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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13885818 No.13885818[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My normal job is very active and burns many calories . It is also so busy that I dont have any time to snack and only get a small break for a meal during my workday.
Now I am home cooking all fucking day long.
I have put on almost 8% of my body weight in the last three weeks
Fuck me

Who else becoming a tubby tubbington?

>> No.13886069
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I am the only fatso?

>> No.13886081

Once on the lips forever on the hips

>> No.13886096

My nigger James bond is a man of exquisite taste

>> No.13886104
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Essential business employee master race checking in.

>> No.13886112

My mother keeps stress-baking cookies and cakes, which adds like 2,000 calories a week to my diet

>> No.13886121

Just eat less. I do the same.

>> No.13886127

Ive been rationing food and have lots of time to exercise so I'm starting to see my abs again

>> No.13886131

>staying with a bitch after she doubles in weight

>> No.13886144

>t. Low T

>> No.13886152

He has much...grander designs

>> No.13886164

Go back to /fit/ where they think that's actually funny. Anybody that's attracted to greasy cottage cheese skin and stank obese pussy is degenerate.

>> No.13886181

me too pal
i mean i was a fat fuck before of course, but this quarantine bullshit aint helping

>> No.13886186

>t. guy whose offspring will not survive when this shit goes Mad Max

>> No.13886187

My girlfriend is. Thankfully, I have seen the light of The Architect.

>> No.13886207
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I'm actually losing weight because I'm a sedentary gamer type, but have been doing way more VR lately (bored out of my fucking mind), and rationing the food I have.

>> No.13887256
File: 2.76 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_20200324_214857_268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yess sir, I guess there is a reason why I stopped cooking...

I can say the end of the world was delicious.

>> No.13887417

Not obese but almost

>> No.13887587

what did he mean by this?

>> No.13887724

is...is that breakfast for two anon?

>> No.13887739

Ive lost 6lbs in the past 2 weeks. I don't eat unless I'm working. Coffee and the occasional pizza is what I need

>> No.13887741

>He doesn't know

>> No.13887743

Unironically going to laugh at all you retards praising each other for putting on weight during quarantine like quirky middle school girls XD when the aftermath buttfucks the supply chain even harder and the virus infects the illegal immigrants who process all American food and product starts to disappear from the shelf indefinitely for the unforeseeable future.

>> No.13887769

You retards were saying a month ago the supply chains would fail and here we are

Hell be fine

>> No.13887888

Based, anon.

>> No.13887897

I think the fact that I don’t have the afternoon traffic + 2 toddlers + often more work to do at home so I end up eating drive thru in the car is probably helping, but I really can’t say because I don’t want to weigh myself right now with my gym closed and being mostly confined inside and freak out

>> No.13887905

why are you even here imbecile

>> No.13887913

I'm actually slimming down. Get a pull-up bar or a weight set, nigger

>> No.13887949

I'm on week 4 of a water only fast. I've never felt more alive.

>> No.13888100

Lol how's it feel to be a bitch

>> No.13888106

i have to practice pua game on my mom and my sister because i can't go out to the club...it works. my mom is making me steak while my sister is giving me a bj as we speak.

>> No.13888221

based use of quarantine

>> No.13888739

Definitely, but its the alcohol more than anything

>> No.13888771

Hope you stocked up as much as I did anon. Gotta ride this out somehow.

>> No.13889526

nah dude i'm slowly getting shredded, if i come down with this virus i'm just gonn start eating

>> No.13889549

Lmao, nope. Barely eating. Losing weight

>all these fat fuck men thinking fat women want them


>> No.13889758

spot on!

>> No.13889766

There's no joke to be laughed at. The Architect isn't a comedy, Anon, it's a tragedy. Brosnan's first wife had cancer and he's talked about how heartbreaking it was to see her wasting away into nothing before finally dying. He's on record as saying to his second wife that if she returns to supermodel slimness he'll divorce her. You can see how much prouder he is over the years the larger she's gotten. It's not degeneracy, it's a broken man putting himself back together.

>> No.13889779

>bond burgered.jpg

>> No.13890162

Shut the fuck up you colossal retard. We are fucked because the economy died when everyone went into a panic, NOT because the workforce itself died. Fucker.

>> No.13890314

Nah, keeping my weight as usual. I'm not a poor person, so I have a gym setup in my home so I'm still able to keep my daily routine and regular diet going thankfully enough.

>> No.13890357

I know that feel but I'm embracing it, looking forward to all this being over and losing it all again so I don't mind

>> No.13890366
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I'm getting depressed. Lost a few k's.
Good to be down.

>> No.13890370

there, there, anon. you can still kill yourself desu, nobody would think any less of you if you did. imagine all the shitty experiences you could avoid by ending your life.

>> No.13890412

But imagine all the cool things you havent experienced. The nice happiness that could be waiting. All the dishes that could be cooked and tasted.

>> No.13890428

>Who else is getting fatter during quarantine
1. don't eat fat
2. use an exercise bike/bike trainer every day.

>> No.13890441

Imagine all the new foods and dishes you wouldn't be able to eat if you did

>> No.13890575

why do you call him the achitect ?

>> No.13890583

The joke is that he likes fat chicks and has been carefully sculpting his wife to conform to his desires.

>> No.13890587

cringe, this is 4chan not femtwitter you droplet of diarrhea.

>> No.13890638

Lmao get fucked useless quarentiners, you're non-essential.
Where my /essential/bros?

>> No.13890664

I think it's nice that the retail monkeys were finally given something to feel a little proud of. Good for you, buddy.

>> No.13890675

I'm still allowed to go for a walk on the beach and the weather's been really nice, so I'm still good.
Once the State tries to force me to sit inside breathing the same air all day instead of getting some of the fresh stuff by my lonesome I'll just commit suicide by cop, so I still won't get fat.

>> No.13890692

And you're acting like a nigger. Last time I checked, niggers arent allowed here whatsoever, yet your EBT swiping gorilla ass is still somehow posting.
So take your dried chalky hands and go kill yourself, you dumb black as ash nigger.

>> No.13890698

I make exhaust systems for caterpillar and some other construction companies

>> No.13890711

Fatty here, losing weight due to lack of access to food.

>> No.13890797

oh lord the cringe

>> No.13890802

I've been calorie counting since february so I'm keeping it up. I'm 11% body fat currently

>> No.13890832

I've been getting a bunch of coupons for delivery services for various reasons so I've been ordering like every other day, but I've been limiting my calories by not eating otherwise so I think I'll be okay.

>> No.13890897

Fat doesn't break the rules of thermodynamics.

>> No.13890948

How much fatter do you wish you were?

>> No.13890953


There is no way she is 261.... what is she 6'4?

>> No.13891115

I've been losing weight. I only eat because I have to be able to my 10 hour shit. I don't like eating. Now that we all got let go I just have some fruit in the morning and nothing else

>> No.13891126

sorry i meant 10 hour shift lmao

>> No.13891131

My dad always said that.

>> No.13891530


>> No.13891545

>Fat doesn't break the rules of thermodynamics.
yes I wish fatophiles would realize this. fat is 9 cal per gram and carbs are 4 cals per gram
fat is very energy dense and the body prefers to store it as body fat rather than burn it, so eat less fat if you want to control your weight.

>> No.13891548

10 hour shit is funnier

>> No.13891549
File: 105 KB, 624x702, 1547869639757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pierce is suffering

>> No.13891551

if only.

>> No.13891563

>fat is very energy dense and the body prefers to store it as body fat rather than burn it
This is totally false.
The body cannot just shove dietary fat into storage. It has to break it all the way down and rebuild it again. Its actually far easier for your body to turn sugar into body fat . dietary fat takes far more work to get into your fat cells

>> No.13891579

I'm losing weight because I just neglect eating now for some reason. I just stay hungry because I don't feel like eating

>> No.13891604

>the architect
lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.13891626

I'm losing weight actually.
No booze, no fast food, no junk food or eating out. Just home cooked healthy meals. Cant wait for quarantine to be over mid summer and I will be looking good while everyone else has gotten tubby.

>> No.13891663

mate i fap to that image every single day, going on weeks now

>> No.13891676

explain further please, what about the image do you find so sexually arousing, anon?

>> No.13891692

I started to, not because I'm staying home, but because I was studying more and not playing video games. I've resumed playing video games and am seeing results.

>> No.13891739

I'm actually going /fit/ for the first time my life.
I'm still in bad shape (zero muscle but normal weight) but in only a month my arms and my chest are twice as big respect to when I started.

>> No.13892051

good on you anon

>> No.13892144

This why we need robot women.

>> No.13892217

I normally work industrial construction 12hr days all spring summer and fall then take January to March vacation. This year the quarantine started a couple days before my season was starting. I have now been off work since Christmas. My sleep schedule is full vampire now, I eat random food at strange hours, struggle to eat big portions, and have been maintaining over a liter of vodka per day. Probably lost 15lbs and I wasnt fat to begin with.

>> No.13892252

Pierce seems like a good guy.

>> No.13892257
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, 7393CABD-3DD1-4F15-A72F-2FB7A7DB66C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To pass the time I’ve been making recipes I’ve found on the internet a few times a week just to try them.

Today it as Cajun Crab Chowder with andouille sausages and bacon added in. Very fattening....

>> No.13892271

I've been OMAD for 2 years so I'm about the same weight but slowly bulking. My girlfriend and I have a gym in our garage so we can work out no problem.
Also, working from home in engineering company that's considered essential business because ONE of the branches makes some type of medical part. Dumb luck I have a job

>> No.13892279

>for two

>> No.13892294

I am but only because I started drinking again to alleviate bordom. Not going to drink for the next few weeks so hopefully I'll drop back down. Shame I can't go to the gym.

>> No.13892307
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I don't see the problem.

>> No.13892482

I think you forgot to add some oil

>> No.13892599

Yeah, you gotta exercise more to compensate for all the inactivity.
Get one of those couch to 10k apps and just do that everyday. That's what I've done + some body weight exercises for the last three weeks and it's worked pretty well.

Also, I do intermittent fasting where I only eat between noon and 8PM every day, which basically means I'm just skipping breakfast and that has helped as well.

>> No.13892905

I thought I was essential until people stopped buying vegetables and fruit, now I'm working like 20 hours a week.

>> No.13893076

>between noon and 8PM
you should narrow that down to 4

>> No.13894722
File: 6 KB, 206x245, der architekt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13894732

>couch to 10k apps
Elaborate please...

>> No.13894736

I have never used one, but since I'm not a fucking retard I can read from the context that it's an app with a training program that helps you go from a couch potato to being able to run ten kilometers.

>> No.13894851

I am not buying the story that he is happy about having a fat wife.
The few quotes he might have made are just cope
English upper class never divorce no matter what

>> No.13894872
File: 51 KB, 400x605, der architekt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, look at his face and take the fatpill

>> No.13894877

he is sort of a builder, a designer one could say.

>> No.13894878

I have literally lost weight since I'm not able to hit the gym
Fucking sucks

>> No.13894886

Pierce is Irish

>> No.13894991

Have you even seen him on tv?
He is british

>> No.13895037

I have exercise equipment at home and started doing extra cardio to counter the recent lack of activity. I've also adjusted my eating a bit so I'm maintaining just fine.

I do 16:8 normally but have started doing 2 24hr fasts for the last few weeks so I end up with a 3 hour window on two days, but even eating less than the 1900 calories I'm shooting for now leaves me feeling bloated and uncomfortable. I can't imagine wanting to stuff my normal TDEE into myself in such a short time frame.

>> No.13895044

I am maintaining the exact same weight as before, though I am overweight.

>> No.13895046

go on wikipedia retard

>> No.13895416

no u

>> No.13895787

I dont think that dude could even fake an irish accent , he lived in the USA his entire ault life

>> No.13895974

My cooking is the same but every day feels like the weekend so my chips/ice cream/chocolate consumption has gone up like crazy

>> No.13895980

trying to hard, now you just sound 12

find a middle ground and you'll get it

>> No.13896081

The wife and I garden so it keeps us active. Have lost 5 pounds even though she bakes every other day

>> No.13897004
File: 15 KB, 460x259, 190909042210-pierce-brosnan-0906-large-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine doing all the work to play the famous actor lottery , then winning huge, then your wife gets as fat as an pig?
What was the point ?
Does have have thin mistresses ?

No matter who you are, there is some woman that will take everything you give her for granted

>> No.13897779

How big is your garden?
What if you have to go back to work and then have no time to tend it?

>> No.13897785

ive gained about 5 lbs or so which im grateful for. want to gain 5 or 10 more desu and then ill start working out

>> No.13897800

She didn't double in weight.
She had her weight double by the ultimate feeder.
See how happy he is when she gets fat?

>> No.13897822
File: 104 KB, 728x724, 356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no no look at this wage

>> No.13897838

>not having a wife who happily fulfills your feeding fetish


>> No.13897876

I got sick and lost 5 pounds.

>> No.13898117


>> No.13898426
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>> No.13898440
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i think i found them.

>> No.13898940

I have been stuck around 190 lbs (I'm 6'1") for a while now. My girlfriend is a damn good cook so she keeps me full. Now that it's getting warm out I'll exercise more.

>> No.13898948

Keep your immune system healthy by drinking red wine. Red wine in moderation doesn't weaken your immune system so I imagine getting drunk on it will weaken your immune system less than beer or other liquors

>> No.13899039

I work in a green-house making herbs and shiet, feels good

>> No.13899126
File: 321 KB, 1206x2021, real_fast_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been losing weight. I was already fulltime work at home before the happening so no changes there but I've been forced to dramatically cut back on fast food. I've realized that a lot of times in the past I would tell myself after I was done working I was too mentally tired to cook so I would just take the easy way and get fast food. Now I have to either force myself to cook something or just skip a meal. It's about 50/50 between cooking and skipping meals, and both are healthier than Taco Bell.

>> No.13899143


that is a fucking travesty. He's aged like a fine wine, and she's become a Christmas ham

>> No.13899152

i'm losing weight and haven't been eatting anything really so i've been going to the bathroom much less which helps during this tp shortage.

>> No.13899158
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She's growing because Pierce wants her to grow.

>> No.13899162

This. I've lost 6 lbs so far because I only eat dinner now since my sleep schedule got so fucked up.

>> No.13900010


>> No.13900033

I've lost 8 pounds in three weeks since the gym closed. I'm pretty pissed, I worked hard for my gains. I'm eating a lot less now too I guess since I'm not lifting heavy.

>> No.13900343

You lost fat not muscle anon

>> No.13900844

me lol just tryinn to maintain now dont want to put on more

>> No.13901027

i've been losing weight. if i don't get exercise i have very little appetite. i'm down to one meal and a few snacks. i didn't even finish my dinner last night actually, i put half of it back in the fridge.

i also get sexual satisfaction from the feeling of hunger.
tons of squirrels around. squirrel is good eating.

>> No.13902364
File: 2.67 MB, 720x712, 1518842622401.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 squirrel is not even a meal for one person.
Look how many sqirrels are in your area. Now how many hungry zombie humans?
The math anon, its no good

>> No.13902429

>start with 100 rounds of ammo
>kill 80 squirrels and 20 zombies
>10 of the zombies have weapons with 20 rounds of ammo each
>now have 80 squirrels and 200 rounds of ammo
pretty good math

>> No.13902441

Plus if you find the secret door behind the shed you get a free rocket launcher with 30 rockets.

>> No.13902746

what the hell are you on about

>> No.13902755
File: 158 KB, 382x471, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forget the context here, did someone fuck up chocolate or is that chili fountain?

>> No.13903218


>> No.13903259

>My mother keeps stress-baking cookies and cakes, which adds like 2,000 calories a week to my diet
gross get her to make healthy regular bread. cakes/cookies should never be eaten. One of the most unhealthy foods you can eat. they cause diabetes.

>> No.13903285

>The body cannot just shove dietary fat into storage.
that's exactly what it does, silly.
>Its actually far easier for your body to turn sugar into body fat
are you a troll? it's actually the opposite. it takes 10 times as much energy to turn sugar into fat than to simply take fat and store it.
> dietary fat takes far more work to get into your fat cells
alright I think you are a keto troll. all your statements are false.

>> No.13903359

I think you are the troll anon, probably a vegan one.
I am not a keto person but animal fat has to be broken way down before it even enters the bloodstream. At this point its not even fat anymore.
Please do some basic research before posting

>> No.13903400

>At this point its not even fat anymore.
it's still fat. look you are clueless man! everything you said is wrong I am laughing at you. I'm not even a vegetarian either.

>> No.13903439

Oh fuck yeah I'm getting fatter.
Today I had bacon and waffles for breakfast, chicken and dumplings for lunch, a root beer float, a tip roast with potatoes and mushrooms for supper. Then like 3 apple turnovers with ice cream. And it's only 7:41pm.

>> No.13903451

omg how much do you weigh?

>> No.13905286

bump to save thread
so i can tell fat people to eat shit

>> No.13905291

it's clearly chocolate!

>> No.13905295


>> No.13905342

I’ve been losing weight because I haven't been able to eat out as much as usual. Probably would be losing even more but I've been swilling beer like water all quarantine

>> No.13905363

I was already dieting otherwise I'd be fucked

>> No.13905572

Bad time to diet anon. You dont want to be skinny when you get the virus

>> No.13905575

I've lost both, I'm starting to see definition in my abs. I don't want to be lean though.

>> No.13906442

actually lost half a kilo due to not moving much even at work and now no longer driving past 15 open restaurants on my way to and from work.

>> No.13906651

I've actually lost weight during quarantine, but that's because I started counting calories a couple months before this mess began.

Believe me, I'd be ordering food every day if old me from 5 months ago was stuck home all day.