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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 474x474, BWB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14038297 No.14038297 [Reply] [Original]

name ONE flaw

>> No.14038306
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>> No.14038314


>> No.14038315

that webm where he ties to pour out of a dutch oven right where the handle is

>> No.14038338

>Hairy arms

>> No.14038364

Absolutely unable to communicate with others in real time without coming of as a massive sperg. All of his guest episodes or when he's a guest on another show himself are absolute cringe fests I can't bear to watch. It's absolutely clear he can't hold a conversation and I don't know why he keeps trying.

>> No.14038371

>can't really cook
should I continue?

>> No.14038637

whats wrong with some ink?

>> No.14038672

>manly features

I bet you like your sissies shaved, don’t you?

>> No.14038679
File: 55 KB, 1078x606, 1584057400556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea nothing wrong with some cool ass tats

>> No.14038688

Made recipes too complicated even when the original recipe was something mundane.

>> No.14038694

>should I continue?

>> No.14038750

1. Bald
2. Short
3. Literal beta male
4. Can't cook for shit
5. Not a trained chef--why should I give a shit about his opinions on cooking?

>> No.14038761

>implying you'd do better
fucking lmao, You're even more detached than he is if you think you can function in a conversation better, take a quick look at the fucking URL ^ faggot.
Babby is based, makes good food and has much more enjoyable content than the other shit tier foodtubers out there (ex. Joshua Weissman or Sam the Cooking Guy, who talks nonstop with barely any actual content like a 6th grade English teacher). You seething Reddit immigrants are trying way too hard to fit in.

>> No.14038763

Who's the guy on the left? I recognize Brad on the right.

>> No.14038783

he brings out the worst posters on /ck/

>> No.14038791

looks like chris

>> No.14038800
File: 2.76 MB, 428x606, babish1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14038805
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>> No.14038846

He cant cook

>> No.14038893
File: 2.49 MB, 2610x4640, 1567121149432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too many meme recipes
>Basics arent basics at all
>Cant explain or teach fundamental skills
>Makes videos on his first attempts at recipes
>Sleepy looking
One of the better ones, good for inspiration for people to start cooking. Makes it look cool and shoots well.

>> No.14038924

spotted the redditor

>> No.14038933

spotted the simpoid

>> No.14038934

kocher salt.
just use normal salt you fucking hipster.

>> No.14038952

Haughty, typical white guy confidence except he can't cook or explain cooking for shit.

>> No.14038977

>Makes videos on his first attempts at recipes
This is the best part. His screw ups make it more entertaining.

>> No.14038978

what do you mean white guy confidence?

>> No.14038988

A unique sort of unearned arrogance. Only achievable if you are a coddled whitey.

>> No.14038994

Are you by any chance white?

>> No.14039000


>> No.14039003


>> No.14039007


>> No.14039012


>> No.14039014

He really has no idea what he's doing. This video really shows the difference between a real chef and a meme chef, there's also a lot of body language stuff going on and Babish just comes across as the biggest fucking pussy.

>> No.14039022

>1k dislikes
sounds like ur wrong buddy

>> No.14039034

This video, along with many other videos by this guy, is an utter disaster.

>> No.14039036

Okay. But I'm not though.

>> No.14039054

Not the anon you're replying to but I skipped to the end of that link and the fat on the chicken isn't even rendered. Can't even roast a chicken thigh properly. 0/10

>> No.14039070

Fuck. This video makes me sad. This fool is a menace to culinary society.

>> No.14039267

idubz is that you? wonna watch your gf's nudes together?

>> No.14039399

Too many meme recipes and dumb humor. Glosses over important information regularly. Acts like a faggot around other people. Did a collab with (((weissman)))

>> No.14039417

>t. Babby
lol faggot go grow a head of hair

>> No.14039433

Aside from shilling for blue apron, what exactly was out of order in this video? I'm not too familiar with his work and what he's doing right/wrong.

>> No.14039437

>his carbonara got roasted so hard he had to buy everything authentic in order to not get dabbed on again
my problem with babish is that he takes the original recipes too seriously in some cases and the "babish" versions are extremely complex and tryhard for no fucking reason at all
lets compare the white castle burgers
>original version
>doesnt just make small patties
>has to freeze them for authenticity and cut them exactly into squares while putting the 5 holes in them for the onion steam
>babish version
>doesnt just make sliders
>has to grind his own beef, make those obnoxiously disgusting cheese crisps and add 15 steps to a white castle burger
its far better as entertainment than it is any respectible recipe or guide

>> No.14039442


>> No.14039451

I've actually seen that one. Must've been one of, if not the first of his videos I watched. Blocked his content afterwards.

>> No.14039560

>cooking rice in oven
Needless waste of energy for nearly identical (probably worse) results than a rice cooker or stovetop
>salting rice water
???????? Fucking why? He could bother to explain himself, but nah.
>shows off his wok for no reason, doesn't use it cause burner isn't hot enough
Why the fuck does he own it then?
>shrimp, cubed ham, mushroom, peas
This combination should speak for itself. Along with his clumpy overcooked egg.
>"make sure to pick up every individual ham cube and inspect for brownness"
??????? The fuck? Is he trolling us?
>seasons with equal parts oyster sauce and soy sauce
Clearly just cooking out of his ass here. Asian dish? Soy sauce and oyster sauce!
>uses sesame seeds as a mix-in yet doesn't use sesame oil to fry the rice
>throws in butter at last minute in a futile gesture to salvage blandness
>still clumps of white rice by the end of the video
>presents his fried rice with a pair of chopsticks that he will probably never learn how to actually use

It's amazing how much effort he puts into what's supposed to be a low effort dish, and yet somehow it ends up looking pig disgusting and bland.

For fuck's sake, all that rice and one puny clove of garlic? And no sort of spice? Even a little black pepper would go a long way. Seriously looks worse than Panda Express.

>> No.14039566

he has a girlfriend instead of a boiwife (me)

>> No.14039569

That‘s impossible chief.

>> No.14039598

Well, Babish? You got a response?

>> No.14039646

Fair points, the lack of additional spices (unless you count salt for cooking the rice) is unusual to say the least.

>> No.14039655

MRA types on 4chan don't like tattoos, especially on women because it reminds them that said women are over 18.

>> No.14039717

I was gonna say this, but a shaved head with full facial hair gets pussy.

>> No.14039724

>name ONE flaw
That time he poured meat sauce like a retard and made a mess just so it 'looked more pleasing to the camera' and in fact looked worse.

>> No.14039727

get out more old man

>> No.14039785

Why did he pour it from one pot to an identical pot?

>> No.14039934

showing off the 'pour handle' feature

>> No.14040046

Fucking beat me to it. Also: manlet.

>> No.14040096

t. seething tattooed roastie

>> No.14040157

Probably has the least education and experience of any decent YouTuber. Also is pompous and his humor is really cringe. He was just a novel person recreating cartoon and movie foods, now he thinks he’s an actual celebrity chef

>> No.14040275

>now he thinks he’s an actual celebrity chef
this, I got a lot of disdain for him after he started organizing contests just to meet him.

>> No.14040279

Soycuck look

>> No.14040307

Most of his recipes are overcomplicated tryhard shit.
>using uneven amounts of whites and yolks in eggs basics video

>> No.14040314

You can feel the gradual increase in ego/pretension he developed, what with his life vlog channel and whatnot. Good on him for clawing his way up, becoming wealthy, and attaining fame, but shame for not maintaining some humility.

>> No.14040398

>nothing wrong with some cool ass tats
100% not possible and there is no such thing as a "cool ass tatt".
also, no such thing as a "cool tatt".
all tattoos are shit.

>> No.14040403
File: 17 KB, 103x87, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who holds a mug like this?
just this weirdo.

>> No.14040411

>implying hairy arms are manly
hair don't grow on steel.

>> No.14040412

>typical white guy confidence
he's not even close to white.

>> No.14040414

>quoting the like/dislike ratio as if it's a point of evidence of quality

>> No.14040479 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 698x1284, 1587832624878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a flaw, pal

>> No.14040533
File: 2.34 MB, 281x193, 1510135694583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only it had a pair of handles to tip the contents out with so you wouldn't make a big fucking mess

>> No.14040568

Not him but most tattoos look like shit. Honestly I think I’ve only seen military and bikers pull it off, they usually look faggy on everyone else unless they are ripped as fuck and they aren’t in a shit place.

>> No.14040586

Tattoos aren't inherently bad but I think it's kind of silly to have (of all things) cooking utensils inked on to your body. Something subtle or symbolic is fine but pictures of things is just stupid.

>> No.14040610

yeah, tip the chunky liquid out the flat side wider than the receiving pot

>> No.14040627

That anon isn't running a cooking series with guests tho, so his ability or lack thereof to hold conversation in real time is immaterial.

>> No.14040628

that's something I'd expect jack to do

>> No.14040644

>??????? The fuck? Is he trolling us?
That's simply his faggot le sardonc 'wit' brand of humour. He does that shit all the time. I can't remember what video but he kept using a dish or ingrediant's name a lot in a string of sentences so then glibly said something to the effect of you 'Y'know, I'm sick of saying X, Iet's call it [some random madeup nonsense name] for now'

>> No.14040646

He looks like the human equivalent of rotting foot. You know how you have good tans and bad tans? Well you have healthy glowing paleness and a dirty palor. He has the latter. Man looks ill.

>> No.14040650

Kek, I remember this vid where he 'apologises' for his arm hairs looking weird cause he got 'fresh ink'. You wouldn't notice it for shit, he was simply being a faggot unnecessarily drawing attention to his stupid tattoo

>> No.14040652

still less faggy than christcucks wearing crosses

>> No.14040658


>> No.14040683

His autism and simultaneous lack superpower. He’s good at nothing

>> No.14040692

you reckon he draws little eyes showing different emotions in there when he's bored in accounting class?

>> No.14040698

>simp is what reddit calls whiteknights now, look its trending on twitter
>ahh im spotted, time to double down.
yeah it didn't work first time, aint going to work the second time, tourist.

>> No.14040750
File: 77 KB, 900x900, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prefer to watch professional chefs

>> No.14040779

Chris Morocco from Bon Appetit.

>> No.14040795

Based Bruno

>> No.14040830

it's a round pot, not a square one. even if it is oval, whatever the result is, it would be better than that

>> No.14041005

>jewtube celebrity "cooks"

>> No.14041017
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>> No.14041021

tatoos are for low class scum

>> No.14041036

so is christianity and nationalism

>> No.14041040

sadly that's how the world works now, anon

>> No.14041044

take your meds schizo

>> No.14041052

I'm not the one believing in jewish space wizards raising people from the dead

>> No.14041059

He's as good a cook as any faggot who calls himself a "foodie" but has the balls to call himself a chef (says he doesn't to look humble, still does on his website). Plus he'd shill for fuckin ebola if they sponsored him.

>> No.14041060

you were the one who brought up nationalism and Christianity though??

>> No.14041064

>"his laziness is a good quality!"

Cunt doesn't even develop with his own recipes - googles them and cooks the top result.

>> No.14041066

I just asserted they are for low class people - which is true by every statistic - the poorer you are the more religious you are

>> No.14041067

>TV show portrays a food item from real life forgotten to time
>This fucker makes a video about that item
>Title suggests he's gonna make the food item from an original recipe he got his hands on
>Or at least that he had tastes the item and is going to try and recreate it
>He actually has no idea what it tasted like
>He just got 4 random recipes, none of which is for the exact original item
>Continues to follow the recipes
>Has no way to even confirm which one is closer to the original
Clickbait shit.

>> No.14041079

ok now you really need to take your meds

>> No.14041080

ok christcuck

>> No.14041089

take your meds right now

>> No.14041105

do people really flip shrimp one at a time?

>> No.14041144

"white". i love that term. it is used by morons to explain what they don't understand. both "white" supremacists and anti-racists use the term. they imagine they refer to some monolith when they use it. as if there is some "whiteness" out there. and yet, "white" people look different, vote different, earn different amounts of money, speak different languages and in different accents, live in different places, wouldn't like each other if they met each other, etc. there doesn't appear to be anything which keeps "white" people together. and yet, they still get referred to as "white". such is the impoverished imagination of the mentally retarded (white supremacists and their counterparts - the "anti-racists"). they, like a child, conceive of a box with two windows, a door and a mailbox and try to convince you it is a house. but to everybody with a brain, it is nothing but a a juvenile abstraction - a stupid and literal representation of a house, cute with the context of the age of the artist, but embarrassing when that age grows into double digits. a simple model of the world in which all of ones problems can be ascribed to the machinations of a conglomerated bogeyman. for the conspiracy minded "POC" it is the "whites". for the conspiracy minded "whites" it is the "jews". to any thinking man, you are just retarded. read a book. any book. and if you don't grow beyond such a simple understanding of the world, commit suicide. for you are retarded and only making life harder for your betters.

>> No.14041153

Pretty sure at this point the basics videos are just him trying to humblebrag and show off some sort of new cool appliance he got

>> No.14041159

I'm a biologist and I actually went on to write a fucking essay trying to explain nicely why you are wrong here but fuck it, it's not my business to educate you and you are not worthy of my time. You harass people behind your mighty computer screen in your free time. I'm sorry, but you have to admit, that's kind of pathetic. I'm saying this on a friendly note, this is not mentally healthy, neither for you nor for the rest of us. Get some help and do something good with your life. We are not gonna be here forever. Don't be an ass. Make a positive difference in this world. Be kind. Be compassionate.

>> No.14041170

im drunk and have time. if you have arguments, lay them out.

>> No.14041175
File: 743 KB, 2220x1080, babish is a manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances are it's another one of those things he's seen a cook do somewhere and does it. Like I've seen some super-passionate linecooks and chefs with like knife tattoos but this is dwarfed by the amount of "RIP NAY-NAY 1995-2015" type tats.

You'll notice pretty quick that Babish has a weird habit of just sorta mindlessly imitating stuff he saw people do somewhere without really knowing why they do it. Great example is his obsession with plating spaghetti with a carving fork. It's something that can be just as easily done with a pair of tongs that he'd probably be using anyways, but insists on doing it because he saw it done in the movie Chef and probably saw some cook doing it to show off.

Also look at how much of a scrawny manlet he is

>> No.14041190

I never saw someone come as unculture as you did in this post

>> No.14041193

that video really proved he is not a legitimate cook. but i still like his videos.

>> No.14041194

He got the carving fork that was used in the movie Chef from John Favreau, makes sense he'd use it dont ya think?

>> No.14041241

He did that shit well before he was given that as a gift

>> No.14041252

oh umm that was a copypasta anon. sorry

>> No.14041262
File: 315 KB, 1125x1834, 6C651C2D-067F-4F8B-A044-79D9A456CA31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was gonna say this, but a shaved head with full facial hair gets pussy.

>> No.14041266
File: 219 KB, 968x832, 4FF92B84-61D4-4A74-935B-610F2B2DF2EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck wrong image lmao

>> No.14041279

that's OK.

>> No.14041281

It's more symbolic of your roastie hivemind behavior.

>> No.14041282

You may want to diversify your portfolio a bit anon.

>> No.14041754

well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle turquoise

>> No.14041988

Baby daddy

>> No.14042010

lmao nice fucking slip, poorfag. wannabe baby stonks pussy ass bitch

>> No.14042013
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>> No.14042049

he keeps pushing his girlfriend in my face.

>> No.14042388


>> No.14042414

Too bad he gets manass instead

>> No.14042706

Who gives a shit about you penny stonks. I hope they crash so that I can see you turn into the physical manifestation of pink wojack.

>> No.14042792

His huevos rancheros recipe was actually really good
Well I changed it up a bit, but still

>> No.14042968

still lmao at this shit. you played your pussy ass self

>> No.14042987

his tats are shit tier chef arm tats

>> No.14043006


The holy trinity.

>> No.14043012

>calling tattoos "ink"

You really need to fuck off back to your plebbit hugboy, cocksucker.

>> No.14043229


You fucking crazy, dog. You could've easily gotten across the same point by saying "I don't see race."

>> No.14043247
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He isn't a real chef like pic related.

>> No.14043366

Okay. This is off topic. That seems like a pretty big flaw.

>> No.14043963

How do I into stonks ? /biz/ is shit

>> No.14044490
File: 58 KB, 636x546, Messermeister-Park-Plaza-Forged-Carving-Fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still find it hilarious the one he got a tattoo of isn't the movie one

>> No.14044536


That disgusting watery hollandaise at the beginning of all his videos

>> No.14045577

>recording failures and showing them is more time and editing

>> No.14045581
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>> No.14046088

>salting rice water
This one's a gimme. It soaks into the rice instead of layering on top.

Imagine cooking pasta in unsalted water and then adding salt to it in the pan.

>> No.14046256

it saddens me that there are americans out there thinking they have learnt to cook through this persons videos

>> No.14046327
File: 18 KB, 498x520, confu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has to be a joke

>> No.14047043

>salting rice water

This is actually very tasty

>> No.14047064

he's huwh*te

>> No.14048195

>Class = money
Spotted the American

>> No.14048234

>MRA types
What do combat rations have to do with this?

>> No.14048430

Maybe I'll try it someday. It just feels... wrong and pointless.

>> No.14048574

which episode is this from?

>> No.14048685

got a good laugh out of this

>> No.14049985


I'm pretty sure he did that on purpose

>> No.14050139

>posted 45 seconds after OP
samefag put me in the /r/4chan screenshot anyway

>> No.14050216

A lasagna episode

>> No.14050230

Babishs true beta colors shine whilst in the presents of men with more testosterone than him

>> No.14050312

Fuck me it was intentional. I had hoped the theory it was a "what not to do" moment was true, but no.

>> No.14050516
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>> No.14050545

It doesn't have a spout. The flow area over the wide edge of the oval would have been too massive.

>> No.14050560

>what is a ladle

>> No.14050819

LOL fucking lost

>> No.14050901

I find it really relatable in an uncomfortable way

>> No.14051737

if he would have took it by both handles and poured fast it would have worked.

>> No.14051749

have you got any examples in his videos cause I haven't noticed this

>> No.14051757

time consuming

>> No.14051931

everything about him is a flaw designed for people to consume his idiotic unnecessary recipes

>> No.14052126
File: 368 KB, 2560x1440, 1582353270398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he hasa a nice rolex

>> No.14052132

I want /tv/ and /v/ to leave

>> No.14052352


This. He is not really interested in teaching the viewers some techniques or cooking principles, his entire channel is just a big flex of his expensive kitchen and appliences. His lack of sincereness especially shows when he's shilling shitty meal subscription services, basically saying how great it is to blandly follow a recipe with pre packaged ingredients.

>> No.14052653

he exists

>> No.14052700

not enough anime food

>> No.14052762

Pretty sure it's because he got divorced right before doing these videos and is just trying to flex for his ex wife. Plus as a whole he has that "divorced suburban dad who buys a motorcycle and cosplays as a biker" vibe

>> No.14052793


>> No.14052808

Just watch the Bon Appetit episode he's featured in, he gets exposed hard

>> No.14052990
File: 424 KB, 559x558, 1587230001348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professing your faith in Christ and his values of forgiveness, humility, charity and love
>I have a food youtube so heres extra fashion to let others know the hobby I identify most with
It's almost like youre as much of a faggot as Babish

>> No.14053011

he doesn't know how to properly hold utensils.

he's bald

he's cringey

he's probably from buttfuck nowhere USA now living life as a gentrifier in Brooklyn with a lame ass knife tattoo because he cooks yknow

Bacon AMIRITE???

>> No.14053055

bald, tattoos, soi beard, glasses, tacky industrial style kitchen, pours meat sauce through the handle

>> No.14053110

On god fuck off if i want babish shill threads I'll go to r/food

>> No.14053228

This is an autistic level of analysis to put into a YouTube chef you dislike

>> No.14053840
File: 261 KB, 900x900, AATXAJxVdTWXRB9ll6WfJQ-0xMR8yd98ZG6jWS_i9g=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weissman is a lot better. i hope he blows up.

>> No.14053847

his cringy screen play with his girlfriend. I know not everyone's cut out for the camera, but it's ok to keep her in the living room while he cooks.

>> No.14053938

>coping this hard about terrible life decisions
fucking jej

>> No.14053978

tired of this fags outdated memes

>> No.14053994
File: 187 KB, 786x770, vinegary shits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14054036
File: 84 KB, 480x360, 1525911352203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be low test and still prematurely bald?

>> No.14054062
File: 95 KB, 1024x686, 1573662467452m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.14054065

Very common, as you'd know if you met people. The high test thing is low test cope.

>> No.14054097

Who the fuck keeps bumping this 2 day old fuck thread?

Seriously, fuck off back to cuckkit.

>> No.14054248

fpbp /thread

>> No.14054743
File: 2.16 MB, 1834x1069, wiseman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14054796

chris morroco has a wife and kids

he isn't gay

this is SHOCKING

I thought my gaydar was finely calibrated, but this changes everything. If chris is straight, then what next? fish walking on land?

>> No.14054814

How does having a wife and kids necessarily mean a person is not a mentally ill homosexual?

>> No.14054833
File: 138 KB, 1125x619, CC0BD465-8380-4FD7-B556-AB34516F9666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me stick my raw meat and buns together, cross contamination is a liberal myth

>> No.14054843
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, 1518715829809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14055975

God Tier:
>Chef John - legit recipes
>Spice N Pans - legit Chinese food recipes
>Bruno - food porn

Shit tier:
>OP and the rest

>> No.14056130

get rekt bobo

>> No.14056133


>> No.14056154

Honestly Spice N Pans is so based I can't even believe he's real

>> No.14056164

I really like Chris and his videos with the reverse engineering are some of the best things on that channel.

Does he have a tick or something? I’ve noticed in some videos that it looks like he jolts his jaw in between words or when he’s thinking. Editing seems to hide it at times. Just wondered if anyone else noticed

>> No.14056440

His girlfriend is actually retarded

>> No.14056473

depends how much money you have and if you do penny or regular.
a becky portfolio is extremely safe, otherwise be up to date on the latest memes to know trends

>> No.14056540

simp retard

>> No.14056586

raped and killed a young woman in '92

>> No.14056606


what are you afraid of?

>> No.14056629

>salting rice water
my indian friend who makes the single best basmati i've ever tasted salts his rice water

>> No.14056634

please be at least partially true

nevermind I'm just gonna meme it true: his girlfriend has the down's did you know that?

>> No.14056765

you need to wait 1 minute between posts retard

>> No.14056783
File: 72 KB, 622x466, IMG3822137017729723360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and pic related

>> No.14056830

Being poor, like most of /biz/

>> No.14056841

>dumps a whole unground rock of salt into pasta

>> No.14057049

>cured meats

>> No.14057058


>> No.14057068

Moon waffle episode he actually tries to eat a stick of butter wrapped in 99% caramel and considers it a failure. Simp adheres too close or not close enough at the worst points

>> No.14057455

>that one bon appetit episode where he gets super salty because of some light banter

>> No.14057569
File: 42 KB, 286x500, Please cry moar tears of impotent rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14057585
File: 141 KB, 1021x291, pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14057924

and being a cucked atheist soyboy faggot is higher class.