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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13964339 No.13964339 [Reply] [Original]

How would /ck/ cook this delicious piece of lake trout?

>> No.13964359

Smoke it and eat with my bear hands

>> No.13964369

I would probably bake it at 400° for about 12 minutes with some salt, black pepper, and herbs de provence on it. While it was baking make a really lemon heavy hollandaise. Pull the fish out when it's nice and flaky but not dry. Serve with the hollandaise and some asparagus or something

>> No.13964371

Pan fry with butter, dill, and lemon

>> No.13964377

in foil with some lemon juice on the grill

>> No.13964382

been meaning to try Alton Brown's trout rollmops recipe

>> No.13965060

lake trout tastes pretty gamey so you'll probably want to smoke it

>> No.13965120

Since it's a char, which is the oiliest of the salmonids, I suggest a hard skin-side sear and broil. It looks like a firm piece so give it a 30 minute brine and wipe down before cooking. That helps expel the proteinaceous ooze that forms when cooking salmonids in particular and cold water fish in general. If you don't like fish skin remove it, sear the flesh side and poach in herbs and wine. Grenobloise would be my sauce of choice but that may be too rich for a particulary fatty piece of char. You can add more parsley and some tomato concasse to counter the richness.

>> No.13965127
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Behold my superior fresh caught trout.

>> No.13965131

you used to bite your nails as a kid, didn't you

>> No.13965145
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I'd release it. I'd set it free. Apologise to the fush and then set it free. Set it free.

I've been in my pyjamas watching the television huffing gasoline from a mason jar and its revealed to me the fish must be set free.

>> No.13965179

slather it in olive oil pop it in the oven for 10 minutes then eat with a sweet potato

>> No.13966011

olive oil, pan HOT. skin side down. then add butter and baste. maybe a sprig of thyme in there.

>> No.13966107


>> No.13966128

my fish is free in its pond outside

but hes suck in the pond