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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14006081 No.14006081 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone eat these for pleasure?

>> No.14006096

They are grossly expensive for what they are. I also had more than enough while I was an active duty infantryman in the army. If I can help it, I'll never have the displeasure of eating one again. When you're really hungry in the field, you'll happily eat it. when that's the only food you get for weeks on end, you end up disliking it after a few years

>> No.14006105

I heard they block your ass is it true

>> No.14006111

They are fucking fantastic if you're doing longer trips outdoors tho. I don't find the US MRE's that great, but some others are pretty good. Plus if you mix and match from online, you can build your own MREs that weigh fuck all and actually taste alright.

>> No.14006128

Not really
Yeah they are fine in that sense. I'd rather prepare my own "mre" in a backpacking/camping situation

>> No.14006138

Meals resisting exit

>> No.14006154

If they weren't so fucking expensive, I'd totally buy into this shit.
>inb4 that shit DIY MRE infographic

>> No.14006162

my wife was in the air force and she was part of a group that got to sample MREs. they're nutrient rich meals. if you eat more than half of one in one sitting, your shit is going to be rock hard. this is according to her...i've never eaten one.

>> No.14006165

Steve does

>> No.14006166

>I'd rather prepare my own "mre" in a backpacking/camping situation

This is what I've done. Usually freeze-dried stuff is hard to find separately and for decent price, but whenever it is, I go for it. Retort pouches aren't bad either but quickly add tons of weight.

>> No.14006170

they're only expensive now because of the pandemic. before this bullshit they were about $5-6 each for newer ones when buying by the case.

>> No.14006193
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is that trump and kanye on the cover?

>> No.14006210

Its only for meager sustenance.

Like instant Ramen Noodles.

>> No.14006236

>if you eat more than half in one sitting..

they are meant to be eaten fully once opened up and it wont cause any stomach problems. Your wife is a retard.

>> No.14006242

As we call them in the military, they're either a meal ready to exit or a meal refusing to exit

>> No.14006249

I just go with home smoked/dehydrated foods. I haven't bought freeze dried

>> No.14006265

Why? They are basically just microwave dinner quality but in a bag and don't need to be frozen.

>> No.14006274

Yeah those are solid too. Freeze dried is the best for cutting weight though. Plus it's kinda tacticool I guess, if you're into that kind of faggotry.

>> No.14006310

you wish you had a wife

>> No.14006312

Lived off those for a month doing geology shit in the bumfuck of nowhere. After a few days, turds were hard as the rocks we were studying. Gotta eat that gum to get things moving. Nice thing is that they do provide quite a bit of energy and I never felt drained like I typically do with regular camping food. Coffee with lunch is pretty nice, regardless of what it is.

Overall, they taste lame and I wouldn't consider eating them unless I absolutely have nothing else. The omelette is horrendous. Beans taste like sand. Cheese is probably plastic made to look like what aliens think cheese is. Bread is anything but bread.

Some exceptions are the blueberry oatmeal and the kool-aid. Shit was good.

>> No.14006314
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It's best you don't. Let le "Nice" man risk botulism for you

>> No.14006463

If you're eating calorie dense low moisture food, you're going to get constipated if you don't drink enough water whether the food comes from a retort pouch or not.

>> No.14006482
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Behold, the MRE omelet, aka the Vomelet

>> No.14006518

No longer made and hasn't been for a while.

>> No.14006525

He did not get it from US MREs.

>> No.14006544

The fact it ever existed is bad enough

>> No.14006557

if that's all you eat for a period of time and you don't drink enough water, yea you'll have brick shits

>> No.14006576

Not a retarded one. ;)

>> No.14006587

any food that's low moisture will do that, there's not some secret constipation conspiracy behind it.

>> No.14006597

No, but you can get a lot of "heat and eat" items at the supermarket that have a long shelf life. I don't see the point of trying to find MRE packs when you can put together your own.

>> No.14006602

If anything this man has proved that US MREs are just uniquely shitty.

>> No.14006607

When I was in the navy the marines we were carrying around “gifted” my division a palette of nearly expired MREs. I ate like three in one watch as did most of my guys. It was a disaster.

>> No.14007221

>Should be fully eaten once opened up

Not true. You are supposed to eat as you go. There a reason why everything is individually wrapped. Eat the main meal when you have time to heat it up and "enjoy" it. Snack on the crackers or bread and other small sides. Eat your side entree when you can, unless you mixed it with your main. Superiors often said one MRE a day is more than enough, unless you are constantly moving/excercising. (Long/overnight patrols.)
t. Two pump chump Marine.

>> No.14008109

You wish you had a wife.

>> No.14008137

they suck enjoy never shitting again if you ever try eating them

>> No.14009312
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MRE's haven't contained real pleasure since 1971

>> No.14009348

No. White people have a fucked up digestion system so if something isn't giving them exploding shits(they LOVE bragging about this for some reason) then they think their ass is clogged when in reality it's a normal shit.

>> No.14009370

We would always be issued 3 per day during field training. Your superiors were incorrect in saying 1 per day was enough.
t. 21 year retired army.

>> No.14009377
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I eat this shit.

6 poor dollars a pack unless discounts. Trust me, my asian tastes are homo superior.
>Inb4 banned for spamming.

>> No.14009424


>> No.14010083
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MREs are better if you get them out on a tray.

>> No.14010101

Only larpers and Steve

>> No.14010146

Steve's a good boy. I'm sure he's going to get botulism one day, but until then, I wish him well.

>> No.14010168

I thought he did get botulism
Or at least he got something that left him with like a $25,000 medical bill

>> No.14010269

Steve had botulism once already. He lived bitch

>> No.14010276
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>> No.14010282

t. marine

>> No.14010292

He's so wholesome, I want to adopt him

>> No.14010299


>> No.14010472

eww, really?

>> No.14010500

He got it from a modern ration funnily enough, think it was an Eastern European country but it wasn't even out of date.

>> No.14010508

Wow, go figure. I was sure his demise would be brought around by the crusty beef and shit he scrapes out of rusty tin cans from the 40's.

>> No.14010518

It was a Chinese PLA ration with weird green pork bits and yes it was in date.

>> No.14010522

Maybe I wasn't looking in the right places but like 6 months ago they were still going for like 8-10 dollars.

>> No.14010529


Are we surprised? China's the motherland of disease at this point.

>> No.14010543

afaik botulism is easy to survive through as long as you actually go to a hospital and get treated for it.
It doesn't even cause any permanent damage, it all ends up getting reversed

>> No.14010990
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um... maybe?

>> No.14011015


A lot of US MREs he had a positive impression of though? There's a few bad ones but a lot of US ones he was fine with.

The Chinese ones are garbage though and it's the one he actually got sick from IIRC.

>> No.14011022

They're a fun "I don't wanna cook or stop anywhere" option to have on hand.

>> No.14011032

Most of them are fine to good, only a few I would say are outright unpleasant. The chili one is really good because it comes with vegetable crackers and cheese spread to mix in and has surprisingly delicious corn bread.

>> No.14012012

Look at the calorie count. No wonder most Army are fat fucks.
>Retired 21
Fucking boot.

>> No.14013441

Not a retarded one. ;)

>> No.14013462

You're now aware the picture on the front of the MRE looks like Trump and Kanye having a conversation

>> No.14014407

I did once when I got a ton leftover from my first time in the field. After that I stopped because fresh food is way better. Now when I get extras I either put them online local adds and sell them, or donate them to food shelters, but I'm guessing even food shelters don't want them.

>> No.14014589

I buy them when I can get them on the cheap. Sometimes, I can get a civilian A-Pack pretty cheap, though there is far less variety as an A-Pack case has 12 meals and 6 menus. The best you can usually do on mil-spec MREs is about $80-$100 per case with prices going up as the case gets newer.

>> No.14014598

Not really, each individual item is meant to be fully consumed when opened. The whole meal can be eaten over a period of time to cover a meal and a snack to help stave off hunger while physically active.

>> No.14014602

You easily burn through 5kcal a day hefting around 60lb of bullshit everywhere on 25 mile hikes

>> No.14014604

They tried something new, and it didn't work out. As a result, that menu item was retired. You don't know if something works until you try it.

>> No.14014608

Those look delightful, but the price point is a bit rough.

>> No.14014612

all MREs are overpriced, man. you want cheap food on the go, buy cereal or fruitbars.

>> No.14014613

Idk about yank MREs, but the Leaf equivalent fuck your ass up.

>> No.14014623

Those meals have far less content than a proper MRE. That is why the price on them is particularly. rough.

>> No.14014636


The thing clogging up your wife's colon was the semen from all the other servicemen.

>> No.14014643

They are kind of a guilty pleasure of mine.

I used to live near a military town and would grab a case from some of the military surplus places in town every few years and would take them on trips or throw a spare in the car as emergency food and eat the rest over the period of a few weeks.

The quality can very quite a bit but in my experience:

>Any of the stew type main entrée packs are not too bad.
>Anything that tries to do something more complex like burgers or whole pieces of meat or chicken tend to be pretty bad.
>The "bread" it comes with sometimes is pretty bad unless you add condiments. Crackers are OK for the most part, and the tortilla dishes vary depending on what it is (Typically bad).
>The sides are pretty similar: stuff that is complex is usually pretty horrendous (Au Gratin potatoes), but the more basic things are nice (Rice is generally OK if you can heat it up evenly)
>Desserts are usually the best part and hold up pretty well if they did not dry up.
>A lot of things require the included seasoning to be palatable.
>The vegetarian ones are surprisingly decent.
>Breakfast is weird. One of the ones I had was cereal with dried out blueberries and dehydrated milk. It was still chunky even after mixing it well.

I know its weird to like them and I only get them every 3-4 years or so, but I like them for what they are.

>> No.14014968

He laughed bitch.

>> No.14015059
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>> No.14015080

>surprisingly delicious corn bread
oh shit I remember that MRE now. Yeah that was like hitting the holy grail. I always liked the lemon pepper tuna one for the simplicity. I could eat the entire ration, fill up on water and take a shit by the time people were almost done heating up their entree.

>> No.14015237 [DELETED] 

Dude say what you will but with the right ingredients ramen can change your life!!

Come check out r/ramen for ramen hacks. There are dozens of us!!!

>> No.14016302
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What I can't believe is that someone designed it, made it, tried it, and then said "Yeah the field will love this." Whoever made these things was born with no taste buds.

>> No.14016540

It's the military. Nobody cares what the field likes. If it's edible, calorie dense and delivers a desired nutritional profile in a shelf-stable package it passes muster. If people actually enjoy the food that's just a bonus.

>> No.14017050


>> No.14017940
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>> No.14017987

I spent about 2-3 weeks eating one MRE a day. They're not bad, but it depends on the meal you get. Some have a solid mix of snacks to go with a nice entree while others either have shitty snacks or a shitty entree. Also I hate the cheese spread.

>> No.14018055

When I was in the boy scouts, there was a dad who would sometimes bring a case of these on a campout. Us kids thought they were pretty cool.

>> No.14018362

I have a few. I eat one every so often and reflect on where it all went so wrong. Chilimac one is best btw

>> No.14018367

Fat people, shit is heavy.

>> No.14018408
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they're not for pleasure.
proper ones are retardedly fucking expensive. they also do this >>14006105 too.
Military friends give me some random shit from their ration packs and I add that stuff in to my own home-made MREs.
I keep a couple in my car in case of breakdown, take 1 or 2 extra in my /out/ kit in case bad weather or an accident keeps me in place for longer than I planned for and I keep a couple around the house in case of a disaster, earthquake or power outage that lasts more than a couple of days.

>> No.14019021

I like them too, seems like we're the only ones itt. I bought one out of curiosity because of Steve but I'm currently at 3 boxes.
Serves a great purpose when I'm too lazy to cook.

The only think I don't get are the tortillas. Are you suppose to try to shove the meal in or as a side? I just grill them till they're crispy and make chips.
Favourite meal is probably Southwest beef and black beens OR beef gulash w/ rice and spinach.
And best item is the firststrike bar especially apple cinamon. I wish I could find that in a shop somewhere.

>> No.14020319
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Now that I mentioned it I openned menu 11 because I craved it.
It had two. I'm shitting joy.

>> No.14020342

Years ago I got a chili & beans MRE packed with TWO fudge brownies. It was nice

>> No.14020349

He has gotten sick at least twice, once from a Ukrainian ration and one from a Chinese ration. The Chinese one was within date, and I think the Ukrainian one as well, or at least post 2000.

>> No.14020362

i member this one

the green pork was an absolute nono

steve took the fall for us

>> No.14020379

I used to buy the good ones at the commissary whenever they were on sale, it's like an adult lunchable. kept one near the bed whenever i drank, so if i was too hungover, i wouldnt have to get up to eat.

>> No.14020441

You lucky duck-fucker! Getting a pair of Apple-Cinnamon First Strike bars!

>> No.14020557
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I know! Made my day.

>> No.14020653

My friend works logistics in the army, he gets me all the leftover and misplaced rations for camping.

>> No.14020752

if that was true they'd be issued tasteless bland food with absolutely no variation. obviously taste and enjoyment account for something

>> No.14020774

i have a coworker who has done what your picture suggests, and you're missing the point of MREs for civilians.

they are absolutely eaten for pleasure, no one buys them with the express intent of using them while camping or emergencies. people buy them for the novelty factor and will keep a few for emergencies just because.

>> No.14021560


>> No.14021567

im not a larping autist so no i dont

>> No.14021601

I like the little Tabasco bottles