today, as painful as it was, after posting earlier. I'm working on it.
Thanks, I don't want to take a bunch of drugs all the time. I don't hardly drink, so it's got to be the meat and the soda for me, I'll just keep up the diet. I already drink a lot of water, but I've always been a slave to the carbonated Jew. My hillbilly folks put cola in my bottle when I was a baby, and they're proud of it and will tell anyone. It's a miracle my teeth are only just recently beginning to bother me.

>> No.14074100

>Yeah, I get it, I fucked up
Good, because it's fucking embarrassing. I'm glad you're working on it, but remember that people thought you were a fucking idiot when you got gout in your 20s any time you even think about going back to how you did things that lead you to getting gout.

>> No.14074111

Do you think cherry juice helps at all?

>> No.14074113

Oh, ur probs fine then. Thought you might be fuckhueg but guess ur just unlucky. Rip and gl

>> No.14074137
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in my case i cant survive without probenecid and its the only drug i can recommend. do yourself a favor and get yourself a meter. if you dont see your levels go down with your diet then go from there. changing things and hoping for the best without seeing proof is a good way to save up some painful experiences. pic related. a few protips: draw blood from your forearm, double prick the hole after wiping with alcohol. make sure you have a fat drop of blood as an insufficient fill will fuck your readings.

i am this guy >>14073923 i mentioned it. personally for me, i dont see any effect. but i love the taste and drink it sometimes anyway. ive sat on it during attacks along with tart cherry pills and all it did was give me heartburn. didnt prevent anything either. but like i said different food impact differently depending on the person theyre ingested by. this is just my experience

>> No.14074435

Do you guys with gout feel like you are sweating a lot and/or smell more than average ?

> got my first flareup at 22 , I'm 34 now, and aside from some NSAID never took any treatment (I'm fit since 24).
Whenever I do cardio I literally soak my shirt in less than 20min and however I take care of myself if wear any synthetic textile for 6hours it will start to smell.

Lately I started to think that it was maybe linked but I don't have many people to compare with, not that it will change anything.

>> No.14074545

Height & Weight?

>> No.14074568


I'm >>14074435
1m79 79kg (was about 105kg when I was 22)

>> No.14074576

In imperial pls. I don’t know metric

>> No.14074656


Do vegiterean italian dishes. Lots of cheese and herbs to make it rich enough. You might also start craving truffle (either in oil or just cut raw) as alot of vegetareans are. But there are alot of easy rich dishes, just look for asian ones. you can make fried rice or some woked stir fry. The cuisine in that regard is thai, alot of fresh stuff, try spicy papaya salad or veggie laab.

>> No.14074751

Did you not see the word and

>> No.14075382

I haven't had a flareup in a while but when I did I would chug a half-gallon of tart cherry juice and it would be gone by afternoon
real juice from a health food store, not a juice cocktail or whatever