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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13967496 No.13967496 [Reply] [Original]

For the past 2 years of so I've been trying to eat more ethically. This means no meat, eggs, milk, fish, honey, etc. I try to source local produce where possible.

HOWEVER, this is basically a recipe for a nutrient deficient diet. I don't want to take pills and support big pharma like an actual vegan. So I have been eating shellfish (mussels, clams, oysters, paua, occasionally urchin and other specialty foods) to fill any gaps in my diet. This way I avoid harming any sentient creature, and still eat a healthy diet.


Now I can't eat them anymore, and I feel like I'm going to become sick. What can I replace in my diet that has the nutrients of shellfish, without the suffering?

>pic related: scallop eyes

>> No.13967509

Hmm.. you cant do anything but eat plants, because any animal product forces animals to be mass bred

>> No.13967512

I've got a rich source of organic protein for you. as much as you want

>> No.13967525

How do we define sentience? Is it the ability to detect changes in your environment and react to them? Being able to communicate in some way, even just chemically, with other members of your species? Using either criteria, bivalves are less responsive/less sentient than many species of plants. Phylogenetically, they're animals, but in many ways are more primitive than most multicellular fungi and plants.

>> No.13967528
File: 900 KB, 1382x1009, Screenshot_20200421-231555_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try sea urchins. They're these little weird plants with orange seeds inside that grow on the seafloor

>> No.13967543

idk usually i just eat pigs and cows and such

i dont think they have sentient thought

>> No.13967552

eat honey you faggot, specially locally sourced. more honey = more honeybees = more fruits and vegetables.

>> No.13967565

Reminder that veganism is an outright rejection of Christ. It's thinly veiled satanism presented a "life-style choice".

>> No.13967572

So you're gay

>> No.13967575

how about krill? pretty primitive animals. or algae, some types may be nutritious, like spirulina. your ethics are bumping up against material reality. some animals eat plants, some eat animals. we can remain conscious of animals as conscious beings and still eat them. consider indigneous peoples. they would often say a prayer for the animal the kill.
"im sorry deer. i know you are alive, but i need food for my family. dont be angry at me. i promise to respect you for what you give me, and thank grandfather sky for what he provides" that kind of thing. relax. its all the circle of life. make it sacred.

>> No.13967579

You can a lot of protein in beans, brocolli, tofu, seitan, etc. You can B12 from nutritional yeast (which also makes food taste cheesy as a plus)

>> No.13967582

Sea urchins are also animals

>> No.13967587

1 Timothy 4 ►
King James Bible Par ▾
Warnings against False Teachers

1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. 4For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: 5For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

>> No.13967589

*can get

>> No.13967596

just go ahead and eat a balanced diet of meat and vegetables, sure, the thought of the death of a living creature to nourish you can be a bit upsetting to some, but you can't give life without taking life, the human race would not be where it is today without the protein increase provided by animal flesh

>> No.13967636

>Phylogenetically, they're animals, but in many ways are more primitive than most multicellular fungi and plants.
This. Don't sweat it, OP, they're an incredibly rudimentary and delicious form of life. If you think they can meaningfully suffer you'll have to also cut plants and mushrooms out of your diet to be consistent anyway. Eyes mean fuck all.

>> No.13967653
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How has this not been posted yet?

>> No.13967674

you are a fluke of the universe, you have no right to exist, and if you can hear it or not the universe is laughing behind your back.

I recommend standing in a remote field in africa smothered in blood and wait for a more deserving creature to end your suffering.

>> No.13967681

Locally harvested fish, honey, eggs and dairy are all pretty ethical

>> No.13967682

I forgot the music

>> No.13967683


>> No.13967693

Eating fewer animal products is not more ethical. Get over yourself.

>> No.13967702

I like my meat to be extra terrified before it gets slaughtered. it taste better.

>> No.13967779

Pay heed to this wise anon, OP.

>> No.13967973

For every animal you dont eat I'm going to eat three.


>> No.13968179



>> No.13968385

Jesus christ get over yourself you insufferable faggot. This is why no one likes your kind.

>> No.13968455

how is preventing animal deaths/suffering a bad thing?

If it's up to me, there would be no animal argiculture at all. the entire world would self-sterilize, and we would walk into extinction as the last generation. the last surviving man on earth would push the big red nuke button and obliterate all traces of life for eternity.

with nothing existing or being born, there is no suffering. this is the perfect 'state' of being. no change, no needs, no desires. just timeless non-condition.

if there is a merciful god, I pray he reads this post and brings my plan into motion, for the benfefit of us all

>> No.13968465

If you talk to any of the crazies that you're trying to be right now they will give you an ear full about how honey is also not ethical food.

>> No.13968672

What has satanism to do with veganism?

>> No.13968678

Damn, I hate faggots like you. If you think humanity is so evil, why don't you just kill yourself and let us other people enjoy life?

>> No.13968679

Kill yourself.

>> No.13968682

Stop being such a little pussy and realise you are a animal, and animals eat other animals
Deer eat birds, cows eat bugs and humans eat everything

>> No.13968757


>> No.13968823

animals rape each other too, so I'm gonna accept my animal nature and rape your mother

>> No.13968848
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>how is preventing animal deaths/suffering a bad thing?

It's not a bad thing, in theory. "Preventing
animal deaths" is also something no vegan has ever done.

Billions of animals die for your plate of vegetables and "vegan meat." No vegan gives a fuck I don't understand why they pretend to care.


>> No.13968855
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Filled with hate and rage, vegans harm themselves and their own families. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

>> No.13968861
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Wearing plastic based shoes is also is bad ethically. One cow produces 10 pairs of leather boots, whereas one pair of synthetic sneakers kills hundreds.

Whales, fish, birds and other creatures are currently choking on the remains of the polypropylene carton of soy milk that didn't get recycled because the current recycling rate is <10%. Fish are having tumourous masses growing in their lungs because they're inhaling microplastics from your wool-free acrylic sweater from your last 10 wash cycles as the sewage pumps out to sea.

Stop sweating the small stuff, start thinking about the big picture.

>> No.13968898

Beans and other plant-based proteins are shit tier. For one, they're incomplete so you need to eat them in 1:1 ratios with whole grains otherwise you are malnourishing yourself. Two, they're not absorbed nearly as efficiently by the body as animal proteins, like only 1/2 to 1/3rd as efficiently. Say you need 70g protein per day (1g per kg body mass). That's two chicken breasts, 400cal. Cool. Let's try transitioning to a plant-based diet. There's about 40g protein in 190g dried pinto beans. To complete this protein count we need to add another 190g rice. Around 1400cal total. And then double that to account for the drop in absorption efficiency. You're now eating 2800 cal per day and almost 400g beans. This is a recipe to get fat and shit out your entire intestinal track per day. Plant-based protein intake is a meme unless you're chugging supplements, cheating, or just living with the deficiency.

>> No.13968914

>start thinking about the big picture.
Big picture is that 90% of the trash you just talked about is produced in and disposed of in third-world developing countries without proper waste management services. You giving up plastic shoes isn't going to stop the PRC from mass-producing them.

>> No.13968965

I wouldn't worry about it. Shellfish are nothing more than food rocks. There are plenty plants that are measurably more intelligent.

>> No.13968968

The same appeal to despair argument could be made to vegans.

>You giving up meat is not going to stop lions from eating antelope.

>> No.13968986

This is absolutely and unequivocally based.

>> No.13969104

never go black

>> No.13969113

>This is a recipe to get fat and shit out your entire intestinal track per day
This is also what the intestinal track is designed for, funnily enough. Dont know about getting fat, unless its taking you longer than 24 hours to completely shit out all that food maybe you should consider how you are eating as opposed to what.

>> No.13969145

Unless you're doing heavy exercise every day, eating 3k calories per day will make you fat as shit. And if you are exercising heavily you will need way more protein than what I gave in my post, which is assuming you are a couch potato. And that extra protein content will explode your caloric intake due to being chained to empty carbs so your protein intake is complete. Meaning you'd still get fat. Better spring for that whey protein powder, bro, because otherwise you're going to end up gassy and obese.

>> No.13969150

eat rocks tard

>> No.13969161

Well there is no such thing as rape, only procreation
Another human fallacy confusing the act of procreation as something more meaningful then the simple act of passing on genes

>> No.13969169

I eat about 4k calories a day if I can, all wholefood and the best i can describe my build is stocky athletic. When I say consider how you eat, I mean are you matching everything you eat with a decent ratio of liquids or not? Its one thing tio eat all that food but if you are relying solely on gastric juice production (regardless of diet choice) you are going to take a long time to convert that too useable energy.

>> No.13969182

Unequivocally Based. Going to look up the non-Protty version now.

>> No.13969192

Maybe they should all go vegan to make up for it

>> No.13969193

>how is preventing animal deaths/suffering a bad thing?
Because it’s your brain short circuiting. It makes no sense in nature. The only way to justify it is by having eithe religious or metaphysical believes. Like the metempsychosis of the Cathars or karma like the Hindus.

>> No.13969207

You missed the point. Going vegan isn't going to help animals. Little steps along the way ends up killing just as many.

And those third worlders have been doing it just to supply us. We need shit. We need third worlders to make cheap shit. Third worlders need to live life quick and fast and will not spend money on waste management infrastructure like recycling facilities. They'll be giving grants to factories, clothing, feeding and housing their workers just to keep afloat before they care about the garbage they're sleeping on. It's because of us.

>> No.13969211

That could go the same for you saying that "nature" prefers your dietary lifestyle, there is no right or wrong in this. Most people get satisfaction from food based on the sensory exoperience like anyone else, were not all out here chasing virtue like iots going to help us digrest our food more efficiently.

>> No.13969219

You probably do something dumb and against nature anyway, you just hide it away because of shame

>> No.13969224

This is contradictory though. The cruelty of livestock rearing isn’t inherent in the sensory experience of the food. It’s an abstract relation. If it is affecting your sensory experience then it’s being mediated by some other concept that endows it with your experienced concreteness. Which is what all form of morality have to accomplish in order to be successful. One such mediating concept is the “soul”.

>> No.13969228

Yes, like all humans, I do. But unlike vegans, Im not arrogant or self-absorbed enough to believe that my particular brand of psychosis has to be shared by everyone.

>> No.13969230

Stay afraid

>> No.13969237


>> No.13969239

So veganism is whittled down to a decision of ethics? That shit needs to be done away, I get the stereotype but I dont subscribe too it. Ive tried and tested most diets and I go by what makes me feel more efficient as oppossed to my interpersonal relationship with factory farming. I get where you are coming from but I can assure you, its a stereotype perpetuated by those with a wider political interest in veganism.

>> No.13969245

who tf cares about animals when humans suffer greatly in meat and produce cultivation
vegans' hyperfocus on nonhuman animals is misguided. it all starts with people and greed, not our tastebuds

>> No.13969250

Oh I get it. There are definitely non-ethical versions of veganism. I wasn’t trying to deny that, but that was in reference to
>how is preventing animal deaths/suffering a bad thing?
I know a girl who became a vegan because she didn’t like the texture of meat.

>> No.13969259
File: 1.27 MB, 1300x1800, Thriving Vegans 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism is a anorexia cult for radical leftists. No sentient life forms are involved whatsoever.

>> No.13969263

Anon, you may be surprised but I don't think you're sentient neither.

>> No.13969276

Only a sith deals in absolutes.

>> No.13969281

Yeah I dont get it either, unless you live in abbatoir you just blindside it like everyone else. I can assume most people dont want to see animals get killed but that shouldnt dictate your dietary lifestyle here on out. I think the taste/texture thing can be valid, but only if they outright hated it from infancy, you dont just one day decide you hate the texture cause you found out about veganism. People seeking identity in this shit are easy to spot, theyre a dying breed I can asure you.

>> No.13969285

You can't expect to be taken seriously posting /pol/paganda.

>> No.13969287

Can't tell if this is a bait post, because it has the makings of one, but it speaks directly to my current field of inquiry so I feel compelled to respond.

The tl;dr of what amounts to about a full day of research is that you are fine eating mussels and oysters at least, because they are about as sentient and responsive as certain plants. If you get into why you can't eat mussels and oysters then you must also acknowledge those same arguments as fitting for some of the plants we eat.

Mussels and oysters are more or less (at current stage of scientific knowledge) plants with different cells. When you open up to the other shellfish then you get into their ability to move and see (see your op image), so it becomes a bit more murky, but for sure mussels and oysters are probably fine.

If someone is interested in what I have read then I can post it, it's mostly other people disseminating/interpreting scientific information (studies/research) that I looked towards with a skeptical eye, so it's often secondary to direct research and has cited sources.

>> No.13969290

sea urchins are basically one giant eye and are capable of moving to escape predators. no bueno unfortunately.

>> No.13969340

That is the truth, you weak little bitch. Just because some people on /pol/ made it doesn't change the truth. They are always right in the end. Seethe.

>> No.13969361

>I eat about 4k calories a day if I can, all wholefood and the best i can describe my build is stocky athletic.

>> No.13969455

Somewhere between stocky and average, I dont deal in absolutes. Im mobile lets call it that

>> No.13969493

Not all shellfish are the same. Scallops have eyes, and clams can dig, but oysters and salt-water mussels are basically plants that happen to be made from meat. There's no ethical reason to avoid them, although if you are concerned about microplastics you should know that filter-feeders concentrate microplastics.

>> No.13969691 [DELETED] 
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Spouting insults and throwing readymade post-in-a-pic is hardly convincing.
Like any other diet out there, you can be healthy if you make an effort and think before you eat, not that I would believe you to be into that kind of things.

>> No.13969703

Honey is still okay to eat, honey -teehee-
Just stick to veggies and beans for protein.

>> No.13969728
File: 548 KB, 540x540, 1517756320277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spouting insults and throwing readymade post-in-a-pic is hardly convincing.
Like any other diet out there, you can be healthy if you make an effort and think before you eat, not that I would believe you to be into that kind of things.

>> No.13969797
File: 711 KB, 1280x800, Vegan Model Dies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to convince vegans of anything, I just want to laugh at them while they crash and burn...

>> No.13969835

eat kangaroo, or some local pest species. sure, its an animal, but it should be dying anyway. wild boar is pretty much everywhere on the fucking planet and those little cunts fuck up everything, so find a local source and go ham.
youll be more good than harm

>> No.13969853

>wild boar

holy shit, this. literally cannot kill enough of these fucks. there's some invasive species of fish and shellfish that are really destructive, too, so go to town on those fuckers.

>> No.13969926

What's your issue with eggs? My chickens poop them out daily. If the hen isn't brooding and sitting on it, it's not a baby chick.
You are fine eating eggs. It hurts absolutely nothing and nobody.

>> No.13969931

Oh I am laffin.

>> No.13969972

Have you ever heard the loud screams from plants as they're being cut? Poor poor plants.

>> No.13969989

eat plants higher on the food chain like pitcher plants and fly traps to get more protein

>> No.13969995

can't you just avoid eating the part with eyes in it?

>> No.13970003

>making the face

>> No.13970004

>inviting the straitjacket in

>> No.13970006

Can you post them? I'm really interested in this

>> No.13970079

Whatever meat you eat it's an animal of some kind and most if not all have feelings.

I fish but i always treat the fish as they have feelings and do it painless and quick and with respect.

I eat meat too but i don't hunt so i don't know how the animals was treated but i hope they were treated with respect and no pain.

>> No.13970116

Well I'm sorry for you.

>> No.13970376

>What can I replace in my diet that has the nutrients of shellfish


>> No.13970418

>we need
i think you meant you want

globalization reduces overheads for corps. lowering minimum wages overseas has a direct effect on first-world workers. by supporting indian/chinese/thai/philippine products you're selling out your own countrymen.

buy local. support your economy, not only is it the ethical thing to do (those indian manufactories are hell on earth) but it helps to put an end to the ridiculous overqualification of 1st world society. you cant even serve coffee without a fucking diploma in barista services these days. in a few more generations we will have people completing a masters degree to get a starting position in data entry.

>> No.13970574

You can't eat plants either because that farmland takes land away from local wildlife.

>> No.13970602

Shellfish eyes are just light sensors... They don't "see"

>> No.13970644

it takes less land to grow veggies for our consumption. with meat you need land for the cattle as well as land to grow the veggies they feed to the cattle

>> No.13970738
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>I have never heard of grasslands
>Or grass

Maybe vegans just all have about 40 IQ and they really are this dumb.

>> No.13970967

There are no ethics in nature. You eat what you can to survive. No matter how hard they try to deny it, humans are an animal and therefore a part of nature.

>> No.13970992

You want to eat more ethically? Produce your own food.

>> No.13971125

Meat in the supermarket is not sentient anymore so it should be fine to eat.

>> No.13971165
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>being so retarded you actually think most cows are grass fed

>> No.13971829
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Ok but cows CAN be grass fed. I mean its like saying that you shouldn't eat plants because most crops are grown on highly destructive crop mono cultures that is just as detrimental to the environment as industrial animal ag.

If you aren't producing your own food then you are morally equal to every other non productive consumer. Now keep your head down and stay in your cage... I mean apartment.

>> No.13971953

all cows are grass fed, but finish is variable and most are grain finished

>> No.13972002

Honey is more than ethical and sustainable, it’s HELPFUL to the environment, go local or go home

>> No.13972018

how you cant eat shellfish is beyond me. The sea gives you the gift of healthy and delicious mollusks and fishies and this is how you repay the sea? by acting selfish and higher than thou in your quest for recognition? fuck off with that shit. The sea gives us all the gift of nutritious and delicious food and the earth gives us the nutrient filled vegetables we need to survive. How dare you make the earths gifts lesser than what they are all for some selfish grandiose image of yourself. fuck you.

>> No.13972299
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You knew what I meant when I said grass fed.

You know I meant pasture raised their entire life (aside from in barns during extreme weather, depending on the breed and location), and even field killed. This does exist, but the consumer has to seek it out or become a producer. You don't need to be a millionaire to have a handful of cows, or find a regenerative farmer you can support directly by investing in a cow share.

>> No.13972321

i remember reading somewhere that for oysters at least, yes you eat them alive but they have no central nervous system and thus no concept of pain/suffering. therefore just eat oysters.

>> No.13972358

Okay they don't know "pain" or "suffering", but can they feel fear?

Oysters can move, right? If an animal is capable of "moving" and it uses this skill to escape predators, this implies they can feel fear.

>> No.13972380
File: 94 KB, 500x375, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do not have brains, they have no concept of fear. they don't move, they grow in huge clusters on rocks. see pic related. and if they

also not trying to sound like a jerk but have you thought about just going hunting or fishing and getting over this whole thing? people have been hunting and fishing for food for millions of years, what you're trying to do is unnatural which is probably part of the reason you seem so uncomfortable.

>> No.13972392

Will you go with me?

>> No.13972399

lol i don't know where you are and there's a bit of a pandemic on at the moment. i hunted and fished a lot as a kid but live in the city now and haven't in ages but i would again in a heartbeat. check /out/ for recommendations of spots to hunt/fish near you.

>> No.13972438

>death is bad
>we should kill everybody
Start with yourself retard

>> No.13972457

Sure. Post body

>> No.13972468

Raise your own animals, give them a good life, and eat them. We are meant to eat animals. The thing that is immoral and evil is factory farms aka the animal holocaust.

>> No.13972550
File: 22 KB, 217x247, another picture of my mouse eating poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird idea: maybe life isn't such a bad thing? Sure there's "bad" things that happen, but only because an individual interpenetrates it as "bad". Maybe what's actually bad is your perception of your personal reality. You're depressed, your brain is not functioning properly. You are living a half life and you have to wake up in order to truly start living. In order to do that you will have to swallow your pride and accept that even though you are just a tiny insignificant speck in the world you are still more than nothing, and that's something.

So stop being a crybaby bich and start producing as much of your own food as possible. Idk maybe read the Buddhist bible or something

>> No.13972603

Replace your diet with a bullet to your brain

>> No.13972688

How is honey unethical, exactly?

>> No.13972723

>if there is a merciful god

Acts 10:

9 On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour:

10 And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance,

11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:

12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.

13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.

14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.

15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.

>> No.13973393

The reason I’m not vegetarian/vegan is because I’m Muslim. We believe that God has permitted you to eat certain animals, so we eat them.

>> No.13973414

Why would anyone care about animals suffering?

>> No.13973557

oh it does a little less damage so it's magically okay.

>> No.13974372

Shoulda linked the circle of life

>> No.13974522
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Wow what a miserable song. A song about giving up. Sounds like a song perfect for submissive folk who let life screw them and never fight back because deep down they secretly like feeling like a pathetic and wallowing in their misery as a self proclaimed "victim" of life.

The universe doesn't make any mistakes. It is an amoral and indifferent entity. Stop anthropomorphizing everything and accept the limitations of your current comprehension of reality

>> No.13974665


>> No.13975400

I get everything else but
>no honey
You are doing a good thing by eating honey. It doesn't harm bees in the slightest and it actually helps them unless you're some kind of commie faggot that thinks harvesting honesty means some beekeeper is stealing the bees fruits of labor for his own personal gain.

>> No.13975437


>> No.13975492

Gotta pay the coal toll

>> No.13975534
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>For the past 2 years of so I've been trying to eat more ethically

>> No.13975763

Seek psychiatric help

>> No.13975782

>"im sorry deer. i know you are alive, but i need food for my family. dont be angry at me. i promise to respect you for what you give me, and thank grandfather sky for what he provides"
I'm sure the deer was very touched by that. Probably offered to chuck the spear through its own neck.

>> No.13977104
File: 397 KB, 512x673, c2aa74f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drink monster. They have like 500% B12 (the only essential nutrient you can't receive on a vegan diet). Oh there's watercress too. It has B12 and is a plant.

>> No.13977748

That game was my childhood

>> No.13977807

>with nothing existing or being born, there is no suffering.

>> No.13977931

Got some bad news for you. Either sack up and eat what you want or admit that you're a hypocrite and keep eating plants. Faggot

>> No.13978098

Just think of it like this. If you eat kill and eat a tuna, you are preventing that tuna from eating hundreds of thousands of sentient life throughout the tuna's lifetime. In most cases, by eating carnivores (all sea life), you are actually net saving lives.

Obviously this wouldn't apply to farmed animals, but if you just stick to eating wild animals, you are saving more lives than you are taking away.

>> No.13978111

Oh fuck
I had to Google scallop eyes
Those fucks not only have eyes, they got teeth!

>> No.13979467

Look up Jainist diets my friend :)

Also, if you are doing this for religious purposes:
"Harvest Nature's Bounty"
Aka, "Fruits+Nuts, or by products that do not kill the host."

You can eat any eggs if they are without male.
You can eat fungus if it is within colony.
You may not eat root, for it kills the host.
You may not partake of flesh, for it kills the host.
You may partake in the milk of creatures, for it does not kill the host, and it is done in natural means. (No constant pregnation for the sake of milk)
You may also enjoy the honey of bees, if collected without violence. (Artificial Tap Hive)

So; Tomatoes, Corn, Watermelon, Pumpkin, Nuts, Coconuts, Eggs, and colony shrooms (such as Oysters) are all groovy.

Enjoy your guilt and violence free food mate.