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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 800x624, germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13989798 No.13989798 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about German cuisine. I want to make a German meal, was thinking about making senfbraten with sauerkraut and mash. Please share any other idea, and identify yourself if you are actually German as we unfortunately do not have flags on this board.

>> No.13989841
File: 471 KB, 1420x1420, GettyImages-152830921-5895b23c3df78caebc9be240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some modern german cuisine

>> No.13989852

haha gottemm

>> No.13989992

rouladen is the best

>> No.13990015

Most dishes are very similar anyways. It's always some sort of roast with gravy and either potatoes, spätzle or dumplings.
Senfbraten is a good start, because it's simple and hard to fuck up.

>> No.13990018

People give the English a lot of shit, but German cuisine is just as basic and bland. You miraculously a pass exclusively based on sausages, it’s baffling

>> No.13990027

bongistani cuisine is more visible. no one knows any german food besides brats, schnitzel and sauerkraut

>> No.13990038

Anon if you're going to make that kind of joke at least have it make sense, there's less than 20,000 Ethiopians in the country.

>> No.13990250

I googled somali food. Turns out they just stole that too

>> No.13990430

>Senfbraten is a good start, because it's simple and hard to fuck up.

I'm planning on doing it in a slow cooker though. I'll brown the roast and then in to the crock pot it goes.

>> No.13990465

Ein echter Deutscher hier
A good german dish is Rouladen, another would be maybe a Schweinshaxe with Sauerkraut, also try Heaven and earth its bloodsausage with mash and applesauce. I know it sounds weird

>> No.13992263


Maultaschen, I love making my own but here in Germany I can buy really fucking good ones at a Metzgerei. I usually fry them, but they make for a good soup as well. If I do fry them, Germans traditionally cut them up to do so, but if you use alot of fat in the pan and use small ones they crisp and fluff up alot better if kept whole. If fried, serve with fav egg of your choice and I like to fry mushrooms in the remaining fat, since I use alot of it and the maultaschen ooze out alot of the tastes.
If you make maultaschen without meat in it, you are a retard, they were designed by monks to hide meat during (idk Fasten?) religious-non-eating-times.

>> No.13992266

sausages on rye or blackbread with beer, maybe with some mustard, what else is there to say?

>> No.13992271

Also: use alot of pepper and on both mushrooms and the maultaschen itself.
Also Reiberdatschi (north Germans call them Kartoffelpuffer) are probably the best quarantine food you can imagine, it's 90% potatoes, easy af to make, serve with Applepure and it tastes amazing. Pretty much any countryside German like myself will get Vaterland vibes off of that.

>> No.13992278
File: 30 KB, 600x451, Brady-Pork_Chops_and_Applesauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good, here we're having pork chops and applesauce! It's nice when things aren't overcomplicated. A lot of people complicate things that shouldn't be complicated let alone overcomplicated.

>> No.13992280

Same guy as with the maultaschen here: any meat you make, you can serve with Kasspatzen, Swiss has also their version of it, but it's really easy to make and this will stuff you up beyond belief

>> No.13992283
File: 11 KB, 400x600, svedka_sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With enough Svedka any of this stuff will be good.

>> No.13992287

Then you are just right in German cuisine, I don't know a single overcomplicated dish, you might also look into polish and swiss cuisine then, they have similar cooking methods and dishes and things like pieroggi are just my go to foods if I'm hungry beyond belief.

>> No.13992295

It's nice to have some frozen pierogi so if it's say 3am in the morning and I just want a quick snack I can pull a couple from the freezer and be done with it instead of making a big deal.

>> No.13992296

We'll have dirlewanger ur ugly ass then

>> No.13992298

haha gtfo!

>> No.13992324

Is pausenbrot actually real?

>> No.13992934


>> No.13992999

germans either eat raw mince meat or the new germans eat kebabs

either way germans aren't human

>> No.13993041

Weißbier und Brezn oida
>grose brüsde :DDDD

>> No.13993065

If you dont like Mett and Döner you really should be one of ther next 6 gorillion, desu.

>> No.13993085

German cuisine is fucking amazing. The subtle tastes of high quality meats and potatoes, high variety in cooking and preservation methods, subtle use of spices and herbs, and get me started on the bread and I cum.

>> No.13993097

So basically Polish but without the stuffed pastries?

>> No.13993100
File: 62 KB, 811x536, 3009684_artikel-detail-bild_1tWivv_lG7Z5q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like get the fuck outta here

>> No.13993107

Yes but better
Dont really know polish cuisine though

>> No.13993110
File: 128 KB, 960x540, rinderrouladen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend making some Rouladen mit Knödel und Rotkohl.

Rouladen are basically a slowly cooked strip of rolled up beef with usually mustard, bacon, pickles, and onions inside.
Knödel are a kind of potato dumpling, and Rokhol is cabbage cooked with red wine vinegar, sometimes apples, juniper, and whatever else you want to throw in really.

It's a very simple and easy to make dish that brings out the flavor of your ingredients very well. My grandma used to make it almost every week, it's super delicious.

>> No.13993119

>high quality meats
Not really. German cuisine often uses the more cheaper cuts. That's why most dishes are roasts, stews or sausages. Also basically everything is pork. And if recipes call for veal or beef it's often substituted with pork.

>> No.13993135
File: 51 KB, 656x300, Braten-Hirtenbraten-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German peasant food used to be lots of pork and whatever game they could get their hands on (most of the time boar and deer with the occassional rabbits or birds thrown in), but we don't exactly live in the 18th century anymore.

Nowadays there's a plethora of every kind of meat imaginable being cooked and served here, beef is easily just as common as pork.
Just because things like Eisbein still exist doesn't mean it's primarily what people eat.

>> No.13993137

Not really related but why are Germans so fixated on feces?

>> No.13993142

Lots of meat, potatoes, and grains with next to no vegetables or greens makes your stool nice, thick, and hard.

>> No.13993151
File: 2.98 MB, 2610x3915, 3a80cc1328670107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

south park is too blame for that.

>> No.13993158 [DELETED] 


>> No.13993162 [DELETED] 

>north Germans call them Kartoffelpuffer
Based. Everything other than "Kartoffelpuffer" is just wrong spelling

>> No.13993165 [DELETED] 

Nice digits but factually wrong

>> No.13993173

Of course you can get everything now, but that's not very representive. All well known dishes are traditional ones like roasts, rouladen and sausages for a reason.

>> No.13993178
File: 34 KB, 518x290, Oktoberfest@Seda-BGC-2018-e1538712850842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any food that goes as well with beer as German?
It's like every single one of their dishes was created primarily as an accompaniment to beer.

>> No.13993183


>> No.13993197
File: 203 KB, 960x720, schwaebischer-spickbraten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's loads of roasts that use beef, traditonally rouladen are absolutely always made with beef, and beef sausages are everywhere.
Claiming those aren't a huge part of German cuisine is like saying any dish that was developed after ~1800 simply doesn't count. Due to bordering on the Alps Germany has had easy access to healthy well raised beef and sheep for centuries now and they've become a huge part in its culinary history.

>> No.13993216 [DELETED] 

I'm from lower saxony and I hate spätzle
fight me irl if you dare to disagree with me

>> No.13993243

its shit

>> No.13993249

Germans aren't human, prove me wrong

>> No.13993256

Not even close to turkey, retard.

>> No.13993367

theres way more than that (t.germanoid)
Check out some german cooking books. There must be some translated to english

>> No.13993379

>try Heaven and earth its bloodsausage with mash and applesauce
Based on that sentence, i know where you live. Nonetheless i agree

>> No.13993402
File: 164 KB, 1066x1600, IMG-20200412-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spargel, Schnitzel, glasierte Petersilienkartoffeln.
The pinnacle of german food.

>> No.13993410
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 124478436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German food is powerful, but bland. It's like if British food was actually edible.

>> No.13993419


>> No.13993423

The fuck kind of deceased cut of meat is that?

>> No.13993455

Beef, usually a nice cut like top sirloin, that had fat pulled through it with a special needle before being roasted.
It's one of those traditional Sunday's Feasts in Germany. Downright melts on your tongue if it's cooked well.

>> No.13993595

Hey, cant speak for you but ive had the pleasure to work for an old grandma on a horse farm. Her best 80 smth year old buddy was a hunter and would gift her game. Like, deer, pheasant, rabbit. It was absolutely amazing. All still prepared like it should be. So pay was basically 10 euro an hour plus 2 meals youd pay like 30 bucks for in a restaurant.

>> No.13993609


>> No.13993651

Yeah, venison is nice when you know a hunter, who will sell it cheap to you, but otherwise it's super expensive and not really common. Seems to be only really popular around christmas time though.

>> No.13993669

>observable facts are /pol/

>> No.13993675

For what purpose tho
Wouldn't it still be a prime cut even without the extra fat
Germans be weird

>> No.13993681

>germany is now little somalia, I know this because my pol faggot reddit friends told me
facts are something else entirely you pathetic bitch

>> No.13993754

The combined total population of people from the Horn of Africa in Germany is just above 50,000. Making a joke about Turkish food would have made way more sense, Somali food would have made way more sense of Sweden.

>> No.13993767

"Schnitzel Wiener Art mit Tunke und rote Beete" if you want to dine like a real Saupreiss.

>> No.13993796
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, larding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called larding. Used to be pretty common back in the day when cattle was still raised more naturally and its meat generally a bit more dry.
Can kinda look at it as artificial marbling. You usually use rendered pork fat for it, adds lots of moisture and flavor.

>> No.13994156
File: 217 KB, 1600x1200, kohlroulade-mit-hackfleischfuellung-36535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kohlroulade which is cabbage stuffed with mincemeat.
Fleischkäse is great as well but I don't think you can really buy that outside of Germany.

>> No.13994189

Perfect keto food actuallly
Gives me the creamiest poop
Poop health is really important
Im from the north west of Germany, close to Dortmund

>> No.13994194

Peasant food wasnt "lots of pork"
More like "lots of bread, cabbage and potatoes" with the occasional bit of ham

>> No.13994197

that's not nearly enough hollandaise, anon
if you don't feel like absolute shit immediately after a spargel session, you didn't make enough hollandaise

>> No.13994208

Nice, I don't live in Germany myself but I'd say I live about a 1 hour drive away from Dortmund.
Big fan of Königsberger Klopse, Schaüfele, Tellerfleisch etc etc. When this blasted virus dies down I'll hop on over and buy some meat.

>> No.13994246

I think you mean Himmel un Ääd, brother

>> No.13994272

Get raped by some more refugees

>> No.13994363

You have no idea what you’re talking about

>> No.13994518

Should be pretty obvious I was just referring to the protein part of their diet.

>> No.13994651

Why not try Austria cuisine instead? Tiroler Gröstl is god-tier.

>> No.13994776

This, its better.
>Has all the good german (bavarian) foods.
>More variety because of old borders (slavic and hungarian)
>Really good desserts.

>> No.13994982

Theres protein in grain but i agree with you anyway

>> No.13994998
File: 235 KB, 2000x1336, Mettigel (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off: there is no German besides me in this thread. Otherwise, the Mettigel would've been posted before.

>> No.13995011
File: 21 KB, 585x438, eier-in-senfsosse-super-leckere-senfeier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks unspectacular, I agree. But the best food is simple. Just like Senfeier.

>> No.13995022
File: 47 KB, 611x458, ,id=d14ce90c,b=lecker,w=610,cg=c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you really are trying to make something fancy: Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte

>> No.13995053

Is it true that you have to open the doors on the subway manually?

>> No.13995083

you usually have to push a button and the door opens

>> No.13995361
File: 26 KB, 225x224, 12447643265312462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, Mr. American is worried about refugees. Please don't get shot by a nigger, spic, culturally enriched by a rabid tranny with a tire iron or laid off by one of your kike overlords, faggot.

>> No.13995400
File: 187 KB, 960x720, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krautfleckerl. Technically austrian, but technically Austrians are Germans, so...

Cut onions, fry them in oil with sugar until nice soft and brown.
Cut cabbage into strips, fry it with the onions and if you want some garlic.
Cook maltagliati or slightly crushed ribbon noodles (no idea what they are called in english). Mix with fried vegetables and make sure to add a fuckton of caraway. Tastes great, is easy to make.

>> No.13995405

Why are americans so fixated on black dicks?

>> No.13995414

Bring some weed

>> No.13995420

Americans can't into Mett, so it's meaningless to post it here.

>> No.13995481

Dish depends alot on the quality of the ingredients, particularly the cream and cocoa , plus the booze in the cake. Boys, damn its so good

>> No.13995504

Looks like a mutant sneezed on some retard asparagus.

>> No.13995515

sauerbraten, kloesse, rotkohl

It's a classic and it's wholesome as fuck. If you want to try something unusual I recommend koenigsberger klopse

>> No.13995520
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 87586598760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technically Austrians are Germans
huach amoi, gschissana

>> No.13995553
File: 52 KB, 550x413, gehobene-deutsche-kuche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is whst the wild game dishes at the old ladys place looked like
Even the side dishes (spätzle in this case) were made from scratch

>> No.13995694


>> No.13996663

Austrians are just germans without the autism

>> No.13996700

Take a Bottle of cologne and let a north african nut inside it. Jokes aside though, I recommend Nacktwürste with sweet Mustard and Leberspätzle.

>> No.13996742

You See, shit is a big business in Germany. I myself shit my pants for a living. Sometimes I also teach others to shit their pants. You know how the saying goes "shit a man's pants for him once, and his pants will be satiated for the day, but teach a man to shit his pants, and bis cloth shall never again have to Hunger for the brown gold.".

>> No.13996756

Ok, Bubi. Wo treffen wir uns zum kämpfen? Aber ohne treten, ja?

>> No.13997265

And the Czechs are Austrians with autism

>> No.13997291

If you consider Bavarian German that is

>> No.13997308

And if we are at it with desserts: Donauwelle, Ausgezogene, Krapfen, Bienenstich

>> No.13997644


>> No.13997828
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x3024, Ein Stuck Deutsches Bräuhaus Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgerstani here. Posted this a few times, doch hier gibt es mein deutsches Bräuhaus Pizza. Darauf gibt es Spätzle mit Biersoße, Bauerwurste, Nürnberger Bratwurst, Kasseler, Nußschenken, Weiße Zwiebel, und genau Mozzarella Käse.

Sehen Sie vielleicht in der Brotrinde eine Wurst? Da gibt es ein Frankfurter. Wann das Pizza gegessen ist, kann man auch ein Hot Dog essen danach!

Sorry guys but posting this makes me want to practice my German.

>> No.13997847


>> No.13997851 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 2048x1536, deutschfaden2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13998128

Theres more on the side.

>> No.13998197

what exactly do you hate about spätzle?
it never seemed like a very divisive dish to me

>> No.13998210


Warum hassen Sie spätzle?

>> No.13998323
File: 1.66 MB, 3071x2150, abcde4a0fbc9150aa4968ab86673f8f84fb9f_1232704_ID_1658_zwiebelschnitzel_257_online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One vote for Zwiebelschnitzel.
Basically a casserole with pork, spätzle, and an onion cheese sauce.

>> No.13998359
File: 219 KB, 2380x1120, Europe-The-new-Germans-3570x1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you all posting austrian food?

>> No.13998378

Austria might as well be a part of Germany.
Reminder that Hitler was Austrian as well.

>> No.13998691
File: 43 KB, 512x365, kampersteur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny we have that too although it's linked to some dumb myth about a fish even though they're normal chicken eggs

>> No.13998718

Austrians are human

Germans are cattle to be culled

>> No.13998981

Come cull us bro
We will Weltkrieg on you

>> No.13999317

That is horrible, your german is horrible and you should feel horrible.

>> No.13999334

90% of the people who parrot the >bong food bad meme don't know anything about bong food

>> No.13999364

Bring dich einfach um du utopischer Hurensohn, das ist ein Verbrechen gegen Deutschland

>> No.13999447

>Oktoberfest theme
>German flag

Every time.
Its like some ginger guy in a kilt playing the bagpipes and some Haggis and Scotch as food. And then the UK flag.

>> No.13999448
File: 55 KB, 600x400, auflauf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This IS German cuisine. Just go over to chefkoch and check the most popular dishes.

>> No.13999457
File: 470 KB, 1280x853, Doyum-Berlin-Best-Doner-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deutsches cuisine? Ein Döner mit alles, und scharfes Sauce, mein guter Mann.

>> No.13999467

The döner from this restaurant is pretty good, because it's made out of slices of meat and not just minced meat (like most döner are).

>> No.13999483

Actually never been there. My go-to is Gemüse Kebap & Friends on warschauer str. (NOT to be confused with memestafa's gemüse kebab)

>> No.13999489

>comparing pizza to Auflauf

>> No.13999496

I mean, they killed a bunch of jews, so that had to count for something

>> No.13999502

Unfortunately they didn't even do that

The allies, specifically Britain are the ones who killed them.

>> No.13999504

>high quality meats
It's most cheap cuts of meat.
>variety of cooking
Ok now you have to be trolling. It's literally either a stew or a roast.

>> No.13999531

They serve pretty good grilled lamb cuts there. But the surrounding is rather bleak post-war architecture. And I personally like to have a beer with diner, so I prefer the more westernized grill restaurants at the southern section Hermannsstraße.

All gemüse kebas I tried tasted the same. But haven't tried that one yet.

>> No.13999533

> literally either a stew or a roast.
No shit Sherlock, almost all cooking in the entire world can be categorised as either a stew or roast. Add salad to the mix and you covered every dish imaginable.

>> No.13999554

Both dishes are abominations.

That is only true for the urban and suburban areas that lost many of their traditions after the war. They buy their meat from the supermarket and only know a few of the traditional dishes.

In fact German regional cuisines can be quite diverse. Just compare Berlin and Munich.

>> No.13999559

Fair enough. And I kind of know what you mean. There's something to be said for grabbing a beer from a späti and sitting on some steps tucking into a döner though.

>> No.13999564

Any berliners wanna hang out once Mutti lets us go outside again?

>> No.13999583

> There's something to be said for grabbing a beer from a späti and sitting on some steps tucking into a döner though.
This. Luckily most döner places offer beer though a little more expensive than the späti.

Only with masks and eine Armlänge Abstand.

>> No.13999586

>he thinks some scribbles on a french statue are the American constitution

>> No.13999694

Some more classic dishes, that are less known outside of Germany.

- Pellkartoffeln mit Quark, Schnittlauch und Leinöl .
The fresh curd cheese and the rich nuttiness of the lineseed oil are the perfect match to potatoes boiled in their skin. Usually chives and onions are added for additional aroma.
- Sächsische Kartoffelsuppe (Saxonian potato soup).
Very hearty and rustic soup with Wiener Würstchen and many spices. The secret is adding adding lots of dried marjoram at the end.
- Halve Hahn. A rye bread roll is served with thick slices of middle aged gouda, mustard, sliced of gherkin and onion, sprinkled with paprika. Goes very well with the local beer from Cologne (Kölsch).
- Scholle Finkenwerder Art. European plaice is fried in a pan with sliced of bacon and served with fried potatoes. Simple but very satisfying.

>> No.13999697

Some more classic dishes, that are less known outside of Germany.

- Pellkartoffeln mit Quark, Schnittlauch und Leinöl .
The fresh curd cheese and the rich nuttiness of the lineseed oil are the perfect match to potatoes boiled in their skin. Usually chives and onions are added for additional aroma.

- Sächsische Kartoffelsuppe (Saxonian potato soup).
Very hearty and rustic soup with Wiener Würstchen and many spices. The secret is adding adding lots of dried marjoram at the end.

- Halve Hahn. A rye bread roll is served with thick slices of middle aged gouda, mustard, sliced of gherkin and onion, sprinkled with paprika. Goes very well with the local beer from Cologne (Kölsch).

- Scholle Finkenwerder Art. European plaice is fried in a pan with sliced of bacon and served with fried potatoes. Simple but very satisfying.

>> No.14000864
File: 42 KB, 480x640, y35cP0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this guy's posts on imgur: https://imgur.com/user/SaschaDB

>> No.14001444

t. seething mutt

>> No.14001485

I love ordering beer with fatty sausage, pork and sauerkraut based dishes typical for beer halls for my Chinese business partners because I know they don't stomach it well but will eat it all up out of politeness.

>> No.14001507

English and German food is similar. And both are good. Only goblinos de las americas disagree. FACTS.
t. proud SAXON

>> No.14001524

Giv German pretzel and beer girl please

>> No.14001539

Is there some peculiar East German dishes ? Or some variants of West German ones ?

>> No.14001572

>triples checked
>mutt btfo checked

>> No.14001589
File: 1.75 MB, 904x1211, meineerstebanane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14001635

Everyone shits on slavic food because it's bland and starchy, but German food is exactly the same. ALL north europe food is like this. Same reason people hate English food.

>> No.14001640


>> No.14001645

beat me to it

>> No.14001687

Beer goes well with every food, honestly. Just have to find the right beer.

>> No.14001693

Why do Americans (ameridogs) pretend that hamburgers and franks were invented by them? I wonder to what deceitful act their jealousy and lack of culture will drive them next..

>> No.14001696
File: 345 KB, 451x463, 1575382355659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14001704
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>> No.14001720


>> No.14001812

wöd posting

>> No.14002119

Yo, based Department?

>> No.14002138

Kremawurst is pretty good stuff desu.

>> No.14003410

try googling these:
Ketwurst, Grilletta, Krusta, Goldhähnchen

>> No.14003491

Jägerschnitzel will fuck you up.

>> No.14004183

How so?
Looks like it's just a well done steak topped with mushrooms and a fried egg

>> No.14004221

First for SPÄETZLE

>> No.14004243

How far north are we talking? I live in Hessen and everyone calls them Kartoffelpuffer.

>> No.14004249

You want a Schnitzel and some ketchup to that Kindermenü?

>> No.14004253

basically any soviet dish. i love soljanka

>> No.14004256

>Germans complaining about non-Germans speaking their language
>Same people who call cellphones "das Handy" because they think it sounds english therefore cool

>> No.14004257

Alles nördlich von Bayern.

>> No.14004264

Bayrer are a different breed man. God bless you mountain fuckers.

>> No.14004269
File: 8 KB, 300x168, labskaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Northern Niggas at? Honestly though our food sucks compared to the south. Its Scandinavia Tier

>> No.14004551

Labskaus ain't so bad. Klopse are nice as well. I prefer your Pilsner over southern beers as well. But yeah The south has somewhat more interesting food in general imo.

>> No.14004558
File: 134 KB, 960x1280, photo_2020-04-29_18-14-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean, anon. You don't like Kitchen Aids?

>> No.14004564

Pretty sure Germans just don't like Americans that much

>> No.14004608

>Mit Zertifiziertem Holz
I hate Germany so much.

>> No.14004614
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Why can't other nations into bread? I've been in Australia for over a year now and their bread is just dogshit unless you go to some artisanal overpriced hipster bakery

>> No.14004640

In America is like that to
You can get great sandwiches up northeast. South can’t make a sandwich at all...

>> No.14004657

The sheer quality and insane variety in bread that any random German cornerstore bakery has is insane.

That's really the main thing the Krauts have going for them, bread and beer.
Both really simple stuff with 3 or 4 ingredients that have just been honed and refined continuously over the centuries

>> No.14004701

>my sides

>> No.14004770

>because they think it sounds english therefore cool
nah, that's just advertisers ruining our language and every single one of them deserves bad things happen to them. I hate the french, but we need a proper ministry for german language like they have for their baguettespeak.

>> No.14004776

>implying the organic bullshit didn't start in the US

>> No.14004905
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>tfw any effort to preserve german culture will be frowned upon

>> No.14005020
File: 57 KB, 600x400, bratkartoffeln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Bratkartoffeln.

This is the most German shit right here and it is really easy to make.

Basically they are just stir fried potatoes with bacon and onions. But that this is so good. You need to get the outside a little crispy, usually works better with pre cooked potatoes. If you're really hungry and need more proteins, just crack two eggs to it.

>> No.14005041

Fuck all that prusian shit
Schweinsbraten mit Semmelknödel und als Vorspeise eine Pfannkuchensuppe.
Translate that with Google or deepls. Have fun

>> No.14005049

Eine schön deftige Leberknödelsuppe ziehe ich dieser aber allemal vor.

>> No.14005050

Potato Salad. Southern German is oil based, Northers is Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip-based.
If you want I can post the rough draft of my family recipe.

>> No.14005053


Maultaschen, with assorted pasta, Markklößchen, Grießknödel, maybe some pfannkuchen stripes.

Ever made Leberknödel yourself?

>> No.14005063
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Everything people associate with germany is actually Austrian and (southern)Bavarian.

Anything outside bavaria doesn't even exist in american mind.

>> No.14005065

Some people argue to this day whether pizza was an italian or a french/german invention because of flammkuchen

>> No.14005069
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It's like our Texas with the exception that Texans are known to be friendly and have manners.

>> No.14005081
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Man, that same hoe was on the packaging of a 1-liter beer mug I bought recently.

>> No.14005141

>there's less than 20,000 Ethiopians in the country
Thats 20,000 too many

>> No.14005188

>3 Maß in each hand
>serving suggestion

>> No.14005256
File: 1.32 MB, 680x1600, Faxe 10% (Denmark) beer can pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Faxe hände a regional thing or is it Germany-wide?

>> No.14005265

Why don't Ameritards use Waldmeister flavor?

>> No.14005341

I'm Bavarian and have no idea what "Faxe Hände" ist supposed to be.
Faxe beer is pure shit though.

>> No.14005383

faxe hände here in NRW is something I know from fellow students. You hold a can in each hand and have them taped. You can only remove the cans when both are empty. Until then you can only use your arms for drinking.

>> No.14005447

That's played here too, just never heard the term Faxen Hände.
Canned beer is kind of a sacrilege almost everywhere here so mostly with bottles or glasses though.

When I was still active my fraternity used to strap two good old Luminarc Octopods onto your hands when you were one of those annoying Fuxen that just kept on being obnoxious and didn't know when to call it quits. Since most people not used to copious beer consime are incapable of defeating even one of those, they are over 2L after all, it was pretty much a death sentence for the poor guys.

>> No.14005494

fucking kek, yeah, makes sense.
>those annoying Fuxen that just kept on being obnoxious and didn't know when to call it quits
yeah, peeps desperately trying to fit in are just a pain for everyone

>> No.14005574
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>Canned beer is kind of a sacrilege almost everywhere here so mostly with bottles or glasses though.
What? Canned beer is awesome, available in every supermarket and famously drunk at all kinds of open air festivals. Sacrilege, if anything, is that cheap-ass beer in plastic bottles.

>> No.14005602

Plastic bottle is piss tier. Can is a Notnagel. Can't beat glass, same for Cola.

>> No.14005651

Austrians are literally Germans though.

>> No.14005659

German here, wtf are you talking about? How bad is your country's bread that you dig our random cornerstore bread?

>> No.14005667

t. Austrian, bunch of hitlers.

>> No.14005669

Not gonna carry around glass bottles just because some posh cunt might think bad of me for drinking from a can.

>> No.14005676

you have no idea.
Tons of countries have just variations of generic white loaf and a baguette or some shit. The french get away with it because they are, well, good at that.

>> No.14005684

nah, I wouldn't think any less of you. To me it's just a "why settle for less" thing. Portability being an issue is what I meant by Notnagel.

>> No.14005772

I can hardly even imagine that. God damn I love bread.

>> No.14005787

I think it's because Germany is the northernmost *and* easternmost central european country. It really shows in that regard. Consider Pumpernickel, which is otherwise afaik exclusively northern european.

>> No.14005805
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I dunno about that but homemade sauerkraut is really good and healthy. Also, German cakes and pies are world renown. I dated this Jewish Princess who..wow...very hot but GD stupid AF and made this big deal about being a Jew that worked at some shitty greasy spoon German grub shack in Portland, OR and how disgusting and greasy the place was and how matxa balls or whateverthefuck. Anyways, shitting on German food after eating brat and pretzels is like entry-level Leftist nonsense and about the same tier as shitting on "Mexican food" for eating at TacoBell

>> No.14005826
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Because they want to be healthy? What better way to see what's going on in your body than by looking at what's coming out the hole in your butt where the internal process deposits the end result?

>> No.14005834


>> No.14005851

Hamburgers are great, though. So good they spawned an entire nation dedicated to their variety and propagation.

>> No.14005856

I'd go with your idea, OP. Sausage with kraut and potatoes is the bomb. Make sure you toast some caraway seeds and dice up some onion to add to the kraut, and get a good quality mustard to dunk your snausage in. Lowensenf is great and pretty readily available. I'm pretty sure it isn't traditional, but I like a pretty garlicky mash to go with a meal like that, just assertive flavors all around.

If you're really needing something else, make yourself some schniztel. If you can get some good quality mushrooms, make it a jaegerschnitzel, otherwise just squirt on some lemon juice and you're good to go. I most commonly make mine with fries and a salad, but any veg can substitute.

>t. 1/2 German, mom was full blooded and came to the US with my dad when he was stationed there in the late 70s

>> No.14006129

Based mufasa döner

>> No.14006530

Frittaten hasd des, du grauslicher Preiss.

>> No.14007160

>next to no vegetables or greens
What is sauerkraut?