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File: 24 KB, 550x443, lindt-maitre-chocolatier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13988458 No.13988458 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a chocalatier? Any chocalatiers on here who could help me out?

>> No.13988469

You've already accomplished the first step by being a homosexual.

>> No.13988492

Apply for a job at a chocolate shop

>> No.13988514

Maybe learn to spell the job title, dickhead.

>> No.13988606

There's none close to where i live. I'm hoping to start my own but not sure how to get started

>> No.13989071
File: 108 KB, 844x1024, 1586714189396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could learn to temper chocolate by yourself from watching a video and practicing. You don't really need any fancy equipment. Get yourself one of those temperature gun things, I don't know how you call them in English. You can also buy different plastic/silicon molds for different shapes

>> No.13989093

Do you think its realistic that you will be able to learn everything you need to know without working anywhere else?

>> No.13989176

If you’re serious about it you will be prepared to move to learn the trade

But you’re not serious about it so stop deluding yourself you’re going to ‘become a chocolatier’.

>> No.13989190

I imagine anyone who has studied chocolate in france or switzerland would be quickly hired, do that

>> No.13989210

>I'm not sure how to get started
If you didn't know, getting started doesn't mean asking a vague-ass question to a bunch of helpless manbabies and expecting a valuable response. If you really wanted to pursue this, you wouldn't be so fucking stupid as to start here.

You're dumb as fuck, just kill yourself if you really don't understand how to learn something on the fucking internet.

>> No.13989231

There are a handful of food industry professionals who post here, maybe it's a little silly to ask for advice on something so specific but I don't think it warrants a "kill yourself". It also could be an interesting thing to discuss in general even if he isn't totally committed to making it his career

idk if spending a couple weeks without internet has changed how I'm reacting to this post

>> No.13989323

>everyone is stupid except me: the post

>> No.13989671

Im a fudge packer
does that count?

>> No.13989809

Hey man
Here in France you usually study 2 or 3 years to get a diploma.
The diploma grants you the right to call yourself an Artisan Chocolatier.
People usually start to study the job at 15 or 18 but you can be older.

>> No.13989906

mfw i'm making poop

>> No.13989927

>I don't know how to use the internet: the post

>> No.13989961

OP here

I'm 21 and my goal is to go to Europe after I graduate next year to live with some friends and hopefully get a job at a chocolate shop. I've been working at a bakery the last few years so I've been able to make minimal stuff like chocolate eggs and flowers

>> No.13990065

This is the kind of jobs you could find. They generally ask for a diploma or/and experience but you can also start as a low level worker and learn from within.

>> No.13990087

see also this https://candidat.pole-emploi.fr/offres/recherche?motsCles=chocolatier

>> No.13990096

>I'm hoping to start my own but not sure how to get started
Be an excellent entrepreneur and networker and lucky as shit, just like all the other chocolate shops which didn't fail.

Alternatively, be rich and partner up with someone far better than you but poor.

>> No.13990108

Thanks kind anon. I'll definitely look into these

>> No.13990116

you're welcome, good luck

>> No.13990134

That chick looks like skeletor, she should eat a few cheeseburgers.

>> No.13990151

Isn't that just a start for base apprentiship? Then one starts as an apprentice.

>> No.13990161

Chocolate is a myth anyway.

>> No.13990174

it's more complex, if I remember correctly, the diploma gets you the right to open a shop as Artisan Chocolatier, but no one actually opens shop as soon as they get their BEP/CAP. You start by working for someone as an apprentice untill you get enough experience to open your own shop.

>> No.13990183


>> No.13990218

I guess maybe one needs to make a name or reputation and getting known in a specific area before opening your own shop.

>> No.13990256

Especially in France, that must be a tough crowd.

>> No.13990276

How do I upvote this?

>> No.13990294

click the vote button on the lower left of the screen, if you don't see it then you don't qualify

>> No.13990309
File: 39 KB, 720x383, 5d484525260000ad0f04658f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>temper chocolate

>> No.13990357
File: 20 KB, 267x450, Robby_Robot-BEEP-BEEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to be a fly on the wall of those two robots in the background that seem to be having a conversation.

>> No.13990447

French guy here with family member who did a BTS in this (pâtisserie/chocolatier), since anon seems interested in moving to europe I'd just like to chime in.

In France it's a pretty difficult field if you're not 100% sure you like it, hard working conditions (although pâtisserie doesn't require waking up as early as say bakeries/boulangeries).
Mostly if you don't speak enough french it'll be hard to find someone who will take you as an apprentice,and generally they only take people doing a CAP/BTS or who already graduated.

Also, be prepared to hate chocolate, never found a pâtissier who liked eating chocolate/dessert on his own outside of checking the taste of his products.

And if you're already worked in a kitchen, it should be obvious, but apprenticeship means you take twice as much shit from your boss, so Hope you have thick skin and good Luck!

>> No.13990471

I'll sound strange here but the toughest folk to work for, and sometimes it's French folk are the best, it makes me better.

>> No.13990511

smug face is what it takes

>> No.13990717

Step one:
Be rich, cause you ain't gonna find a job.

>> No.13991645

Thanks anon

>> No.13991649

>There are a handful of food industry professionals who post here
no there aren't and you have no proof

>> No.13991681

None of that here. This is 4channel.

>> No.13991697

Watch Willy Wonka 2005

>> No.13991751

Does anyone actually know someone who's a chocolatier?

>> No.13991781

this isnt your failed clown college application essay, i don't have to prove shit to you