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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 411 KB, 579x398, popsicle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13921390 No.13921390 [Reply] [Original]

nostalgia /ck/ thread

>> No.13921396

something tells me this will turn into eggfort and ja/ck/ thread

>> No.13921398
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>> No.13921404
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>> No.13921405
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I had recognized the taste of the crumb of madeleine soaked in her decoction of lime-flowers which my aunt used to give me (although I did not yet know and must long postpone the discovery of why this memory made me so happy) immediately the old grey house upon the street, where her room was, rose up like the scenery of a theatre to attach itself to the little pavilion, opening on to the garden, which had been built out behind it for my parents (the isolated panel which until that moment had been all that I could see); and with the house the town, from morning to night and in all weathers, the Square where I was sent before luncheon, the streets along which I used to run errands, the country roads we took when it was fine. And just as the Japanese amuse themselves by filling a porcelain bowl with water and steeping in it little crumbs of paper which until then are without character or form, but, the moment they become wet, stretch themselves and bend, take on colour and distinctive shape, become flowers or houses or people, permanent and recognisable, so in that moment all the flowers in our garden and in M. Swann's park, and the water-lilies on the Vivonne and the good folk of the village and their little dwellings and the parish church and the whole of Combray and of its surroundings, taking their proper shapes and growing solid, sprang into being, town and gardens alike, all from my cup of tea.

>> No.13921406
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>> No.13921412
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>> No.13921415
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>> No.13921419
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>> No.13921424
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>> No.13921428

oh fuck me i forgot about those. i fucking loved them

>> No.13921431
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>> No.13921433
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>> No.13921435
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the old design had soul

>> No.13921436
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Most Pleasing

>> No.13921439
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>> No.13921442

These are still around. Sorta. You can find them at Dollar Generals. The one closest to me had them but they stopped carrying them now.

>> No.13921444
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>> No.13921449
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these were fun for about 10 seconds

>> No.13921454
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>> No.13921457

Had once, they were awesome

>> No.13921459
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>> No.13921467
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Take me back.

>> No.13921472
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>> No.13921512
File: 39 KB, 480x257, cc-butterfinger-bbs-simpsons-bart-and-nelson-candy-package-1999-1524583947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13921523
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>> No.13921532

I don't know in the USA but in Latin America Lay's used to have toys in the bags, shit was so cash.

>> No.13921564

ironic naming

>> No.13921569
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>> No.13921572

Oh this one brings back memories. Havent seen it in ages though

>> No.13921573
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>> No.13921580

Fuck you got me. Zoomies will never understand.

>> No.13921591

You remember Tazos? I fucking loved the Yugioh ones. We used to have battles where we try to flip the other guys’ tazo and the winner would keep them.

>> No.13921595
File: 530 KB, 640x626, 1581340480028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose it was only a matter of time before the rebbitors started with their *oomer garbage

>> No.13921601
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>> No.13921621
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its really telling that i remember the old cups from pizza hut more than the actual pizza

>> No.13921694
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>that smell of walking into a tim hortons in the 90s

>> No.13921699

My absolute nigger. I would give my nuts for a box of those

>> No.13921702
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>> No.13921707
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when these candies came in a foil like packaging

>> No.13921712
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>> No.13921723

those candies that came in a garbage can shaped container

>> No.13921734

That was beautiful, anon. Hope this isn’t a copy-pasta.

>> No.13921736

jesus christ yes

>> No.13921739

These bring back memories of when I was very young, but unfortunately, it still wasn’t young enough for my whore mother to ruin my life. In fact, I remember that cherry coke design oh so well because it was on a vending machine in the apartment complex she moved into while she was cheating on my father.

>> No.13921740
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>> No.13921743
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This board needs flags do I can filter out these (((people)))

>> No.13921748
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>> No.13921764
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string cheese with marinara sauce in the middle.

>> No.13921765

I got this

>> No.13921775
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>> No.13921776
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burger king tacos. unclear if these are sold anymore

>> No.13921791

The BK near me still has them on the dollar menu

>> No.13921799
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>> No.13921966

Last time I went to the store I got a pack of ice pops since I probably ate hundreds of those as a kid. I've had 2 so far and it's just not the same.

>> No.13922042


>> No.13922045

This is some pizza gate shit

>> No.13922047

>no clear ones

>> No.13922096


>> No.13922102
File: 55 KB, 600x600, large_340641fa-0959-418d-bc5e-eb32b05a4907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13922329


>> No.13922381

>waaah everything I don't like is /int/ or /pol/
Go away plebbit cancer.

>> No.13922384


>> No.13922531

Go away, election tourist cancer.

>> No.13922550

>>waaah everything I don't like is /int/ or /pol/
You are the biggest reason this site is such fucking garbage, so, yeah, pretty much.

>> No.13922559

these were always so difficult to consume

>> No.13922563

project more retard
no, it's 12IQs like you who cry about pol and int on every single fucking board because you got your shit packed in too hard by them one day.

>> No.13922569

its actually a copypasta from 1906 by some gay French guy

>> No.13922588

you can still buy them, but now they come in cups precisely because they were so unwieldy

>> No.13922692

Those things always tasted weird to me. Can't identify how.

>> No.13922702


>> No.13923015
File: 13 KB, 400x300, 31ff65349ca1e91016e2a61e892b8532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a proper treat. We didn't have the full size pizzas in my area but the tiny ones were amazing.

>> No.13923033


Fucking nostalgia hard. Modern Tim's sucks

>> No.13923061

You talk like a fag lmao

>> No.13923062
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>> No.13923068

I’m feeling all paranoid as heck antsy caged up ... I feel like I just want to eat a ton of comfort food but then that makes me feel even more anxious and crazy

>> No.13923070

God damn why did you remind me.
What was the point of discontinuing these? I thought they were fairly popular.

>> No.13923072


remember getting yelled at as a kid for getting one drip on my shirt. jeez

>> No.13923095

i remember being in grade 6 at the turn of the century and everyone thinking these were so bad ass

then we found red bull that came in tiny glass bottles at the immigrant grocery store

>> No.13923102

chubbies were awesome

>> No.13923108
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These things were divine and I seethe at their absence.

>> No.13923112
File: 61 KB, 448x157, chucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to get these in my lunch bag every once in a while during the 90's

ah i remember playing some good old diablo 2 in my underwear. good times

>> No.13923121
File: 317 KB, 1024x683, not great, not terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13923123

you are me, ive been trying to cut back but the more I do the more I want it.every evening when the sun starts to go down I start to lose my shit if theres no junk in the house

>> No.13923132
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>> No.13923133

Oh man I had forgotten all about those but just looking at them brings back memories of how they taste/smell and they were so fucking good.

>> No.13923138
File: 118 KB, 600x376, nestea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dumb snowman commercials used to come on all the time

>> No.13923140

Yeah, my parents used to buy them, it was like a box of ultra thick reeses.

>> No.13923156

The apex of candy cereal.

>> No.13923166
File: 149 KB, 484x500, 1581322885737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost never ate this cooked
I would pick out the all of the eggs, eat the dry oatmeal sugar mixture, then the eggs by themselves

>> No.13923168

I was in highschool when the first 4lokos came out (back when one was enough to fuck you up before they changed the formula). The little hadji gas station had them right there in the energy drink section and they never carded.

>> No.13923187

im a canada fag and in my circle of friends ive never seen them. i dont even think they sell them here but ive seen the yanks post all about them

sounds like a jager bomb in a can lol

>> No.13923209

Fucking yes

>> No.13923219


>> No.13923232

Your parents should've paid more attention to you

>> No.13923236

you ate ramen dry also didnt you

>> No.13923246

I too remember seeing that cherry coke design on various vending machine buttons. One day, I pressed the button in passing, but stopped when I heard that familiar clunk as a (free) can of cherry coke was dispensed. It was the sweetest, cherryest coke I ever had.

>> No.13923254


>> No.13923257


>> No.13923279


man in the 90's we all ate ramen dry

>> No.13923282
File: 41 KB, 600x315, rw7gFJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss that shit. Walmart brought back green Nickelodeon ketchup last year it was pretty cool

>> No.13923307

Bk near me stopped selling these :(

>> No.13923367

its like a worse version of a jim boys taco

>> No.13923370


>> No.13923599
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>> No.13923607
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>> No.13923822
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They took them away AGAIN


>> No.13923839

I was lucky to taste one back in the day, some girl gave me one and my brother these, pretty good.

>> No.13923854

Thank you for posting this

>> No.13923902

oh fuck u got me anon

>> No.13923921
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>> No.13923969

Oh those were good

>> No.13923986
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What i wouldn't give to go back...

>> No.13923995


>> No.13924057

wtf flavor is jive

>> No.13924079

it was a different time

>> No.13924107

i miss those
my grandma would take me and my brother to the store and buy us junk food when she was babysitting us and we always got the 3d doritos

>> No.13924125
File: 39 KB, 290x500, 3dd0d1c819b7cf1059c0bd34f5d39234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only existed for one or two summers. Best tasting cola ever. Reminded me of Josta also by pepsi

>> No.13924128

how fucking old are you, asshole?

>> No.13924129
File: 105 KB, 1024x576, 16-clearly-canadian.w710.h473.2x-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was that one drink that had the ball things in it

>> No.13924137

never got that here, we only got pepsi twist for a while. parents loved it for alcohol mix

>> No.13924141

Orbitz. Was gonna post that next

>> No.13924166

Philly's always associated with good food

>> No.13924204

i just went and watched the old philly cream cheese commercials

>> No.13924501


>> No.13924828

anyone remember edible pogs

>> No.13924845

was actually pretty good

>> No.13924898

My cousin had one of these snoopy snow cone machines. I remember being confused by the Devo hats.

>> No.13924932
File: 283 KB, 980x1098, Screenshot_2020-04-14 Clearly Canadian - Order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've got $2'500 CAD you can order a pallet
Out of stock atm for obvious reasons

>> No.13925323
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>> No.13925387

I liked the hot Cheetos balls

>> No.13925403

>inb4 Sobe guava

>> No.13925454
File: 225 KB, 465x393, Screenshot_2020-03-25 Vol 1 Ch 5 (Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei) - MangaDex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate dry ramen last week, I didn't really like it but I enjoyed the nostalgia.

>> No.13925624

Seneral Jam?

>> No.13925645

I didn't know these were discontinued. I remember seeing them in a gas station in 2017

>> No.13925652

Fuck I loved this graphic

>> No.13925687

I have a candy store that sells old candy and they have these. They're alright but they just taste like any other lollipop the only use they have is to annoy your parents when you're little

>> No.13925762

Oh lord forgive us for killing the most holy of us

>> No.13925813
File: 192 KB, 1200x1600, rockstarcola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They discontinued this for 9 flavours of green tea no one drinks

Fuck Rockstar

>> No.13925927
File: 555 KB, 755x1854, 8C21F9CE-AAE0-4431-B983-EB7CD8C403DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the Coca Cola Corp for pulling this nectar and replacing it yet another fucking red bull clone.

>> No.13925939
File: 52 KB, 508x424, AKRMnCtdtllXvLk-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this as a kid, it was the best

>> No.13926083
File: 76 KB, 1200x774, nabisco-swiss-cheese-crackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13926105

My walmart still sells these but they suck now.
The powerpuff girls variant of this used to make me super sick.

>> No.13926115

These were neat, I used to break them up and put them in my cereal.

>> No.13926193


>> No.13926335
File: 22 KB, 440x149, Clearly_Canadian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you see an abhorrently retarded post on /int/

>> No.13926515

How fucking old are you

>> No.13926580
File: 225 KB, 1200x1145, 1200px-Schleckmuscheln_-_multi-colored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were more frustrating than good, but still I remember them fondly.

>> No.13926591
File: 39 KB, 750x563, C211C58C-B100-4529-ADBD-F97C3ABCF71D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t seen these posted, they were the shit though

>> No.13926599
File: 55 KB, 447x500, ab91ec67b445d350d008365558cd5345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bad boys

>> No.13926609

Still made, found a box at Walmart. pretty fucking good

>> No.13926624
File: 76 KB, 625x415, 25-snacks-that-prove-the-90s-was-the-greatest-eve-2-7628-1453197396-1_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Germ*ns will understand the next posts

>> No.13926629
File: 2.41 MB, 1440x2560, 3rVDJGNw9Tf9s5PKzOT4avQ-wEbjgPAbMlN7gs_-rKQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13926634
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>> No.13926639
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This was the most delicious candy ever.
Shame they replaced it with the new faggot snacks

>> No.13926644

They're still made, they got some Mario ones that come with coins, not really cheap coins either they got fucking weight to them

>> No.13926656

Kaptain kuck. Hero to all germans

>> No.13926657

I wish they brought those Sprinklers back

>> No.13926663

suck and ???

>> No.13926667

>they recently re-released this with a new formula
>it's fucking shit now

>> No.13926814

Pretty sure schools still serve these things. Or at least under a different brand

>> No.13926817

Is that Sodalicious? Those things were mighty dank.

>> No.13926867

>go to the local minigolf
>grab one of these on my way out
>watch the sunset in the parking lot
take me back bros

>> No.13926875

Wish I could find them. I can find surge but not jolt

>> No.13926912

i've had many conversations recounting these to others and no one ever remembers them / believes me
thank you for affirming my sanity

>> No.13926924

and now you post gifs on anime girls
>rly concentrates my cashews

>> No.13926987

The green version looked exactly like rat poison.

>> No.13926991

They still make these in Canada.

>> No.13926998

You mean that Japanese soda thing?

>> No.13927044

based and 3Dpilled

>> No.13927262


>> No.13927297
File: 88 KB, 720x521, hedgehogcrisps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13927328

How do you wipe with these

>> No.13927566

Some still do. You're a retarded tastelet btw. Awful

>> No.13927835

>that commercial

its all coming back now

>> No.13927868
File: 622 KB, 300x300, 1584076026840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the big deal over these. My parents would buy it for me in the 90s, it tasted similar to another cereal, I can't recall which though. I preferred Cinnamon Toast Crunch, the original. When I told them I liked the regular Cinnamon Toast Crunch more, I was told to not complain about my food. I was the only one eating cereal. So basically, fuck French Toast Crunch.

>> No.13928141
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>> No.13928238

Had these recently and they were delicious. How do they differ now from the older ones?

>> No.13928252
File: 24 KB, 500x191, 4614a14563a0f30767abd41bd830bccb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living in arizona as a kid meant I got weird mexican candy sometimes

This shit was just a spicy/sour lime powder but kids were all about it

>> No.13928291
File: 163 KB, 1024x706, 9210198470_bb232711fd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13928672


>> No.13928831

Had one of those when they came back. Chocolate tasted fake and the prizes are lame. It's not the same, bros ;-;

>> No.13928944

I loved these

>> No.13929412

Duuuude. Lemon lime Lucas + flamin hot cheetos is ultra kino

>> No.13929430

Awww yeah good memories from these. Ironically my mom should have told me to fuck off when I begged for these cause I was a chubby little fuck. Still obese but yeah

>> No.13929445

fuck, those were so good. i used to eat the top part with the marshmallow first and the cracker part last.

>> No.13929473

Best part of going to K-Mart.

>> No.13929497

Is the zoomer boomer shit not just trying to bring the oldfag newfag thing to society-wide level?

>> No.13929515

Remember when BK sold empty Pita halves that you filled up at their salad bar?

>> No.13929522

I used to make these when i worked....not bad quality considering

>> No.13929529

The ones from Jack in the Box are bretty much the same thing anon and you get 2 for a buck.

>> No.13929530
File: 14 KB, 300x168, cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Chi-Chis restaurant..The kids menu had a slit that allowed you to wear it like a sombrero...always catch one drunk boomer in the dining room wearing it and laughing it up with his table

>> No.13929592

Incredibly based. My grandparents would always have these when i'd visit them in the summer as a kid

>> No.13929636
File: 125 KB, 1200x1200, 07a366bb-70b2-4946-9f65-7a77c1a25eaf--Lemon_Stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Hons remember this

>> No.13929662

The hype isnt real. These melted the ceiling of my mouth

>> No.13929667
File: 28 KB, 298x379, B9912E66-2CBC-41EE-8FF2-CB20EDB45E3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13929687

Best unexpected Proust reference

>> No.13929693
File: 41 KB, 310x417, 46CD716E-AF76-4088-B0E2-37D8484BAFF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13929695
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>> No.13929699
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>> No.13929700

These are still around. Just stuck in college dining halls and the like.

>> No.13929702

The paletero man had some but in icicle form. Or am I going crazy?

>> No.13929713
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I miss them

>> No.13929715

I bought one of those nickelodeon ketchups ironically when I saw it but then I remembered that I don't use ketchup so I still have it.

>> No.13929723
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>getting popcorn as a halloween treat

>> No.13929754
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all correct.
my dad and I had a Saturday tradition of either a whole roasted chickie or a BK ham egg n cheese croissant with a side of these little bastards. nostalgia for me when my dad would record new Simpsons episodes on VHS before DVD's ever really existed.

And as many times as I post it, I think only one fucker has ever even remembered the Blue Raspberry DumDum equivalent for poptarts here.

>> No.13929862

Mmm that's my jam. Always got a pack at blockbuster

>> No.13930204

these look just like the ones at jack in the box, are they similar?

>> No.13930217
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These were apparently not very popular at all but they were my favorite thing in the world during their very short run

>> No.13930243

The older one just had a hazelnut cream in a wafer. The new ones are overloaded with stupid shit.

>> No.13930251

These are still around. I get one whenever I see them

>> No.13930274
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>> No.13930290

Who said anything about Halloween?

>> No.13930314

A few months ago I found a 90's era Lay's necklace at a thrift shop. Seeing it reminded me of the reggae CD that came with those.

>> No.13930339

I have a bad memory of this, one of my best friends in elementary school was super poor and had to get the free school lunch which wasn't jack shit. Just this sandwich and a "salad" with those admittedly dank croutons.

>> No.13930348


Muh nigga. Amazed to see that other oldfags remember them. Can only assume that they stopped making them beacuse they contained asbestos or uranium or something.

>> No.13930372
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That's how I feel about the Wonka donut

>> No.13930396
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>> No.13930397
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>> No.13930405
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>> No.13930409


Jolt had old-skool mid/late nineties hacker cred.

>> No.13930426
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I want to go back

>> No.13930429
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We liked normal Altoids too, but the lemon ones were bomb.

>> No.13930430


>> No.13930436


If you let your enemy destroy your national cuisine, you win.

>> No.13930448


Getting the impression that these were like the Subway pizzas: just because anyone can reheat factory-made pizza, does not mean that they should. I.e. there actually is a threshold beneath which supermarket frozen pizza is better, and Subway/McDonald's found it,

>> No.13930456

>sugar corn with hidden surprise sugar filling!

>> No.13930461
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>> No.13930475
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In early 00s, the new memes were Bawls and Water Joe, thanks to Slashdot/Thinkgeek (before they were recognizably gay).

>> No.13930498
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>> No.13930514

This caffeine water was pretty bitter

>> No.13930515
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>> No.13930521


So was Perl and Java <1.2. Different times.

>> No.13930523

I love me some Autist's Choice Cola

>> No.13930596
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>> No.13930602
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>getting these in your bag

>> No.13931083

hell yeah

>> No.13931100

aw shit nigga

>> No.13931186

Your mom has my number in her rolodex

>> No.13931723
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>> No.13931798

We all do bro

>> No.13931926

thats like half the appeal. sometimes you want a good mouth shredding

>> No.13931930

they are missing out on such a fortune by not bringing the good ones back. its baffling

>> No.13931942

i used to buy these and leave them in the fridge to harden them up because they were usually so soft and melty

>> No.13932897

And people wonder why they're loosing their hair XDDD

>> No.13932974

These make a cameo in the film Ocean's 12, peak 2005

>> No.13932986

I miss these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe

>> No.13932991

you idiot

>> No.13933194

Never got to try these and to this day it is my greatest regret in life.

>> No.13933280

I remember eating these in our backyard with my parents friends over and their kids were around my age and we all had them and there were lots of mosquitoes and the paper from the packaging got in your mouth

>> No.13933474
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>those red plastic straws with the little spoon thingy on one end

>> No.13933476


>> No.13933480

I remember trading my snack for some of these in kindergarten
And I still talk to the kid I seen him like a month ago.

>> No.13933499

somehow i immediately remembered how sour the candies inside were. was there a wonderball flash game?

>> No.13933515

Such a weird texture. MWGA

>> No.13933530

it's pronounced "cook"

>> No.13933539
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Had one of these in Orlando, shit was cash. Shame they tore it down and replaced it.

>> No.13933609

I don't know if it was ever intended to be eaten this way (we probably all did it though), but when you eat the candy and chocolate together, the sourness and crunchiness of the candy is balanced by the sweetness and creaminess of the chocolate, making a great combination that I can only sort of replicate by eating Nerds in a Kinder Surprise eggshell.

>> No.13933649

Wasn't/isn't Yoohoo just "chocolate water"?
Like chocolate milk but if you made it with water instead of milk?

>> No.13933664


>> No.13933672

>"The perfect way to get your kid to shut the fuck up and wipe that stupid fuckin' smile off his face at the same time, for up to an hour, without even raising your arm! If he complains, force him to finish eating it to remind him who's in charge!"
I don't think Kerr's ever had enough money to market these with a commercial, but if they did, I'm sure it would go something like that. The only thing more effective would be a sweetened glue cube.

>> No.13933673

this also reminds me of that purple sunblock.
the 90s were a weird, unnatural time

>> No.13933700

Why did so many food brands use Hanna Barbera cartoon mascots so long past their relevance?

>> No.13933786

They look dense as fuck

>> No.13933855
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What... actually is it?
Like, that doesn't look like doughnut cake/batter in the cross-section. It looks more like solid chocolate fudge, or maybe like a brownie.
Is it like a cosmic brownie, but with sprinkles instead of candy-coated-chocolate-chips?

>> No.13933885

little debbies snack cakes can fuck right off

no one can just eat one or 2. 700 calories later

>> No.13934143

I feel a little gross after just one desu. Way too laden with preservatives, always tastes like I've defiled my bodily temple.

>> No.13934220


Alligator soup. And Lost Energy drink.

>> No.13934232

nice homosuck dog whistle

>> No.13935740

pizza rolls
like egg rolls but pizza

>> No.13936039

It's a malt and chocolate drink.

>> No.13936521

that's deep af, i was "lol"'ing with my dogerino when i read this and both of us suddenly wiggled our prominent eyebrows

you might be onto something i'll dm(discord message) my transexual rp non-relationshipkin frien about this

Posted with the voat mobile app.

>> No.13936627

you're gay, imagine not wanting to eat out super powered toddlers

>> No.13936636

tell us about your troubled past, preferably with accurately drawn pictures
oh crap this would make for a great buttplug, everything here in canada is put in bags so that we can't achieve any pleasure from it and thus need to rely on AIDS infected BBC to scratch the itch

>> No.13936647

ur a dumdum, i'll poptard your ass so good that your sister learns to suck eggs fking neewfag jkjk in minecraft

>> No.13936670
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These little things were awesome.

>> No.13936676
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Here's another I miss

>> No.13937419
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>> No.13937802

Holy shit, they were delicious.

>> No.13937858

If you have a kid that separates the marshmallows in their cereal, buy them this and watch them have a meltdown.

>> No.13937940
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>> No.13938106

These are still around tho

>> No.13938410

fucking where

>> No.13938927

Ho- Jo's!

>> No.13938981

goddamn I loved these things

>> No.13939083
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Cloudhoppers? Sounds like something from an SR.

>> No.13939343

I always hated it when mom said we were having Chinese food for dinner and I would think we were getting takeout, and instead I would get home to find a can of La Choy chow mein and some of these.

>> No.13940168

why did they ever think that creepy as fuck mascot was a good idea.

>> No.13940196

fried clam strips are my absolute favorite seafood

>> No.13940204

a little ungrateful aren't we

>> No.13940392
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Almond Delight cereal, cruelly taken away from us.

>> No.13940577
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>> No.13940591

Something about the 80s and 90s all had this kind of brown, sunbleached asthetic to them.

I miss it so much.

>> No.13940681
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>> No.13941840
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>> No.13942278

(And That's a Good Thing)

>> No.13942293


>> No.13942316

I don't know, but those fucking sound effects stuck in my head. I hate it, probably spliced with the sounds of babies being burned at the altar so the viewer can never forget.

>> No.13942321

Try some conch fritters, I only find those in Florida.

>> No.13942352

pepe be like, "my ancestor :)"

>> No.13942354
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Cheetos Cheesy Checkers

>> No.13942367
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>> No.13942387

Flinstones and other classic Hanna Barbara cartoon reruns aired on Cartoon Network in the 90s and early 2000s, so kids were familiar with them. Eventually when Cartoon Network started producing more modern cartoons, Looney Tunes and Hanna Barbera cartoons were moved to Boomerang. Those old Hanna Barbera cartoons are the reason why there were shows on Adult Swim, like Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, The Brak Show, Sealab 2021 and Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.

>> No.13942416

Also wood-grain aesthetic, warm colors, tools/objects with straight lines or otherwise completely circular/cylindrical shapes.
Now everything is polished/textured plastic/glass/steel, and everything is shaped with weird polygonal angles or "organic" flowy curves, because for some reason in the late '00s, marketers suddenly decided that literally everything needed to start looking "futuristic" in order to sell a single unit. (most likely because if it looks like it came out of an alien mothership, you probably won't be able to tell if it's good quality or not at first glance)

>> No.13942565
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would beg for them as a kid then be scared to eat

>> No.13942604

I once broke a kids leg to get a cherry one once. Ahhhhhh simpler times.

>> No.13943377

Under rated post. I kekd

>> No.13943710

>diet air

ahhh yes when some diet water is too filling

>> No.13943731
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I never knew I wanted to know the answer to this question but now I do

>> No.13944544

despite the wojak versions being reddit garbage, its pretty good shorthand in text

>> No.13944593

theyre crap, i dont think anyone drank them except high schoolers, and potentially white trash and niggers

>> No.13945610

i knew a guy that had all cups and silverware in his kitchen stolen from pizza hut over the course of a year

>> No.13945667

i tried one and was astounded how a chain can manage to fuck up TACOS in every way. soggy shell, weird tasting beef, mushy expired lettuce. fuck that shit no wonder they're a buck