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File: 802 KB, 3840x2160, whalemeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13870390 No.13870390 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I get some god damn whale meat?

>> No.13870396

from Uranus

>> No.13870399

I ate your mom last night, does that count?

>> No.13870408

that looks interesting

>> No.13870432

prob in japan

>> No.13870438

from a whale

>> No.13870451


>> No.13870481

I live in the us, but cant seem to find anyplace online. I know it's illegal, but there's got to be someway to get it.

>> No.13870600


>> No.13870602

>seriously wanting oil meat

Do you even have a plan how you'd cook it if you got ahold of it OP?

>> No.13870642

I wonder if whale meat is high or low mercury content.

>> No.13870666

I had some in Iceland. Was not very tasty — very stringy and oily

>> No.13870742

I like it. I have an Alaskan Native buddy and he’s given me whale, walrus, sea lion, and “smaller whale.” I really enjoyed the whale that was pressure canned in its own oil.

Whales are prolific, the Minke whale is known to environmentalists as the “cockroach of the sea.” There’s nothing wrong with eating them.

>> No.13870768

what does whale taste like. is it fishy?

>> No.13870786

Japan. It's cheap, too. They've got way more than they need because very few people really wants to eat it. Whaling would be completely unprofitable if the Japanese government wasn't propping up an old industry which has some powerful lobbyists.

>> No.13870797
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It’s quite popular and there are whale restaurants all over the place. It’s also given to the grateful little children in their school lunches.

>> No.13870866

It tastes like shit. It's oily and fishy. Tastes like beef that's been marinated in cod liver oil.
t. I grew up eating whale meat.

>> No.13871055


>> No.13871072

are you healthy and vibrant now?
how clear is your skin if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.13871073

That sounds very nice.

>> No.13871084
File: 91 KB, 900x600, hvalbiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you have been eating, but whale meat does not tend to be oily. That makes me think you are making this up to give whale meat even worse reputation.

Whale meat tend to be very lean to the point of dry. Therefore it's very nice to have with a cream sauce. The taste can be described as half beef, half beef liver, but the texture is pure meat.

>> No.13871097
File: 111 KB, 967x679, Hvalbiff-rett1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's so lean it's important to cook it no more than medium rare, or it will become so dry that you won't be able to swallow it.

>> No.13871104
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Processing is up to you.

>> No.13871111

God it looks so fucking good. Curse this world, wish I lived in 1895 and used whale soap and made candles from spermicetti.

>> No.13871123
File: 102 KB, 720x960, fiskedisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whaling season in norway is from april to august/september. If you come in june or july you will find it fresh whale meat in most fish stores and supermarkets with fish counters along the coast of Norway. You will also be able to find it in Oslo.

You will only find Vågehval, which is not in danger of exctinction, and it's hunted with methods that will kill the whale instantly.

>> No.13871178
File: 46 KB, 360x480, hvalgryte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I wrote here >>13871084, half beef half beef liver with the texture of meat. Not fishy at all! It's also very tender.

What I've written here applies to vågehval, the only kind of whale that Norway hutns for. But other wales are similar.

Back in the days the whale could have stronger flavour from non-optimal processing from being caught to being eaten. With todays technology this is no problem anymore, and you should get high quality no matter where in Norway you buy it. It's possible to get it frozen outside season, but I have no experience with these. I've heard bad things about it.

>> No.13871186

sounds like it would be really good for stew

>> No.13871206

Does Iceland have a similar season?

>> No.13871344

Not lying just going off my memory from two years ago. To be fair I don’t think my host cooked it correctly. It seemed too rare. I definitely do not remember it being dry at all, just gushy in my mouth.

The way your describing it sounds dank so I will give it another shot with someone else preparing it if I ever get the chance again.

>> No.13871364

sweet, I also think picking up those suicidal walruses from the videos should be a good investment, the meat and horns (tusks?) and skin look like they're good quality

>> No.13871369
File: 54 KB, 720x594, FB_IMG_1576448967053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whale jerky now!!
whale sausages, whale pastrami, we've got to get whale back on the menu

>> No.13871571
File: 185 KB, 600x600, 03_Helges_Svinland_Hval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to be possible to order whale salami from here to almost anywhere in the world: https://fritidsbolig.net/helgesspekemat/product/hvalpolse/

You have to pick "Amerikas forente stater (USA)" if you want it shipped to USA. 125 NOK for the sausage + delivery is 150 NOK (free if you order for over 700 NOK). That's 26 usd for 300 grams of sausage. Could be a lot worse considering NOK is record low at the moment. Worth it if you have the money and want something cool to serve at parties.

Here is a sausage with reindeer, horse(!) and pork: https://fritidsbolig.net/helgesspekemat/product/reinsdyrpolse-2/

Looks delicious.

(Have no personal interest in this web shop, just interested in promoting whale)

>> No.13871580

The sausage has pork in it btw, whale fat wouldn't be good for this and there needs to be fat in it.

>> No.13871588

damn, looks good, too bad I'm in mexico, but I do have a friend who's a gringo and might be able to cross the border with it, thanks for the info

>> No.13871589

I ate it in Oslo and it was ehh. Kangaroo, on the other hand, is great.

>> No.13871599

Norwegian anon really showing up. Idk what grudge you against whales, but god bless.

>> No.13871661

Does packages get stolen on the way to delivery in Mexico?

>> No.13871701
File: 3.58 MB, 3888x2325, vågehval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No grudge. I just think that the rest of the world have wrong ideas about whaling. I can see that whales are intelligent and special creatures, I have great respect for them. But we need to eat something right? The hunting in Norway is humane, the whale gets killed instantly.

And to put some animals over others because they are "cute" are wrong in my opinion. To put some animals over other animals are similar thinking to nazism, except they put certain "races" over other "races" instead of certain species over others.

Sure we drove many species of whale to near extinction, so we are only hunting one specie of whale, the vågehval or "common minke whale" in English, which has a healthy population.

It's all parts of managing the natural resources in a sustainable. "Cute" animals like seals and whale eat fish, so do we. Isn't it natural to hunt both fish and whales as long as both are kept on sustainable levels so we can continue harvesting these resources for all foreseeable future?

>> No.13871711

Whale meat is not ethical in my opinion. They are too smart.

Doesn't seem right to kill a whale to get a shitty imitation steak. Just get a beef stake, lol.

>> No.13871734
File: 173 KB, 625x505, intense dog stare he knows you know what you know he knows and he shows it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not usually but they have dumb markups and weird import practices. I'll ask and if they think they can send it, it should be no problem, if not well it could go the US route
yeah, move to nova scotia and almost murder every las one of them, go to japan and murder every last one, and then they whine because some zipperhead or norse kills 3 a year
that's american arrogance for you
I say if it's sustainable, eat the whale, they probably taste good and are surely good food.
I also would advocate hippo rearing for meat, and I don't think dogs are too bad except for the chinks roasting and boiling them alive part, if they just behaved as human and killed them first I have no problem, neither with seals
ah but who remembers baby seals being peeled alive now that that homosexual trudeau is in power in leafland?

>> No.13871807


>> No.13871821
File: 361 KB, 1500x980, 2840349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somewhat respect such opinion of whales being too smart, a lot more than the propaganda that whales aren't possible to kill in a humane way. Done right, the whale is killed instantly. Then there is propaganda about killing whales being in danger of extinction. Most species of whales are in danger of extinction, but not the one specie that Norway hunts.

But who can't feel awe of these creatures? I personally feel awe when I fish myself and kill the fish I catch for food. You are taking a life, to sustain your own life. To me, it's deeply spiritual.

>> No.13871829

based but cringe

>> No.13871956

>killed instantly
>speared in the side and dragged through the water until it exsanguinates or drowns
I'm not against whaling in general, but I don't see how you can kill them humanely unless you get a lucky shot between vertebrae

>> No.13871964

From whales I'd assume.

>> No.13871979 [DELETED] 

That was the in the really old days. The grenade harpoon that explode inside far inside them and kill them instantly if everything goes well have existed since 1860s. If there is any doubt that the whale hasn't died when it's dragged close to the boat, it's shot in the brain just to be sure.

>> No.13871981

Is not possible to eat some thing so dry you can't swallow it. I eat your mother's bagina every night and it's dryier than the Sahara desert.

>> No.13872014

The grenade harpoon has existed since the 1860s. They explode deep inside the whale. Today 80% of the whales that Norway hunts are killed instantly. Only 0.5% of the whales has to be shot again to make sure it's dead.