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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13874968 No.13874968 [Reply] [Original]

So this is the power of fast food...

>> No.13874989

No, that's the power of fluoride and public schools.

>> No.13874995
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>> No.13875000

get help.

>> No.13875023

lol, what does this possibly have to do with fluoride or public schools?

>> No.13875033

>>13875023 #
The less a state invests in public education, the poorer the level of education and by extension lifestyle choices of future generations.

Also, flouride is important for cognitive development.

>> No.13875038

>flouride is important for cognitive development.
You mean detrimental to cognitive development

>> No.13875039

Minnesota has one of the best education systems. It's more culture than anything. You grow up eating meat and potatoes, you're going to want meat and potatoes. The dairy culture in the Midwest is strong too.

>> No.13875045

I should state, education does play a large part in poor diets as well

>> No.13875050

>The less a state invests in public education
The state can't make poor people value education, there is very little correlation between pouring money into schools and outcomes, it all comes down to culture and southerners (of all races) just have bad culture

also, people in every region primarily use public education so just saying "public schools" is fucking nonsense and ignores the root of the problem

also, there is literally no evidence that fluoride is associated with obesity, let alone intelligence, in fact globally, not being exposed to fluoridated water during development is way more common in the third world than the first world

>> No.13875060


>> No.13875080
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Studies prove fluoride lowers IQ. It's toxic waste which industry couldn't dump, so they convinced idiots that dumping it in water is good for teeth (the opposite is true, fluoride damages teeth). Look it up.

Practically no public schools teach healthy diet. As if the state even knows how to teach kids anymore. Public school kids' IQs have only been dropping for decades and private/home school kids have higher average IQs. Why don't you leave your retarded southern-hate out of it. You're probably the retard who was crying "waaycism" because MSG is toxic garbage.

>> No.13875084

What studies

>> No.13875088

>US get less and less white every year
>Obesity keeps climbing up
really makes me think.....

>> No.13875089

>Practically no public schools teach healthy diet
Regardless, public schools have nothing to do with the regional trends shown in the OP because they are a factor everywhere

>> No.13875090

Blacks and Mexicans are horrifically obese

>> No.13875095

>Studies prove fluoride lowers IQ.
please share studies that prove that concentrations of fluoride present in municipal water systems lowers IQ

>> No.13875096

I said- oh wait, you can't look it up because you're a retard. Why do I even bother.

>> No.13875099

>Studies prove fluoride lowers IQ. It's toxic waste which industry couldn't dump, so they convinced idiots that dumping it in water is good for teeth (the opposite is true, fluoride damages teeth). Look it up.
literally none of this is true, every single point you mention is fake

>> No.13875103

>t. fluoridebrains

>> No.13875105

I've looked into it before. The most I found was a link to autism in heavily dosed areas of Mexico and china

>> No.13875111

>Public school kids' IQs have only been dropping for decades and private/home school kids have higher average IQs
This 100% has to do with who can afford to home school or private school their kids, not because of the ways the schools operate
>You're probably the retard who was crying "waaycism" because MSG is toxic garbage.
haha what? MSG is absolutely not toxic, its one of the more common chemicals in your cells naturally

I don't know if I have ever seen a post that says so many objectively wrong things at once, you made like a dozen different points here, every one false or at best misleading

>> No.13875116

Why are people in Colorado so skinny?

>> No.13875117
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>> No.13875121

>This 100% has to do with who can afford to home school or private school their kids, not because of the ways the schools operate
Keep telling yourself that, buddy. I could tell you why their IQs have only been dropping, but I'm sure you have some retard argument against it so it's not even worth bringing up with a retard like you.
>haha what? MSG is absolutely not toxic
Except every study on it which wasn't paid for by the food industry proves otherwise.
>its one of the more common chemicals in your cells naturally
You're so retarded it hurts.

>> No.13875125

>Except every study on it which wasn't paid for by the food industry proves otherwise.
for example?

If glutamate was toxic at dietary levels we would literally all be dead, it is a common component of all protein in all of our cells

>> No.13875135

Pretty much poorer states have poorer diets and less educated people hence the fast/fried foods and higher BMI's.

>> No.13875136

Are you just saying false things as some sort of ruse?

>> No.13875144


(1) Metcalfe, D. “Food Allergy.” Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice25.4 (1998): 819-29. Print.
(2) Simon, R. A. “Additive-induced Urticaria: Experience with Monosodium Glutamate (MSG).” Journal of Nutrition 130.4S Supplemental (2000): 1063S-066S. Print.
(3) Yang, W. H., M. A. Drouin, M. Herbert, Y. Mao, and J. Karsh. “The Monosodium Glutamate Symptom Complex: Assessment in a Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Randomized Study.” The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Part 1 99.6 (1997): 757-62. Print.
(4) Blaylock, Russell L. Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. Santa Fe, NM: Health, 1998. Print.
(5) Lorden, J. F., and A. Claude. “Behavioral and Endocrinological Effects of Single Injections of Monosodium Glutamate in the Mouse.” Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology 8.5 (1986): 509-19. Print.
(6) Blaylock, Russell. “Food Additives: What You Eat Can Kill You.” The Blaylock Wellness Report 4 (Oct. 2007): 3-4. Print.
(7) Blaylock, Russell L. Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. Santa Fe, NM: Health, 1998. Print.
(8) Blaylock, Russell. “Food Additives: What You Eat Can Kill You.” The Blaylock Wellness Report 4 (Oct. 2007): 3-4. Print.
(9) Ohguro, H., Katsushima, H., Maruyama, I., Maeda, T., Yanagihashi, S., Metoki, T., Nakazawa, M. “A high dietary intake of sodium glutamate as flavoring (ajinomoto) causes gross changes in retinal morphology and function.” Experimental Eye Research 75.3 (2002).: 307-15. Print.

>> No.13875146

more that poor people are inherently lazy, so they eat fast food. Its why they are poor

>> No.13875148

>if it's toxic it would kill us immediately
Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.13875156

I generally loled at you only referencing print stuff

>> No.13875161

do you understand what amino acids are? They are literally the building blocks of our body, all of the mechanisms our body works with depend on them, they are utterly essential

>> No.13875162

Do you understand what a retard is? because you are one.

>> No.13875172

>quoted by real scientific sources like www.foodrenegade.com and realhealthforyou.blogspot.com
lol, ok.
First article doesn't even talk about msg. Rest of it is either negative results, inconclusive results or challenged results.

>> No.13875182

Is the fact that 4 and 7, and 6 and 8 are the same thing part of the joke?

>> No.13875187


>> No.13875193

>unironically citing wikipedia while crying about proper sources

I just copy/pasted it from a well written article. Last time I posted the article the MSG shills got triggered and used all the typical logical fallacies to attack it (ad hominem mostly). You childish retards should just accept you eat garbage instead of trying to convince yourself it's healthy.

>> No.13875199

>from a well written article
We both know it's not.

>> No.13875202

Kek, holy shit

>> No.13875205

It's funnier that the dude was a neurosurgeon who has turned conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer while trying to sell his own alternative medicine stuff.

>> No.13875206

>>unironically citing wikipedia while crying about proper sources
I made fun of you for posting supposed print sources that none of us have the opportunity to verify. Wikipedia cites valid sources you can actually look at unlike you

Also, I literally just posted a broad overview article because you clearly are not up to speed on biochemistry and it would be useful reading, I wasn't making an argument with it. This stuff is genuinely interesting and you should familiarize yourself with it

>> No.13875209

>I just copy/pasted it from a well written article
So well written that it includes duplicates?

>> No.13875214

>wikipedia cites valid sources
Only some of the time, NPC retard.

You don't understand how citations work in most articles, do you?

>> No.13875221

>You don't understand how citations work in most articles, do you?
Proper citations usually tell you the pages instead of telling to go read the whole article/book.

>> No.13875222


>> No.13875223

>Only some of the time,
most of the time, and it always apparent when it does, its a very useful resource for learning things. I suggest learning biochemistry

>> No.13875225

>You don't understand how citations work in most articles, do you?
you don't just repeat whole fucking books as sources multiple times without reference to page or chapter

>> No.13875226

>t. brainlets who cite snopes/wikipedia and can't even read scientific articles

>> No.13875234

You literally read none of the articles you posted, faggot. You just relinked it from "a well written article" that's basically even worse than wikipedia. Go fuck yourself, please.

>> No.13875239

and if you are just going to reference an entire book, you don't list it multiple times, you use the same reference number each time it occurs

>> No.13875247

>that's basically even worse than wikipedia.
Not "basically" it is objectively much worse

>> No.13875250
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>> No.13875255

>noooo I can't read a boook
>t. triggered fluoridebrains
It's pathetic how much effort you retards put into trying to convince yourself that you're healthy and fine consuming what is literally toxic waste.

>> No.13875262

Ok, faggot. If you want to turn to just throwing insults, game's on.

>> No.13875263

>>noooo I can't read a boook
You realize that people aren't supposed to go out in public right now, I can't go to the library and find these books to verify something you are saying. If you can't post a scientific article posted on the internet in a discussion taking place on the internet you obviously don't want us to be able to check your sources

also all scientific research is published online, there is no reason in 2020 that you should ever need to cite a textual source

>> No.13875267

You could at least try

>> No.13875268

>It's pathetic how much effort you retards put into trying to convince yourself that you're healthy and fine
It has literally nothing to do with my personal health, just calling out people for saying wrong things on the internet trying to trick more gullible people

>> No.13875270

>implying that's not what you've been doing all along

>t. quarantinefag tourist
Go drink your fluoride tap water and eat your MSG chips. Why do you care if someone says it's bad for you when you know everything like a 15 year old know-it-all?

>> No.13875273

>Why do you care if someone says it's bad for you when you know everything like a 15 year old know-it-all?
Why do I not like people spouting misinformation and lies?

>> No.13875274

I can't fix stupid, especially when they've dumbed themselves down with fluoride and MSG.

>> No.13875285

what are some other things that science doesn't recognize as toxic but actually secretly are?

>> No.13875288

>implying that's not what you've been doing all along
It was to save me the time of calling you an idiot in every sentence.
You were proven a hypocrite, telling people they should go read articles you haven't. Go on, try to convince anyone of your conspiracy pseudoscience horseshit after reading the articles you posted.

>> No.13875308

If you weren't retarded, you could find plenty of articles. You just don't have the love of the truth so you're fine with believing a lie and being given over to strong delusion. Then you just parrot buzzwords to disregard everything I've said to convince yourself you're not a dumb retard incapable of doing his own research. It literally doesn't matter what I post because you'll just say the same stupid shit in response as that post.

>> No.13875312

>appeal to authority
Science acknowledges it's toxic though.

>> No.13875338

I wasn't appealing to anything, I wasn't even making an argument, I was curiously inquiring about your world view

>Science acknowledges it's toxic though.
not in dietary amounts. Basically anything is toxic in extreme amounts, even most things that are essential nutrients at dietary levels

>> No.13875341

enjoy your brain cancer.

>> No.13875347
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>Basically anything is toxic in extreme amounts
Yeah, I never see this retarded plebbit argument when talking about toxic ingredients or fluoride.

>> No.13875352

what does brain cancer have to do with any of this?

>> No.13875355

>why do people always say the same true things to me in response to my false and misleading comments on the subject
hmm, a real mystery

This is literally like saying
>why do people always tell me 2+2=4 when I assert 2+2=3, must be some sort of conspiracy

>> No.13875361

>you could find plenty of articles
Why bother when you linked plenty? Oh right, because those you linked are useless and don't prove you right.
>You just don't have the love of the truth
The "truth" is apparently whatever fear mongering is popular.Do you also believe vaccines cause autism, rice is made of plastic, drugs were a way to weaken the west during the cold war for a potential invasion (actual belief by Russell Blaylock, one of the people quoted multiple times in the stuff you linked) and the fbi invented rap to control black people?
You convince yourself that you are smart by believing every piece of crap in "well written articles" thinking it as scientific value because they link pretty scientific looking articles at the bottom, while you yourself just swallow the shit regurgitated by faggots on their shitty blog, never bothering to read the articles or question whether it's done in the proper way. But no, instead anything that doesn't align with you worldview is just another conspiracy, the study is paid by the lobbies and whatnot. It has happened, it does happen, but so does shitty pseudoscience. Seriously unfuck yourself my dude and at least try to apply a bit of intellectual honesty to the things you're preaching.

>> No.13875367

>what I was brainwashed with by the media and normalcy bias is the truth
Okay retard.

>> No.13875372

>basic scientific knowledge is brainwashing

>> No.13875373

>I disagree with them so they're worthless
Okay retard. Drink your fluoride/chlorine/lead water and eat your MSG and drink your aspartame soda like a good chattle slave.

>> No.13875377

>what I think is the truth
>no, anything else is a conspiracy theory
>the media told me not to think that way
kys retard. you're trying so hard to convince yourself you're fine and it's fucking pathetic, just fuckin kys

>> No.13875380

Just ignore the rest of the post, faggot. Nothing written by Russel Blaylock has any value.
Rest of my thoughts on those articles are here >>13875172
Of course you decided to conveniently ignore that post as well you fucking little shit.

>> No.13875381

"Look it up" is such a blatant brainlet cope. Imagine if a scientific paper implored the reader to find the sources themselves instead of actually provide them.

>> No.13875391

>I can't do my own research to find articles readily available with a web search
You're the one coping, fluoride brainlet.